148 resultados para Porfirio


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As ações dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde são reconhecidas em sua relevância nas legislações brasileira que se concretiza em 2002 com a Lei nº 10.507 de 10 de Julho de 2002 que cria a Profissão do Agente Comunitário de Saúde e dá outras providências, posteriormente substituída pela Lei 11.350, de 05 de outubro de 2006. Contudo a história dos ACS‟s remonta períodos bem anteriores como à criação do Programa dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (PACS) em 1991, considerado começo da profissionalização do ACS‟s. Diante disso, o Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária (PRONERA) vem para dar sua contribuição na formação de Técnicos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (TACS‟s). De maneira concisa o PRONERA emerge como Política Pública Educacional em 2009, quando o mesmo se consolida no artigo 33 da Lei nº 11.947/09 e no final de 2010 onde é assinado o Decreto nº 7.352/10, que trata da educação do campo e institui formalmente o PRONERA no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). Assim, o PRONERA compõe a Política de Educação do Campo, ao mesmo tempo se caracteriza como Política Pública de Educação vinculada à Reforma Agrária. O PRONERA é um Programa do Governo Federal, através do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Agrário, coordenado pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) em convênio com as Universidades Públicas, em parceria com Movimentos Sociais e agentes governamentais estaduais e municipais. Oferece cursos de educação básica, técnica e tecnológica, ensino superior e pós graduação. Nosso objeto aqui está na análise do projeto “Saúde em movimento na Transamazônica: Curso de Formação Integrada em Técnico Agente Comunitário de Saúde (TACS) e Ensino Médio”, portanto no PRONERA Saúde que é apenas um dos projetos do PRONERA no Pará. Este abrange os municípios de Altamira, Senador José Porfírio, Medicilândia, Anapú e Pacajá, o curso foi projetado e aprovado em 2005 e começou em 2006 e finalizado em julho de 2011. Iniciou com 90 discentes todos ACS‟s das prefeituras parceiras (Altamira, Anapú, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Sen. José Porfírio). Esses discentes foram selecionados por uma equipe técnica do PRONERA, a partir das indicações dos Movimentos Sociais locais, principalmente dos Sindicatos dos Trabalhadores Rurais. Para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa utilizamos os Relatórios de Atividades do PRONERA Saúde e as entrevistas com os discentes (ACS‟s). A perspectiva teórico metodológica de análise das fontes para construção dissertativa se deu com base na teoria crítica marxista e nas leituras e contribuições da Educação Ambiental crítica, a relação saúde, meio ambiente e políticas públicas permeia a pesquisa e possibilita uma interação fundamental para busca de melhoria de vida desses agentes sociais.


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Este estudo apresenta diferentes metodologias aplicadas para compreender o funcionamento dos ambientes de um trecho do rio Xingu (PA), em relação à comunidade de peixes que nele habitam. Através do uso da ictiofauna procurou-se confirmar alguns padrões ambientais, visando constatar o estado atual de conservação de um trecho deste rio. A partir de levantamentos da ictiofauna local conforme a variação sazonal do rio, foram feitas diferentes análises ao nível espécies, populações e guildas tróficas. No nível de organização das populações, o estudo de parâmetros biológicos tais como: taxa de crescimento corporal, tamanho corporal máximo, taxa de mortalidade e o tamanho médio do início da maturação sexual constituíram uma boa aproximação para entender a história de vida dos diferentes grupos de peixes. Foi evidenciada uma tendência das comunidades de estarem conformadas por espécies tipo r-estrategistas e com menor tamanho corporal, em relação ao número de k-estrategistas de maior tamanho. Numa abordagem funcional, foi verificado que estruturar as comunidades em guildas constitui um bom indicador tanto dos padrões de convergência de uni ecossistema afim ao setor estudado do Xingu quanto do atual estado de conservação do mesmo. Um modelo de balanço de massas construído para o setor do médio rio Xingu indicou que se trata de um sistema com grande instabilidade ambiental e, que por sua vez, se comporta como um sistema sazonalmente maduro. A aparente restrição sazonal na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares observada para o setor de rio estudado pode incidir numa máxima eficiência no uso e transferência dos mesmos no ecossistema. Uma análise biogeográfica foi feita a partir da ocorrência das espécies para contextualizar o setor do rio compreendido entre a confluência dos rios Iriri e Xingu até as proximidades do povoado de Senador José Porfirio, na bacia do Xingu. Através desta análise verificou-se que o médio (a montante das cachoeiras) e baixo Xingu (a jusante) encontram-se inseridos em duas áreas de endemismo. A baixa afinidade na composição de espécies, observada para estes dois setores, é atribuída a uma variação geográfica na paisagem. Assim, a ocorrência do limite das cachoeiras nas proximidades do povoado de Belomonte e o efeito do rio Amazonas no setor do baixo Xingu podem ser os principais fatores que explicam as diferenças na composição ictiofaunística e na abundância das espécies em relação ao setor do médio Xingu. Finalmente, ressalta-se a importância da manutenção da conectividade hidrológica como forma de manter os processos ecológicos que ligam o sistema das cabeceiras à foz, e discutem-se os eventuais impactos na dinâmica ambiental e nas espécies de peixes do médio rio Xingu que serão ocasionados com a construção do projeto hidrelétrico de Belomonte.


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Ameloblastoma is a relatively uncommon benign odontogenic tumor, which is locally aggressive and has a high tendency to recur, despite its benign histopathologic features. This pathology can be classified into 4 groups: unicystic, solid or multicystic, peripheral, and malignant. There are 3 variants of unicystic ameloblastoma, as luminal, intraluminal, and mural. Therefore, in mural ameloblastoma, the fibrous wall of the cyst is infiltrated with tumor nodules, and for this reason it is considered the most aggressive variant of unicystic ameloblastomas. Various treatment techniques for ameloblastomas have been proposed, which include decompression, enucleation/curettage, sclerotizing solution, cryosurgery, marginal resection, and aggressive resection. Literature shows treatment of this lesion continues to be a subject of intense interest and some controversy. Thus, the authors aimed to describe a case of a mural unicystic ameloblastoma of follicular subtype in a 19-year-old subject who was successfully treated using conservative approaches, as decompression. The patient has been followed up for 3 years, and has remained clinically and radiographically disease-free.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho visa explorar o ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, focando o 1º ano do ensino primário, atual fundamental I. Iniciamos por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o contexto histórico, desde a introdução do livro na sociedade até a utilização do mesmo para o ensino na área da matemática. A pesquisa tentará retratar brevemente, a história da educação e da educação matemática no Brasil, as diferentes concepções de ensino da época em questão, ou seja, entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, onde houve o ápice e o declínio do Movimento da Matemática Moderna. Por fim, este trabalho buscará explorar de maneira panorâmica, se ocorreram mudanças nos conteúdos no ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor no 1º ano das séries iniciais e relatar quais foram essas mudanças. Utilizar-se-á como metodologia a análise de livros didáticos como um objeto pertencente à história cultural, com um enfoque na análise sócio-histórica, na análise formal ou discursiva e, finalmente, interpretação/ reinterpretação.


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Esse trabalho se originou a partir de indagações sobre as diferenças entre os sistemas educacionais norte-americano e brasileiro tendo como base minha vivência nos dois países. As grandes discrepâncias sociais brasileiras influenciam negativamente todos os aspectos da sociedade e, em especial, a educação. Em contrapartida, o Brasil apresenta uma legislação bastante sofisticada no tocante da mesma. Esse trabalho objetivou analisar o modelo de escola articulado na Constituição brasileira e mais especificamente no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. O mesmo elencou brevemente o histórico dos direitos da criança, principalmente no aspecto educacional nas diferentes constituições brasileiras e no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Também analisou algumas das dificuldades apontadas para que o mesmo se efetive levantadas por duas conselheiras do Conselho Tutelar de Rio Claro sendo estas: a falta de apoio e infra-estrutura, o distanciamento das famílias em relação ao conhecimento da lei e a visão errônea que a sociedade tem do Conselho Tutelar.


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Dramatic changes occur in the lives of patients on peritoneal dialysis and his family life, changing lifestyle, professional and social activities. Considering the important role of family in treatment, is crucial for nurses to know how these families perceive their role as caregivers and their difficulties and needs, in the process of peritoneal dialysis. The approach chosen for the study was the phenomenological method, based on Merleau-Ponty, who proposes to understand the human experience, from the description of those who lived it. The study findings show that in the beginning of treatment, family members, feel impacted with the disease severity and eager to become responsible for maintenance treatment, fearing not match the expectations.Guided by staff, appear confident in taking care and deal with the difficulties and complications of treatment, supported by professionals. However, resent the great changes in their social activities and work, his life turns out to be quite limited, due to the dedication to a sick family member. Many feel overwhelmed because they are not supported by other family members. Some envision a future outlook for renal transplant, others seem skeptical, given the long waiting list, especially when advanced age of the sick family member. These results suggest the need for individualized attention to family caregivers, and to encourage the family to organize itself and develop a joint work. In this sense, the design of health care, taking care with the focus of the family, it seems highly appropriate in preparing the plan of family orientation, this is defined as a dynamic unity, which, working in harmony, can contribute positively in the treatment of health a sick member


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In this paper, a method is proposed to refine the LASER 3D roofs geometrically by using a high-resolution aerial image and Markov Random Field (MRF) models. In order to do so, a MRF description for grouping straight lines is developed, assuming that each projected side contour and ridge is topologically correct and that it is only necessary to improve its accuracy. Although the combination of laser data with data from image is most justified for refining roof contour, the structure of ridges can give greater robustness in the topological description of the roof structure. The MRF model is formulated based on relationships (length, proximity, and orientation) between the straight lines extracted from the image and projected polygon and also on retangularity and corner injunctions. The energy function associated with MRF is minimized by the genetic algorithm optimization method, resulting in the grouping of straight lines for each roof object. Finally, each grouping of straight lines is topologically reconstructed based on the topology of the corresponding LASER scanning polygon projected onto the image-space. The results obtained were satisfactory. This method was able to provide polygons roof refined buildings in which most of its contour sides and ridges were geometrically improved.


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In the instrumental records of daily precipitation, we often encounter one or more periods in which values below some threshold were not registered. Such periods, besides lacking small values, also have a large number of dry days. Their cumulative distribution function is shifted to the right in relation to that for other portions of the record having more reliable observations. Such problems are examined in this work, based mostly on the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test, where the portion of the series with more number of dry days is compared with the portion with less number of dry days. Another relatively common problem in daily rainfall data is the prevalence of integers either throughout the period of record or in some part of it, likely resulting from truncation during data compilation prior to archiving or by coarse rounding of daily readings by observers. This problem is identified by simple calculation of the proportion of integers in the series, taking the expected proportion as 10%. The above two procedures were applied to the daily rainfall data sets from the European Climate Assessment (ECA), Southeast Asian Climate Assessment (SACA), and Brazilian Water Resources Agency (BRA). Taking the statistic D of the KS test >0.15 and the corresponding p-value <0.001 as the condition to classify a given series as suspicious, the proportions of the ECA, SACA, and BRA series falling into this category are, respectively, 34.5%, 54.3%, and 62.5%. With relation to coarse rounding problem, the proportions of series exceeding twice the 10% reference level are 3%, 60%, and 43% for the ECA, SACA, and BRA data sets, respectively. A simple way to visualize the two problems addressed here is by plotting the time series of daily rainfall for a limited range, for instance, 0–10 mm day−1.


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The impacts of change in the Grell convective scheme and biosphere-atmosphere transfer scheme (BATS) in RegCM3 are described. Three numerical experiments (RegZhang, RegClaris and RegArain) are conducted to reduce the RegCM3-Grell rainfall underestimation over tropical South America. The simulation referred to as RegZhang follows modifications made by Zhang et al. (2008) in the BATS. The RegClaris combines the RegZhang BATS parameters with a reduction of water drainage at the bottom of the subsoil layer in the regions covered by the tropical rain forest and a shorter convective time period for the Grell scheme. The RegArain considers this same modification in the Grell scheme, but uses a deeper total soil column and a deeper root system in the BATS. After the first year of simulation, the soil water content in RegZhang is progressively drained out of the soil column resulting in a deficit of rainfall in the Amazon. The RegClaris and RegArain, on the other hand, simulate a similar rainfall annual cycle in the Amazon, showing substantial improvement not only in phase but also in intensity. This improvement is partially related to an increase in evapotranspiration due to a larger availability of water in the soil column. A remote effect is also noted over the La Plata Basin region, where the larger summer rainfall rate may be related to the increase in moisture transport from the Amazon. Wind- and rainfall-based indices are applied to identify South American monsoon (SAM) timing. The RegClaris rainfall rates are adequate to identify the onset and the demise of SAM according to the observed data, whereas the rainfall deficit in RegZhang is associated with a delay in the onset and an early demise of the SAM.


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This work assessed homogeneity of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) weather station climate series, using various statistical techniques. The record from this target station is one of the longest in Brazil, having commenced in 1933 with observations of precipitation, and temperatures and other variables later in 1936. Thus, it is one of the few stations in Brazil with enough data for long-term climate variability and climate change studies. There is, however, a possibility that its data may have been contaminated by some artifacts over time. Admittedly, there was an intervention on the observations in 1958, with the replacement of instruments, for which the size of impact has not been yet evaluated. The station transformed in the course of time from rural to urban, and this may also have influenced homogeneity of the observations and makes the station less representative for climate studies over larger spatial scales. Homogeneity of the target station was assessed applying both absolute, or single station tests, and tests relatively to regional climate, in annual scale, regarding daily precipitation, relative humidity, maximum (TMax), minimum (TMin), and wet bulb temperatures. Among these quantities, only precipitation does not exhibit any inhomogeneity. A clear signal of change of instruments in 1958 was detected in the TMax and relative humidity data, the latter certainly because of its strong dependence on temperature. This signal is not very clear in TMin, but it presents non-climatic discontinuities around 1953 and around 1970. A significant homogeneity break is found around 1990 for TMax and wet bulb temperature. The discontinuities detected after 1958 may have been caused by urbanization, as the observed warming trend in the station is considerably greater than that corresponding to regional climate.


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The objective of this study was to identify and characterize homogeneous environments based on the probability of drought/wet occurrence in the central-northern Brazil, considering Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Goias and Tocantins States. The drought index denominated the moisture anomaly Z-index (Z-index) was used. The input climate data for the drought index was generated by the regional climate model RegCM3 for the period from 1975 to 1989. As result of cluster analysis, it was identified 13 homogeneous environments. These environments were characterized based on the probability of drought/wet, relative density of drought/wet occurrence, annual rainfall variability and probability of drought occurrence during the rainy season (October to March). The Mato Grosso State had the highest number of homogeneous environments and the environment 11, located at southwest of this State had the highest probability of drought occurrence, 9%. The environment 10, located at the extreme east of Goias State, showed the lowest median for the total annual rainfall. The climatic event with the highest probability of occurrence in the study area is close to normal or normality moisture.


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The RegCM3 (Regional Climate Model-version 3) was nested in HadAM3 model to simulate present (1975-1989, referred hereafter as RegHad) and two future climate scenarios (A2 and B2 from 2071 to 2085, referred as RegA2 and RegB2) over the South America (SA) and South Atlantic Ocean (SAO). Projected changes in the air temperature, precipitation, low level circulation and cyclogenesis climatology were investigated. The cyclogenesis were identified using an automatic scheme for tracking based on the minimum of relative vorticity (zeta) from 10-m height wind. During summer, a general decrease (increase) in the precipitation is projected by RegA2 and RegB2 over the northeastern SA (center-west and south Brazil, north Argentina and Uruguay). For winter, an anomalous low level anticyclonic circulation is associated with the reduction in the rainfall over the central part of southern Brazil in RegA2 and RegB2 scenarios. Similar to HadAM3, RegCM3 projects larger warming in A2 scenario. For the present climate, when compared to HadAM3, RegHad defines better both the location of the main cyclogenetic areas and its annual cycle near southwestern SAO. The projections indicate a reduction in the total number of cyclones of -7.2% and -4.7% for RegA2 and RegB2, respectively, while HadAM3 reduction is -4.5% for both scenarios. The decrease is larger for initially intense cyclones (zeta <=-<= 2.5 x 10(-5) s-(1)): -20.9% (RegA2) and -11.3% (RegB2). For the lifetime, distance traveled and mean velocity of the cyclones, the A2 and B2 scenarios present mean values close to the present climate ( 3 days, 1900 km, and 9 m s(-1), respectively). Regarding the initial mean vorticity of the systems, RegB2 simulates values similar to the present climate, but they are initially weaker in RegA2. In general, RegA2 and RegB2 show a large decrease in the number of cyclones over the southern SAO due to an anticyclonic anomaly covering SAO between 30-55A degrees S. The reduction is larger in the scenario with higher concentrations of greenhouse gases (RegA2).


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The capuchin monkey is widespread both north and south of the Legal Amazon and in the Brazilian cerrado. Ten clinically healthy capuchin monkeys were submitted to an anatomical and radiographic study of their thoracic cavities. The radiographic evaluation allowed the description of biometric values associated with the cardiac silhouette and thoracic structures. Application of the VHS (vertebral heart size) method showed positive correlation (P<0.05) with depth of the thoracic cavity, as well as between the body length of vertebrae T 3, T 4, T 5 and T 6 and the cardiac length and width. The lung fields showed a diffuse interstitial pattern, more visible in the caudal lung lobes and a bronchial pattern in the middle and cranial lung lobes. The radiographic examination allowed preliminary inferences to be made concerning the syntopy of the thoracic structures and modifiication of the pulmonary patterns and cardiac anatomy for the capuchin monkey.


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Current scientific applications have been producing large amounts of data. The processing, handling and analysis of such data require large-scale computing infrastructures such as clusters and grids. In this area, studies aim at improving the performance of data-intensive applications by optimizing data accesses. In order to achieve this goal, distributed storage systems have been considering techniques of data replication, migration, distribution, and access parallelism. However, the main drawback of those studies is that they do not take into account application behavior to perform data access optimization. This limitation motivated this paper which applies strategies to support the online prediction of application behavior in order to optimize data access operations on distributed systems, without requiring any information on past executions. In order to accomplish such a goal, this approach organizes application behaviors as time series and, then, analyzes and classifies those series according to their properties. By knowing properties, the approach selects modeling techniques to represent series and perform predictions, which are, later on, used to optimize data access operations. This new approach was implemented and evaluated using the OptorSim simulator, sponsored by the LHC-CERN project and widely employed by the scientific community. Experiments confirm this new approach reduces application execution time in about 50 percent, specially when handling large amounts of data.