977 resultados para Produção Literária
A autora toma como base romances de autores de língua portuguesa - O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis (1984), do português José Saramago, Nove noites (2002), do brasileiro Bernardo Carvalho, e O outro pé da sereia (2006), do moçambicano Mia Couto - para estudar as relações entre literatura e história na produção literária contemporânea. A obra investiga a intertextualidade presente nos romances, ou seja, a relação entre linguagens, uma vez que esses autores construíram as narrativas ficcionais de suas obras recorrendo a elementos de origem histórica, como textos literários, textos históricos, notícias jornalísticas, fotos, cartas e depoimentos atribuídos a figuras históricas. Da intertextualidade resultaria um plano discursivo mais amplo, que extrapola efetivamente o campo dos textos reaproveitados pelos romances. Apoiada em teorias literárias que discutem o modo intertextual, a autora foca sua análise em cada um dos romances. Na obra do escritor português, permeada de releituras de fatos da história de Portugal ocorridos em 1936 e da poesia de Ricardo Reis, heterônomio do poeta Fernando Pessoa, a obra revela os meios pelos quais Saramago coloca em discussão dois mitos lusitanos: Salazar e o próprio Pessoa. Em Nove noites, que remete à passagem do etnólogo norte-americano Buell Quain pelo Brasil e de sua morte na floresta amazônica em 1939, o livro detecta a discussão sobre o mito do bom selvagem que revestiu o índio brasileiro. Já na obra do moçambicano Mia Couto, cuja narrativa é entremeada de fragmentos de escritos históricos de 1560 e de ditados populares, entre outros textos, percebe-se a reflexão sobre a reapresentação da história da exploração do continente africano por colonizadores portugueses e também pelos próprios africanos
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The main purpose of this paper is to observe the Portuguese into English translational process regarding the metaphors of specific lexical units related to erogenous zones and to intercourse in the context of the literary work Maira (1978), written by Darcy Ribeiro, as well as in its translation, Maíra (1985), performed by Goodland e Colchie. We based our study on an interdisciplinary proposal that associates the theoretical framework of Lexical Studies (BIDERMAN, 1996; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; ORSI, 2007, 2009; ORSI; ZAVAGLIA, 2007; 2012; PRETI, 1984; XATARA; RIVA; RIOS, 2002; XATARA, 2004), Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (TYMOCZKO, 1998; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004), and, in part, Terminology (COELHO, 2003; BARROS, 2004; FAULSTICH, 2004). Concerning the methodology, we used the program WordSmith Tools, which provided the tools WordList and Concord, for collection and observation of data. We thus verified the value attributed to the erotic-obscene lexicon in Darcy Ribeiro’s literary-textual construction, and we also analyzed the reformulation of taboo lexicon in English. Finally, we intended to reflect on the process of translation of these lexical units considered socially disreputable, in an attempt to provide a possible support fortranslators, linguists, writers and social scientists.
There is an area in the Brazilian Contemporary Literature which is articulated according to the first person narrator who presents the problematic of the own creational action, the expression of a conflictual subjectivity divided between the vertiginous dive into itself – what would imply in a renounce of the world and the reality, where the authors’ work are their only matter – and the social participation - not as an awareness, but as the recognition of the limits and impasses which the real representation imposes on the creative writing. Therefore, this article proposes a reading on the novel O Azul do Filho Morto (2002) by Marcelo Mirisola, to try to situate him into the recent Brazilian literary production, as well as to reflect on his narrative the complex notion of authorship which is called into question on his novels, since they produce an intrincate imbrication between the fictional subject and the empirical image of the writer himself, breaking and confusing the limits between the fictional discourse and the extralinguistic reality which is evoked, manipulated, distorted and made unstable on his representational process.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
From the reading of contemporary Portuguese fiction, after the Carnation’s Revoluction, in 1974, we can observe an opening in the literary and academic ambiences to the treatment of themes, silenced before for the New State despotism. Considering the postmoderns proposals of reviewing the canon, we mark the necessity of a homoerotism inclusion as one of the most fundamental theme for the comprehension of the actual literary production in Portugal.
Álvaro Lins (1912-1970), was an important literary critic of brazilian modernism that marked the twentieth century by the great influence of his writings. In 1963, he published Os Mortos de Sobrecasaca: obras, autores e problemas de literatura brasileira. Ensaios e estudos 1940-1960, that brings in the subtitle his concerns in building a balance on the modernist legacy to literature and culture in Brazil. This work makes possible a schematic view of the evolutionary process of literary production, because it indicates an exam about the twenty years of ripening of modernist proposals from a reflection that is organized as a history of Brazilian literature based on leading writers of the national literary canon.
Within the scope of Literary Studies, theory, criticism, and historiography about the literature produced in the Middle Ages developed considerably from 1940 on, with the works of Ernst Curtius, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Erich Auerbach. In spite of the progress made, some specific aspects remain in the shadow, with incursions which were punctual though meaningful: that is the case of the critic fortunes about women‟s literary production in that period. Rosvita was a canoness and lived in the Benedictine convent of Gandersheim (Germany), in the 10th century A.D. Coming under Terence‟s influence, she wrote theater plays in Latin in which she figuratively presented theological issues in order to spread the Christian doctrine. The martyrdom issue deserved to be put in relief and was the focal point of the play Wisdom, which took place at the time of the Roman emperor Adrian. This paper analyzes that dramatic text discussing, at the end, how the categories of symbol, enigma, allegory, and mystery are organized by the author as expressive resources and structural elements.