313 resultados para Potentiality
In the present report and for the first time in the international literature, the impact of the addition of NaCl upon growth and lipid production on the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides was studied. Moreover, equally for first time, lipid production by R. toruloides was performed under non-aseptic conditions. Therefore, the potentiality of R. toruloides DSM 4444 to produce lipid in media containing several initial concentrations of NaCl with glucose employed as carbon source was studied. Preliminary batch-flask trials with increasing amounts of NaCl revealed the tolerance of the strain against NaCl content up to 6.0% (w/v). However, 4.0% (w/v) of NaCl stimulated lipid accumulation for this strain, by enhancing lipid production up to 71.3% (w/w) per dry cell weight. The same amount of NaCl was employed in pasteurized batch-flask cultures in order to investigate the role of the salt as bacterial inhibiting agent. The combination of NaCl and high glucose concentrations was found to satisfactorily suppress bacterial contamination of R. toruloides cultures under these conditions. Batch-bioreactor trials of the yeast in the same media with high glucose content (up to 150 g/L) resulted in satisfactory substrate assimilation, with almost linear kinetic profile for lipid production, regardless of the initial glucose concentration imposed. Finally, fed-batch bioreactor cultures led to the production of 37.2 g/L of biomass, accompanied by 64.5% (w/w) of lipid yield. Lipid yield per unit of glucose consumed received the very satisfactory value of 0.21 g/g, a value amongst the highest ones in the literature. The yeast lipid produced contained mainly oleic acid and to lesser extent palmitic and stearic acids, thus constituting a perfect starting material for “second generation” biodiesel
Kumaraswamy [Generalized probability density-function for double-bounded random-processes, J. Hydrol. 462 (1980), pp. 79-88] introduced a distribution for double-bounded random processes with hydrological applications. For the first time, based on this distribution, we describe a new family of generalized distributions (denoted with the prefix `Kw`) to extend the normal, Weibull, gamma, Gumbel, inverse Gaussian distributions, among several well-known distributions. Some special distributions in the new family such as the Kw-normal, Kw-Weibull, Kw-gamma, Kw-Gumbel and Kw-inverse Gaussian distribution are discussed. We express the ordinary moments of any Kw generalized distribution as linear functions of probability weighted moments (PWMs) of the parent distribution. We also obtain the ordinary moments of order statistics as functions of PWMs of the baseline distribution. We use the method of maximum likelihood to fit the distributions in the new class and illustrate the potentiality of the new model with an application to real data.
The present work reports on the thermo-optical properties of photorefractive sillenite Bi(12)SiO(20) (BSO) crystals obtained by applying the Thermal Lens Spectrometry technique (TLS). This crystals presents one high photorefractive sensitivity in the region blue-green spectra, since the measurements were carried out at two pump beam wavelengths (514.5 nm and 750 nm) to study of the light-induced effects in this material (thermal and/or photorefractive). We determine thermo-optical parameters like thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (K) and temperature coefficient of the optical path length change (ds/dT) in sillenite crystals. These aspects, for what we know, not was studied in details up to now using the lens spectrometry technique and are very important against of the promising potentiality of applications these crystals in non linear optics, real time holography and optical processing data.
In this paper we introduce the Weibull power series (WPS) class of distributions which is obtained by compounding Weibull and power series distributions where the compounding procedure follows same way that was previously carried out by Adamidis and Loukas (1998) This new class of distributions has as a particular case the two-parameter exponential power series (EPS) class of distributions (Chahkandi and Gawk 2009) which contains several lifetime models such as exponential geometric (Adamidis and Loukas 1998) exponential Poisson (Kus 2007) and exponential logarithmic (Tahmasbi and Rezaei 2008) distributions The hazard function of our class can be increasing decreasing and upside down bathtub shaped among others while the hazard function of an EPS distribution is only decreasing We obtain several properties of the WPS distributions such as moments order statistics estimation by maximum likelihood and inference for a large sample Furthermore the EM algorithm is also used to determine the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters and we discuss maximum entropy characterizations under suitable constraints Special distributions are studied in some detail Applications to two real data sets are given to show the flexibility and potentiality of the new class of distributions (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
The highly hydrophobic 5,10,15-triphenyl-20-(3-N-methylpyridinium-yl)porphyrin(3MMe)cationic species was synthesized, characterized and encapsulated in marine atelocollagen/xanthane gum microcapsules by the coacervation method. Further reduction in the capsule size, from several microns down to about 300-400 nm, was carried out successfully by ultrasonic processing in the presence of up to 1.6% Tween 20 surfactant, without affecting the distribution of 3MMe in the oily core. The resulting creamlike product exhibited enhanced photodynamic activity but negligible cytotoxicity towards HeLa cells. The polymeric micro/nanocapsule formulation was found to be about 4 times more phototoxic than the respective phosphatidylcholine lipidic emulsion, demonstrating high potentiality for photodynamic therapy applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the automation of a fully electrochemical system for preconcentration, cleanup, separation and detection, comprising the hyphenation of a thin layer electrochemical flow cell with CE coupled with contactless conductivity detection (CE-C(4)D). Traces of heavy metal ions were extracted from the pulsed-flowing sample and accumulated on a glassy carbon working electrode by electroreduction for some minutes. Anodic stripping of the accumulated metals was synchronized with hydrodynamic injection into the capillary. The effect of the angle of the slant polished tip of the CE capillary and its orientation against the working electrode in the electrochemical preconcentration (EPC) flow cell and of the accumulation time were studied, aiming at maximum CE-C(4)D signal enhancement. After 6 min of EPC, enhancement factors close to 50 times were obtained for thallium, lead, cadmium and copper ions, and about 16 for zinc ions. Limits of detection below 25 nmol/L were estimated for all target analytes but zinc. A second separation dimension was added to the CE separation capabilities by staircase scanning of the potentiostatic deposition and/or stripping potentials of metal ions, as implemented with the EPC-CE-C(4)D flow system. A matrix exchange between the deposition and stripping steps, highly valuable for sample cleanup, can be straightforwardly programmed with the multi-pumping flow management system. The automated simultaneous determination of the traces of five accumulable heavy metals together with four non-accumulated alkaline and alkaline earth metals in a single run was demonstrated, to highlight the potentiality of the system.
o trabalho apresenta a análise de um programa realizado pela Prefeitura do Município de Piraí, localizado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no qual visa estruturar uma política de geração de empregos a partir da cadeia produtiva de determinados produtos. A execução do programa teve início, com o planejamento e a construção de um condomínio industrial, que pudesse não só gerar empregos nas indústrias nele instaladas, mas também proporcionasse oportunidades de geração de empregos, nos estágios anteriores e/ou posteriores desta possível cadeia produtiva gerada. A participação do município então se estenderia à capacitação da população, para que esta, organizada principalmente com a estruturação de cooperativas, com apoio financeiro municipal, pudesse agregar-se aos estágios da produção. O enfoque municipal também se estendeu à forma de trabalho que demonstrasse potencialidade na região, sendo o caso do incentivo à piscicultura. Com isso, a geração de empregos se baseou em três grandes áreas: na indústria, na cooperativa e na piscicultura. Este programa proporcionou beneficios indiretos, além dos diretamente verificados, dados os objetivos preliminares, como uma conseqüente melhoria no nível de renda da população e um crescimento ordenado da região. A gestão pública enfatizou a necessidade de estabelecer uma forma de comércio integrado dos canais de produção local, visando proporcionar um nível de demanda satisfatório à manutenção dos mesmos. O beneficio criado pelo governo do município de Piraí, além da melhoria nos índices tradicionais referentes à qualidade de vida, pode ser observado numa maior interação do processo de cidadania, por meio das entidades comunitárias, associações e cooperativas.
Desde o final da década de 90, a securitização de ativos vem se firmando no mercado brasileiro como uma importante alternativa de captação de recursos. Essa inovação financeira permite às empresa o acesso direto ao mercado de capitais, para a venda de títulos lastreados em suas carteiras de recebíveis, eliminando a intermediação bancária e permitindo reduções no custo de capital, inclusive em comparação com títulos convencionais de dívida corporativa. Os títulos de securitização são em regra emitidos por um veículo de propósito específico (FIDC ou companhia securitizadora), com o objetivo de segregar os riscos do originador/tomador em relação aos créditos securitizados (lastro da emissão). Em 2004, a Lei 11.076 criou os novos títulos do agronegócio (CDA-WA, CDCA, LCA e CRA), inspirada na legislação da securitização imobiliária (SFI - Lei 9.514/97), buscando disponibilizar ao agronegócio uma nova fonte de recursos, via emissão de títulos no mercado de capitais. Desde então, um número crescente de operações estruturadas com esses papéis pôde ser observada, demonstrando sua funcionalidade e potencial. No entanto, o volume de captações públicas mais sofisticadas fundadas na emissão de cotas de FIDCs e de CRAs ainda se apresenta muito reduzida em relação à demanda do agronegócio por financiamento, sobretudo levando-se em conta a representatividade desse setor no Brasil. O setor sucro-energético é provavelmente o segmento do agronegócio que está em melhor posição para o desenvolvimento de operações de securitização, por apresentar características como: escala, padronização dos produtos, grau de consolidação dos grupos empresariais e perspectivas de crescimento, além do forte apelo ambiental. Os papéis associados a esse segmento possuem, dessa forma, um potencial singular para superar a resistência natural de investidores às aplicações financeiras na área agrícola. Este trabalho dedica-se a investigar como o conceito de securitização pode ser aplicado em operações ligadas ao agronegócio, particularmente ao setor sucro-alcooleiro. A partir de um estudo de caso, serão analisados aspectos operacionais de uma emissão pública de CRAs, ressaltando os mecanismos e procedimentos adotados para lidar com as particularidades dos títulos oriundos do agronegócio. O estudo mostra que a estruturação desse tipo de operação apresenta algumas características e desafios diferentes das operações fundadas em outros papéis, porém a priori administráveis a partir das técnicas tradicionais de securitização e da incorporação de mecanismos suplementares de gestão de riscos.
Este trabalho visa produzir conhecimento sobre como o Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região tem decidido sobre dois dos principais crimes afetos à administração das instituições financeiras: gestão fraudulenta e gestão temerária. Trata-se de delitos criticados pela doutrina em razão das falhas de definição dos tipos, desde a edição da Lei 7.492, em 1986. Além disso, a sua previsão legislativa possui características que os aproximam do paradigma do direito penal do risco, ou seja: são crimes de perigo abstrato, que tutelam bem jurídico supra-individual, praticados por administradores detentores do dever de probidade na condução das instituições frente aos riscos inerentes à dinâmica do sistema financeiro. A adoção desse paradigma é controversa na doutrina penal por implicar a flexibilização de garantias do Estado Democrático de Direito sob a perspectiva do paradigma do direito penal tradicional. Diante disso, adota-se a metodologia de análise de conteúdo de decisões para se responder a dois problemas de pesquisa: (1) Quais os critérios adotados pelo Tribunal para a configuração dos crimes? (2) As decisões aproximam-se de algum paradigma de direito penal? As hipóteses objeto de teste são: (1) que o Tribunal considera principalmente a prática da conduta sem analisar a sua potencialidade lesiva sob uma perspectiva ex ante; e, (2) que esse discurso de imputação de responsabilidade aproxima as decisões do paradigma do direito penal do risco, considerados, em contexto, outros elementos presentes nas decisões. Na primeira parte, é feita uma introdução metodológica; na segunda, estabelece-se o referencial teórico; na terceira e na quarta, realizam-se as análises dos resultados quantitativos e qualitativos obtidos com a sua discussão; por fim, procede-se à conclusão, levantando-se novo problema a ser investigado.
Apresentação do Japão de hoje e suas relações econômicas e comerciais com o Brasil. Estudo do mercado japonês, condição de acesso, estrutura de comercialização e perspectivas futuras. Uma análise dos produtos da pauta de exportação brasileira ao Japão, que apesar da sua participação marginal no total da exportação apresentaram uma taxa de crescimento superior à média nos últimos cinco anos, possuindo um mercado não convenientemente explorado pelos empresários brasileiros.
Esta tese apresenta algumas abordagens ainda não exploradas na avaliação e construção de rankings, exclusivamente daqueles baseados em indicadores compostos. Para isso, três artigos foram desenvolvidos com o intuito de evoluir com uma literatura genericamente aplicável, ou seja, não restrita a contextos de rankings específicos. No primeiro desses artigos, composto por três estudos, mostrou-se que as informações percebidas pelos usuários através dos rankings nem sempre são fornecidas por eles. No segundo, o qual pode ser entendido como uma extensão do primeiro, propôs-se a criação de uma métrica – intitulada COMP – destinada a mensurar o grau de compatibilidade entre as informações percebidas pelos usuários e aquelas fornecidas pelos rankings. No terceiro artigo, independente dos dois primeiros, explorou-se o potencial da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI) enquanto metodologia para a avaliação e construção de rankings. Para isso, dois estudos, o primeiro deles focado no Failed States Index (FSI) e o segundo no Index of Economic Freedom (IEF) foram desenvolvidos para mostrar as potencialidades da metodologia proposta.
Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces
Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
In Brazil, accidents with scorpions are considered of medical importance, not only by the high incidence, but also for the potentiality of the venom from some species in determining severe clinical conditions. Tityus stigmurus is a widely distributed scorpion species in Northeastern Brazil and known to cause severe human envenomations, inducing pain, hyposthesia, edema, erythema, paresthesia, headaches and vomiting. The present study uses a transcriptomic approach to characterize the molecular repertoire from the non-stimulated venom gland of Tityus stigmurus scorpion. A cDNA library was constructed and 540 clones were sequenced and grouped into 37 clusters, with more than one EST (expressed sequence tag) and 116 singlets. Forty-one percent of ESTs belong to recognized toxin-coding sequences, with antimicrobial toxins (AMP-like) the most abundant transcripts, followed by alfa KTx- like, beta KTx-like, beta NaTx-like and alfa NaTx-like. Our analysis indicated that 34% include other possible venom molecules , whose transcripts correspond to anionic peptides, hypothetical secreted peptides, metalloproteinases, cystein-rich peptides and lectins. Fifteen percent of ESTs are similar to cellular transcripts. Sequences without good matches corresponded to 11%. This investigation provides the first global view of cDNAs from Tityus stigmurus. This approach enables characterization of a large number of venom gland component molecules, which belong either to known or atypical types of venom peptides and proteins from the Buthidae family
The state of Rio Grande do Norte presents a great potentiality for the production of ceramic tiles because of having natural raw material in quantity and quality making its economical exploration possible, beyond the great energetic differential of the state, the natural gás. This works aims to study the influence of the dolomite and granulometry concentration and calcinations temperature in the obtaining of formulations for porous coverings which have to be coherent to the project,s specifications. The experiments have involved the physical-chemical and mineralogical characterizations of raw materials and mechanical tests in the dry and burnt proof bodies preceding a mixture experiment planning with the use of the response surface methodology, in order to get the best raw materials combinations to produce a ceramic mass with specific properties. The twelve ceramic masses studied in this work were prepared by the via dry process, characterized, shaped by uniaxial pressing and sinterized in the temperatures of 940ºC, 1000ºC, 1060ºC, 1120ºC and 1180ºC, using a fast burning cycle. The crystalline phases formed during the sintering in the temperatures in study have revealed the presence of anorthite and diopside beyond quartz with a remaining phase. These phases were the main responsible ones by the physical- mechanical properties of the sinterized proof bodies. The proof bodies after the sintering stage have presented water absorption higher than 10% and a good dimensional stability in all studied temperatures. However, the flexural breaking strength results in the temperatures of 940ºC, 1000ºC and 1060ºC, under the temperature zone of the vitrification of ceramic whiteware do not reach the flexural breaking strength specific for the porous wall tile (15 MPa), but in the temperature of 1120ºC next to the vitrification temperature zone, some whiteware ceramic (formulations) has reached the specified value for the porous wall tile. The results of this work have showed that the studied raw materials have great importance for used in the production of porous wall tiles (BIII)