947 resultados para Production line


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The present literature review aimed to describe biodisel’s physicochemical properties obtained from different raw materials. Were studied data concerning viscosity, density, cetane number, fl ash point, pour point and calorifi c power of biodiesel produced from soybean oil, coconut, rice bran, cotton, pequi, babassu, mamona, palm, castor, sunfl ower, corn, canola, jatropha and karanja. Considering the diversity of vegetal and animal sources that can be used on the biodiesel production, it is noteworthy the lack of data concerning physicochemical properties of unexplored raw materials. This work may contribute for the creation of database about physicochemical properties of oil and biodiesel from different sources which will allow design and scale-up, both the necessary equipment to the production line and reciprocating engines.


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In industrial plants, there is a department responsible for planning the use of productive resources to find the best possible way to set out plans in strategic, tactical and operational levels. This department is known as PCP or PPCP, which means Planning and Production Control and Planning, Programming and Production Control, respectively. This work presents the use of some of the tools from this department, in particular the Aggregate Production Planning, to propose a new layout of electronic nutrunners for an auto parts industry output line. Through some process indicators analyzes, was identified some productivity losses. The higher loss rate occurred by the electronic nutrunners breaking, and so this work was focused in these devices. Some premises were adopted for the use of electronic nut runners, setting an ideal cycle time for the operation of the production line and making calculations to define the minimum amount of electronic nutrunners to find the production demand without damaging the equipment. With this work we observed that a relevant factor for the constant breaks of electronic nutrunners is because these are working with overload, in other words, the amount of installed equipment is not enough to supply the demand without failures


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This study was developed based on Classical Greek Language classes, reading and translation of texts. There is also the presence of computer elements due to use of Alpheios digital platform. As an example of a larger proposal, this proposal aims at produce translation aligned with the Portuguese and syntactic annotation with the production of the Greek dependency trees. To achieve the goal, we chose Chapter 34, Volume 1 of The Histories from Herodotus. The methods adopted contain a list and description of the instruments and the morphological categories from the guide (manual rules of syntax tree). The procedures adopted are the description of the alignment process and of syntactic annotation. As study results, we have the production line translation and the syntactic annotation of the excerpt 1.34. It was concluded that the study of this text is relevant, because the lexical density of Herodotus it's interesting at future researchers and students that will use the digital platform Alpheios


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The greatest challenge of undergraduate engineering courses is to encourage creativity, cooperation with other students, teamwork, and motivation in the first years of their courses. While students have little or no contact with advanced disciplines, it is very difficult to attract their interests and encourage them to develop the skills in their undergraduate courses. This work aims to achieve these objectives through a mini-factory project involving the construction of a production line of ceramic tiles on a laboratory scale, from the ceramic processing using raw materials to the shipping of the final product. Having been given an established monthly demand for ceramic tiles, the students determined the construction requirements of the mini-factory, as they have created the layout, including the processing equipment, the dimensioning of equipment, and its operational structure. This article intends to describe the successful creation of the ceramic tile mini-factory, including the objectives, benefits, and inherent difficulties of the process and the receptivity of the exercise by the students involved.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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The integrated production scheduling and lot-sizing problem in a flow shop environment consists of establishing production lot sizes and allocating machines to process them within a planning horizon in a production line with machines arranged in series. The problem considers that demands must be met without backlogging, the capacity of the machines must be respected, and machine setups are sequence-dependent and preserved between periods of the planning horizon. The objective is to determine a production schedule to minimise the setup, production and inventory costs. A mathematical model from the literature is presented, as well as procedures for obtaining feasible solutions. However, some of the procedures have difficulty in obtaining feasible solutions for large-sized problem instances. In addition, we address the problem using different versions of the Asynchronous Team (A-Team) approach. The procedures were compared with literature heuristics based on Mixed Integer Programming. The proposed A-Team procedures outperformed the literature heuristics, especially for large instances. The developed methodologies and the results obtained are presented.


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The present work aims to assess Laser-Induced Plasma Spectrometry (LIPS) as a tool for the characterization of photovoltaic materials. Despite being a well-established technique with applications to many scientific and industrial fields, so far LIPS is little known to the photovoltaic scientific community. The technique allows the rapid characterization of layered samples without sample preparation, in open atmosphere and in real time. In this paper, we assess LIPS ability for the determination of elements that are difficult to analyze by other broadly used techniques, or for producing analytical information from very low-concentration elements. The results of the LIPS characterization of two different samples are presented: 1) a 90 nm, Al-doped ZnO layer deposited on a Si substrate by RF sputtering and 2) a Te-doped GaInP layer grown on GaAs by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. For both cases, the depth profile of the constituent and dopant elements is reported along with details of the experimental setup and the optimization of key parameters. It is remarkable that the longest time of analysis was ∼10 s, what, in conjunction with the other characteristics mentioned, makes of LIPS an appealing technique for rapid screening or quality control whether at the lab or at the production line.


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En el trabajo se ha reflejado la génesis del término „desarrollo sostenible‟ y la preocupación social y de los gobiernos hacia la sostenibilidad de los recursos, generando una política forestal a escala internacional, cuyo hito inicial desempeña la Cumbre de Rio y otros procesos, donde surge el término „sostenibilidad‟ - procesos gubernamentales que ponen su atención en los bosques,entre ellos el Proceso paneuropeo del que emanan los Criterios e indicadores de la gestión forestal sostenible, así como otros foros donde aparece la vinculación entre los productos y la sostenibilidad de los bosques de donde proceden. A partir de esos conceptos aparecen los sistemas de certificación, primero FSC, promovido por las ONG ambientalistas, y en respuesta a ello, el sistema PEFC de los propietarios forestales privados con las industrias forestales. En su introducción, el trabajo recoge como surge y evoluciona esta preocupación y como se sucede y desarrollan los sistemas de certificación en España, orientados tanto a la superficie forestal como a sus productos derivados. Tratando de ser una herramienta técnica, en estos últimos quince años, se han ido planteando metodologías y propuestas técnicas que puedan garantizar el origen sostenible del bosque de donde procede la materia prima. Aunque la persistencia de la masa forestal como término tiene importancia, no considera numerosos aspectos incluidos en el concepto “gestión forestal sostenible”. El trabajo manifiesta qué es y cómo se origina la Gestión Forestal Sostenible y muy ligado con ello, el origen de la certificación como herramienta, explicando cómo se incardina la certificación forestal española con las estructuras internacionales y se construyen nuevas estructuras a escala española y autonómica. Se expone el dominio y alcance técnico de la certificación, sus inicios y un análisis de la diversidad de sistemas y etiquetas existentes -como ha ido evolucionando a escala internacional y nacional, por sistemas, sectores y continentes, con especial atención en España, recopilando lo sucedido relevante para el sector forestal, industrias forestales y sistemas de certificación en los años de estudio de elaboración de la tesis. Se refleja la relevancia que adquiere la certificación forestal y de la cadena de custodia para la industria del papel, tanto por las regulaciones, normativas y legislación que involucran al producto derivado del bosque como por ser herramienta que enlaza el bosque sostenible con el consumidor. La aplicación de todas esas especificaciones técnicas que muestran la sostenibilidad del bosque y al trazabilidad en el proceso productivo comporta una carga administrativa de recopilación de información, de control para el seguimiento asociado con los registros necesarios, y de archivo de documentos, conforme a las exigencias que plantean los sistemas de certificación forestal. Por tanto, es importante definir un método y procedimientos genéricos para los correspondientes sistemas de gestión preexistentes en las empresas del sector de pasta y papel (de calidad/ de medio ambiente/integrados), para implantar un Sistema de Cadena de Custodia genérico (común a FSC y PEFC) en una instalación de celulosa y papel y un sistema de diligencia debida. Para ello, ha sido necesario analizar la línea de producción y establecer los puntos de su diagrama en los que se requiere el control de la trazabilidad, puntos en los que se procede al seguimiento y registro de la materia prima, materia semielaborada y producto, y de ahí proceder a redactar o retocar los procedimientos de gestión calidad/ medioambiental, en su caso, para incluir los campos de registro. Según determinen los procedimientos, se efectuará un seguimiento y registro de los, derivados que configuran una característica y se determinará una serie de indicadores del sistema de trazabilidad de la madera en la industria de celulosa y papel, es decir, un conjunto de parámetros cuantitativos y descriptivos, sujetos al seguimiento de forma periódica, que muestren el cambio y permitan observar la evaluación y control del Sistema de Cadena de Custodia. Además de asegurar la trazabilidad de la madera y fibra en la industria de pasta y papel y con ello la sostenibilidad del bosque del que procede, se avalará la legalidad de los aprovechamientos que proporcionan ese recurso maderable, cumpliendo así no sólo la legislación vigente sino también ambos sistemas de certificación FSC y PEFC. El sistema de cadena de custodia de la pasta y papel se caracteriza por los indicadores de seguimiento que permite el control de la trazabilidad. ABSTRACT This paper traces the origins of the term „Sustainable Development‟ and of both citizen and institutional concern for the sustainability of resources, leading to the enactment of a forestry policy at international level, of which the initial milestones are the Rio Summit and other processes in which the term „Sustainability‟ was born. Those forestfocused institutional initiatives include the pan-European process that led to the publication of Sustainable Forest Management Criteria and Indicators, and other forums that highlight the link between finished wood-based products and the sustainability of the forests from which that wood is sourced. Those concepts were the culture in which forest certification systems were engendered, first FSC, promoted by environmental NGOs, and subsequently PEFC, fostered in response to FSC by private forest owners and forest-based industries. In its Introduction, this paper looks at how such concern arose and has evolved and how certification systems came into existence in Spain and developed to encompass both forest lands and forest-based products. As part of a mission to provide an applicable technical tool, new methodologies and technical proposals have been put forward over the past fifteen years aimed at guaranteeing the sustainable origin of the forest from which raw material is sourced. Although the maintenance of forest stands as a term in its own right is important, it does not take many of the aspects included in the concept of “sustainable forest management” into account. This thesis describes what SFM is and how it was born, underlying the close link between SFM and the origin of certification as a tool, explaining how Spanish forest certification is embodied in international structures, while new structures are built here in Spain on both the national and regional scale. This work also details the domain and scope of forest certification from the technical standpoint, explains its beginnings, and assesses the various systems and labels that exist - how certification has evolved internationally and nationally across systems, sectors and continents, with special emphasis on Spain. It provides a compilation of events relevant to forestry, forest industries and forest certification systems that have taken place during the years this thesis has been in preparation. It reflects on the relevance that forest and chain of custody certification holds for the paper industry, in view not only of the regulations, policies and legislation that affect forest-based products but also of its role as a tool that bonds the sustainable forest with the consumer. Implementing the range of technical specifications to demonstrate forest sustainability and traceability throughout the production process entails the administrative burden of collecting information and providing controls to process the relevant records and documents to be kept on file in compliance with the requirements made by forest certification schemes. It is therefore important to define a generic method, together with its relevant procedures,that fits the management systems (quality / environmental / integrated)existing today in pulp and paper companies, in order to implement a generic Chain of Custody scheme (common to FSC and PEFC) in a pulp and paper mill, and a due diligence system. To achieve that, it has first been necessary to analyse the production line and establish points along the route where traceabilitycontrols need to be implemented and points where raw material, semi-finished goods and end products should be monitored and recorded. Subsequently, the procedures in quality / environmental management systems need to be drafted or amended as required to include fields that reflect those records. As required by the procedures, forest-based products that have a specific characteristic shall be monitored and recorded, and a number of indicators identified in the traceability system of wood for pulp & paper, i.e.createa set of quantitative and descriptive parameters subject to regular monitoringthat reveal changes and enable the Chain of Custody system to be assessed and controlled. In addition to ensuring the traceability of wood and fibre in the pulp and paper industry -and so the sustainability of the forest from which it is sourced -, the legality of the harvesting that produces that timber will also be enhanced, thus fulfilling not only the law but also both FSC and PEFC certification schemes. The chain of custody system for pulp and paper is characterised by monitoring indicators that enable traceability to be controlled.


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Germ cells in the mouse embryo remain undifferentiated until about 13.5 days post-coitum (dpc), when male germ cells enter mitotic arrest and female germ cells enter meiosis. The molecular signals and transcriptional control mechanisms governing the differential fate of germ cells in males and females remain largely unknown. In order to gain insights into the behavior of germ cells around this period and into likely mechanisms controlling entry into meiosis, we have studied by wholemount in situ hybridization the expression pattern of two germ cell-specific markers, Oct4 and Sycp3, during mouse fetal gonad development. We observed a dynamic wave of expression of both genes in developing ovaries, with Oct4 expression being extinguished in a rostro-caudal wave and Sycp3 being upregulated in a corresponding wave, during the period 13.5-15.5 dpc. These results indicate that entry into meiosis proceeds in a rostro-caudal progression, in turn suggesting that somatically derived signals may contribute to the control of germ cell entry into meiosis in developing ovaries. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Com o advento da revolução industrial o capitalismo assumiu uma forma assombrosa jamais vista anteriormente em outras passagens do mundo do trabalho, ao se alimentar de um ritmo acelerado de produção, consumo e acumulação. Esta nova era baseada na mecanização e numa nova divisão do trabalho impôs ao trabalhador o principio da fragmentação, que seguindo o modelo do cronômetro da gerência científica e a linha de produção do açougue dividiu a força de trabalho do empregado e multiplicou a acumulação do empregador. Na década de 1970 o capitalismo sofreu uma crise estrutural que viria a transformar o mundo do trabalho novamente. Esta nova transformação do capital fundamentado na globalização e nos conceitos neoliberais visando ainda mais a lucratividade em cima da força de trabalho atingiu a objetividade e a subjetividade da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho ao (des)re regulamentar seus direitos e conquistas. No mundo do trabalho brasileiro as transformações do capital mundial tiveram seu impacto nos anos 1990 abalando regiões produtivas inteiras como a do Grande ABC, com o desemprego estrutural e com a reestruturação produtiva. Em 2002 o diretor de cinema Eduardo Coutinho filmou um documentário Peões com 21 operários que narram suas origens, suas participações no movimento nas décadas de 1970-1980-1990 e os desfechos de suas vidas fazendo uma construção de si pela fala. Desta forma, Peões será para esta dissertação o corpus de análise para uma aproximação entre ciência e arte, onde será utilizado o método fenomenológico para a análise das narrativas que se apresentam para compreensão da divisão do trabalho capitalista que vem transformando o mundo do trabalho e atingindo perversamente a classe-que-vive-do-trabalho ao fragmentar sua subjetividade que se explicita objetivamente na fragmentação da relação intersubjetiva com o outro, os objetos e o mundo. Por meio da aplicação do método para a compreensão das narrativas pode se chegar à seguinte síntese: os homens e mulheres, de Peões, viveram e vivem ainda hoje intensamente entre a linha tênue da resistência e da submissão, da desalienação e alienação, do despontar e do anonimato na esfera pública evidenciando a importância ainda em nossos dias do alargamento do pensamento dialético entre a lógica da acumulação capitalista versus a lógica da sobrevivência humana.


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The work described in this thesis is directed towards the reduction of noise levels in the Hoover Turbopower upright vacuum cleaner. The experimental work embodies a study of such factors as the application of noise source identification techniques, investigation of the noise generating principles for each major source and evaluation of the noise reducing treatments. It was found that the design of the vacuum cleaner had not been optimised from the standpoint of noise emission. Important factors such as noise `windows', isolation of vibration at the source, panel rattle, resonances and critical speeds had not been considered. Therefore, a number of experimentally validated treatments are proposed. Their noise reduction benefit together with material and tooling costs are presented. The solutions to the noise problems were evaluated on a standard Turbopower and the sound power level of the cleaner was reduced from 87.5 dB(A) to 80.4 db(A) at a cost of 93.6 pence per cleaner.The designers' lack of experience in noise reduction was identified as one of the factors for the low priority given to noise during design of the cleaner. Consequently, the fundamentals of acoustics, principles of noise prediction and absorption and guidelines for good acoustical design were collated into a Handbook and circulated at Hoover plc.Mechanical variations during production of the motor and the cleaner were found to be important. These caused a vast spread in the noise levels of the cleaners. Subsequently, the manufacturing processes were briefly studied to identify their source and recommendations for improvement are made.Noise of a product is quality related and a high level of noise is considered to be a bad feature. This project suggested that the noise level be used constructively both as a test on the production line to identify cleaners above a certain noise level and also to promote the product by `designing' the characteristics of the sound so that the appliance is pleasant to the user. This project showed that good noise control principles should be implemented early in the design stage.As yet there are no mandatory noise limits or noise-labelling requirements for household appliances. However, the literature suggests that noise-labelling is likely in the near future and the requirement will be to display the A-weighted sound power level. However, the `noys' scale of perceived noisiness was found more appropriate to the rating of appliance noise both as it is linear and therefore, a sound level that seems twice as loud is twice the value in noys and also takes into consideration the presence of pure tones, which even in the absence of a high noise level can lead to annoyance.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka relationerna mellan parterna under en omstruktureringsprocess. Syftet är också att granska nedläggningsprocessen samt när lagar och avtal träder in. Uppsatsens referensram tar upp nedläggningsprocesser av Rydell (2015) och Wigblad & Österberg (2009), den svenska modellen med lagar och avtal Elvander (1995) Iseskog (2014) förtroende och förhandling Fischer et al. (1992) och Walter & McKersie (1991). Med hjälp av dessa begrepp och modeller analyseras och tolkas relationerna i en nedläggningsprocess vid SSAB i Borlänge, där 210 medarbetare varslades i början av 2015. Av dem var 170 kollektivanställda. Nedläggningsprocessen genomfördes med hjälp av Trygghet- och Flexibilitetavtalet (ToF), utan att någon tillsvidareanställd förlorade sitt arbete. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativ forskning med semistrukturerade expertintervjuer där sammanlagt fem respondenter från SSAB och IF Metall intervjuades. Dessa respondenter var nyckelpersoner under nedläggningsprocessen och förhandlingsprocessen. Resultatet av intervjuerna har analyserats och tematiserats utifrån referensramen. Studiens resultat visar att goda relationer mellan parterna ger enklare förhandlingar med framgångsrika resultat. Samverkan mellan parterna bygger på ett långvarigt ömsesidigt förtroende. Detta förtroende är av vikt för att samverkan skall bli till verklighet.


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Les anodes de carbone sont des éléments consommables servant d’électrode dans la réaction électrochimique d’une cuve Hall-Héroult. Ces dernières sont produites massivement via une chaine de production dont la mise en forme est une des étapes critiques puisqu’elle définit une partie de leur qualité. Le procédé de mise en forme actuel n’est pas pleinement optimisé. Des gradients de densité importants à l’intérieur des anodes diminuent leur performance dans les cuves d’électrolyse. Encore aujourd’hui, les anodes de carbone sont produites avec comme seuls critères de qualité leur densité globale et leurs propriétés mécaniques finales. La manufacture d’anodes est optimisée de façon empirique directement sur la chaine de production. Cependant, la qualité d’une anode se résume en une conductivité électrique uniforme afin de minimiser les concentrations de courant qui ont plusieurs effets néfastes sur leur performance et sur les coûts de production d’aluminium. Cette thèse est basée sur l’hypothèse que la conductivité électrique de l’anode n’est influencée que par sa densité considérant une composition chimique uniforme. L’objectif est de caractériser les paramètres d’un modèle afin de nourrir une loi constitutive qui permettra de modéliser la mise en forme des blocs anodiques. L’utilisation de la modélisation numérique permet d’analyser le comportement de la pâte lors de sa mise en forme. Ainsi, il devient possible de prédire les gradients de densité à l’intérieur des anodes et d’optimiser les paramètres de mise en forme pour en améliorer leur qualité. Le modèle sélectionné est basé sur les propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques réelles de la pâte. La thèse débute avec une étude comportementale qui a pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension des comportements constitutifs de la pâte observés lors d’essais de pressage préliminaires. Cette étude est basée sur des essais de pressage de pâte de carbone chaude produite dans un moule rigide et sur des essais de pressage d’agrégats secs à l’intérieur du même moule instrumenté d’un piézoélectrique permettant d’enregistrer les émissions acoustiques. Cette analyse a précédé la caractérisation des propriétés de la pâte afin de mieux interpréter son comportement mécanique étant donné la nature complexe de ce matériau carboné dont les propriétés mécaniques sont évolutives en fonction de la masse volumique. Un premier montage expérimental a été spécifiquement développé afin de caractériser le module de Young et le coefficient de Poisson de la pâte. Ce même montage a également servi dans la caractérisation de la viscosité (comportement temporel) de la pâte. Il n’existe aucun essai adapté pour caractériser ces propriétés pour ce type de matériau chauffé à 150°C. Un moule à paroi déformable instrumenté de jauges de déformation a été utilisé pour réaliser les essais. Un second montage a été développé pour caractériser les coefficients de friction statique et cinétique de la pâte aussi chauffée à 150°C. Le modèle a été exploité afin de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques de la pâte par identification inverse et pour simuler la mise en forme d’anodes de laboratoire. Les propriétés mécaniques de la pâte obtenues par la caractérisation expérimentale ont été comparées à celles obtenues par la méthode d’identification inverse. Les cartographies tirées des simulations ont également été comparées aux cartographies des anodes pressées en laboratoire. La tomodensitométrie a été utilisée pour produire ces dernières cartographies de densité. Les résultats des simulations confirment qu’il y a un potentiel majeur à l’utilisation de la modélisation numérique comme outil d’optimisation du procédé de mise en forme de la pâte de carbone. La modélisation numérique permet d’évaluer l’influence de chacun des paramètres de mise en forme sans interrompre la production et/ou d’implanter des changements coûteux dans la ligne de production. Cet outil permet donc d’explorer des avenues telles la modulation des paramètres fréquentiels, la modification de la distribution initiale de la pâte dans le moule, la possibilité de mouler l’anode inversée (upside down), etc. afin d’optimiser le processus de mise en forme et d’augmenter la qualité des anodes.


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A produção de combustível derivado de resíduos (CDR) resultou de uma decisão política que permitiu a instalação em Portugal de um significativo conjunto de processos, cuja avaliação técnico-económica e ambiental pode já ser feita. Este trabalho faz uma avaliação técnica e ambiental da linha de produção de CDR da Recivalongo. A avaliação técnica consistiu na análise dos caudais de material que entraram na linha de produção, na quantidade de CDR produzido, contabilizando também os gastos de recursos da linha (energia e materiais auxiliares). A avaliação da qualidade de CDR produzido a partir do ensaio laboratorial representou também uma parte muito significativa do trabalho produzido. A avaliação ambiental foi efetuada com base na metodologia da Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o processo da Recivalongo transforma 69% do material de entrada, recuperando 2% em metais ferrosos e rejeitando para aterro a restante fração de 29%. As análises efetuadas ao CDR mostraram que apresenta um PCI compreendido entre 17 e 20 MJ/kg; o teor em cloro está compreendido entre 0,2 e 0,8% Conclui-se que neste processo o parâmetro mais difícil de controlar é o teor em cloro no CDR, pois existe uma grande diversidade de resíduos com grandes quantidades de cloro na sua constituição e que por muitas vezes são difíceis de identificar e/ou separar na primeira fase do tratamento dos resíduos. Da análise ciclo de vida efetuada à produção de CDR pode-se afirmar que esta operação de gestão de resíduos apresenta uma mais-valia quando comparada com a deposição dos resíduos em aterro, não sendo a diferença entre destinos tão significativa quanto o esperado. Desta avaliação pode concluir-se que a instalação operou muito abaixo da sua capacidade, sendo esta considerada uma das melhores linhas de produção de CDR a nível nacional.