972 resultados para Pneumatose Cistoide Intestinal


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Prevalence of infection with the intestinal helminths, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale and Strongyloides stercoralis was examinedin 632 residents of communities in Esmeraldas province of Ecuador. These communities were divided into two groups according to area of habitation which reflected different socioeconomic circumstances. Attempts were made to correlate infection status with race and ABO blood group phenotype. The racial groups included blacks, Chachi amerindians, and mixed-race mestizos. Greater prevalences of infection were seen in the area oflower socioeconomic status. No racial or blood group associations with helminth infection were seen controlling for socioeconomic status.


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Os autores relatam um caso de entomoftoromicose intestinal causada por Entomophthorales, em indivíduo de 19 anos, agricultor e sem doença associada. O paciente foi submetido a ressecção intestinal e o diagnóstico foi feito após análise da peça cirúrgica. Após revisão da literatura, são discutidos a evolução clínica, as características clinicopatológicas, as dificuldades no diagnóstico e o tratamento dessa entidade rara.


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Os autores relatam o caso de um homem de 59 anos de idade com timoma e estrongiloidíase intestinal grave. São revistos aspectos da resposta imunitária relacionados ao tumor e, possivelmente, implicados no desenvolvimento da hiperinfecção pelo Strongyloides stercoralis.


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Para determinar a prevalência de enteroparasitismo nas aldeias Tembé, foi realizado um inquérito coproparasitológico em toda a população (93 índios), em dezembro de 1996. Os parasitos mais freqüentes foram ancilostomídeos (29,0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (34,4%), Entamoeba histolytica (12,9%) e Giardia lamblia (4,3%). As maiores prevalências de ancilostomídeos e A. lumbricoides foram observadas na aldeia Turé-Mariquita, enquanto que as de E. histolytica e G. lamblia na Acará-Mirim. Não foi observada diferença significativa sob ponto de vista prático entre a média de idade dos índios parasitados e a dos não parasitados. Sexo esteve relacionado apenas a freqüência de ancilostomídeos, bem maior no sexo masculino. Desse modo, a prevalência de enteroparasitas ainda se encontra elevada para alguns agentes, sugerindo que as medidas de atenção devem ser imediatamente incrementadas a fim de se obterem resultados mais positivos no combate ao enteroparasitismo.


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A school-based control program of intestinal helminths was undertaken among schoolchildren in the Low-Napo region, north-eastern Ecuador. Forty-eight percent of children were infected with one or more helminths at the first examination. The prevalence at the baseline was Ascaris 33.2% followed by hookworm 24.1% and Trichuris 6.5%. Sex was found to be a significant factor influencing the prevalence of hookworm and Trichuris. Prevalence was compared 9 months and 18 months after treatment. After 9 months, Ascaris and Trichuris prevalence had decreased but not hookworm. All of them increased after 18 months. The findings suggest that only a course of mebendazol had a minor effect on the control of helminth infections.


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We report a case of intestinal involvement of Paracoccidioidomycosis, in a patient considered to have colonic cancer. The diagnosis of this mycosis should be considered when an abdominal mass associated with intra-lesional calcifications on X-ray is observed. CT scans increase the findings.


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Entre março e maio de 1991, a prevalência das enteroparasitoses e o aleitamento materno foram determinados simultaneamente em 208 crianças menores de dois anos de idade e suas mães, atendidas em Instituição Pública de Saúde no Rio de Janeiro. Através da técnica de sedimentação, detectou-se positividade geral de 12,7% para as crianças, e 37,3% para as mães. Ascaris lumbricoides foi o parasito mais prevalente nas mulheres (12,7%) e nos lactentes (4,3%). A distribuição dos parasitos entre os grupos de aleitamento não variou para as mulheres, mas foi estatisticamente significativa em relação às crianças (p < 0,05). Nenhuma criança em aleitamento exclusivo apresentou parasitose. Verificou-se correlação positiva entre parasitismo e desmame. Cerca de 60% das crianças parasitadas eram filhas de mães também parasitadas, sendo detectado um risco 1,7 vezes maior destas crianças virem a apresentar algum parasito intestinal. Acreditamos que a mãe parasitada possa influenciar na freqüência do parasitismo infantil.


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We report a significantly higher prevalence of intestinal nematodes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) compared to a matched control group: 33/57 (57.8%) in patients with TB and 18/86 (20.9%) in the control group; OR=5.19; 95% CI= 2.33-11.69; p=0.000). When TB patients eosinophilia was also significantly higher among those with intestinal parasites (69.8%) compared to those without this condition (45.6%). We hypothesized that the immune modulation induced by nematodes is a factor that enhances TB infection/progression and that eosinophilia seen in TB patients is a consequence of helminth infection.


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We report the results of a retrospective study on the frequency of intestinal nematodes among 198 alcoholic and 440 nonalcoholic patients at the University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes in Vitória, ES, Brazil. The control sample included 194 nonalcoholic patients matched according to age, sex and neighborhood and a random sample of 296 adults admitted at the same hospital. Stool examination by sedimentation method (three samples) was performed in all patients. There was a significantly higher frequency of intestinal nematodes in alcoholics than in controls (35.3% and 19.2%, respectively), due to a higher frequency of Strongyloides stercoralis (21.7% and 4.1%, respectively). Disregarding this parasite, the frequency of the other nematodes was similar in both groups. The higher frequency of S. stercoralis infection in alcoholics could be explained by immune modulation and/or by some alteration in corticosteroid metabolism induced by chronic ethanol ingestion. Corticosteroid metabolites would mimic the worm ecdisteroids, that would in turn increase the fecundity of females in duodenum and survival of larvae. Consequently, the higher frequency of Strongyloides larvae in stool of alcoholics does not necessarily reflect an increased frequency of infection rate, but only an increased chance to present a positive stool examination using sedimentation methods.


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Patients residing in endemic areas for schistosomiasis in Brazil are usually undernourished and when they develop the hepatosplenic clinical form of the disease should usually receive hospital care, many of them being in need of nutritional rehabilitation before specific treatment can be undertaken. In the mouse model, investigations carried out in our laboratory detected a reduced aminoacid uptake in undernourished animals which is aggravated by a superimposed infection with Schistosoma mansoni. However, in well-nourished infected mice no dysfunction occurs. In this study, we tried to improve the absorptive intestinal performance of undernourished mice infected with S. mansoni by feeding them with hydrolysed casein instead of whole casein. The values obtained for the coefficient of protein intestinal absorption (cpia) among well-nourished mice were above 90% (either hydrolysed or whole protein). In undernourished infected mice, however, the cpia improved significantly after feeding them with hydrolysed casein, animals reaching values close to those obtained in well-nourished infected mice.


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Descreve-se a presença de cistos unizóicos de Isospora belli em linfonodos mesentéricos e de gametócitos no epitélio da vesícula biliar de um paciente brasileiro de 26 anos de idade, com a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida que recebeu tratamento, por diversas vezes, com sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim. Discute-se a importância dos cistos teciduais de I. belli como possíveis focos de resistência do parasita e a associação destes a episódios de recidivas da infecção mesmo após tratamento com medicação anticoccídios.


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A case of intestinal spirochetosis in a 62-year-old white male is reported. The condition was characterized by chronic flatulence and episodes of intestinal hemorrhage, in addition to the evidence of hypotonic diverticular disease, with a large number of slender organisms in the colon epithelium and cryptae. Spirochetes were demonstrated by Whartin-Starry stain. The serologic tests for syphilis and HIV were positive. Spirochetosis was treated with penicillin G, and the patient remains free of intestinal complaints 20 months later.


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This study compared the efficiency of Kato-Katz thick smear and thick smear techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal helminths. The sensitivity of the thick smear technique was higher than that of the Kato-Katz method for the diagnosis of all helminths except Schistosoma mansoni.


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the possible effect of nematode infection on anti-HBs antibody levels in the serum of seven-year-old schoolchildren vaccinated at birth with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Anti-HBs and anti HBc antibodies were evaluated in the sera of 100 schoolchildren with at least one intestinal nematode and/or a positive serological reaction for anti-Toxocara antibodies and in 95 schoolchildren without intestinal helminthiasis or serum anti-Toxocara antibodies. Both groups were from public elementary schools located on the urban periphery of Vitória, ES, Brazil. Among these 195 children, the median anti-HBs antibody titer was 31.3IU/ml and the frequency of titers less than 10IU/ml was 33.8% (95% CI: 27.1-40.4%). There were no significant differences between the medians of anti-HBs titers or the frequency of titers less than 10IU/ml between the groups with or without helminthes (29.5 and 32.9IU/ml and 33 and 34.7%, respectively; p>0.05). Even when the children with intestinal nematodes and/or anti-Toxocara antibodies and with blood eosinophil counts over 600/mm³ were compared with children without infection from intestinal nematodes and without anti-Toxocara antibodies, with blood eosinophil counts less than 400 eosinophils/mm³, these differences were not significant. None of the children presented anti-HBc antibodies. In conclusion, infections with intestinal nematodes and/or the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies did not interfere with the anti-HBs antibody titers in seven-year-old children vaccinated at birth with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine.