976 resultados para Portland (Vic.) -- Guidebooks
Acabada la guerra civil de 1936 l"església catòlica elaborà una enquesta per totes les diòcesis espanyoles amb l"objectiu de conèixer de primera mà l"estat de les parròquies i dels bisbats. En ella s"interroga sobre els aspectes fonamentals de la seva organització. En aquest article s"analitzen els resultats referents al Bisbat de Vic i es posa especial atenció en les respostes referents a l"estat del patrimoni cultural, com ara pèrdues en obres d"art (altars, retaules, imatges, orgues i harmòniums, campanes, creus, objectes del culte, mobles, reliquiaris, pintures o tapissos
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comprovar si una millor relació entre gimnasta i entrenadora és un factor determinant per a poder obtenir més resultats en les competicions. S’estudien tres grups dividits per tres nivells diferents: Escolar (8 gimnastes), Promogym (11 gimnastes) i Tecnificació (28 gimnastes). A partir d’una adaptació feta dels qüestionaris Cart-Q de Jowett i Ntoumanis (2004) i l’ SF-PANAS de Thompson (2007) es realitzarà l’anàlisi de la relació gimnasta-entrenadora abans de dues competicions, on s’analitzaran els podis. Observant l’estudi, una baixada de mitjanes dels aspectes de les 3 C’s (proximitat, compromís i complementarietat) estava acompanyat d’una baixada de resultats i una pujada de les mitjanes de les 3 C’s estava relacionat amb l’obtenció de més podis. Per tant, a l’hora de valorar els resultats en competició la relació gimnasta-entrenadora és un factor important a tenir en compte.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball es investigar pensaments i actituds dels joves no musulmans cap a les persones musulmanes i també dels joves musulmans cap a les persones no musulmanes i musulmanes. També esbrinar la connexió entre estereotip racial i el terme «islamofòbia». L’estudi s’ha realitzat amb joves d’entre 14 i 18 anys que estan estudiant els cursos de 3er i 4rt d’E.S.O en Instituts de la ciutat de Vic. Anteriorment a aquest estudi, es pot observar dins el treball una fonamentació teòrica sobre l’estereotip racial, els models d’estudi contemporani d’aquest, l’aparició del terme «islamofòbia» i el seu antagònic «occidentofòbia», així com també l’influenciabilitat dels joves en l’adolescència. Per tal de realitzar aquesta investigació s’ha aplicat una enquesta. Els resultats obtinguts un cop realitzat l’estudi, han demostrat que alguns pensaments i actituds recollides sobre les persones musulmanes estan basades en estereotips de tipus racial sovint amb un tendència pejorativa cap a aquest grup social.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és visibilitzar la participació de les dones a la ciutat de Vic, per tal de reconèixer el seu paper dins la societat. Aquest treball pretén doncs, ressaltar una presència visible i empoderada de les dones dins les associacions i, també, un canvi de mirada que permeti veure les dones com a protagonistes de canvis i transformacions. La divisió tradicional del treball va confinar la dona a l’espai privat, de manera que l’allunyà de la participació política, institucional i social de la vida. L’aportació del moviment associatiu femení ha estat clau, i la influència que ha exercit en les conquestes socials és evident. Com a producte final i per tal de donar evidència de la participació de les dones a la ciutat, adjunto un llibret on es pot trobar totes les associacions de dones que hi ha Vic, amb la seva fitxa tècnica pertinent i la mirada d’algunes de les dones que participen activament d’aquest associacionisme femení.
En aquest article revisem la Historia de l'actual Escola Universitaria de Ciencies de la Salut (EUCS), de la Universitat de Vic. És a dir, repassem els seus 3 1 anys de vida institucional al servei de la formació professional de la Infermeria, primer i posteriorment, de les altres professions sanitaries: Nutrició Humana i Dietktica, Fisioterapia i Terapia Ocupacional. Després de fer una breu referencia a alguns antecedents instructius del segle XIX i XX, ens endinsem a la Histbria de I'EUCS prbpiament dita. Aquesta s'ha dividit en 4 etapes. La primera etapa és la de 1'Escola Femenina d'Ajudants Tecnics Sanitaris (ATS); la segona, 1'Escola Universitaria d'lnfermeria Osona (EUIO); la tercera, la dels Estudis Universitaris de Vic (EUIO-EUV); i, la quarta, la de la Universitat de Vic (EUCS-Wic). Hem procurat alternar-hi il-lustracions i experiencies viscudes per alguns testimonis, a fi de fer-ho més ame. Aixb ha estat possible gdcies a la col.laboració de les persones que es ressenyen al final (vegeu fonts consultades). 1, molt especialment, gracies al cornitl: organitzador d'aquesta Jornada. No obstant, cal advertir que aquesta nota és més aviat una pinzellada. La veritable reconstrucció de la vida de la nostra institució requeriria un treball molt rnés aprofundit, fet amb més temps, més testimonis, rnés estudi documental, ... En definitiva, més profunditat (currículum, professorat, estudiants, assignatures, llocs de practiques, metodologia docent, avaluació, inserció laboral, abandonaments, recursos, etc.). Deixo, doncs, la porta oberta per a qui s'anirni a continuar.
En este artículo se elabora un diagnóstico de las asignaturas que siguen el método AICLE (Apredizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras) en la Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación (FEC) de la Universitat de Vic (UVic). En base a cuatro entrevistas semiestructuradas al profesorado que las imparte y a encuestas a 60 estudiantes de segundo ciclo de los estudios de comunicación, se elabora un diagnóstico de los puntos fuertes y débiles de la aplicación de este método y se recogen propuestas para mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés en las carreras de Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual y, también, de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas que se imparten en la Universitad de Vic.
If adequately designed and high quality material and good construction practices are used, portland cement concrete is very durable. This is demonstrated by the oldest pavement in Iowa (second oldest in the U.S.) paved in 1904, which performed well for 70 years without resurfacing. The design thickness is an important factor in both the performance and cost of pavement. The objective of this paper is to provide a 30-year performance evaluation of a pavement constructed to determine the required design thickness for low volume secondary roadways. In 1951 Greene County and the Iowa Highway Research Board of the Iowa Department of Transportation initiated a four-mile (6.4 km) demonstration project to evaluate thicknesses ranging from 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) to 6" (15.2 cm). The project, consisting of 10 research sections, was formed pavement placed on a gravel roadbed with very little preparation except for redistribution of the loose aggregate. Eight sections were non-reinforced except for centerline tie bars and no contraction joints were used. Mesh reinforcing and contraction joints spaced at 29' 7" (9.02 m) intervals were used in two 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick sections. The only air entrained section was non-reinforced. The pavement performed well over its 30-year life carrying a light volume of traffic and did not require major maintenance. There was substantial cracking with average slab length varying directly with thickness. The 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick non-air entrained, mesh-reinforced pavement with contraction joints has performed the best.
Agafant com a premissa l’elevat grau de poblament disseminat de la plana de Vic i la forta interrelació entre els diferents assentaments, el present treball caracteritza l’actual model urbà dispers de la conurbació vigatana (Osona). L’estudi elabora dos mapes, mitjan segle xx i actual (2009), a través d’un Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), i interpreta els resultats partint del concepte de ciutat difusa
Transverse joints are placed in portland cement concrete pavements to control the development of random cracking due to stresses induced by moisture and thermal gradients and restrained slab movement. These joints are strengthened through the use of load transfer devices, typically dowel bars, designed to transfer load across the joint from one pavement slab to the next. Epoxy coated steel bars are the materials of choice at the present time, but have experienced some difficulties with resistance to corrosion from deicing salts. The research project investigated the use of alternative materials, dowel size and spacing to determine the benefits and limitations of each material. In this project two types of fiber composite materials, stainless steel solid dowels and epoxy coated dowels were tested for five years in side by side installation in a portion of U.S. 65 near Des Moines, Iowa, between 1997 and 2002. The work was directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of 8-in. vs. 12-in. spacing of the dowels and the alternative dowel materials, fiber composite (1.5- and 1.88-in. diameter) and stainless steel (1.5-in. diameter), compared to typical 1.5-in. diameter epoxy-coated steel dowels placed on 12-in. spacing. Data were collected biannually within each series of joints and variables in terms of load transfer in each lane (outer wheel path), visual distress, joint openings, and faulting in each wheel path. After five years of performance the following observations were made from the data collected. Each of the dowel materials is performing equally in terms of load transfer, joint movement and faulting. Stainless steel dowels are providing load transfer performance equal to or greater than epoxy-coated steel dowels at the end of five years. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) dowels of the sizes and materials tested should be spaced no greater than 8 in. apart to achieve comparable performance to epoxy coated dowels. No evidence of deterioration due to road salts was identified on any of the products tested. The relatively high cost of stainless steel solid and FRP dowels was a limitation at the time of this study conclusion. Work is continuing with the subject materials in laboratory studies to determine the proper shape, spacing, chemical composition and testing specification to make the FRP and stainless (clad or solid) dowels a viable alternative joint load transfer material for long lasting portland cement concrete pavements.
Over the past several years we conducted a comprehensive study on the pore systems of limestones used as coarse aggregate in portland cement concrete (pee) and their relationship to freeze-thaw aggregate failure. A simple test called the Iowa Pore Index Test was developed and used to identify those coarse aggregates that had freeze-thaw susceptible pore systems. Basically, it identified those aggregates that could take on a considerable amount of water but only at a slow rate. The assumption was that if an aggregate would take on a considerable amount of water at a slow rate, its pore system would impede the outward movement of water through a critically saturated particle during freezing, causing particle fracture. The test was quite successful when used to identify aggregates containing susceptible pore systems if the aggregates were clean carbonates containing less than 2% or 3% insolubles. The correlation between service record, ASTM C666B and the pore index test was good, but not good enough. It became apparent over the past year that there were factors other than the pore system that could cause an aggregate to fail when used in pee. The role that silica and clay play in aggregate durability was studied.
Testing the efficiency of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) curing compounds is currently done following Test Method Iowa 901-D, May 2002. Concrete test specimens are prepared from mortar materials and are wet cured 5 hours before the curing compound is applied. All brands of curing compound submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation are laboratory tested for comparative performance under the same test conditions. These conditions are different than field PCC paving conditions. Phase I tests followed Test Method Iowa 901-D, but modified the application amounts of the curing compound. Test results showed that the application of two coats of one-half thickness each increased efficiency compared to one full thickness coat. Phase II tests also used the modified application amounts, used a concrete mix (instead of a mortar mix) and applied curing compound a few minutes after molding. Measurements of losses, during spraying of the curing compound, were noted and were found to be significant. Test results showed that application amounts, testing techniques, concrete specimen mix design and spray losses do influence the curing compound efficiency. The significance of the spray losses indicates that the conventional test method being used (Iowa 901 D) should be revised.
Fast track concrete has proven to be successful in obtaining high early strengths. This benefit does not come without cost. Type III cement and insulation blankets to accelerate the cure add to its expense when compared to conventional paving. This research was intended to determine the increase in time required to obtain opening strength when a fast track mix utilized conventional Type I cement and also used a conventional cure. Standard concrete mixes also were tested to determine the acceleration of strength gain when cured with insulation blankets. The goal was to determine mixes and procedures which would result in a range of opening times. This would allow the most economical design for a particular project and tailor it to that projects time restraint. Three mixes were tested: Class F, Class C, and Class B. Each mix was tested with one section being cured with insulation blankets and another section without. All used Type I cement. Iowa Department of Transportation specifications required 500 psi of flexural strength before a pavement can be opened to traffic. The Class F mix with Type I cement and using insulation blankets reached that strength in approximately 36 hours, the Class C mix using the blankets in approximately 48 hours, and the Class F mix without covers in about 60 hours. (Note: Class F concrete pavement is opened at 400 psi minimum and Class F bonded overlay pavement at 350 psi.) The results showed a significant improvement in early strength gain by the use of insulation blankets. The Type I cement could be used in mixes intended for early opening with sacrifices in time when compared to fast track but are still much sooner than conventional pavement. It appears a range of design alternatives is possible using Type I cement both with and without insulating blankets.
Since the 1980s, the Iowa Department of Transportation has increased its use of recycled Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) as drainable base material below some new pavements. Water flowing out of the longitudinal drains on projects having recycled PCC drainable bases was found to have a high pH value. The high pH water impedes vegetation growth and becomes a contributing factor to soil erosion at the drain outlet. In addition, the high pH water contributes to the growth of crystalline deposits on the drain outlet wire mesh rodent guard and in some cases caused it to become completely blocked. This research determined which of three choices of recycled PCC drainable base material, gradation, and design would give the lowest pH value in the drain discharge water. The drainable base material having its fines separated out and placed as a 2-in. (5.1-mm) bottom layer, below the remaining coarse material, generally gave pH values around 11.2 while other designs tested gave pH values around 11.5.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) UTW Project (HR-559) initiated Ultra-Thin Whitetopping in Iowa. The project is located on Iowa Highway 21 between Iowa Highway 212 and U.S. Highway 6 in Iowa County, near Belle Plaine, Iowa. The above listed research project lasted for five years, and then was extended for another five year period. The new phase of the project (TR 432) was initiated by removing cracked panels existing in the 2-inch thick PCC sections and replacing them with three inches of PCC. The project extension provides an increased understanding of slab bonding conditions over a longer period, as well as knowledge regarding the behavior of the newly rehabilitated areas. This report documents the rehabilitation of the PCC patching of all fractured panels and several cracked panels, taking place in September of 2001.
A two-stage mixing process for concrete involves mixing a slurry of cementitious materials and water, then adding the slurry to coarse and fine aggregate to form concrete. Some research has indicated that this process might facilitate dispersion of cementitious materials and improve cement hydration, the characteristics of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate and paste, and concrete homogeneity. The goal of the study was to find optimal mixing procedures for production of a homogeneous and workable mixture and quality concrete using a two-stage mixing operation. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: (1) To achieve optimal mixing energy and time for a homogeneous cementitious material, (2) To characterize the homogeneity and flow property of the pastes, (3) To investigate effective methods for coating aggregate particles with cement slurry, (4) To study the effect of the two-stage mixing procedure on concrete properties, (5) To obtain the improved production rates. Parameters measured for Phase I included: heat of hydration, maturity, and rheology tests were performed on the fresh paste samples, and compressive strength, degree of hydration, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging tests were conducted on the cured specimens. For Phases II and III tests included slump and air content on fresh concrete and compressive and tensile strengths, rapid air void analysis, and rapid chloride permeability on hardened concrete.