977 resultados para Population responses


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Le diabète auto-immun résulte de la destruction des cellules bêta pancréatiques sécrétrices d’insuline par les lymphocytes T du système immunitaire. Il s’ensuit une déficience hormonale qui peut être comblée par des injections quotidiennes d’insuline d’origine exogène, toutefois il demeure à ce jour impossible de guérir les patients atteints de la maladie. De façon générale, un système immunitaire sain reconnaît une multitude d’antigènes différents et assure ainsi notre défense à l’égard de différents pathogènes ou encore de cellules tumorales. Il arrive cependant que, pour des raisons génétiques et/ou environnementales, les lymphocytes T puissent s’activer de façon aberrante suite à la reconnaissance d’antigènes provenant du soi. C’est ce bris de tolérance qui mène au développement de pathologies auto-immunes telles que le diabète auto-immun. Afin de limiter l’auto-immunité, des mécanismes de sélection stricts permettent d’éliminer la majorité des lymphocytes T présentant une forte affinité envers des antigènes du soi lors de leur développement dans le thymus. Certains de ces lymphocytes réussissent toutefois à échapper à l’apoptose et migrent en périphérie afin d’y circuler en quête d’un antigène spécifiquement reconnu. Il est alors primordial que des mécanismes périphériques assurent le maintien de la tolérance immunitaire en faisant obstacle à l’activation et à la prolifération des lymphocytes T auto-réactifs. L’une des avenues afin d’inhiber le développement de réponses immunitaires aberrantes est la génération de lymphocytes T régulateurs. Ces cellules, d’origine thymique ou périphérique, peuvent arborer différents phénotypes et agissent via de multiples mécanismes afin d’inactiver et/ou éliminer les cellules impliquées dans l’apparition de pathologies auto-immunes. L’utilisation de modèles murins transgéniques a permis la mise en évidence d’une population peu caractérisée de lymphocytes T au potentiel régulateur. En effet, la proportion de ces cellules T n’exprimant pas les corécepteurs CD4 et CD8 (double négatives, DN) a été inversement corrélée à la prédisposition à l’auto-immunité chez ces ii souris. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer la fonction immuno-régulatrice des lymphocytes T DN, tout en investiguant les facteurs génétiques responsables du maintien de cette population cellulaire. Nous avons observé que les lymphocytes T DN exercent une activité cytotoxique à l’égard des lymphocytes B de façon spécifique à l’antigène, via la libération de granules cytolytiques contenant du granzyme B et de la perforine. Par ailleurs, nous avons établi qu’un unique transfert adoptif de ces cellules est suffisant afin d’inhiber le développement du diabète auto-immun chez des hôtes transgéniques prédisposés à la maladie. Le recours à des souris déficientes pour l’expression du gène CD47 a permis de constater que la voie de signalisation CD47-Sirp est essentielle dans le maintien de la proportion des lymphocytes T DN. De plus, le locus murin de prédisposition au diabète auto-immun Idd13, qui contient le gène Sirp, a été identifié pour son rôle dans la régulation de la proportion de ces cellules. Finalement, une analyse génétique a révélé que d’autres intervalles génétiques sont impliqués dans le contrôle de la population des lymphocytes T DN. Parmi ceux-ci, un locus situé en région proximale du chromosome 12 a été validé grâce à la création de souris congéniques. Grâce aux résultats présentés dans cette thèse, notre compréhension de la biologie ainsi que de la régulation des lymphocytes T DN est approfondie. Ces connaissances constituent un pas important vers la création de thérapies cellulaires novatrices permettant de prévenir et de guérir diverses pathologies auto-immunes.


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Les animaux font face à des changements environnementaux brutaux dus aux modifications de milieux liés à l'activité humaine et aux changements climatiques, et doivent s'ajuster rapidement à leur nouvel environnement. Certains processus cognitifs comme l'innovation et l'apprentissage permettent aux animaux d'intégrer de nouveaux comportements à leur répertoire comportemental (flexibilité comportementale), leur donnant l'opportunité d'intégrer un comportement plus optimal pour s'ajuster. Les performances cognitives varient entre espèces et les individus d'une même population et bien que des études récentes se soient intéressées aux causes des variations interindividuelles des performances cognitives, les conséquences restent peu explorées. Dans cette thèse, les questions des pressions de sélection s'exerçant sur les capacités cognitives sont abordées afin de mieux comprendre l'évolution de ces traits au sein d'une population naturelle de mésange charbonnière Parus major. Un nouveau test de résolution de problème a tout d'abord été présenté à des couples reproducteurs directement en milieu naturel. Les résultats ont montré que les couples les plus performants à résoudre la tâche surpassaient les couples les moins performants sur plusieurs mesures de succès reproducteur. Afin de vérifier que la motivation à nourrir les poussins ne biaisait pas cette relation, la taille de nichée a ensuite été manipulée, ce qui n'a pas affecté la performance subséquente des parents. Les couples innovateurs démontraient un meilleur succès reproducteur quel que soit le changement de la taille de nichée subit, ce qui suggère que cette performance influence bien le succès de reproduction, et non l'inverse. De plus, les couples innovateurs approvisionnaient leurs poussins plus souvent que les couples non innovateurs, suggérant que les innovateurs pourraient exploiter leur habitat de façon plus optimale. Dans un troisième temps, plusieurs caractéristiques morphologiques, dont la coloration des plumes, ont été reliées aux performances de résolution de problème et d'apprentissage. Ces liens, bien que complexes et condition-dépendants, pourraient indiquer un rôle de ces performances lors de la sélection sexuelle. Enfin, afin de tester l'effet du parasite sanguin du paludisme sur les traits comportementaux, un médicament contre le paludisme a été injecté à des femelles reproductrices. Cette injection n'a pas modifié leurs performances cognitives mais a augmenté leur niveau d'activité et d'exploration du nichoir en réponse à la tâche de résolution de problème. Ce parasite sanguin, très présent chez les populations depassereaux, pourrait donc expliquer les variations interindividuelles et interpopulationnelles de certains traits comportementaux en milieu naturel, au même titre que dans nombreux autres systèmes hôte-parasites étudiés. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont permis de détailler pour la première fois la relation entre une performance cognitive et le succès reproducteur chez une population aviaire naturelle, une relation robuste et non influencée par la motivation à nourrir la couvée. Cette performance cognitive est reliée à plusieurs traits morphologiques, mais non à la charge parasitaire. Une meilleure exploitation de l'habitat et habileté à s'occuper des poussins pourrait expliquer cette relation.


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Introduction. Le VIH-1 évolue en fonction de la réponse immunitaire spécifique de l’hôte. La pression sélective exercée par la réponse immunitaire VIH-spécifique de l’hôte entraine l’évolution des gènes viraux et à terme détermine l’évolution de la maladie. Cette évolution du virus à l’échelle d’un individu façonne également l’évolution du virus à l’échelle de la population et détermine le devenir de l’épidémie. Le VIH utilise les corécepteurs d’entrée CCR5 (virus R5) et CXCR4 (virus X4) afin d’infecter la cellule cible, et l’évolution du tropisme du virus de R5 vers X4, appelé switch du tropisme, est associé à la progression de la maladie. Les virus R5 sont rencontrés en début d’infection tandis que les virus X4 apparaissent en fin de maladie chez un certain de nombre de patients et sont considérés comme plus virulents. La pression sélective immunitaire exercée sur le gène de l’enveloppe (env) peut donc entrainer l’évolution du tropisme du VIH. La grossesse est un état immunitaire particulier considéré comme étant principalement caractérisé par un biais Th2 nécessaire à l’établissement de la tolérance materno-fétale. Le switch de tropisme de R5 vers X4 en grossesse n’a jamais été documenté, de même que l’évolution des déterminants du tropisme à l’échelle de la population. Hypothèses. Les changements immunitaires associés à l’initiation et la progression de la grossesse engendrent des changements dans la pression immunitaire exercée sur l’enveloppe et peuvent favoriser le switch du tropisme. L’évolution du tropisme du VIH-1 peut être observé à l’échelle de la population au même titre que l’évolution de l’enveloppe virale. Objectifs. Analyser l’évolution du tropisme et décrire la pression sélective sur l’enveloppe des femmes enceintes infectées par le VIH-1. Analyser l’évolution des déterminants du tropisme à l’échelle de la population. Méthodes. Nous avons dans un premier temps analysé l’évolution des déterminants du tropisme et déterminé le génotype et phénotype du VIH-1 chez 19 femmes enceintes issues de la cohorte du centre maternel et infantile sur le SIDA de l’hôpital Sainte-Justine (CMIS). Nous avons ensuite caractérisé et comparé la pression sélective exercée sur env, par une méthode bayésienne, chez 31 femmes enceinte et 29 femmes non-enceintes. Enfin, nous avons analysé et comparé des déterminants du tropisme entre des séquences d’enveloppe contemporaines et anciennes, issues des bases de données du NCBI. Résultats. Nos résultats montrent la présence de virus X4 chez la moitié de notre cohorte, et un switch de tropisme de R5 vers X4 chez 5/19 sujets. Les séquences des femmes enceintes présentaient des taux de substitutions plus élevées que celles des femmes non-enceintes. La pression sélective dans la région C2 était plus faible chez les femmes enceintes que chez les femmes non-enceintes, et différait dans 4 positions entre ces 2 groupes. Cette sélection diminuait au cours de la grossesse chez les patientes traitées. Enfin, une accumulation de mutations X4 a été observée dans les séquences R5 contemporaines par rapport aux séquences R5 anciennes. Conclusion. Les changements immunitaires associés à la grossesse semblent induire des modifications subtiles dans la pression sélective exercée sur env, suffisant à influencer l’évolution du tropisme de R5 vers X4. Un switch du tropisme à l’échelle de la population impliquerait une épidémie évoluant vers une plus grande virulence du virus. Nos résultats sont d’importance en ce qui concerne la prophylaxie antirétrovirale pour la santé de la mère et la prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH-1. Ils sont aussi importants concernant l’avenir de la thérapie antirétrovirale dans le contexte d’une épidémie évoluant vers une plus grande virulence


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Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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Introduction Entry dyspareunia is a sexual health concern which affects about 21% of women in the general population. Characterized by pain provoked during vaginal penetration, introital dyspareunia has been shown by controlled studies to have a negative impact on the psychological well-being, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and quality of life of afflicted women. Many cognitive and affective variables may influence the experience of pain and associated psychosexual problems. However, the role of the partner's cognitive responses has been studied very little. Aim The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between partners' catastrophizing and their perceptions of women's self-efficacy at managing pain on one side and women's pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction on the other. Methods One hundred seventy-nine heterosexual couples (mean age for women = 31, SD = 10.0; mean age for men = 33, SD = 10.6) in which the woman suffered from entry dyspareunia participated in the study. Both partners completed quantitative measures. Women completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale. Men completed the significant-other versions of these measures. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were women's responses to (i) the Pain Numeric Visual Analog Scale; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction scale. Results Controlled for women's pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy, results indicate that higher levels of partner-perceived self-efficacy and lower levels of partner catastrophizing are associated with decreased pain intensity in women with entry dyspareunia, although only partner catastrophizing contributed unique variance. Partner-perceived self-efficacy and catastrophizing were not significantly associated with sexual function or satisfaction in women. Conclusions The findings suggest that partners' cognitive responses may influence the experience of entry dyspareunia for women, pointing toward the importance of considering the partner when treating this sexual health problem.


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Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a chronic, recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain condition affecting 12% of the general population, and is associated with sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. There is growing interest in the role of interpersonal variables in PVD, which have been widely neglected. In a sample of 175 couples, the present study examined the mediating roles of partner and participant catastrophizing and self-efficacy in the association between solicitous partner responses and pain intensity, and that of dyadic adjustment in the association between solicitous and negative partner responses and sexual satisfaction. Couples completed measures of partner responses, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, dyadic adjustment, and depression. Women also completed measures of pain, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function. Controlling for depression and solicitousness perceived by the other member of the couple, catastrophizing and self-efficacy partially mediated the association between higher solicitous responses and higher pain during intercourse, accounting for 26 and 25% of the variance in this association for participant and partner-perceived responses, respectively. For both participant and partners, only pain catastrophizing was a unique mediator. Controlling for depression, sexual function and partner-perceived responses, dyadic adjustment partially mediated the association between higher participant-perceived solicitous responses and higher sexual satisfaction, and between higher participant-perceived negative responses and lower sexual satisfaction, accounting for 26% of the variance in each association. The current findings suggest that catastrophizing and dyadic adjustment may constitute a route by which partner responses exacerbate pain and increase or decrease sexual satisfaction in PVD couples.


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Poisoning by pesticides from agricultural fields is a serious water pollution problem and its environmental long-term effect may result in the incidence of poisoning of fish and other aquatic life forms (jyothi and Narayan, 1999). Fishes like Heteropneustesfbssilis and C/arius batrac/nus are especially prone to serious pesticide pollution as their habitat is mostly the agriculture area. Though only few studies are conducted in this area, it can be assessed from the local information that, population of such fish is on the verge of vulnerability due to extensive use of pesticides. The knowledge of sublethal effects of xenobiotic compounds on hematological parameters, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations is very important to delineate the fish health status and provide a future understanding of ecological impacts. These pesticides act by causing inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes (ChE) by formation of enzyme inhibitor complex (O'Brien, 1976) and damaging the nervous system. These effects may result in metabolic disorders. Associated to cholinesterase activities, a study of other enzymes such as phosphatases and aminotransferases close to intermediary metabolite determination provides a wider view of metabolism. Interest in toxicological aspects has grown in recent years and research is now increasingly focused on mechanistic aspects of oxidative damage and cellular responses in biological system. The term ‘biomarker’ is generally used in a broad sense to include almost any measurement reflecting an interaction between a biological system and a potential hazard, which may be chemical, physical or biological (WHO, 1993). As biomarker stands for immediate responses, they are used as early warning signals of biological effects caused by environmental pollutants. The present work attempts to assess the toxicity of organophosphorus insecticide monocrotophos on the experimental organism selected for this study namely stinging catfish (Heteropneustesfossi/is) (Bloch), and to probe into the stress responses of the organism


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In Sri Lanka policy responses have direct impacts on rural dwellers. Over 80% of Sri Lanka’s population live in rural areas and 90% of them represent low income dwellers. Their production system may be hampered by fragmented landholding, poor economics of scale, low investment levels resulting from poor financial services as well as inappropriate or limited technology. They are vulnerable to price hikes of basic foods and food security issues due to fragmented landholding and poor financial services. Policy measures to reduce the transmission of higher international prices in domestic markets exist to protect the food security of the vulnerable population. This paper will discuss the food policy and strategies implemented by the government and outside to the above facts this paper also describes the effectiveness of the policies forwarded by the government. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of policy responses to the food price crisis and rural food security in Sri Lanka. Outside of the above facts this study also treats the impact of policies and decisions on the nutritional condition of rural dwellers. Furthermore this study is to analyse the fluctuation of buying power with the price hikes and the relation of above facts with issues like malnutrition. This paper discusses why policy makers should pay greater attention to rural dwellers and describes the multiple pathways through which food price increases have on rural people. It also provides evidence of the impact of this crisis in particular, through hidden hunger, and discusses how current policy responses should adjust and improve to protect the rural dwellers in the short and long term.


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Background Plasmodium vivax is one of the five species causing malaria in human beings, affecting around 391 million people annually. The development of an anti-malarial vaccine has been proposed as an alternative for controlling this disease. However, its development has been hampered by allele-specific responses produced by the high genetic diversity shown by some parasite antigens. Evaluating these antigens’ genetic diversity is thus essential when designing a completely effective vaccine. Methods The gene sequences of Plasmodium vivax p12 (pv12) and p38 (pv38), obtained from field isolates in Colombia, were used for evaluating haplotype polymorphism and distribution by population genetics analysis. The evolutionary forces generating the variation pattern so observed were also determined. Results Both pv12 and pv38 were shown to have low genetic diversity. The neutral model for pv12 could not be discarded, whilst polymorphism in pv38 was maintained by balanced selection restricted to the gene’s 5′ region. Both encoded proteins seemed to have functional/structural constraints due to the presence of s48/45 domains, which were seen to be highly conserved.


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Although studies often report that densities of many forest birds are negatively related to urbanization, the mechanisms guiding this pattern are poorly understood. Our objective was to use a population simulation to examine the relative influence of six demographic and behavioral processes on patterns of avian abundance in urbanizing landscapes. We constructed an individual-based population simulation model representing the annual cycle of a Neotropical migratory songbird. Each simulation was performed under two landscape scenarios. The first scenario had similar proportions of high- and low-quality habitat across the urban to rural gradient. Under the first scenario, avian density was negatively related to urbanization only when rural habitats were perceived to be of higher quality than they actually were. The second landscape scenario had declining proportions of high-quality habitat as urbanization increased. Under the second scenario, each mechanism generated a negative relationship between density and urbanization. The strongest effect on density resulted when birds preferentially selected habitats in landscapes from which they fledged or were constrained from dispersing. The next strongest patterns occurred when birds directly evaluated habitat quality and accurately selected the highest-quality available territories. When birds selected habitats based on the presence of conspecifics, the density–urbanization relationship was only one-third the strength of other habitat selection mechanisms and only occurred under certain levels of population survival. Although differences in adult or nest survival in the face of random habitat selection still elicited reduced densities in urban landscapes, the relationships between urbanization and density were weaker than those produced by the conspecific attraction mechanism. Results from our study identify key predictions and areas for future research, including assessing habitat quality in urban and rural areas in order to determine if habitats in urban areas are underutilized.


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Purpose: Vergence and accommodation studies often use adult participants with experience of vision science. Reports of infant and clinical responses are generally more variable and of lower gain, with the implication that differences lie in immaturity or sub-optimal clinical characteristics but expert/naïve differences are rarely considered or quantified. Methods: Sixteen undergraduates, naïve to vision science, were individually matched by age, visual acuity, refractive error, heterophoria, stereoacuity and near point of accommodation to second- and third-year orthoptics and optometry undergraduates (‘experts’). Accommodation and vergence responses were assessed to targets moving between 33 cm, 50 cm, 1 m and 2 m using a haploscopic device incorporating a PlusoptiX SO4 autorefractor. Disparity, blur and looming cues were separately available or minimised in all combinations. Instruction set was minimal. Results: In all cases, vergence and accommodation response slopes (gain) were steeper and closer to 1.0 in the expert group (p = 0.001), with the largest expert/naïve differences for both vergence and accommodation being for near targets (p = 0.012). For vergence, the differences between expert and naïve response slopes increased with increasingly open-loop targets (linear trend p = 0.025). Although we predicted that proximal cues would drive additional response in the experts, the proximity-only cue was the only condition that showed no statistical effect of experience. Conclusions: Expert observers provide more accurate responses to near target demand than closely matched naïve observers. We suggest that attention, practice, voluntary and proprioceptive effects may enhance responses in experienced participants when compared to a more typical general population. Differences between adult reports and the developmental and clinical literature may partially reflect expert/naïve effects, as well as developmental change. If developmental and clinical studies are to be compared to adult normative data, uninstructed naïve adult data should be used.


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1. The management of threatened species is an important practical way in which conservationists can intervene in the extinction process and reduce the loss of biodiversity. Understanding the causes of population declines (past, present and future) is pivotal to designing effective practical management. This is the declining-population paradigm identified by Caughley. 2. There are three broad classes of ecological tool used by conservationists to guide management decisions for threatened species: statistical models of habitat use, demographic models and behaviour-based models. Each of these is described here, illustrated with a case study and evaluated critically in terms of its practical application. 3. These tools are fundamentally different. Statistical models of habitat use and demographic models both use descriptions of patterns in abundance and demography, in relation to a range of factors, to inform management decisions. In contrast, behaviourbased models describe the evolutionary processes underlying these patterns, and derive such patterns from the strategies employed by individuals when competing for resources under a specific set of environmental conditions. 4. Statistical models of habitat use and demographic models have been used successfully to make management recommendations for declining populations. To do this, assumptions are made about population growth or vital rates that will apply when environmental conditions are restored, based on either past data collected under favourable environmental conditions or estimates of these parameters when the agent of decline is removed. As a result, they can only be used to make reliable quantitative predictions about future environments when a comparable environment has been experienced by the population of interest in the past. 5. Many future changes in the environment driven by management will not have been experienced by a population in the past. Under these circumstances, vital rates and their relationship with population density will change in the future in a way that is not predictable from past patterns. Reliable quantitative predictions about population-level responses then need to be based on an explicit consideration of the evolutionary processes operating at the individual level. 6. Synthesis and applications. It is argued that evolutionary theory underpins Caughley’s declining-population paradigm, and that it needs to become much more widely used within mainstream conservation biology. This will help conservationists examine critically the reliability of the tools they have traditionally used to aid management decision-making. It will also give them access to alternative tools, particularly when predictions are required for changes in the environment that have not been experienced by a population in the past.


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1. Many farmland bird species have undergone significant declines. It is important to predict the effect of agricultural change on these birds and their response to conservation measures. This requirement could be met by mechanistic models that predict population size from the optimal foraging behaviour and fates of individuals within populations. A key component of these models is the functional response, the relationship between food and competitor density and feeding rate. 2. This paper describes a method for measuring functional responses of farmland birds, and applies this method to a declining farmland bird, the corn bunting Miliaria calandra L. We derive five alternative models to predict the functional responses of farmland birds and parameterize these for corn bunting. We also assess the minimum sample sizes required to predict accurately the functional response. 3. We show that the functional response of corn bunting can be predicted accurately from a few behavioural parameters (searching rate, handling time, vigilance time) that are straightforward to measure in the field. These parameters can be measured more quickly than the alternative of measuring the functional response directly. 4. While corn bunting violated some of the assumptions of Holling's disk equation (model 1 in our study), it still provided the most accurate fit to the observed feeding rates while remaining the most statistically simple model tested. Our other models may be more applicable to other species, or corn bunting feeding in other locations. 5. Although further tests are required, our study shows how functional responses can be predicted, simplifying the development of mechanistic models of farmland bird populations.


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Individuals are typically co-infected by a diverse community of microparasites (e.g. viruses or protozoa) and macroparasites (e.g. helminths). Vertebrates respond to these parasites differently, typically mounting T helper type 1 (Th1) responses against microparasites and Th2 responses against macroparasites. These two responses may be antagonistic such that hosts face a 'decision' of how to allocate potentially limiting resources. Such decisions at the individual host level will influence parasite abundance at the population level which, in turn, will feed back upon the individual level. We take a first step towards a complete theoretical framework by placing an analysis of optimal immune responses under microparasite-macroparasite co-infection within an epidemiological framework. We show that the optimal immune allocation is quantitatively sensitive to the shape of the trade-off curve and qualitatively sensitive to life-history traits of the host, microparasite and macroparasite. This model represents an important first step in placing optimality models of the immune response to co-infection into an epidemiological framework. Ultimately, however, a more complete framework is needed to bring together the optimal strategy at the individual level and the population-level consequences of those responses, before we can truly understand the evolution of host immune responses under parasite co-infection.


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We argue that population modeling can add value to ecological risk assessment by reducing uncertainty when extrapolating from ecotoxicological observations to relevant ecological effects. We review other methods of extrapolation, ranging from application factors to species sensitivity distributions to suborganismal (biomarker and "-omics'') responses to quantitative structure activity relationships and model ecosystems, drawing attention to the limitations of each. We suggest a simple classification of population models and critically examine each model in an extrapolation context. We conclude that population models have the potential for adding value to ecological risk assessment by incorporating better understanding of the links between individual responses and population size and structure and by incorporating greater levels of ecological complexity. A number of issues, however, need to be addressed before such models are likely to become more widely used. In a science context, these involve challenges in parameterization, questions about appropriate levels of complexity, issues concerning how specific or general the models need to be, and the extent to which interactions through competition and trophic relationships can be easily incorporated.