919 resultados para Polarization entanglement


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We survey the expected polarization of the top produced in the decay of a scalar top quark, t -> t((chi) over tildei)(0), i = 1 - 2. The phenomenology is quite interesting, since the expected polarization depends both on the mixing in the stop and neutralino sectors and on the mass differences between the stop and the neutralino. We find that a mixed stop behaves almost like a right-handed stop due to the larger hypercharge that enters the stop/top/gaugino coupling and that these polarisation effects disappear, when m((t) over tilde1) approximate to m(t) +m((chi) over tildei)(0). After a discussion on the expected top polarization from the decay of a scalar top quark, we focus on the interplay of polarization and kinematics at the LHC. We discuss different probes of the top polarization in terms of lab-frame observables. We find that these observables faithfully reflect the polarization of the parent top-quark, but also have a non-trivial dependence on the kinematics of the stop production and decay process. In addition, we illustrate the effect of top polarization on the energy and transverse momentum of the decay lepton in the laboratory frame. Our results show that both spectra are softened substantially in case of a negatively polarized top, particularly for a large mass difference between the stop and the neutralino. Thus, the search strategies, and the conclusions that can be drawn from them, depends not just on the mass difference m((t) over tilde) - m((chi) over tildei)(0) due to the usual kinematic effects but also on the effects of top polarization on the decay kinematics the extent of which depends in turn on the said mass difference.


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We consider holographic entanglement entropy in higher derivative gravity theories. Recently Lewkowycz and Maldacena 1] have provided a method to derive the equations for the entangling surface from first principles. We use this method to compute the entangling surface in four derivative gravity. Certain interesting differences compared to the two derivative case are pointed out. For Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we show that in the regime where this method is applicable, the resulting equations coincide with proposals in the literature as well as with what follows from considerations of the stress tensor on the entangling surface. Finally we demonstrate that the area functional in Gauss-Bonnet holography arises as a counterterm needed to make the Euclidean action free of power law divergences.


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We study the production of the lightest neutralinos in the process e(+)e(-) -> chi(0)(1)chi(0)(1)gamma in supersymmetric grand unified models for the International Linear Collider energies with longitudinally polarized beams. We consider cases where the standard model gauge group is unified into the grand unified gauge groups SU(5), or SO(10). We have carried out a comprehensive study of this process in the SU(5) and SO(10) grand unified theories which includes the QED radiative corrections. We compare and contrast the dependence of the signal cross section on the grand unified gauge group, and on the different representations of the grand unified gauge group, when the electron and positron beams are longitudinally polarized. To assess the feasibility of experimentally observing the radiative production process, we have also considered in detail the background to this process coming from the radiative neutrino production process e(+)e(-)-> nu(nu) over bar gamma with longitudinally polarized electron and positron beams. In addition we have also considered the supersymmetric background coming from the radiative production of scalar neutrinos in the process e(+)e(-) -> (nu) over tilde(nu) over tilde*gamma with longitudinally polarized beams. The process can be a major background to the radiative production of neutralinos when the scalar neutrinos decay invisibly.


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Patches with variants of fractal Minkowski curves as boundaries are used here to design a polarization dependent electromagnetic bandgap surface. Reflection phases of the proposed structure depends upon the polarization state of the incident wave and frequency. The phase difference between the x-polarized and y-polarized components of the reflected wave can be as high as 200 degrees and this is achieved without excessive increase in unit cell dimensions and vias. The performance of the surface is analyzed numerically using CST microwave studio. The potential applications of the surface are in polarization conversion surfaces, polarimetric radar calibration, and RCS reduction.


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We consider entanglement entropy in the context of gauge/gravity duality for conformal field theories in even dimensions. The holographic prescription due to Ryu and Takayanagi (RT) leads to an equation describing how the entangling surface extends into the bulk geometry. We show that setting to zero, the timetime component of the Brown-York stress tensor evaluated on the co-dimension 1 entangling surface, leads to the same equation. By considering a spherical entangling surface as an example, we observe that the Euclidean actionmethods in AdS/CFT will lead to the RT area functional arising as a counterterm needed to regularize the stress tensor. We present arguments leading to a justification for the minimal area prescription.


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The ferroelectric system (1-x)PbZrO3-(x)Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3 has been investigated as a function of composition, temperature, and electric field by x-ray powder diffraction, dielectric, and ferroelectric measurements. Within the solubility limit (x similar to 0.25), the system evolves from an orthorhombic-antiferroelectric to rhombohedral-ferroelectric state through a phase coexistence region. The highest polarization was found not for the composition exhibiting a pure ferroelectric state, but for a composition x = 0.15 exhibiting ferroelectric + antiferroelectric phase coexistence close to the rhombohedral phase boundary. Electric poling of the equilibrium two-phase state led to irreversible enhancement in the rhombohedral phase fraction suggesting that the enhanced polarization is related to the enhanced polarizability of the lattice due to first order criticality as in ferroelectric-ferroelectric morphotropic phase boundary systems. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Entanglement entropy in local quantum field theories is typically ultraviolet divergent due to short distance effects in the neighborhood of the entangling region. In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we show that surface terms in general relativity are able to capture this entanglement entropy. In particular, we demonstrate that for 1+1-dimensional (1 + 1d) conformal field theories (CFTs) at finite temperature whose gravity dual is Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole, the Gibbons-Hawking-York term precisely reproduces the entanglement entropy which can be computed independently in the field theory.


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We investigate constraints imposed by entanglement on gravity in the context of holography. First, by demanding that relative entropy is positive and using the Ryu-Takayanagi entropy functional, we find certain constraints at a nonlinear level for the dual gravity. Second, by considering Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we show that for a class of small perturbations around the vacuum state, the positivity of the two point function of the field theory stress tensor guarantees the positivity of the relative entropy. Further, if we impose that the entangling surface closes off smoothly in the bulk interior, we find restrictions on the coupling constant in Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We also give an example of an anisotropic excited state in an unstable phase with broken conformal invariance which leads to a negative relative entropy.


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The tunable optical properties of the bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were recently revealed as a perfect black body material, optically reflective mirror and solar absorber. The present study demonstrates an enhanced optical reflectance of up to similar to 15% over a broad wavelength range in the near infrared region followed by a mechanical modification of the surface of a bulk CNT structure, which can be accounted for due to the grating-like surface abnormalities. In response to the specific arrangement of the so-formed bent tips of the CNT, a selective reflectance is achieved and results in reflecting only a dominant component of the polarized ight, which has not been realized so far. Modulation of this selective-optical reflectance can be achieved by ontrolling the degree of tip bending of the nanotubes, thus opening up avenues for the construction of novel dynamic light polarizers and absorbers.


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We demonstrate extremely narrow resonances for polarization rotation in an atomic vapor. The resonances are created using a strong control laser on the same transition, which polarizes the atoms due to optical pumping among the magnetic sublevels. As the power in the control laser is increased, successively higher-order nested polarization-rotation resonances are created, with progressively narrower linewidths. We study these resonances in the D-2 line of Rb in a room temperature vapor cell, and demonstrate a width of 0.14 G for the third-order rotation. The physical basis for the observed resonances is that optical pumping results in a simplified. AV-type level structure with differential dressing of the levels by the control laser, which is why the control power has to be sufficiently high for each resonance to appear. This explanation is borne out by a density-matrix analysis of the system. The dispersive lineshape and subnatural width of the resonance lends itself naturally to applications such as laser locking to atomic transitions and precision measurements. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2014


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Using polarization-dependent x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, we have investigated the surface effects on antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain formation. Depth-resolved information obtained from our study indicates the presence of strain-induced surface AFM domains on some of the cleaved NiO(100) crystals, which are unusually thinner than bulk AFM domain wall widths (similar to 150 nm). Existence of such magnetic skin layer is substantiated by exchange-coupled ferromagnetic Fe domains in Fe/NiO(100), thereby evidencing the influence of this surface AFM domains on interfacial magnetic coupling. Our observations demonstrate a depth evolution of AFM structure in presence of induced surface strain, while the surface symmetry-breaking in absence of induced strain does not modify the bulk AFM domain structure. Realization of such thin surface AFM layer will provide better microscopic understanding of the exchange bias phenomena. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We consider free fermion and free boson CFTs in two dimensions, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. For the CFT on the infinite spatial line, we calculate the finite temperature entanglement entropy of a single interval perturbatively to second order in mu in each of the theories. We find that the result in each case is given by the same non-trivial function of temperature and interval length. Remarkably, we further obtain the same formula using a recent Wilson line proposal for the holographic entanglement entropy, in holomorphically factorized form, associated to the spin-three black hole in SL(3, R) x SL(3, R) Chern-Simons theory. Our result suggests that the order mu(2) correction to the entanglement entropy may be universal for W-algebra CFTs with spin-three chemical potential, and constitutes a check of the holographic entanglement entropy proposal for higher spin theories of gravity in AdS(3).


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We previously reported interferon gamma secretion by human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in response to recombinant E. coli-expressed Rv1860 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) as well as protection of guinea pigs against a challenge with virulent MTB following prime-boost immunization with DNA vaccine and poxvirus expressing Rv1860. In contrast, a Statens Serum Institute Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-SSI) recombinant expressing MTB Rv1860 (BCG-TB1860) showed loss of protective ability compared to the parent BCG strain expressing the control GFP protein (BCG-GFP). Since Rv1860 is a secreted mannosylated protein of MTB and BCG, we investigated the effect of BCG-TB1860 on innate immunity. Relative to BCG-GFP, BCG-TB1860 effected a significant near total reduction both in secretion of cytokines IL-2, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10, and up regulation of co-stimulatory molecules MHC-II, CD40, CD54, CD80 and CD86 by infected bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC), while leaving secreted levels of TGF-beta unchanged. These effects were mimicked by BCG-TB1860His which carried a 6-Histidine tag at the C-terminus of Rv1860, killed sonicated preparations of BCG-TB1860 and purified H37Rv-derived Rv1860 glycoprotein added to BCG-GFP, but not by E. coli-expressed recombinant Rv1860. Most importantly, BMDC exposed to BCG-TB1860 failed to polarize allogeneic as well as syngeneic T cells to secrete IFN-gamma and IL-17 relative to BCG-GFP. Splenocytes from mice infected with BCG-SSI showed significantly less proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-17, but secreted higher levels of IL-10 in response to in vitro restimulation with BCG-TB1860 compared to BCG-GFP. Spleens from mice infected with BCG-TB1860 also harboured significantly fewer DC expressing MHC-II, IL-12, IL-2 and TNF-alpha compared to mice infected with BCG-GFP. Glycoproteins of MTB, through their deleterious effects on DC may thus contribute to suppress the generation of a TH1- and TH17-dominated adaptive immune response that is vital for protection against tuberculosis.


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The polarization sharing technique is utilized in gradient based slice selective experiments to transfer polarization from unutilized protons to selectively excited protons. This facilitates rapid data acquisition without any customary inter-scan relaxation delay, resulting in an average of 2-fold sensitivity enhancement per unit time.


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In arXiv:1310.5713 1] and arXiv:1310.6659 2] a formula was proposed as the entanglement entropy functional for a general higher-derivative theory of gravity, whose lagrangian consists of terms containing contractions of the Riemann tensor. In this paper, we carry out some tests of this proposal. First, we find the surface equation of motion for general four-derivative gravity theory by minimizing the holographic entanglement entropy functional resulting from this proposed formula. Then we calculate the surface equation for the same theory using the generalized gravitational entropy method of arXiv:1304.4926 3]. We find that the two do not match in their entirety. We also construct the holographic entropy functional for quasi-topological gravity, which is a six-derivative gravity theory. We find that this functional gives the correct universal terms. However, as in the R-2 case, the generalized gravitational entropy method applied to this theory does not give exactly the surface equation of motion coming from minimizing the entropy functional.