868 resultados para Pre-primary education


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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This research responds to a pervasive call for our educational institutions to provide students with literacy skills, and teachers with the instructional supports necessary to facilitate this skill acquisition. Questions were posed to gain information concerning the efficacy ofteaching literacy strategies to students with learning difficulties, the impact of this training on their volunteer tutors, and the influence of this experience on these tutors' ensuing instructional practice as teacher candidates in a preservice education program. Study #1 compared a nontreatment group of students with literacy difficulties who participated in the program and found that program participants were superior at reading letter patterns and at comprehending the elements of story grammar. Concurrently, the second study explored the experiences of 19 volunteer tutors and uncovered that they acquired instructional skills as they established a knowledge base in teaching reading and writing, and they affirmed personal goals to become future teachers. Study #3 tracked 6 volunteer tutors into their pre-service year and identified their constructions, and beliefs about literacy instruction. These teacher candidates discussed how they had intended to teach reading and writing strategies based on their position that effective teaching ofthese skills in the primary grades is integral to academic success. The teacher candidates emphasized the need to build rapport with students, and the need to exercise flexibility in lesson plan delivery while including activities to meet emotional and developmental requirements of students. The teacher candidates entered their pre-service education with an initial cognition set based on the limited teaching context of tutoring. This foundational ii perception represented their prior knowledge of literacy instruction, a perception that appeared untenable once they were immersed in a regular instructional setting. This disparity provoked some of the teacher candidates to denounce their teacher mentors for not consistently employing literacy strategies and individualized instruction. This critical perspective could have been a demonstration of cognitive dissonance. In the end, when the teacher candidates began to look toward the future and how they would manage the demands of an inclusive classroom, they recognized the differences in the contexts. With an appreciation for the need for balance between prior and present knowledge, the teacher candidates remained committed to implementing their tutoring strategies in future teaching positions. This document highlights the need for teacher candidates with instructional experience prior to teacher education, to engage in cognitive negotiations to assimilate newly acquired pedagogies into existing pedagogies.


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Movement education and adapted physical activity are content areas not addressed in pre-service education or in-service training for Ontario practitioners working with individuals with disabilities in physical environments. Consequently, physical activity is often overlooked by service providers in programming and intervention for exceptional young learners. A formative evaluation, multiple-case study design was employed in this research in which a purposeful sample of expert practitioners performed a guided, descriptive evaluation of a three-day professional development workshop curriculum designed to supplement these areas lacking in professional preparation within their respective cohorts. Case-by-case and comparative analyses illustrated the inherent assumptions and societal constraints which prioritize the structure of professional development within the education system and other government organizations providing services for school-aged persons with disabilities in Ontario. Findings, discussed from a critical postmodern perspective, illustrate the paradoxical nature of Western values and prevailing mind/body dichotomy that guide professional practice in these fields.


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Depuis le début des années 2000, les croyances font l’objet d’un intérêt particulier dans le domaine de l’éducation. Cet intérêt pour les croyances provient notamment de certains chercheurs qui se préoccupent du fait que les croyances peuvent être un obstacle à l’adoption de pratiques pédagogiques fondées sur des faits scientifiques. L’intérêt pour les croyances en éducation se situe également dans la manière d’intervenir sur celles-ci afin de faire en sorte qu’elles se rapprochent le plus possible des connaissances scientifiques sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Cette étude vise à faire le portrait des croyances d’étudiants en formation des maîtres. Elle vise aussi à proposer des pistes d’intervention pour les étudiants du programme de baccalauréat en éducation préscolaire et enseignement primaire (BEPEP) à l’égard d’une croyance qui s’éloigne des connaissances scientifiques et des attentes ministérielles en éducation. Sur la base de la littérature disponible, une présentation des diverses définitions du concept de croyance que l’on retrouve dans les sciences humaines ainsi qu’une typologie des croyances et des connaissances enseignantes ont été produite. Puis, une analyse secondaire d’un questionnaire abordant les croyances des étudiants en enseignement a été réalisé afin d’isoler une croyance des étudiants du programme de BEPEP sur laquelle intervenir tout au long de la formation des étudiants. Enfin, un entretien de groupe avec le comité de programme du BEPEP a été réalisé. Les résultats révèlent que la croyance qui s'éloigne le plus des connaissances scientifiques favorables à la réussite des élèves est relative à l’intégration des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage (EHDAA) en classe régulière. La littérature (Raths, 2001; Paquay, 2004; Beckers, 2007) révèle que pour favoriser le développement professionnel des futurs enseignants, il faut concevoir la formation des enseignants de manière à développer et renforcer leurs capacités et leurs aptitudes à l’autoréflexion par la pratique réflexive tout au long de la formation initiale.


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Ausgehend von dem von Friedrich Edding geprägten Begriff der Schlüsselfähigkeit entwickelte Dieter Mertens Anfang der 1970er Jahre sein Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen. Damit suchte er Wege, Menschen so zu qualifizieren, dass sie ihnen übertragene berufliche Aufgaben, auch in einem sich rasch verändernden Umfeld, bewältigen können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Rezeption des Begriffs in verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten und Resultaten verlief. Am folgenreichsten war die Rezeption in der Berufsbildung. Von wenigen skeptischen Stimmen abgesehen, stieß das Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen auf positive Zustimmung und mehrere Umsetzungsversuche wurden unternommen. Diese führten allerdings zu einer Verlängerung der Liste der Schlüsselqualifikationen (die ursprünglich von Mertens als abschließbar angedacht war). Ein Konsens, was in der Berufsbildung als Schlüsselqualifikationen zu gelten hat, ist immer noch nicht in Sicht. In den allgemeinbildenden Schulen hingegen fand das Konzept keine große Beachtung. Zwar wurde hin und wieder auf den Begriff zurückgegriffen, um beispielsweise allgemein verbindliche Standards in der Schule zu thematisieren oder neuen Inhalten eine Legitimation zu verschaffen, dennoch griff die Debatte in der Schulpädagogik nicht nachhaltig. Gründe dafür liegen zum einen in der dem Konzept inhärenten berufsvorbereitenden Funktion, die der Idealvorstellung einer zweckfreien Bildung widerspricht, zum anderen in der relativ straffen und zentralisierten Gestaltung der Lehrpläne. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich auseinander. Eine Untersuchung von ca. 130 deutsch- und englischsprachigen Arbeiten, die Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich zum Thema haben, belegt eine sehr große Heterogenität der zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen und konkreten Modelle. Es wird gezeigt, dass die zwei wichtigsten Ordnungsschemata, die gelegentlich zur Abgrenzung der Schlüsselqualifikationen gegenüber anderen Bildungskomponenten herangezogen werden (nämlich die Taxonomie der Lernziele von Bloom und das Handlungskompetenzmodell von Roth in der Weiterentwicklung von Reetz) mit keinem kohärenten Rahmenwerk, das der Fülle der Modelle von Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich gerecht wäre, aufwarten können. Eine Alternative bietet eine diskursanalytische Perspektive foucaultscher Prägung. Begriffen als eine diskursive Formation, haben Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen ihre Gemeinsamkeit nicht in dem vermeintlich gemeinsamen Gegenstand. Demnach sind Schlüsselqualifikationen in der heutigen Hochschuldebatte keine Qualifikationen suis generis, die eine eigene Kategorie bilden, sondern eine Antwort auf die Herausforderungen, die die verschiedenartigen Veränderungen in und um Hochschulen mit sich bringen. Es lassen sich drei Kontexte identifizieren, in denen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen der Herausforderung zu begegnen versuchen: in der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen, in der vor-universitären Bildung sowie in der Hochschulbildung und in der Berufswelt. In diesen Kontexten artikulieren die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen verschiedene Dimensionen, um Gesellschafts-, Studier und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studierenden zu fördern. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Debatten und Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in der BRD und in England zeigt, dass diese drei Kontexte in beiden Ländern vorfindbar sind, jedoch deren inhaltliche Vorstellung und konkrete Umsetzung aufgrund der Partikularitäten des jeweiligen Hochschulsystems unterschiedliche Akzentuierungen erfahren. Anders als in der BRD betonen die Modelle der Förderung der Studierfähigkeit in England die Brückenkurse als Hilfestellung bei der Vorbereitung auf das Studium. Das hängt mit den uneinheitlichen Zugangsregelungen zum Hochschulstudium und der hierarchischen Struktur im englischen Hochschulsystem zusammen. Bei der Förderung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit setzen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in Deutschland, wo traditionell ein Hochschulstudium als berufsvorbereitend angesehen wird, den Akzent auf Praxisbezug des Studiums und auf Flexibilität. In England hingegen, wo sich das Studium per se nicht als berufsqualifizierend versteht, rücken die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen den Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt und das Karrieremanagement - subsumiert unter dem Konzept der employability - in den Vordergrund.


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Inadequate links between researchers and farmers has resulted in low uptake of research advances recommended to improve food security in the central highlands of Kenya. Access to timely and accurate information by extension agents and farmers is paramount in dissemination of soil fertility management practices. Hence, the study sought to investigate the effect of education levels on communication channels used to disseminate soil fertility technologies in the Central highlands of Kenya. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from 105 extension agents and 240 farmers. About 50.5% of the extension officers were certificate holders while 29.5% were diploma holders from agricultural institutes. Majority of the farmers had attained primary education (59.6%) while 25.8% and 9.2% had attained secondary and post secondary education, respectively. Research institutions were the most accessible sources of information on soil fertility management practices by extension agents while internet and scientific conferences were the least scored as accessible sources of soil fertility management information by extension agents. Education levels significantly influenced preference of individual approach methods by farmers. There was a significant positive relationship between education and accessibility of internet as a source of information on green manure. The implication of the study was that education levels influenced the mode of communication used in the transfer of soil fertility research outputs to the end users. Consequently, it is extremely important to consider education levels in selection of dissemination pathways used in agriculture.


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L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta investigació es elaborar una proposta de criteris útil per a l'elaboració i revisió de les seqüències de continguts educatius al currículum. Per dur-lo a terme, s'han desenvolupat les tasques següents: - Revisió critica de les diferents aportacions al tema des de la psicologia, l'epis¬temologia i la didàctica. - Elaboració d'un conjunt de criteris, fonamentals i relacionats, per orientar el professorat i els dissenyadors de currículums i materials curriculars en la presa de decisions sobre la manera de presentar i desenvolupar els continguts educatius en els plans d'ensenyament, englobant de manera simultània les dife¬rents variables que intervenen. - Estudi d'un cas en el qual un equip docent d'Educació Primària elabora una seqüència educativa per a l'estudi dels essers vius, i l'experimenta a l'aula, ba¬sant-se en la proposta de criteris realitzada. L'estudi del cas ha cobert un període de quatre anys de treball conjunt de l'investigador i l'equip docent. Hipòtesis de treball: L'establiment d'un conjunt de criteris explícits que orientin l'anàlisi i l'elaboració de seqüències de continguts educatius per part dels equips docents pot ajudar a millorar el disseny i el desenvolupament del currículum als centres. Se suposa que els criteris esmentats: 1. Proporcionaran als docents una millor comprensió dels continguts educatius que ensenyen, de la seva estructura lògica i psicològica i, en conseqüència dels as¬pectes més rellevants per a l'ensenyament. 2. Situaran el professorat en unes millors condicions per elaborar seqüències d'ensenyament fonamentades i progressives. 3. Facilitaran l'adaptació de Is continguts educatius a les capacitats, el conei¬xements i les experiències prèvies de l'alumnat. 4. Afavoriran una presentació dels continguts a l'alumnat més organitzada i relacionada. 5. Comentaran un tractament mes equilibrat i integrat dels diferents tipus de continguts. Conclusions: - Els criteris proposats s'han mostrat útils i coherents per ajudar a analitzar i reconduir les seqüències educatives, mitjançant hipòtesis explícites fonamentades que els donin més coherència. - El tipus d'intervenció realitzada i la metodologia utilitzada en l'estudi del cas, basades a l'observació participant s'han mostrat útils per tractar els pro¬blemes plantejats. - Els resultats del treball realitzat tenen repercussions en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat i en el disseny dels currículums i materials curri¬culars. D'una altra banda, la seva generalització faria necessari la seva rèplica en altres etapes i àrees curriculars.


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RESUMO: Objectivo: Face à exiguidade de estudos em Portugal nesta temática, o objectivo do estudo foi a análise entre a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR), e a prevalência da pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças do 4º ano do 1º ciclo. Método: Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), evocando-se estudos tranversais e de RCT, cruzando-se com resultados do estudo observacional, do Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Armando Lucena, do concelho de Mafra, distrito de Lisboa. Do estudo de RSL, e estudo observacional, fez-se a análise da verificação da associação inversa, entre a “aptidão cardiorespiratória, a pré-obesidade e obesidade”. O estudo observacional, foi transversal, incidindo sobre 143 crianças, (73 raparigas) dos 9-12 anos de idade do concelho de Mafra. Foram utilizados os pontos de corte da International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), para definir a pré-obesidade e obesidade. Registou-se o IMC e a % Massa Gorda por bioimpedância. A avaliação da ACR foi efectuada através do teste Vaivém 20 metros Fitnessgram, utilizando-se equação de Fernhall et al., (1998). Os alunos foram avaliados por questionário sobre actividade física (AF) extra-curricular (QAD, Telama et al., 1997); os pais sobre os níveis AF (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) e estatuto sócio-económico (ESE). Resultados: Os resultados do estudo observacional, corroboram os de outros estudos RSL. Não houve diferenças entre géneros na prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade: rapazes (20.55% e 8.21%) e raparigas (34.28% e 5.71%) (p<0.176). As crianças com maior ACR têm menor IMC (p<0.01) e MG (p<0.001) e a idade não esteve associada à ACR. Os pré-obesos são na sua maioria insuficientemente activos, e os normoponderais são insuficientemente activos (p=0.033). Não houve associação entre o ESE e AF dos pais e o IMC, ACR ou QAD dos alunos. Com base nos resultados encontrados na revisão, procurou-se situar diferentes abordagens teóricas sobre a actividade física, dando ênfase principal à importância “ da promoção (acesso) da actividade física através da educação física orientada pedagogicamente em todos os ciclos de ensino. Conclusão: As crianças que tiveram maior ACR registaram menor IMC e MG, independente da idade e do sexo. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis de ESE e AF dos pais, não está associada aos resultados da ACR, IMC e MG das crianças. ABSTRACT: Objective: Given the paucity of studies in Portugal on this theme, the goal of the study was to analyse the of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children attending the fourth year of primary school. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted, in which cross-cutting studies and RCT were covered and, intersected with observational results obtained, from the group of Schools Professor Armando Lucena, located in, the municipality of Mafra, Lisbon district. From the systematic review of literature (SRL), plus the observational study, the verification analysis of the inverse association between 'cardiorespiratory fitness, pre-obesity and obesity' was performed.The observational study was cross-sectional, focusing on 143 children (73 girls) of 9-12 years old. To define overweight and obesity the IOTF cutoffs were used. BMI and percentage of fat mass were recorded by means of bioelectrical impedance. The assessment was made through the CRF test shuttle Fitnessgram 20 meters, using the equation proposed by Fernhall et al., (1998). Students were assessed by questionnaire on physical activity (PA), extra-curricular PA (PAF Telama et al., 1997); parents were questioned regarding their PA levels (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) and socio-economic status (SES). Results: The results of the observational study, corroborate, other SRL studies. There were no gender differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity: men (20. 55% and 8.21%) and girls (34.28% and 5.71%) (p <0.176). Children with higher BMI have a lower CRF (p <0.01) and MG (p <0.001). Age was not observed to be associated with CRF. The pre-obese are mostly insufficiently active, and the normalweight are insufficiently active (p = 0.033). There was no association between the PA, the ESS, the parents, and the BMI, the CRF or the PAF of the students. Based on the results found in the review, different theoretical approaches regarding physical activity were. Emphasis was given to the importance of promoting the access to physical activity through pedagogically oriented physical education in all cycles of education. Conclusion: Children who had higher ACR showed lower FAT and BMI, regardless of age and sex. Furthermore, it was found that parents’ SES and PA variables are, not associated to children’s CRF, BMI and FAT.


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Nowadays we live in a literate society in which reading and writing skills are highly valued. Currently, the educational interventions seek to involve people from different backgrounds to form multidisciplinary teams. The present case study aimed to analyze the collaboration process between the different members of the context involved in educational intervention regarding the oral language disorders and learning disabilities in reading and writing. Concerning psychological evaluation we used different instruments for data collection. Firstly interview and clinical history where carried out afterwards a semi-structured interviews were prepared in order to obtain information about the performance of the special education team, the special education and children with special needs and learning difficulties in pre-primary and 1st cycle of basic education. The implementation of educational policies at the school where also considered in the case study which revealed difficulties in achieving the educational support for students with these problems.


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Europe's commitment to language learning has resulted in higher percentages of pupils studying foreign languages during primary education. In England, recent policy decisions to expand foreign language learning at primary level by 2010 create major implications for transition to secondary. This paper presents findings on transition issues from case studies of a DfES-funded project evaluating 19 local authority Pathfinders piloting the introduction of foreign language learning at primary level. Research on transition in other countries sets these findings in context. Finally, it investigates the challenges England faces for transition in the light of this expansion and discusses future implications.


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Education, especially higher education, is considered vital for maintaining national and individual competitiveness in the global knowledge economy. Following the introduction of its “Free Education Policy” as early as 1947, Sri Lanka is now the best performer in basic education in the South Asian region, with a remarkable record in terms of high literacy rates and the achievement of universal primary education. However, access to tertiary education is a bottleneck, due to an acute shortage of university places. In an attempt to address this problem, the government of Sri Lanka has invested heavily in information and communications technologies (ICTs) for distance education. Although this has resulted in some improvement, the authors of this article identify several barriers which are still impeding successful participation for the majority of Sri Lankans wanting to study at tertiary level. These impediments include the lack of infrastructure/resources, low English language proficiency, weak digital literacy, poor quality of materials and insufficient provision of student support. In the hope that future implementations of ICT-enabled education programmes can avoid repeating the mistakes identified by their research in this Sri Lankan case, the authors conclude their paper with a list of suggested policy options.


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Active participation of Brazilian civil society, coupled with the 2007 education development plan, launched by the Brazilian government provides an interesting example of the influences of the Dakar Goals. The two domestic initiatives share the same name, spirit and direction proposed in Dakar 2000. We analyse here changes in the Brazilian policies and indicators related to the Dakar Education Goals since its creation, we note: (i) an increase in enrolment over the relevant period; (ii) access to primary education was nearly universal by 2000; (iii) over-aged youth and adult students fell considerably during the period, but access did not expand; (iv) illiteracy has been falling at a rate which, if sustained, will enable us to meet the goal; (v) gender discrimination did not take place in Brazil; (vi) most pupil proficiency indicators have progressively deteriorated from what was already a low standard. In summary, quantity indicators did improve over the period while most quality indicators worsened.