196 resultados para Polynomially solvable
Differential equations are often directly solvable by analytical means only in their one dimensional version. Partial differential equations are generally not solvable by analytical means in two and three dimensions, with the exception of few special cases. In all other cases, numerical approximation methods need to be utilized. One of the most popular methods is the finite element method. The main areas of focus, here, are the Poisson heat equation and the plate bending equation. The purpose of this paper is to provide a quick walkthrough of the various approaches that the authors followed in pursuit of creating optimal solvers, accelerated with the use of graphical processing units, and comparing them in terms of accuracy and time efficiency with existing or self-made non-accelerated solvers.
Recent evidence indicates that dogs' sociocognitive abilities and behaviour in a test situation are shaped by both genetic factors and life experiences. We used the 'unsolvable task' paradigm to investigate the effect of breed and age/experience on the use of human-directed gazing behaviour. Following a genetic classification based on recent genome analyses, dogs were allocated to three breed groups, namely Primitive, Hunting/Herding and Molossoid. Furthermore, we tested dogs at 2 months, 4.5. months and as adults. The test consisted of three solvable trials in which dogs could obtain food by manipulating a plastic container followed by an unsolvable trial in which obtaining the food became impossible. The dogs' behaviour towards the apparatus and the people present was analysed. At 2 months no breed group differences emerged and although human-directed gazing behaviour was observed in approximately half of the pups, it occurred for brief periods, suggesting that the aptitude to use human-directed gazing as a request for obtaining help probably develops at a later date when dogs have had more experience with human communication. Breed group differences, however, did emerge strongly in adult dogs and, although less pronounced, also in 4.5-month-old subjects, with dogs in the Hunting/Herding group showing significantly more human-directed gazing behaviour than dogs in the other two breed groups. These results suggest that, although the domestication process may have shaped the dog's human-directed communicative abilities, the later selection for specific types of work might also have had a significant impact on their emergence. © 2011 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
Both genetic factors and life experiences appear to be important in shaping dogs' responses in a test situation. One potentially highly relevant life experience may be the dog's training history, however few studies have investigated this aspect so far. This paper briefly reviews studies focusing on the effects of training on dogs' performance in cognitive tasks, and presents new, preliminary evidence on trained and untrained pet dogs' performance in an 'unsolvable task'. Thirty-nine adult dogs: 13 trained for search and rescue activities (S&R group), 13 for agility competition (Agility group) and 13 untrained pets (Pet group) were tested. Three 'solvable' trials in which dogs could obtain the food by manipulating a plastic container were followed by an 'unsolvable' trial in which obtaining the food became impossible. The dogs' behaviours towards the apparatus and the people present (owner and researcher) were analysed. Both in the first 'solvable' and in the 'unsolvable' trial the groups were comparable on actions towards the apparatus, however differences emerged in their human-directed gazing behaviour. In fact, results in the 'solvable' trial, showed fewer S&R dogs looking back at a person compared to agility dogs, and the latter alternating their gaze between person and apparatus more frequently than pet dogs. In the unsolvable trial no difference between groups emerged in the latency to look at the person however agility dogs looked longer at the owner than both pet and S&R dogs; whereas S&R dogs exhibited significantly more barking (always occurring concurrently to looking at the person or the apparatus) than both other groups. Furthermore, S&R dogs alternated their gaze between person and apparatus more than untrained pet dogs, with agility dogs falling in between these two groups. Thus overall, it seems that the dogs' human-directed communicative behaviours are significantly influenced by their individual training experiences. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nonclassicality is a key ingredient for quantum enhanced technologies and experiments involving macro- scopic quantum coherence. Considering various exactly-solvable quantum-oscillator systems, we address the role played by the anharmonicity of their potential in the establishment of nonclassical features. Specifically, we show that a monotonic relation exists between the the entropic nonlinearity of the considered potentials and their ground state nonclassicality, as quantified by the negativity of the Wigner function. In addition, in order to clarify the role of squeezing--which is not captured by the negativity of the Wigner function--we focus on the Glauber-Sudarshan P-function and address the nonclassicality/nonlinearity relation using the entanglement potential. Finally, we consider the case of a generic sixth-order potential confirming the idea that nonlinearity is a resource for the generation of nonclassicality and may serve as a guideline for the engineering of quantum oscillators.
We study the problem of determining whether or not a graph G has an induced matching that dominates every edge of the graph, which is also known as efficient edge domination. This problem is known to be NP-complete in general as well as in some restricted domains, such as bipartite graphs or regular graphs. In this paper, we identify a graph parameter to which the complexity of the problem is sensible and produce results of both negative (intractable) and positive (solvable in polynomial time) type. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouveaux résultats de systèmes superintégrables séparables en coordonnées polaires. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons une classification complète de tous les systèmes superintégrables séparables en coordonnées polaires qui admettent une intégrale du mouvement d'ordre trois. Des potentiels s'exprimant en terme de la sixième transcendante de Painlevé et de la fonction elliptique de Weierstrass sont présentés. Ensuite, nous introduisons une famille infinie de systèmes classiques et quantiques intégrables et exactement résolubles en coordonnées polaires. Cette famille s'exprime en terme d'un paramètre k. Le spectre d'énergie et les fonctions d'onde des systèmes quantiques sont présentés. Une conjecture postulant la superintégrabilité de ces systèmes est formulée et est vérifiée pour k=1,2,3,4. L'ordre des intégrales du mouvement proposées est 2k où k ∈ ℕ. La structure algébrique de la famille de systèmes quantiques est formulée en terme d'une algèbre cachée où le nombre de générateurs dépend du paramètre k. Une généralisation quasi-exactement résoluble et intégrable de la famille de potentiels est proposée. Finalement, les trajectoires classiques de la famille de systèmes sont calculées pour tous les cas rationnels k ∈ ℚ. Celles-ci s'expriment en terme des polynômes de Chebyshev. Les courbes associées aux trajectoires sont présentées pour les premiers cas k=1, 2, 3, 4, 1/2, 1/3 et 3/2 et les trajectoires bornées sont fermées et périodiques dans l'espace des phases. Ainsi, les résultats obtenus viennent renforcer la possible véracité de la conjecture.
We study a general class of priority-based allocation problems with weak priority orders and identify conditions under which there exists a strategy-proof mechanism which always chooses an agent-optimal stable, or constrained efficient, matching. A priority structure for which these two requirements are compatible is called solvable. For the general class of priority-based allocation problems with weak priority orders,we introduce three simple necessary conditions on the priority structure. We show that these conditions completely characterize solvable environments within the class of indifferences at the bottom (IB) environments, where ties occur only at the bottom of the priority structure. This generalizes and unifies previously known results on solvable and unsolvable environments established in school choice, housing markets and house allocation with existing tenants. We show how the previously known solvable cases can be viewed as extreme cases of solvable environments. For sufficiency of our conditions we introduce a version of the agent-proposing deferred acceptance algorithm with exogenous and preference-based tie-breaking.
Les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes, qui consistent à attribuer des valeurs à des variables en respectant un ensemble de contraintes, constituent une large classe de problèmes naturels. Pour étudier la complexité de ces problèmes, il est commode de les voir comme des problèmes d'homomorphismes vers des structures relationnelles. Un axe de recherche actuel est la caractérisation des classes de complexité auxquelles appartient le problème d'homomorphisme, ceci dans la perspective de confirmer des conjectures reliant les propriétés algébriques des structures relationelles à la complexité du problème d'homomorphisme. Cette thèse propose dans un premier temps la caractérisation des digraphes pour lesquels le problème d'homomorphisme avec listes appartient à FO. On montre également que dans le cas du problèmes d'homomorphisme avec listes sur les digraphes télescopiques, les conjectures reliant algèbre et complexité sont confirmées. Dans un deuxième temps, on caractérise les graphes pour lesquels le problème d'homomorphisme avec listes est résoluble par cohérence d'arc. On introduit la notion de polymorphisme monochromatique et on propose un algorithme simple qui résoud le problème d'homomorphisme avec listes si le graphe cible admet un polymorphisme monochromatique TSI d'arité k pour tout k ≥ 2.
Étant donnée une fonction bornée (supérieurement ou inférieurement) $f:\mathbb{N}^k \To \Real$ par une expression mathématique, le problème de trouver les points extrémaux de $f$ sur chaque ensemble fini $S \subset \mathbb{N}^k$ est bien défini du point de vu classique. Du point de vue de la théorie de la calculabilité néanmoins il faut éviter les cas pathologiques où ce problème a une complexité de Kolmogorov infinie. La principale restriction consiste à définir l'ordre, parce que la comparaison entre les nombres réels n'est pas décidable. On résout ce problème grâce à une structure qui contient deux algorithmes, un algorithme d'analyse réelle récursive pour évaluer la fonction-coût en arithmétique à précision infinie et un autre algorithme qui transforme chaque valeur de cette fonction en un vecteur d'un espace, qui en général est de dimension infinie. On développe trois cas particuliers de cette structure, un de eux correspondant à la méthode d'approximation de Rauzy. Finalement, on établit une comparaison entre les meilleures approximations diophantiennes simultanées obtenues par la méthode de Rauzy (selon l'interprétation donnée ici) et une autre méthode, appelée tétraédrique, que l'on introduit à partir de l'espace vectoriel engendré par les logarithmes de nombres premiers.
In dieser Arbeit werden grundlegende Algorithmen für Ore-Algebren in Mathematica realisiert. Dabei entsteht eine Plattform um die speziellen Beschränkungen und Möglichkeiten dieser Algebren insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit Gröbnerbasen an praktischen Beispielen auszuloten. Im Gegensatz zu den existierenden Paketen wird dabei explizit die Struktur der Ore-Algebra benutzt. Kandri-Rody und Weispfenning untersuchten 1990 Verallgemeinerungen von Gröbnerbasen auf Algebren ordnungserhaltender Art (``algebras of solvable type''). Diese verhalten sich so, dass Buchbergers Algorithmus stets eine Gröbnerbasis findet. Es wird ein Beispiel gezeigt, an dem klar wird, dass es mehr Ore-Algebren ordnungserhaltender Art gibt als die in der Literatur stets betrachteten Operator-Algebren. Für Ore-Algebren ordnungserhaltender Art werden Algorithmen zu Gröbnerbasen implementiert. Anschließend wird der Gröbner-Walk für Ore-Algebren untersucht. Der Gröbner-Walk im kommutativen Fall wird mit einem instruktiven Beispiel vorgestellt. Dann wird zum nichtkommutativen Fall übergegangen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Eigenschaft ordnungserhaltender Art zu sein, auf der Strecke zwischen zwei Ordnungen erhalten bleibt. Eine leichte Modifikation des Walks für Ore-Algebren wird implementiert, die im Erfolgsfall die Basis konvertiert und ansonsten abbricht. Es werden Beispiele angegeben, in denen der modifizierte Walk funktioniert sowie ein Beispiel analysiert, in dem er versagt.
We consider a first order implicit time stepping procedure (Euler scheme) for the non-stationary Stokes equations in smoothly bounded domains of R3. Using energy estimates we can prove optimal convergence properties in the Sobolev spaces Hm(G) (m = 0;1;2) uniformly in time, provided that the solution of the Stokes equations has a certain degree of regularity. For the solution of the resulting Stokes resolvent boundary value problems we use a representation in form of hydrodynamical volume and boundary layer potentials, where the unknown source densities of the latter can be determined from uniquely solvable boundary integral equations’ systems. For the numerical computation of the potentials and the solution of the boundary integral equations a boundary element method of collocation type is used. Some simulations of a model problem are carried out and illustrate the efficiency of the method.
Most network operators have considered reducing Label Switched Routers (LSR) label spaces (i.e. the number of labels that can be used) as a means of simplifying management of underlaying Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and, hence, reducing operational expenditure (OPEX). This letter discusses the problem of reducing the label spaces in Multiprotocol Label Switched (MPLS) networks using label merging - better known as MultiPoint-to-Point (MP2P) connections. Because of its origins in IP, MP2P connections have been considered to have tree- shapes with Label Switched Paths (LSP) as branches. Due to this fact, previous works by many authors affirm that the problem of minimizing the label space using MP2P in MPLS - the Merging Problem - cannot be solved optimally with a polynomial algorithm (NP-complete), since it involves a hard- decision problem. However, in this letter, the Merging Problem is analyzed, from the perspective of MPLS, and it is deduced that tree-shapes in MP2P connections are irrelevant. By overriding this tree-shape consideration, it is possible to perform label merging in polynomial time. Based on how MPLS signaling works, this letter proposes an algorithm to compute the minimum number of labels using label merging: the Full Label Merging algorithm. As conclusion, we reclassify the Merging Problem as Polynomial-solvable, instead of NP-complete. In addition, simulation experiments confirm that without the tree-branch selection problem, more labels can be reduced
We consider the problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an unbounded sound-soft rough surface. Recently, a Brakhage Werner type integral equation formulation of this problem has been proposed, based on an ansatz as a combined single- and double-layer potential, but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half-space Green's function. Moreover, it has been shown in the three-dimensional case that this integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2 (Gamma) when the scattering surface G does not differ too much from a plane. In this paper, we show that this integral equation is uniquely solvable with no restriction on the surface elevation or slope. Moreover, we construct explicit bounds on the inverse of the associated boundary integral operator, as a function of the wave number, the parameter coupling the single- and double-layer potentials, and the maximum surface slope. These bounds show that the norm of the inverse operator is bounded uniformly in the wave number, kappa, for kappa > 0, if the coupling parameter h is chosen proportional to the wave number. In the case when G is a plane, we show that the choice eta = kappa/2 is nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the condition number.
In this paper we consider the scattering of a plane acoustic or electromagnetic wave by a one-dimensional, periodic rough surface. We restrict the discussion to the case when the boundary is sound soft in the acoustic case, perfectly reflecting with TE polarization in the EM case, so that the total field vanishes on the boundary. We propose a uniquely solvable first kind integral equation formulation of the problem, which amounts to a requirement that the normal derivative of the Green's representation formula for the total field vanish on a horizontal line below the scattering surface. We then discuss the numerical solution by Galerkin's method of this (ill-posed) integral equation. We point out that, with two particular choices of the trial and test spaces, we recover the so-called SC (spectral-coordinate) and SS (spectral-spectral) numerical schemes of DeSanto et al., Waves Random Media, 8, 315-414 1998. We next propose a new Galerkin scheme, a modification of the SS method that we term the SS* method, which is an instance of the well-known dual least squares Galerkin method. We show that the SS* method is always well-defined and is optimally convergent as the size of the approximation space increases. Moreover, we make a connection with the classical least squares method, in which the coefficients in the Rayleigh expansion of the solution are determined by enforcing the boundary condition in a least squares sense, pointing out that the linear system to be solved in the SS* method is identical to that in the least squares method. Using this connection we show that (reflecting the ill-posed nature of the integral equation solved) the condition number of the linear system in the SS* and least squares methods approaches infinity as the approximation space increases in size. We also provide theoretical error bounds on the condition number and on the errors induced in the numerical solution computed as a result of ill-conditioning. Numerical results confirm the convergence of the SS* method and illustrate the ill-conditioning that arises.
For a nonlocally perturbed half- space we consider the scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves. A second kind boundary integral equation formulation is proposed for the sound-soft case, based on a standard ansatz as a combined single-and double-layer potential but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half- space Green's function. Due to the unboundedness of the surface, the integral operators are noncompact. In contrast to the two-dimensional case, the integral operators are also strongly singular, due to the slow decay at infinity of the fundamental solution of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation. In the case when the surface is sufficiently smooth ( Lyapunov) we show that the integral operators are nevertheless bounded as operators on L-2(Gamma) and on L-2(Gamma G) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and that the operators depend continuously in norm on the wave number and on G. We further show that for mild roughness, i.e., a surface G which does not differ too much from a plane, the boundary integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2(Gamma) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and the scattering problem has a unique solution which satisfies a limiting absorption principle in the case of real wave number.