879 resultados para Potential bio-activity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The crab Ucides cordatus and the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle are endemic mangrove species and potential bio-accumulators of metals. This study quantified the accumulation of six metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn and Pb) in different organs (claw muscle, hepatopancreas and gills) of U. cordatus, as well as in different maturation stages of the leaves (buds, green mature, and pre-abscission senescent) of R. mangle. Samples were collected from mangrove areas in Cubatao, state of Sao Paulo, a heavily polluted region in Brazil. Data for metal contents in leaves were evaluated by one-way ANOVA; while for crabs a factorial ANOVA was used to investigate the effect of different tissues, animal size and the interactions between them. Means were compared by Tukey test at five percent, and the association between the metal concentrations in each crab organ, depending on the size, was evaluated by Pearson's linear correlation coefficient (r). Concentrations of Pb and Hg were undetectable for the different leaf stages and crab tissues, while Cd concentrations were undetectable in the leaf stages. In general, the highest accumulation of metals in R. mangle leaves occurred in pre-abscission senescent and green mature leaves, except for Cu, which was found in the highest concentrations in buds and green mature leaves. For the crab, Cd, Cu, Cr and Mn were present in concentrations above the detection limit, with the highest accumulation in the hepatopancreas, followed by the gills. Cu was accumulated mostly in the gills. Patterns of bioaccumulation between the crab and the mangrove tree differed for each metal, probably due to the specific requirements of each organism for essential metals. However, there was a close and direct relationship between metal accumulation in the mangrove trees and in the crabs feeding on them. Tissues of R. mangle leaves and U. cordatus proved effective for monitoring metals, acting as important bioindicators of mangrove areas contaminated by various metals. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Phosphoethanolamine (Pho-s) is a compound involved in phospholipid turnover, acting as a substrate for many phospholipids of the cell membranes, especially phosphatidylcholine. We recently reported that synthetic Pho-s has potent effects on a wide variety of tumor cells. To determine if Pho-s has a potential antitumor activity, in this study we evaluated the activity of Pho-s against the B16-F10 melanoma both in vitro and in mice bearing a dorsal tumor. The treatment of B16F10 cells with Pho-s resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. At low concentrations, this activity appears to be involved in the arrest of the cell cycle at G2/M, while at high concentrations Pho-s induces apoptosis. In accordance with these results, the loss of mitochondrial potential and increased caspase-3 activity suggest that Phos has dual antitumor effects; i.e. it induces apoptosis at high concentrations and modulates the cell cycle at lower concentrations. In vivo, we evaluated the effect of Pho-s in mice bearing B16-F10 melanoma. The results show that Pho-s reduces the tumoral volume increasing survival rate. Furthermore, the tumor doubling time and tumor delays were substantially reduced when compared with untreated mice. Histological analyses reveal that Pho-s induces changes in cell morphology, typical characteristics of apoptosis, in addition the large areas of necrosis correlating with a reduction of tumor size. The results presented here support the hypothesis that Pho-s has antitumor effects by the induction of apoptosis as well as the inhibition of cell proliferation by arrest at G2/M. Thus, Pho-s can be regarded as a promising agent for the treatment of melanoma. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Da maligne Neoplasien durch Mutationen in Proto-Onko- und/oder Tumorsuppressorgenen ausgelöst werden, stellt die DNA eines der wichtigsten Targets für die Entwicklung neuer Zytostatika dar. Auch bei den im Arbeitskreis Pindur designten und synthetisier-ten Verbindungen der Nukleobasen-gekoppelten Pyrrolcarboxamid-, der Hetaren[a]carbazol- und der Combilexin-Reihe handelt es sich um DNA-Liganden mit potentiell antitumoraktiven Eigenschaf-ten. Die einen dualen Bindemodus aufweisenden Combilexine bestehen aus einem Interkalator (u. a. Naphthalimid, Acridon), der über einen Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit einer rinnenbin-denden, von Netropsin abgeleiteten Bispyrrol-, oder einer bioisosteren Imidazol-, Thiazol- oder Thiophen-pyrrolcarboxamid-struktur verknüpft ist. Das N-terminale Ende der Combilexine wird von einer N,N-Dimethylaminopropyl- oder -ethyl-Seitenkette gebildet. Die DNA-Affinitäten der Liganden wurden mittels Tm-Wert-Messung-en bestimmt. Diese Denaturierungsexperimente wurden sowohl mit poly(dAdT)2- als auch mit Thymus-DNA (~42% GC-Anteil) durchge-führt, um Aussagen zur Stärke und zur Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung machen zu können. Des Weiteren wurden die Bindekon-stanten einiger ausgewählter Vertreter mit Hilfe des Ethidium-bromid-Verdrängungsassays ermittelt; einige Testverbindungen wurden zudem auf potentiell vorhandene, TOPO I-inhibierende Eigenschaften untersucht. Diese biochemischen und biophysika-lischen Tests wurden durch Molecular Modelling-Studien ergänzt, die die Berechnung von molekularen Eigenschaften, die Durch-führung von Konformerenanalysen und die Simulation von DNA-Ligand-Komplexen (Docking) umfassten. Durch Korrelation der in vitro-Befunde mit den in silico-Daten gelang es, vor allem für die Substanzklasse der Combilexine einige richtungweisende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen aufzustellen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Einführung eines Imidazol-Rings in die rinnen-bindende Hetaren-pyrrolcarboxamid-Struktur der Combilexine aufgrund der H-Brücken-Akzeptor-Funktion des sp2-hybridisierten N-Atoms eine Verschiebung der Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung von AT- zu GC-reichen Arealen der DNA bedingt. Zudem erwies sich ein C3-Linker für die Verknüpfung des Naphthalimids mit dem rinnenbindenden Strukturelement als am besten geeignet, während bei den Acridon-Derivaten die Verbindungen mit einem N-terminalen Buttersäure-Linker die höchste DNA-Affinität aufwiesen. Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich auf die im Vergleich zum Naphthalimid-Molekül geringere y-Achsen-Ausdehnung (bzgl. eines x/y-Koordinatensystems) des Acridons zurückzuführen. Die ermittelten Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen können dazu herangezogen werden, das rationale Design neuer DNA-Liganden mit potentiell stärkerer DNA-Bindung zu optimieren.
Die technische Silikatproduktion erfordert in der Regel hohe Temperaturen und extreme pH-Werte. In der Natur hingegen haben insbesondere Kieselschwämme die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit, ihr Silikatskelett, das aus einzelnen sogenannten Spiculae besteht, enzymatisch mittels des Proteins Silicatein zu synthetisieren. rnIm Inneren der Spiculae, im zentralen Kanal, befindet sich das Axialfilament, welches hauptsächlich aus Silicatein-α aufgebaut ist. Mittels Antikörperfärbungen und Elektronenmikroskopischen Analysen konnte festgestellt werden, dass Silicatein in mit Kieselsäure-gefüllten Zellorganellen (silicasomes) nachzuweisen ist. Mittels dieser Vakuolen kann das Enzym und die Kieselsäure aus der Zelle zu den Spiculae im extrazellulären Raum befördert werden, wo diese ihre endgültige Länge und Dicke erreichen. Zum ersten Mal konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass rekombinant hergestelltes Silicatein-α sowohl als Siliciumdioxid-Polymerase als auch Siliciumdioxid-Esterase wirkt. Mittels Massenspektroskopie konnte die enzymatische Polymerisation von Kieselsäure nachverfolgt werden. Durch Spaltung der Esterbindung des künstlichen Substrates Bis(p-aminophenoxy)-dimethylsilan war es möglich kinetische Parameter der Siliciumdioxid-Esterase-Aktivität des rekombinanten Silicateins zu ermitteln.rnZu den größten biogenen Silikatstukuren auf der Erde gehören die Kieselnadeln der Schwammklasse Hexactinellida. Nadelextrakte aus den Schwammklassen Demospongien (S. domuncula) und Hexactinellida (M. chuni) wurden miteinander verglichen um die potentielle Existenz von Silicatein oder Silicatein-ähnliche Molekülen und die dazu gehörige proteolytischen Aktivität nachzuweisen. Biochemische Analysen zeigten, dass das 27 kDA große isolierte Polypeptid in Monoraphis mehrere gemeinsame Merkmale mit den Silicateinen der Demospongien teilt. Dazu gehören die Größe und die Proteinase-Aktivität. rnUm die Frage zu klären, ob das axiale Filament selbst zur Formbildung der Skelettelemente beiträgt, wurde ein neues mildes Extraktionsverfahren eingeführt. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte die Solubilisierung des nativen Silicateins aus den Spiculae. Die isolierten Silicateine lagen als Monomere (24 kDa) vor, die Dimere durch nicht-kovalente Bindungen ausbildeten. Darüber hinaus konnten durch PAGE-Gelelektrophorese Tetramere (95 kDa) und Hexamere (135 kDa) nachgewiesen werden. Die Monomere zeigten eine beträchtliche proteolytische Aktivität, die sich während der Polymerisationsphase des Proteins weiter erhöhte. Mit Hilfe der Lichtmikroskopie und Elektronenmikroskopie (TEM) konnte die Assemblierung der Proteine zu filamentartigen Strukturen gezeigt werden. Die Selbstorganisation der Silicatein-α-Monomeren scheint eine Basis für Form- und Musterbildung der wachsenden Nadeln zu bilden.rn Um die Rolle des kürzlich entdeckten Proteins Silintaphin-1, ein starker Interaktionspartner des Silicatein-α, während der Biosilifizierung zu klären, wurden Assemblierungs-Experimente mit den rekombinanten Proteinen in vitro durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurde deren Effekt auf die Biosilikatsynthese untersucht. Elektronenmikroskopische Analysen ergaben, dass rekombinantes Silicatein-α zufällig verteilte Aggregate bildet, während die Koinkubation beider Proteine (molekulares Verhältnis 4:1) über fraktal artige Strukturen zu Filamenten führt. Auch die enzymatische Aktivität der Silicatein-α-vermittelte Biosilikatsynthese erhöhte sich in Gegenwart von Silintaphin-1 um das 5,3-fache. rn
Prostate cancer (PCa) progression is enhanced by androgen and treatment with antiandrogens represents an alternative to castration. While patients initially respond favorably to androgen ablation therapy, most experience a relapse of the disease within 1-2 years by expressing androgen receptor (AR) mutants. Such mutations, indeed, promote unfavorable agonistic behavior from classical antagonists. Here, we have synthesized and screened 37 novel compounds derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), cyanolutamide and hydroxyflutamide. These derivatives were tested for their potential antagonistic activity using a luciferase reporter gene assay and binding properties were determined for wild type (WT) and mutant ARs (T877A, W741C, W741L, H874Y). In the absence and presence of antiandrogens, androgen dependent cellular proliferation and prostate specific antigen (PSA) expression were assayed in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP by crystal violet, real time PCR and by Western blots. Also, cellular proliferation and PSA expression were assayed in 22Rv1. A novel compound RB346, derived from DHT, was found to be an antagonist for all tested AR forms, preventing DHT induced proliferation and PSA expression in LNCaP and 22Rv1 cells. RB346 displayed no agonistic activity, in contrast to the non-steroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide (Casodex) with unfavorable agonistic activity for W741L-AR. Additionally, RB346 has a slightly higher binding affinity for WT-AR, T877A-AR and H874Y-AR than bicalutamide. Thus, RB346 is the first potent steroidal antiandrogen with efficacy for WT and various AR mutants.
Northern wetlands, and particularly peatlands, have been shown to store around 30% of the world's soil carbon and thus play a significant role in the carbon cycle of our planet. Changes in climate are altering peatland hydrology and vegetation communities. These changes are possibly resulting in declines in the ability of peatlands to sequester carbon because losses through carbon oxidation and mineralization are likely to increase relative to C inputs from net primary production in a warmer, drier climate. However, the consequences of interactive effects of altered hydrology and vegetation on carbon storage are not well understood. This research evaluated the importance of plant species, water table, and their interactive effects on porewater quality in a northern peatland with an average pH of 4.54, ranging from 4.15 to 4.8. We assessed the effects of plant functional group (ericaceous shrubs, sedges, and bryophytes) and water table position on biogeochemical processes. Specifically, we measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), potential enzyme activity, organic acids, anions and cations, spectral indexes of aromaticity, and phenolic content. Our results indicate that acetate and propionate concentrations in the sedge-dominated communities declined with depth and water table drawdown, relative to the control and ericaceous treatments. DOC increased in the lowered water table treatments in all vegetation community types, and the peat porewater C:N ratio declined in the sedge-dominated treatments when the water table was lowered. The relationship between DOC and ferrous iron showed significant responses to vegetation type; the exclusion of Ericaceae resulted in less ferrous iron per unit DOC compared to mixed species treatments and Ericaceae alone. This observation was corroborated with higher mean oxidation redox potential profiles (integrating 20, 40, and 70 cm) measured in the sedge treatments, compared with the mixed and Ericaceae species treatments over a growing season. Enzymatic activities did not show as strong of a response to treatments as expected; the oxidative enzyme peroxidase and the hydrolytic enzyme phosphatase were the only enzymes to respond to water table, where the potential activity of both enzymes increased with water table drawdown. Overall, there were significant interactive effects between changes in vegetation and water table position on peat porewater composition. These data suggest that vegetation effects on oxidation reduction potentials and peat porewater character can be as important as water table position in northern bog ecosystems.
Antibiotics are emerging contaminants worldwide. Due to insufficient policy regulations, public awareness, and the constant exposure of the environment to antibiotic sources has created a major environmental concern. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are not equipped to filter-out these compounds before the discharge of the disinfected effluent into water sources (e.g., lakes and streams) and current available technologies are not equipped to remediate these compounds from environmental sources. Hence, the challenge remains to establish a biological system to remove these antibiotics from wastewater. An invitro hydroponic remediation system was developed using vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Nash) to remediate tetracycline (TC) from water. Comparative metabolomics studies were conducted to investigate the metabolites/pathways associated with tetracycline metabolism in plants and TC-degrading bacteria. The results show that vetiver plants effectively uptake tetracycline from water sources. Vetiver root-associated bacteria recovered during the hydroponic remediation trial were highly tolerant to TC (as high as 600 ppm) and could use TC as a sole carbon and energy source. Growth conditions (pH, temperature, and oxygen requirement) for TC-tolerant bacteria were optimized for higher TC remediation capability from water sources. The plant (roots and shoots) and bacterial species were further characterized for the metabolites produced during the TC degradation process using GC-MS to identify the possible biochemical mechanism involved. Also, the plant root zone was screened for metabolites/enzymes that were secreted during antibiotic degradation and could potentially enhance the degradation process. The root zone was selected for this analysis because this region of the plant has shown a greater capacity for antibiotic degradation compared to the shoot zone. The role of antioxidant enzymes in TC degradation process revealed glutathione-S-transferase (GSTs) as an important group of enzymes in both plant and bacteria potentially involved in TC degradation process. Metabolomics results also suggest potential GST activity in the TC remediation/ transformation process used by plants. This information could be useful in gaining insights for the application of biological remediation systems for the mitigation of antibiotics from waste-water.
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the etiologic agent of furunculosis, a frequent and significant disease of fisheries worldwide. The disease is largely controlled by commercial oil adjuvanted vaccines containing bacterins. However, the mechanisms leading to a protective immune response remain poorly understood. The type-three secretion system (T3SS) plays a central role in virulence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and thus may have an influence on the immune response of the host. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the T3SS antigens in mounting a protective immune response against furunculosis. Rainbow trout were intraperitoneally vaccinated in two independent experiments with bacterins prepared from a wild-type A. salmonicida strain and an isogenic strain carrying a deletion in the T3SS (ΔascV). Fish were challenged with the wt strain eight weeks after vaccination. In both trials, the survival rate of trout vaccinated with the ΔascV strain was significantly higher (23-28%) in comparison to the group vaccinated with the wt strain. High-throughput proteomics analysis of whole bacteria showed the ascV deletion in the mutant strain resulted in lower expression of all the components of the T3SS, several of which have a potential immunosuppressive activity. In a third experiment, fish were vaccinated with recombinant AcrV (homologous to the protective antigen LcrV of Yersinia) or S-layer protein VapA (control). AcrV vaccinated fish were not protected against a challenge while fish vaccinated with VapA were partially protected. The presence of T3SS proteins in the vaccine preparations decreased the level of protection against A. salmonicida infection and that AcrV was not a protective antigen. These results challenge the hypothesis that mounting specific antibodies against T3SS proteins should bring better protection to fish and demonstrate that further investigations are needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying effective immune responses against A. salmonicida infection.
Bacterial abundance, bacterial secondary production (BSP) and potential ectoproteolytic activity (PEA) were measured at 6 stations along the Strait of Magellan, South America, toward the end of summer 1995. Because of hydrological and climatic factors, 3 main areas could be identified in which the bacterial component displayed specific characteristics. In the Pacific Ocean side, subjected to freshwater inputs from rainfalls and melting of glaciers, the bacterial activities showed the highest values (BSP: 228.2 ng C/l h; PEA: 12.2 nmol/l h). The bacterial biomass was greater than the phytoplanktonic biomass, probably due to organic inputs from land stimulating the bacterial growth. The central part of the Strait demonstrated the lowest values (BSP: 32.6 ng C/l h, PEA: 4.6 nmol/l h), although the ratio of bacterial biomass to phytoplanktonic biomass was greater than 1. In the third area, the Atlantic Ocean opening, subjected to strong tidal currents, BSP and PEA displayed high values, 80 to 88.7 ng C/l h and 11.7 nmol/l h respectively. Nevertheless, the ratio of bacterial to phytoplanktonic biomass was less than 1, like in eutrophic areas. On the other hand, no impact of the tide was noted on bacterial parameters. Considering all samples measured in the 0 to 50 m layer, although BSP and PEA were positively correlated with bacterial abundance, the PEA to BSP ratio was negatively correlated with the bacterial biomass (r = -0.72, p < 0.001, n = 22). This ratio could be an indicator of trophic conditions in the 3 subsystems of the Strait.
Seasonality of biomarker baseline levels were studied in polar cod (Boreogadus saida), caught in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, in April, July, September and December, 2006-2007. Physiological parameters (condition factor, gonado- and hepato-somatic indexes, energy reserves, potential metabolic activity and antifreeze activity) in polar cod were used to interpret the seasonality of potential biomarkers. The highest levels of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity occurred concomitantly with the highest potential metabolic activity in July due to e.g. intense feeding. During pre-spawning, EROD showed significant inhibition and gender differences. Hence, its potential use in environmental monitoring should imply gender differentiation at least during this period. Glutathione S-transferase and catalase activities were stable from April to September, but changed in December suggesting a link to low biological activity. Knowledge of the biomarker baseline levels and their seasonal trends in polar cod is essential for a trustworthy interpretation of forthcoming toxicity data and environmental monitoring in the Arctic.
Here we describe the properties of CP-154,526, a potent and selective nonpeptide antagonist of corticotropin (ACTH) releasing factor (CRF) receptors. CP-154,526 binds with high affinity to CRF receptors (Ki < 10 nM) and blocks CRF-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in membranes prepared from rat cortex and pituitary. Systemically administered CP-154,526 antagonizes the stimulatory effects of exogenous CRF on plasma ACTH, locus coeruleus neuronal firing and startle response amplitude. Potential anxiolytic activity of CP-154,526 was revealed in a fearpotentiated startle paradigm. These data are presented in the context of clinical findings, which suggest that CRF is hypersecreted in certain pathological states. We propose that a CRF antagonist such as CP-154,526 could affirm the role of CRF in certain psychiatric diseases and may be of significant value in the treatment of these disorders.
The thermal multicomponent 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (1,3-DC) of diethyl aminomalonate or α-amino esters (derived from glycine, alanine, phenylalanine, and phenylglycine) with ethyl glyoxylate and the corresponding dipolarophile such as maleimides, methyl acrylate, methyl fumarate, (E)-1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene, and electron deficient alkynes allows the diastereoselective synthesis of new polysubstituted pyrrolidine derivatives. Microwave-assisted heating processes give better results than conventional heating ones, affording endo-cycloadducts as major stereoisomers. In general, 2,5-cis-cycloadducts are preferentially formed according to the previous formation of the W-shaped dipole. Only in the 1,3-DC of the disulfone with phenylglycine and ethyl glyoxylate the corresponding exo-trans-cycloadduct was isolated. The compound endo-cis-4b, derived from phenylalanine, ethyl glyoxylate and N-benzylmaleimide, has been further transformed into a very complex diazabicyclo[2.2.1]octane skeleton with potential biological activity.
Radiolabeled products were formed from labeled substrates during anaerobic incubation of sediments from Sites 618, 619, and 622. One set of experiments formed 14CO2, 14CH4, and 35SH2 from 2-14C-acetate and 35S-sulfate; a second set formed 14CH4 from 14C-methylamine or 14C-trimethylamine. Levels of 14CO2 and 35S2 formed were two to three orders of magnitude greater than 14CH4. Production of 14CH4 by Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sediments was four to five orders of magnitude less than that formed by anoxic San Francisco Bay sediment. However, incubation of Site 622 sediment slurries under H2 demonstrated production of small quantities of CH4. These results indicate that DSDP sediments recovered from 4 to 167 m sub-bottom (age 85,000-110,000 yr.) harbor potential microbial activity which includes sulfate reducers and methanogens. Analysis of pore waters from these DSDP sites indicates that bacterial substrates (acetate, methylated amines) were present.