126 resultados para Plantlets
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
A cagaiteira é uma espécie nativa do Cerrado com elevado potencial frutífero. Como suas sementes apresentam elevada variabilidade, sendo ainda recalcitrantes e dormentes, a germinação in vitro apresenta-se como uma alternativa para a propagação da espécie, além de permitir a obtenção de explantes juvenis para a micropropagação. Com presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da escarificação e da luminosidade na germinação in vitro de sementes de cagaiteira. Sementes desprovidas do tegumento e sementes intactas foram inoculadas em meio MS e mantidas na ausência e presença de luz. Sementes desprovidas de tegumento germinadas tanto na presença quanto na ausência de luz apresentaram 86,25% e 88,25% de germinação aos 31 e 71 dias da inoculação, respectivamente. Após 150 dias de inoculação, plântulas provenientes de sementes desprovidas de tegumento, germinadas na presença e ausência de luminosidade, apresentaram 10% e 12% de anomalias, respectivamente.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
One of the alternatives to autoclaving culture media is chemical sterilization, which may cause fewer changes to the chemical composition of the media. In this study, the effect of chemical sterilization by inclusion of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in the culture medium on the in vitro development of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) cv. AL101, cultured at different stages of micropropagation, was evaluated. The following five concentrations of ClO2 were tested: 0%, 0.0025%, 0.0050%, 0.0075%, and 0.010%. Autoclaved medium was used as the control. ClO2 in the culture medium reduced contamination at rates comparable to autoclaving when tested at three stages of the culture process: in vitro establishment, multiplication, and rooting. Plantlets grown in culture media sterilized with ClO2 showed similar or better development than those grown in autoclaved culture medium. Use of 0.0025% ClO2 to sterilize the culture medium resulted in better plantlet development than autoclaved medium, regardless of the stage of micropropagation.
Clonal eucalyptus plantings have increased in recent years; however, some clones with high production characteristics have vegetative propagation problems because of weak root and aerial development. Endophytic microorganisms live inside healthy plants without causing any damage to their hosts and can be beneficial, acting as plant growth promoters. We isolated endophytic bacteria from eucalyptus plants and evaluated their potential in plant growth promotion of clonal plantlets of Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis, known as the hybrid, E. urograndis. Eighteen isolates of E. urograndis, clone 4622, were tested for plant growth promotion using the same clone. These isolates were also evaluated for indole acetic acid production and their potential for nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization. The isolates were identified by partial sequencing of 16S rRNA. Bacillus subtilis was the most prevalent species. Several Bacillus species, including B. licheniformis and B. subtilis, were found for the first time as endophytes of eucalyptus. Bacillus sp strain EUCB 10 significantly increased the growth of the root and aerial parts of eucalyptus plantlets under greenhouse conditions, during the summer and winter seasons.
Callogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, and regeneration were obtained from tissues of unfertilized ovaries of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck.) cv. Tobias. The influence of two modified basal media, woody plant medium (WPM) and N6 medium, to induce callus formation from pistils was determined. Overall, high frequencies of callogenesis were observed when either medium was used. However, initial culture of explants in WPM medium followed by transfer of callus to N6 medium resulted in higher frequency of callus induction (of 2.30 callus per explant that were larger than 0.5 cm in size), and of subsequent development of embryogenic callus (10%). A total of 125 somatic embryos were obtained. After 6 months of culture, 72% of somatic embryos germinated into plantlets. These plantlets were subsequently micrografted in vitro, and then acclimatized. Ploidy of these plants were determined using flow cytometry and TRAPS molecular markers were used to confirm their maternal origin.
In yeasts, the ABC-type transporters are involved in vacuolar sequestration of cadmium. In plants, transport experiments with isolated vacuoles indicate that this is also true. In order to know more about the response of AtMRPs, a subclass of Arabidopsis ABC transporters, to cadmium, their expression pattern was analysed using the microchip technology and semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. From 15 putative sequences coding for AtMRPs, transcript levels were detected for 14. All were expressed in the roots as well as in the shoots, although at a different level. In 4-week-old Arabidopsis, transcript levels of four AtMRPs were up-regulated after cadmium treatment. In all cases up-regulation was exclusively observed in the roots. The increase of transcript levels was most pronounced for AtMRP3. A more detailed analysis revealed that induction of AtMRP3 could also be observed in the shoot when leaves were cut and cadmium allowed to be taken up in the shoot. In young plantlets, a far higher portion of Cd2+ was translocated in the aerial part compared with adult plants. Consequently, AtMRP3 transcript levels increased in both root and shoot of young plants. This suggests that 7-day-old seedlings do not exhibit such a strict root–shoot barrier as 4-week-old plants. Expression analysis with mutant plants for glutathione and phytochelatin synthesis as well as with compounds producing oxidative stress indicate that induction of AtMRP3 is likely due to the heavy metal itself.
La técnica del rescate de embriones permite la obtención de plantas por cruzamiento directo entre cultivares sin semillas, no obstante el número de plántulas obtenidas es bajo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la intensidad de la poda en dos cultivares estenospermocárpicos de vid (Emperatriz y Fantasy Seedless) sobre el desarrollo in vitro de los embriones y correlacionar el desempeño de los mismos con distintas características de las plantas. La respuesta a los tratamientos estuvo altamente afectada por el cultivar. En Fantasy S. se obtuvo un mayor cantidad de plántulas in vitro disminuyendo el número de yemas dejadas en la poda.
Se micropropagó Cissus tiliacea, recurso fitogenético con potencial agronómico y farmacológico, en los medios de cultivo Murashige-Skoog (MS) y Lloyd y McCown (WPM). En ambos medios se generaron resultados similares para número de brotes, nudos, hojas y raíces adventicias, sólo existió diferencia significativa (p ≤ 0,05) en la formación de callo. Para la multiplicación in vitro se utilizó WPM adicionado con 0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 ó 2,0 mg L-1 de benciladenina (BA) y se emplearon tres tipos de segmentos nodales (basal, medio y apical). Las concentraciones de 0 y 0,5 mg L-1 de BA resultaron en un mayor tamaño y desarrollo del explante, además permitieron la formación de 1,2 a 1,6 raíces por explante. Las concentraciones de 1,5 y 2,0 mg L-1 de BA indujeron la formación de callo. No existió diferencia significativa en las variables evaluadas por efecto del tipo de segmento nodal establecido in vitro. En el enraizamiento, en el medio MS, se evaluaron tres tipos de auxinas: ácido naftalen-1-acético (ANA), ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB) y ácido indol- 3-acético (AIA) a 0,5 mg L-1; el mayor número de raíces secundarias y diámetro de la raíz principal fue inducido por ANA, sin embargo AIB indujo una mayor elongación de la raíz principal. Los resultados del presente trabajo sugieren que el cultivo in vitro de C. tiliacea es una alternativa para su conservación y multiplicación.
Doubled haploid onion (Allium cepa L.) plants allow the production of completely homozygous lines for a later production of hybrids. The haploid plants are normally produced using in vitro gynogenesis. The obtained haploid plantlets must be treated with different agents for doubling chromosomes. It is necessary to adjust the concentration and the length of treatment of the doubling agent. In this case, the effect of 250 and 500 mg.L-1 colchicine and 15.2; 30 and 60 mg.L- 1 amiprophos-methyl during 24 and 48 h was assessed over the rate of onion haploid plantlets chromosome doubling. The best duplication treatment was 250 mg.L-1 colchicine for 48 h, which yielded 100% of doubled haploid plants. On the other hand, a positive correlation resulted from the ploidy level and stomatal size, and a negative correlation between the level of ploidy and stomatal density. Significant differences between the stomatal length, width and density in haploid and doubled haploid plantlets were observed. An economical and quick method to test ploidy level in onion plantlets is proposed through the measurement of stomatal size and density.
La albahaca presenta variabilidad en la tolerancia al estrés salino y se considera una planta sensible a la salinidad al inicio del crecimiento. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del NaCl en la emergencia y crecimiento de albahaca. Se utilizaron veinte variedades sometidas a 0; 50 y 100 mM de NaCl, en un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables medidas fueron porcentaje y tasa de emergencia, longitud de radícula, altura de plántula, biomasa fresca y seca de radícula y de parte aérea. Los resultados mostraron que la variedad con mayor porcentaje de emergencia fue Thai, mientras que Sweet Genovese y Napoletano exhibieron los menores porcentajes. La variedad Thai mostró la mayor tasa de emergencia y Sweet Genovese la menor. Sweet Dani, Thai, Italian Large Leaf y Red Rubin presentaron mayor longitud de radícula, mientras que Sweet Dani, Italian Large Leaf, Dolly y Emily mostraron mayor biomasa fresca y seca de radícula. Sweet Dani, Licorice, Genovese y Napoletano exhibieron mayor altura de plántula, mientras que Sweet Genovese, Thai y Dolly presentaron mayor biomasa fresca y seca de parte aérea. Se discute la respuesta diferencial de las variedades al NaCl en la emergencia de plántulas.
Oligosaccharide synthesis is an important cryoprotection strategy used by woody plants during winter dormancy. At the onset of autumn, starch stored in the stem and buds is broken down in response to the shorter days and lower temperatures resulting in the buildup of oligosaccharides. Given that the enzyme DSP4 is necessary for diurnal starch degradation in Arabidopsis leaves, this study was designed to address the role of DSP4 in this seasonal process in Castanea sativa Mill. The expression pattern of the CsDSP4 gene in cells of the chestnut stem was found to parallel starch catabolism. In this organ, DSP4 protein levels started to rise at the start of autumn and elevated levels persisted until the onset of spring. In addition, exposure of chestnut plantlets to 4 °C induced the expression of the CsDSP4 gene. In dormant trees or cold-stressed plantlets, the CsDSP4 protein was immunolocalized both in the amyloplast stroma and nucleus of stem cells, whereas in the conditions of vegetative growth, immunofluorescence was only detected in the nucleus. The studies indicate a potential role for DSP4 in starch degradation and cold acclimation following low temperature exposure during activity–dormancy transition.