121 resultados para Polybia sericea


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Camarea is a South-American endemic genus comprising eight species. In the present work leaf flavonoids of seven species of Camarea were identified, aiming to evaluate the usefulness of their distribution as a taxonomic aid. A total of 12 flavonoids were isolated and identified. Free aglycones, such as apigenin, chrysoeriol, kaempferol and quercetin, as well as 7-O-glycosides of apigenin and luteolin, 3-O-glycosides of kaempferol and quercetin were identified. Flavonoid distribution in Camarea species, taking into account aglycones and aglycone moieties of glycosides, was used to obtain a phenogram of chemical affinities. Apigenin, chrysoeriol and kaempferol were the main discriminating characters for links establishment. The resultant tree suggests the links: 1) Camarea hirsuta, Camarea affinis and C. affinis x C. hirsuta; 2) Camarea elongata and Camarea axillaris; 3) Camarea sericea and Camarea humifusa. The results are in agreement with morphological similarities and disagree with several points of n-alkane evidence. The results support the recognition of Camarea triphylla as synonymy of C axillaris. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study describes and evaluates the horizontal and vertical structures of a lowland forest fragment on a hillock in the municipality of Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (22 degrees 31`56 `` S and 42 degrees 20`46 `` W). Twenty plots (10x2m) totaling 0.5ha were laid out following the slope grade using DBH >= 5cm as the inclusion criterion. A total of 734 individuals were encountered, yielding a total density of 1468 ind./ha and a total basal area of 10783m(2). The richness values (129 species/41 families), Shannon-Wiener diversity (4.22) and equitability (0.87) indices indicated an accentuated floristic heterogeneity and low ecological dominance. Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae showed the greatest species richness, corroborating other studies that indicated these species as the most representative of Atlantic Forest areas in southeastern Brazil. The species with the greatest importance values (VI) were Aparisthmium cordatum, Guapira opposita, Lacistema pubescens, Xylopia sericea, Tapirira guianensis and Piptocarpha macropoda. The high diversity observed was influenced by earlier anthropogenic actions and by the current successional stage. The forest fragment studied demonstrated closer floristic similarity to areas inventoried in a close-by biological reserve than to fragments dispersed throughout the coastal plain. Similarities in soil type, degree of soil saturation and use-history of forest resources all support these relationships. The fragmented physiognomy of the central lowland in this region and the use-history of the landscape make these small remnant forest areas important in terms of establishing strategies for landscape restoration and species conservation.


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Passiflora suberosa Linnaeus (Passifloraceae), uma espécie de maracujá nativa no Rio Grande do Sul, é estudada em relação à biologia reprodutiva e ao processo de polinização. As avaliações são realizadas em populações cultivadas de P. suberosa presentes em áreas urbanas no Munícipio de Porto Alegre, RS. Aspectos concernentes à biologia floral foram avaliadas em uma população do Campus do Vale(UFRGS). A observação e coleta dos visitantes florais foi realizada em um jardim residencial, no bairro Passo da Areia. Avalia-se o sistema reprodutivo de P. suberosa em condições de campo através de três tratamentos: xenogamia, autogamia espontânea e autogamia manual. Um grupo de flores é marcado e deixado em condições naturais(controle) para se observar a formação de frutos. O padrão de produção e o volume de néctor produzido foram observados em flores isoladas e amostradas a cada duas horas das 8 as 18 horas. O efeito provocado pela remoção intermitente de néctar foi avaliado nas mesmas flores. A quantidade diária de néctar produzida foi avaliada utilizando-se um novo conjunto de flores a cada amostragem Para verificar o padrão de disponibilização diária de pólen, amostrou-se flores isoladas a cada 30 minutos, das 7 às 14 horas. Similarmente, flores não isoladas foram avaliadas para determinar quanto tempo o pólen permanece disponível na presença dos visitantes florais.A receptividade do estigma foi testada in vivo, por meio de polinização manual em flores emasculadas, das 8 até às 18 horas. Os visitantes florais foram monitorados de dezembro de 2001 a novembro de 2002.Observações seguidas de coleta foram realizadas a cada quinze dias, no período entre as 8 e as 14 horas. Nessas ocasiões, as flores abertas foram contadas e registrava-se a posição das pétalas, anteras e estigmas. Os visitantes florais foram observados em relação a hora da visita, contato com anteras e/ou estigmas, partes do corpo que contava as estruturas reprodutivas, presença de pólen no corpo e taxa de visita Os grãos de pólen aderidos no dorso dos insetos foram montados em lâminas microscópicas e analisadas em laboratório. Os resotados indicam que P. suberosa é autocompatível, entretanto a autofecundação espontânea não parece ser freqüente devido a posição das anteras e estigmas na flor. O polén não é disponibilizado de forma gradual, devido ao fato das cinco anteras de uma mesma flor tornarem-se deiscentes em tempos diferentes, desde a abertura da flor até o final da manhã, período em que todo o pólen está disponível. O número de flores com estigmas receptivos na população variou durante o dia, sendo o período entre 10 e 15 horas aquele em que se observou o maior número de flores receptivas. As flores P. suberosa já abriram com algum néctar disponível e continuaram produzindo. As 10 horas observou-se o volume máximo de néctar produzido durante o dia. As folhas foram visitadas principalmente por Polybia ignobilis, Pachodynerus guadulpensis, Polistes versicolor, Polistes cavapytiformis (Vespidae), por Augochloropsis sp. e Augochlorella ephyra (halictidae) e por Apis mellifera(Apidae). Ainda que todos os visitantes florais amostrados possam polinizar as flores, Polybia ignobilis, dado os seus atributos morfológicos, padrão comportamental de forrageio e a grande quantidade de pólen amostrada sobre a região dorsal do tórax, foi aquela que efetivamente contribuiu para a polinização da população de P. suberosa estudada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The guava tree pest that has been requesting larger control frequency, in the area of Jaboticabal - São Paulo in the last years, is the psilideo Triozoida limbata. Thus, the objectives of this research were: a) Compare control tactics T. limbata based on monitoring and selectivity of insecticide to decrease the applications; b) To register and to correlate the natural enemies in habitants in guava tree ecosystem with the key pest and with meteorological factors; c) See if the control of T. limbata affects the population of fruit flies and d) To verify the efficiency of appropriate insecticides to IMP, in control of T. limbata. The experiment was conducted in 2004, in an orchard of Paluma cultivar in Vista Alegre do Alto, SP. The used strategies were (doses in g.a.i./100L water): control; imidacloprid + beta-cyfluthrin (2.5 + 0.3); acetamiprid (4.0); fenpropathrin (15.0) and regional conventional treatment. It was concluding that is possible to reduce the number of applications of less aggressive insecticides to the environment and the man, with the adoption of monitoring of T. limbata and implementing the action level. The natural enemies' populations densities (Scymnus spp., Cycloneda sanguinea, Azia luteipes, Crysoperla spp., Polybia spp., Brachygastra ssp.) present positive correlations with the populations of T. limbata. Population fluctuations of T. limbata and natural enemies are not altered by meteorological factors (precipitation and temperature) in irrigated orchard. The population of Anastrepha spp. is minimized when of the applications is for control T. limbata. The insecticides imidacloprid, imidacloprid + beta-cyfluthrin, acetamiprid and fenpropathrin are efficient in the control of T. limbata.


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Animal venoms have been valuable sources for development of new drugs and important tools to understand cellular functioning in health and disease. The venom of Polybia paulista, a neotropical social wasp belonging to the subfamily Polistinae, has been sampled by headspace solid phase microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Recent study has shown that mastoparan, a major basic peptide isolated from the venom, reproduces the myotoxic effect of the whole venom. In this study, Polybia-MPII mastoparan was synthesized and studies using transmission electron microscopy were carried out in mice tibial anterior muscle to identify the subcellular targets of its myotoxic action. The effects were followed at 3 and 24 h, 3, 7, and 21 days after mastoparan (0.25 mu g/mu L) intramuscular injection. The peptide caused disruption of the sarcolemma and collapse of myofibril arrangement in myofibers. As a consequence, fibers presented heteromorphic amorphous masses of agglutinated myofilaments very often intermingled with denuded sarcoplasmic areas sometimes only surrounded by a persistent basal lamina. To a lesser extent, a number of fibers apparently did not present sarcolemma rupture but instead appeared with multiple small vacuoles. The results showed that sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and mitochondria were the main targets for mastoparan. In addition, a number of fibers showed apoptotic-like nuclei suggesting that the peptide causes death both by necrosis and apoptosis. This study presents a hitherto unexplored view of the effects of mastoparan in skeletal muscle and contributes to discuss how the known pharmacology of the peptide is reflected in the sarcolemma, SR, mitochondria, and nucleus of muscle fibers, apparently its subcellular targets.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Hymenoptera Aculeata venoms, with few exceptions, have been poorly studied and characterized. Nevertheless, they have raised increasing interest due to their medical importance, since accidents with these insects are fairly frequent in Brazil and may cause severe allergic reactions. The objectives of the present work were the quantitative characterization of the main allergenic enzymes present in the venom of the species Polybia paulista, Polybia ignobilis, Polistes simillimus, and Agelaia pallipes pallipes through biochemical assays for the determination of total protein content, as well as the level of the enzymatic activity of phospholipase, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase and esterase. These results, in addition to providing biochemical knowledge about the venom of the species in question, also supply studies that allow phylogenetic inferences among them.


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Physical and chemical variables of soil and water were measured to determine the effectiveness of a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Eight different macrophyte species, namely Eichhornia crassipes, Alternanthera philoxerodos, Heteranthera reniformis, Hydrocotyle umbeliferae, Lidwigia elegan, Ludwigia sericea, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Thypha domingensis, were transplanted. Inlet water and outlet water were the two sampling sites evaluated. There were significant differences (p < 0,05) when limnological characteristics between inlet and outlet water from the constructed wetland were compared. In general, dissolved oxygen was over 4 mg L-1, and conductivity was high, above 80 μS cm-1. Chlorophyll-a levels generally tended to decrease at the wetland outlet and were higher during the rainy period (fish growth period). Results show that ammonia, total phosphorus, BOD5, phosphorus and organic mattel in the sediment removals in the constructed wetland were higher, indicating that macrophytes played an important role in removing these variables. The use of constructed wetland is a viable technology for the biological treatment in aquaculture and swine wastewater.


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In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)