944 resultados para Pro-apototic marker
Com o objetivo de analisar a associação entre estresse no trabalho e hipertensão arterial na população feminina, foi realizado estudo transversal com 1.819 mulheres participantes do Estudo Pró-Saúde no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, entre 1999 e 2001. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da escala reduzida de estresse no trabalho (modelo demanda-controle). A prevalência global de hipertensão arterial aferida (>140/90 mmHg e/ou uso de medicação anti-hipertensiva) foi de 24%. Comparadas com participantes com trabalho classificado como de baixa exigência, as razões ajustadas de prevalências de hipertensão arterial de mulheres em trabalhos de alta exigência, passivos e ativos, foram, respectivamente, de 0,93 (IC 95%: 0,72;1,20), 1,06 (IC 95%: 0,86;1,32) e 1,14 (IC 95%: 0,88;1,47). Sugere-se a realização de análises longitudinais para elucidar o papel dessas características psicossociais do ambiente de trabalho na determinação da hipertensão arterial.
OBJETIVO Analisar a incidência de cessação de tabagismo e sua associação com fatores psicossociais. MÉTODOS Foram analisados dados de três fases consecutivas do Estudo Pró-Saúde, estudo longitudinal entre funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os critérios de inclusão foram ter participado das Fases 1 e 3 e ser fumante na linha de base (Fase 1 – 1999). Foram excluídos indivíduos que, no seguimento (Fase 3 – 2007), tinham parado de fumar há menos de um ano. A população final de estudo foi composta de 661 funcionários (78% dos elegíveis). Os riscos relativos (RR) da cessação do tabagismo foram avaliados pelo modelo de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. RESULTADOS A incidência acumulada de cessação do fumo em oito anos de seguimento foi de 27,7%. Entre os fatores psicossociais avaliados, ausência de experiência de violência física apresentou-se associada à maior cessação de tabagismo na análise multivariada (RR = 1,67; IC95% 1,09;2,55). CONCLUSÕES A incidência de cessação de tabagismo foi alta, e o fato de não terem sido encontradas associações com a maioria dos fatores avaliados sugere que grande parte do efeito encontrado seja decorrente do impacto relativamente homogêneo das políticas públicas implementadas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. A associação encontrada entre ausência de exposição à violência e maior incidência de cessação de tabagismo aponta para a importância desse fator nas políticas de controle do tabagismo.
This study on middle Miocene mammalian faunas from Tagus'basin deals particularly with some small mammals hitherto undescribed from Portugal, including a new Glirid (Paraglirulus scalabicensis nov. sp.); it allows an accurate datation by biostratigraphical standards, Megacricetodon crusafonti, Fahlbuschia darocensis, Cricetodon jotae being characteristic of mammalian MN6 unit, thus their age is nearly that of Sansan and Manchones (however the presence of Peridyromys hamadryas and Lagopsis verus do suggest, amidst this biozone, a somewhat later age than Sansan's); it contributes with indirect correlation data with marine formations, as underlying oyster-bearing beds most probably are in correspondance to the apogee of the same transgression that deposed near Lisbon ”schlier" facies from VI-a division (Serravalian, Blow's zones 10-13, Globorotalia meyeri zone); the diversity of mammalian assemblages is surely related to an environement with varied biotopes, whose characterisation becomes easier if account is taken of the preceding papers on mollusks (G. Truc) and Cyprinid fishes (J. Gaudant), and also according to some unpublished paleobotanical data (J. Pais). A table with a synthesis of all paleontological data so far known is presented.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, Área de Especialização em Arquiteturas, Sistemas e Redes
The aim of the present study was to investigate variations in oxidized LDL (oxLDL) at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and over the recovery period, exploring their relationship with coronary disease severity. A follow-up of 50 AMI patients was evaluated against 25 healthy volunteers (reference group). The AMI patients were evaluated at three time points: at admission before the administration of IIb/IIIa inhibitors and angioplasty, and two and 40 days after intervention. Plasma oxLDL concentrations were measured by ELISA. oxLDL was found to be significantly higher in AMI patients in the acute phase relative to reference levels, decreasing progressively over the recovery period. The results also demonstrated that oxLDL levels were decreased in patients with the left circumflex artery (LCX) as culprit vessel compared to the left anterior descending coronary (LAD) or right coronary artery (RCA). The results highlight a significant increase in oxLDL concentration related to coronary artery disease severity, as conditions such as LCX lesions are usually associated with a favorable prognosis, contrasting with LAD-associated conditions that can compromise large areas of myocardium. The results thus suggest that oxLDL may constitute a promising marker in assessment of AMI evolution.
A Smart TV é um equipamento novo e em evolução que incorpora um computador e acesso à Internet em ecrãs de grande qualidade. Permite a implementação de serviços interactivos, acesso à Internet e televisão. À medida que a tecnologia melhora, muitos equipamentos estão a tornar-se tão capazes quanto os computadores normais quando se trata de navegação na web e até mesmo vídeo na Internet (Video-on-Demand e streaming de vídeo). O projecto de estágio “NONIUS.TV na Smart TV LG Pro:Centric” foi desenvolvido na empresa Nonius Software que está inserida no ramo das telecomunicações. Uma das suas áreas de actividade está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de plataformas de entretenimento para o mercado hoteleiro, combinando diversos serviços e funcionalidades a pensar no hóspede. Este projecto teve como finalidade implementar alguns dos serviços e funcionalidades já existentes em plataformas que usam uma Set-Top Box da Nonius Software, numa Smart TV, aproveitando também para inovar e criar novos serviços. Nesse conjunto está incluída a implementação de uma Caixa de Mensagens, Serviço de Quartos, Serviço de Desporto e Lazer, Serviços Informativos, um cliente RTSP, um despertador, um sistema de mudança de idioma e outras pequenas funcionalidades desenvolvidas ao longo de toda a aplicação. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre as tecnologias Smart TV existentes no mercado, assim como as vantagens e desvantagens da sua utilização para este projecto. Após uma análise de requisitos de forma a estruturar e desenhar os serviços e funcionalidades a serem criados para a aplicação, implementou-se um conjunto de serviços, usando a linguagem de programação ActionScript 2.0, que permitiram à empresa disponibilizar um novo produto baseado na televisão Pro:Centric da LG.
Allied to an epidemiological study of population of the Senology Unit of Braga’s Hospital that have been diagnosed with malignant breast cancer, we describe the progression in time of repeated measurements of tumor marker Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Our main purpose is to describe the progression of this tumor marker as a function of possible risk factors and, hence, to understand how these risk factors influences that progression. The response variable, values of CEA, was analyzed making use of longitudinal models, testing for different correlation structures. The same covariates used in a previous survival analysis were considered in the longitudinal model. The reference time used was time from diagnose until death from breast cancer. For diagnostic of the models fitted we have used empirical and theoretical variograms. To evaluate the fixed term of the longitudinal model we have tested for a changing point on the effect of time on the tumor marker progression. A longitudinal model was also fitted only to the subset of patients that died from breast cancer, using the reference time as time from date of death until blood test.
This work compared the time at which negative seroconversion was detected by conventional serology (CS) and by the ELISA-F29 test on a cohort of chronic chagasic patients treated with nifurtimox or benznidazole. A retrospective study was performed using preserved serum from 66 asymptomatic chagasic adults under clinical supervision, and bi-annual serological examinations over a mean follow-up of 23 years. Twenty nine patients received trypanocide treatment and 37 remained untreated. The ELISA-F29 test used a recombinant antigen which was obtained by expressing the Trypanosoma cruzi flagellar calcium-binding protein gene in Escherichia coli. Among the untreated patients, 36 maintained CS titers. One patient showed a doubtful serology in some check-ups. ELISA-F29 showed constant reactivity in 35 out of 37 patients and was negative for the patient with fluctuating CS. The treated patients were divided into three groups according to the CS titers: in 13 they became negative; in 12 they decreased and in four they remained unchanged. ELISA-F29 was negative for the first two groups. The time at which negativization was detected was significantly lower for the ELISA-F29 test than for CS, 14.5 ± 5.7 and 22 ± 4.9 years respectively. Negative seroconversion was observed in treated patients only. The results obtained confirm that the ELISA-F29 test is useful as an early indicator of negative seroconversion in treated chronic patients.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Introduction: Recently, it has been suggested an association between red cell distribution width (RDW) and Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI), but its use is not yet performed in daily clinical practice. Objectives: To determine whether RDW can be used as a marker of Crohn’s disease (CD) activity. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including patients with CD, observed consecutively in an outpatient setting between January 1st and September 30th 2013. Blood cell indices, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and C-reactive protein were measured. CD activity was determined by CDAI (active disease if CDAI ≥ 150). Associations were analyzed using logistic regression (SPSS version 20). Results: 119 patients (56% female) were included in the study with a mean age of 47 years (SD 15.2). Twenty patients (17%) had active disease. The median RDW was 14.0 (13---15). There was an association between RDW and disease activity (p = 0.044). After adjustment for age and gender, this association remained consistent (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.03---1.39, p = 0.016). It was also found that the association between RDW and disease activity was independent of hemoglobin and ESR (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.08---1.72, p = 0.01) and of biologic therapy (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.03---1.37, p = 0.017). A RDW cutoff of 16% had a specificity and negative predictive value for CDAI ≥ 150 of 88% and 86%, respectively. Conclusion: In this study, RDW proved to be an independent and relatively specific marker of CD activity. These results may contribute to the implementation of this simple parameter, in clinical practice, aiming to help therapeutic decisions.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Detection of anti-toxoplasma IgM antibodies has frequently been used as a serological marker for diagnosing recently acquired toxoplasmosis. However, the persistence of these antibodies in some patients has complicated the interpretation of serological results when toxoplasmosis is suspected. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the avidity of IgG antibodies against excreted/secreted antigens of Toxoplasma gondii by means of immunoblot, to establish a profile for acute recent infection in a single serum sample and confirm the presence of residual IgM antibodies obtained in automated assays. When we evaluated the avidity of IgG antibodies against excreted/secreted antigens of Toxoplasma gondii by means of immunoblot, we observed phase-specific reactivity, i.e. cases of acute recent toxoplasmosis presented low avidity and cases of non-acute recent toxoplasmosis presented high avidity towards the 30kDa protein fraction, which probably corresponds to the SAG-1 surface antigen. Our results suggest that the avidity of IgG antibodies against excreted/secreted antigens of Toxoplasma gondii is an important immunological marker for distinguishing between recent infections and for determining the presence of residual IgM antibodies obtained from automated assays.
INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B infection constitutes an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Brazil, however, the current epidemiological situation is not clear. Considering the importance of establishing this prevalence, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HBV markers in voluntary adolescents, junior high (secondary school) students, in the City of Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: A seroepidemiological, transverse study was conducted with 353 randomly chosen adolescents from elementary school in 2008. Blood samples were analyzed for HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HBs. All analyses were conducted by automated microparticle enzyme immunosorbent assay (Abbott®, AxSYM system, Deerfield, IL, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. RESULTS: The prevalence of HBsAg was 0.6% (CI 95% 0.1 - 2.0), that of anti-HBc was 1.1% (CI 95% 0.3 - 2.9) and that of detectable anti-HBs was 83.6% (CI 95% 79.3 - 87.3). Hepatitis B vaccination coverage was 97.5% (CI 95% 95.2 - 98.8). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the success of the vaccination program against hepatitis B in the region studied and indicate that prevention strategies must be maintained and, if possible, expanded to contribute to the establishment of positive prevalence rates in all age groups.