993 resultados para Pintomyia dominicana nov. sp.


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Uma nova espécie, Spongia (Heterofibria) catarinensis, é descrita para a Ilha das Aranhas (27º29'077''S, 48º21'380''W), Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Difere das outras espécies do gênero do Atlântico sudoeste pela morfologia externa e arquitetura. A nova espécie é caracterizada por apresentar forma massiva, incrustante com projeções lobulares; fibras primárias medindo 60-100 µm; fibras secundárias 11,5-69 µm; fibras pseudoterciárias 2,3-23 µm e distância entre fibras primárias 391-920 µm; distância entre fibras secundárias/pseudoterciárias 92-575 µm; fibras secundárias/pseudoterciárias constituindo malhas poligonais com 30-700 µm de diâmetro. A espécie pertence ao subgênero Heterofibria Cook & Bergquist, 2001 por apresentar uma clara dicotomia de suas fibras.


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A new species, Isoctenus malabaris, is described from southern Brazil. This spider was abundantly collected with pitfall traps at Araucaria Forests (Mixed Ombrophilous Forest) domain. The activity of this species was studied in three distinct habitats (primary and secondary forests and silvicultures) during 20 months. A bimodal seasonal activity pattern, of males, was observed. Abundance differences of this species between habitats were not significant.


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Thelastoma domesticus sp. nov. se halló parasitando a ninfas de Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) en la ciudad de La Plata, Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el presente trabajo se describe e ilustra. Esta especie nueva se caracteriza por tener en la boca un estoma simple de paredes gruesas, fuertemente cuticularizada formando tres pares de nodulos en dos filas, sin dientes, el poro excretor es posterior, se ubica al comienzo del intestino, el macho presenta una distribución particular de las papilas genitales: un par grande de papilas preanales y tres pares posanales agrupadas, de las cuales el segundo par se encuentra desplazado lateralmente, configurando así con las otras papilas posanales un círculo.


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ABSTRACT Dichelacera matogrossensis sp. nov. is described based on females from the Chapada dos Guimarães, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Diagnosis, discussion and illustrations are provided.


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The adult, pupal and larval morphology of S. argentiscutum sp. nov., a member of the S. amazonicum-group, is compared with S. amazonicum Goeldi and its distribution, biology and medical importance are discussed. S. argentiscutum is one the most important anthropophilic species in the S. amazonicum-group as it is responsible, together with S. amazonicum, for the transmission of Mansonella ozzardi in Brazil.


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A Gram-negative, rod-shaped, aerobic bacterium, designated strain RP007(T), was isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in New Zealand. Two additional strains were recovered from a compost heap in Belgium (LMG 18808) and from the rhizosphere of maize in the Netherlands (LMG 24204). The three strains had virtually identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and whole-cell protein profiles, and they were identified as members of the genus Burkholderia, with Burkholderia phenazinium as their closest relative. Strain RP007(T) had a DNA G+C content of 63.5 mol% and could be distinguished from B. phenazinium based on a range of biochemical characteristics. Strain RP007(T) showed levels of DNA-DNA relatedness towards the type strain of B. phenazinium and those of other recognized Burkholderia species of less than 30 %. The results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA-DNA hybridization experiments and physiological and biochemical tests allowed the differentiation of strain RP007(T) from all recognized species of the genus Burkholderia. Strains RP007(T), LMG 18808 and LMG 24204 are therefore considered to represent a single novel species of the genus Burkholderia, for which the name Burkholderia sartisoli sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RP007(T) (=LMG 24000(T) =CCUG 53604(T) =ICMP 13529(T)).


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Eimeria motelo sp. n. is described from faeces of the yellow-footed tortoise, Geochelone denticulata (L.). Oocysts are irregularly ellipsoidal or cylindrical, with slightly expressed lobed protrusions and irregularities at the poles, possibly caused by wrinkling of the oocyst wall, 17 (15-19) × 9.4 (8.5-11) µm, shape index (length/width) being 1.81 (1.45-2). The oocyst wall is smooth, single-layered, 0.5 µm thick with no micropyle. There are no polar bodies. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 8.9 (7.5-10) × 4.4 (4-5) µm, shape index 2.03 (1.7-2.5). A sporocyst residuum is present, composed of many granules of irregular size. The sporozoites are elongate, lying lengthwise in the sporocysts. Comparison with other species of the genus Eimeria parasitising members of family Testudinidae indicates that the presently described coccidium represents a new species. The name of Eimeria carinii Lainson, Costa & Shaw, 1990 is found to be preoccupied by a homonym, Eimeria carinii Pinto 1928 given to a coccidium from Rattus norvegicus. Therefore, it is replaced by Eimeria lainsoni nom. nov.


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During a study of the phlebotomines of the Brazilian state of Tocantins, a new species was discovered in Porto Nacional county, here described as Micropygomyia (Silvamyia) echinatopharynx sp. nov. This is only the second species of the subgenus Micropygomyia (Silvamyia) to be described.


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Triatoma juazeirensis, a new triatomine species from the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, is described. The new species is found among rocks in sylvatic environment and in the peridomicile. Type specimens were deposited in the Entomological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute-Fiocruz, Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo, and Florida Museum of Natural History. T. juazeirensis can be distinguished from the other members of the T. brasiliensis species complex mainly by the overall color of the pronotum, which is dark, and by the entirely dark femora.


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Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) falquetoi, sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) is described from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. This new species belongs to the series longipalpis and is easily distinguished from the other members of this taxon by the presence of five well-developed spines and a pre-apical spiniform bristle on the gonostyle as well as nine bristles on the basal tuft of the gonocoxite.


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The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Caçapava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.


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A male of a new species Micropygomyia (Micropygomyia) ancashensis sp. nov. and a female of the Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) chavinensis Pérez & Ogusuku, 1999 captured in the Antonio Raymondi province, department of Ancash, Peru are described and illustrated. The new species belongs to the cayennensis series, being closest to Mi. lewisi (Feliciangeli Ordoñez & Férnandez) though presenting highly sclerotized pseudotracheae on the labella that seem to constitute an autapomorphy among American Phlebotominae, and a clypeus almost completely covered with setae, as in Warileya. The female of Lu. chavinensis is close to those of Lu. blancasi Galati & Cáceres 1990, Lu. noguchii (Shannon, 1929), and Lu. pallidithorax Galati & Cáceres 1994.


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Phlebotomine sand flies present great species diversity, especially in Brazil, where there are about 300 known species. This work describes a new species of sand fly found in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, in the Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, municipality of Cariacica. Spermathecae with superficial striations and the common duct longer than the genital fork permit the inclusion of the new species in the subgenus Evandromyia s. str., series rupicola. The new species resemble Ev. rupicola from which it may be distinguished by the aspects of the spermatheca and the length of the genital filament of the male, longer in the new species.


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A new species of the Culicoides (Hoffmania) hylas species group, Culicoides baniwa Felippe-Bauer is described and illustrated based on a female specimen from the state of Amazonas, Brazil. A systematic key, wing photographs, diagramme of the legs pattern, table with numerical characters of females and a synopsis of the 11 species of the C. hylas group are presented. This paper further presents a new record of Culicoides pseudoheliconiae Felippe-Bauer out of the previously defined geographic distribution of the hylas species group, in the province of Misiones, Argentina.


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As inhabitants of forested areas, caves and anthropic environments, the phlebotomines deserve special attention because some species are able to transmit trypanosomatids, bacteria and viruses to vertebrates. Phlebotomines are also a nuisance because they cause painful bites, which may ultimately produce allergic manifestations. The lack of information about the presence and behaviours of sand flies in caves has aroused the curiosity of researchers for a long time. In the present paper, we describe a new species of sand fly that was captured in a cave located in the municipal district of Arraias in the southeastern region of the state of Tocantins. The morphological features of this new species permit it to be included in the alphabetica group of the Martinsmyia genus.