897 resultados para Prominent literary
The charge of »Ressentiment« can in today's world – less from traditionally conservative quarters than from the neo-positivist discourses of particular forms of liberalism – be used to undermine the argumentative credibility of political opponents, dissidents and those who call for greater »justice«. The essays in this volume draw on the broad spectrum of cultural discourse on »Ressentiment«, both in historical and contemporary contexts. Starting with its conceptual genesis, the essays also show contemporary nuances of »Ressentiment« as well as its influence on aesthetic and literary discourse in the 20th century.
War and Memory international conference- Poetics after ’45,
QUB, Belfast, June 2008
War and Memory Research Seminar
QUB, Belfast, December 2009
In this article I consider the debate over whether line 1520b ought to be read as the emended “hond sweng” or the scribal “hord swenge.” It is a small point philologically but it raises interesting cultural and literary questions about the attitude of the Beowulf poet to arms and armour, to aggressive and defensive war gear, and to swords in particular. It has widely been assumed that swords are important in Beowulf and yet, the question of what their significance might be has received very little attention. Throughout the poem the hero is plagued by breaking, melting, and failing swords. He borrows, finds, and is given swords but unlike other English and Germanic heroes he is never identified with a single, great sword. I suggest that this is because, ultimately, Beowulf is conceived as a hondbana, a designation which has implications for what kind of a hero he proves to be.
Martin Garrett, The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Shelley (Palgrave, 2013).
Martin Garrett, The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Byron (Palgrave, 2010)
A literatura para a infância tem sido objecto de discussão, especialmente notocante ao seu estatuto no universo literário, sobretudo a partir dos anos 70 doséculo XX, vindo, assim, a desenvolver-se e a assumir uma crescente importância. Decorrente da evolução do conceito de criança, a literatura para ainfância foi assumindo um lugar proeminente na sua formação,nomeadamente, em idade pré-escolar. A seguir à família, o educador de infância afigura-se como outro dos principais mediadores no encontro dacriança com o livro, tendo, desde aí, uma função influente face à promoção dogosto pela leitura. No entanto, este profissional sente a necessidade de, desdea sua formação inicial, sever dotado de conhecimentos básicos que lhe permitam práticas mais ajustadas e que salvaguardem as necessidades einteresses de leitura das crianças. A presente dissertação tem como principal finalidade aferir a importânciaatribuída à literatura para a infância, com especial destaque na obra de Luísa Ducla Soares, em contexto de jardim-de-infância. Apesar do lugar incontestável desta autora e da sua obra no cânone daliteratura portuguesa para a infância, a crítica literária de que tem sido alvo é ainda exígua. Por essa razão também, procurámos, através de uma análisedas especificidades da sua escrita, da diversidade das temáticas inerentes àssuas histórias e da qualidade estética e literária das suas publicações, reflectirsobre as potencialidades das obras que nos apresenta a referida escritora, pelas quais tem merecido vários prémios e nomeações. ABSTRACT: Literature for early years has been subject of quarrel, especially regarding to itsstatute in the literature universe, mostly since the 70’s of the 20th century, andconsequently came to grow and to assume an increasing importance. As aresult of the evolution of the child concept, literature for early years wasassuming a prominent position in children education, specifically, in preschoolage. After family, the kindergarten teacher figures hisself/herself as another of themain intermediaries in introducingchild to books, having, since then, an influential role endorsing reading’s taste on children. However, this practitionerneeds, since his/her formative years, to be endowed with basic knowledge thatallows him/her more adjusted practices that look after reading’s necessities and interests of children’s interests. The present dissertation’s main purpose is to survey which importance hasliterature for infants, with a special focus on the work of Luísa Ducla Soares, inearly childhood education. Even though her books are unquestionable at ruling literature for infants inPortugal, there hasn’t been that much literary analysis about it. Therefore, welooked, through the particulars aspects of her writing, the diversity of themesthat are inherent to her stories and the artistic and literary value of her publications, to proof the quality of the work presented by the mentioned writer,on behalf of which the author has justified several awards and nominations.
The aim of this paper is to present a definition of literary literacy in the context of majors in languages, literatures and cultures, in Portugal. A definition of literary literacy was deduced from a content analysis of primary data sources and from the theoretical underpinnings of the transactional theory of reading. The primary data sources are fourteen Portuguese and English literature syllabuses from four Portuguese universities (Lisboa, Nova, Coimbra and Porto) and twelve interviews with Portuguese university lecturers of literature. Based on the findings of a content analysis of both syllabuses and interviews, from the lecturers‘ point of view, a literary literate student doing a major in languages, literatures and cultures must, above all, be able to contextualize literary texts and their authors both historically and culturally, must be able to present an interpretation as a coherent text, and must be able to do and organize bibliographical research.