923 resultados para Pictures in narrative


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With the objective of establishing biological and biochemical characteristics of a significant number of Trypanosoma cruzi strains from different geographical areas, 138 strains isolated from naturally infected humans, triatomine or vertebrate hosts were studied; 120 were isolated from different areas of Brazil and 18 from other South and Central American countries. Inocula from triatomine or culture forms were injected into suckling Swiss mice, followed by passages into mice 10 to 12 g. Biological characters and histopathological study permitted the inclusion of the strains into three Types or biodemes: I, II, III. Isoenzymic analysis confirmed a correspondence between the biodemes and zymodemes : Type I and Z2b, Type II and Z2, Type III and Z1. Results showed the ubiquitary distribution of the several types of strains. The predominance of the same Type and zymodeme in one geographical area was confirmed : Type II strains among the human cases from eastern Bahia and east of Goiás; Type III strains from humans of north Brazil and Central America and from silvatic vectors or vertebrates from other geographical areas. The biological types of strains correlate with different histopathological lesions considering cardiac involvement and neuronal lesions. These findings suggest that the biological behavior together with isoenzymes patterns and pathological pictures in the vertebrate host can be an important tool for establishing correlations between strains behavior and clinico-pathological manifestations of Chagas' disease in different geographical areas.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Aplicada


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OBJECTIVE: The study presents the Brazilian norms for 240 new stimuli from International Affective Picture System (IAPS), a database of affective images widely used in research, compared to the North-American normative ratings. METHODS: The participants were 448 Brazilian university students from several courses (269 women and 179 men) with mean age of 24.2 (SD = 7.8), that evaluated the IAPS pictures in the valence, arousal and dominance dimensions by the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) scales. Data were compared across the populations by Pearson linear correlation and Student's t-tests. RESULTS: Correlations were highly significant for all dimensions; however, Brazilians' averages for arousal were higher than North-Americans'. CONCLUSIONS: The results show stability in relation to the first part of the Brazilian standardization and they are also consistent with the North-American standards, despite minor differences relating to interpretation of the arousal dimension, demonstrating that IAPS is a reliable instrument for experimental studies in the Brazilian population.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of our qualitative study was to define modalities of psychological support to be offered to couples seeking medically assisted procreation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty couples participated in a semi-structured videotaped interview, which touched on themes such as personal and family histories, the couple's relationship, etc. We focused on the "narrative mobility", that is the way in which the couples transmit their personal and family history during the interview and the interviewer's impression that he may or may not share this with the couples. RESULTS: Observed differences in narrative mobility led us to distinguish three groups of couples and to propose various types of psychological support. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This exploratory study, with its interest for the narrative mobility, concerns the couples' capacity to stand back from their own story as responsible interlocutors. We made the hypothesis that this capacity is linked to their capacity to handle their emotional stress, to act as partners to the medical team and to prepare themselves for their future parenthood.


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Recently, we were faced with a request from a student photographer who wanted to take pictures of bodies donated to our institute and used for dissection courses for medical students or for scientific purposes. Students are expressly forbidden to take pictures in the dissection hall; however, we allowed this student photographer to do her diploma work in our institute. The reason why she was proposing such a topic was that her brother died young and her parents donated his body to science. To overcome this loss of a loved one, she wanted to know what happens to the donated bodies. She followed the procedure of embalming and different dissections that took place during the summer semester and she took pictures throughout. The outcome of this work was a very nice photographic document, called 'dissection', a book with many pictures but no figure legends. The image document shows the different steps in the preparation and preservation of bodies and the work of an anatomist in the dissection hall. As we impose rules on our students, we had also to give directives in the use of the photographs taken, especially for a photographer who will use the most prominent pictures for exhibitions, i.e. that the pictures do not show names or are used for publication on the internet, or show identification numbers of cadavers, or give indication ofn the institution and are relatively anonymous. This story tells how one can deal with death and at the same time advance one's personal career. The author represents the Swiss Anatomical Society SGAHE and is supported by the Swiss Academy of Science, ScNat.


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Proposta didàctica que se situa entre els llenguatges del còmic i del cinema per a promoure la reflexió sobre la cerca de noves formes de narrar. El fil conductor és Sin City i es proposen, també, 10 activitats per als alumnes


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En el context de la crisi econòmica i social que vivien els Estats Units a començament dels anys trenta, diversos actors polítics i socials van elaborar missatges que provaven d’acarar els ciutadans amb la realitat, però sobretot de restituir-los la confiança en ells mateixos i en el país. Aquest article analitza els discursos i les aportacions ideològiques de dues de les personalitats més destacades que participaren en aquest procés de reconstrucció emocional: el president Franklin D. Roosevelt i el cineasta Frank Capra. El text cerca d’establir les connexions entre aquests dos discursos, descobrir-ne les coincidències i, també, les diferències, i plantejar una aproximació al cinema com un mitjà de comunicació que va més enllà del simple entreteniment, per a convertir-se, en diverses ocasions, en un eficaç document amb el qual apropar-se a una època, desxifrar-ne els aspectes més significatius


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Why we fight és un grup de set pel·lícules de format documental que van formar part d’un ampli programa d’informació, formació i propaganda impulsat per l’exèrcit nord-americà, en el moment en què els Estats Units ja s’havien implicat en la Segona Guerra Mundial. És també un dels més reeixits exercicis de retòrica cinematogràfica nord-americana d’aquell període que permet analitzar com els països democràtics van gestionar qüestions tan compromeses com la propaganda de guerra. La pretensió d’aquest treball de recerca és aprofundir en la complexitat ideològica i formal de la sèrie, que faci possible descobrir-ne els orígens, els objectius i la manera com aquests van ser assolits per un grup d’especialistes cinematogràfics, coordinats pel director Frank Capra, tots els quals havien triomfat fins llavors a Hollywood


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Descriptors: cardiovascular patterns, emotion, affective pictures In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 18 men and 19 women in order to investigate their hemodynamic responses associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. Skin conductance level (SCL) was also recorded. BP and SV increased with increasing self-rated arousal both for appetitive and defensive activation, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. TPR showed a general increase from baseline to picture processing but was unrelated to self-rated valence and arousal. These findings suggest that affective modulation of the cardiovascular response to affective pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self-reported arousal, BP and SV were mainly exhibited by men suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with increasing self-rated arousal might be larger in men than in women. In contrast, SCL covaried positively with self-rated arousal both in men and women. This suggests that sex differences in the affective modulation of the responses to pictures may be restricted to specific cardiovascular parameters and support the contention that the sympathetic nervous system does not discharge as a whole.


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Der am ehesten um 1200 entstandene ,Mauritius von Craûn' gilt als Forschungsproblem. Als gemeinsamen Nenner der kontroversen Zugänge zum Text konstatiert der Aufsatz das Bemühen um eine Verbindung der rätselhaften Erzählung mit einem durch die historische Distanz verlorenen oder verwischten Sinnzusammenhang über einen textexternen missing link. Demgegenüber wird ein themen- und handlungsanalytischer Zugriff vorgeschlagen: Thema der Erzählung ist die im 12. Jahrhundert vorrangig in der Lyrik entwickelte strukturelle Figur der Hohen Minne, die ihre Ästhetik aus einem Paradox gewinnt: Die Möglichkeitsbedingung dieser in beständigem Werben bestehenden Liebe, die niemals erfüllt werden darf, ist ihre Unmöglichkeit. Seine ideelle Füllung erhält das Modell durch eine darin vernetzte Ordnung höfischer Werte wie stæte, triuwe, milte oder mâze. Diese Werte, so die These, ,,erzählt" die Handlung des ,Mauritius': Hier wird nicht nur der Versuch unternommen, lyrische Struktur in narrative Struktur zu verwandeln, sondern auch der, eine ins lyrische Modell eingebettete Ordnung ethischen Wissens zu narrativieren. Einzelne Figurenhandlungen erscheinen aus dieser Perspektive weniger als Bestandteile eines inhaltlichen Entwurfs mit dem Anspruch übergreifender Stimmmigkeit und dem Fluchtpunkt eines Deutungsangebots, sondern als Ausdruck verschieden graduierter Negierungen oder Positivierungen eines bestimmtes Wertes. Hierfür sprechen auch die konstanten Über- oder Unterzeichnungen der Figurenhandlungen, die als markantestes Merkmal der narrativen Faktur des Textes beschrieben werden. Die Mikroanalyse einer einzelnen Szene zeigt ferner, wie die Dichotomie von Statik und Dynamik, die schon dem lyrischen Entwurf der Hohen Minne eingeschrieben ist und die durch die Narrativierung des lyrischen Konzepts im ,Mauritius' zunehmend virulent wird, in Sequenzen aufeinanderfolgender Doppelungen von Bewegung und Zustand auserzählt wird. Insgesamt lässt sich der ,Mauritius' als Erprobung von Verfahren verstehen, eine idealisierte höfische Welt in Analogie zum lyrischen Modus auch im narrativen Modus zu literarisieren: als ein Stück Erzählkasuistik.


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Esta dissertação é um trabalho exploratório sobre o turismo em Cabo Verde. Partindo de um esquema teórico herdeiro fundamentalmente da Sociologia e Antropologia do turismo, começaremos por discutir alguns dos seus temas centrais para o nosso objecto de estudo. O turismo em Cabo Verde é assumido como o eixo central do desenvolvimento do país e a indústria turística cabo-verdiana encontra-se em franca expansão. Através de uma caracterização do fenómeno turístico em Cabo Verde, desde o seu florescimento até aos dias de hoje, pretendemos dar conta da evolução do sector e das recentes reconfigurações no panorama turístico cabo-verdiano que se espelham nos discursos narrativos e visuais presentes na promoção turística deste destino. Com base numa análise do discurso promocional, procuramos desvendar a forma como este arquipélago é descrito enquanto destino turístico, revelando a diversidade de elementos presentes na imagem turística contemporânea de Cabo Verde.


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Jean Rouch (1917-2004) és una referència ineludible en la història del cinema etnogràfic. Especialista en els rituals de possessió a l'Àfrica de l'Oest i clarament influenciat pel cinema de Flaherty i de Vertov, Rouch va desenvolupar un mètode i una teoria cinematogràfica que s'oposaven frontalment als principis del positivisme científic així com a les teories objectivistes del cinema etnogràfic. Més concretament, Rouch va posar en pràctica durant el seu treball de camp una "antropologia compartida", basada en una concepció no jerarquitzada de les relacions entre l'antropòleg i la comunitat estudiada, i va situar la idea de ¿reflexivitat¿ com a eix principal del coneixement científic i del cinema etnogràfic. Crític amb la clàssica distinció entre art i ciència, el director francès sempre va reivindicar la creativitat, l'experimentació i la llibertat d'estil com a punts essencials de la recerca etnogràfica.


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La verificació que la vida acadèmica està patint una revolució formal i de contingut obliga a recrear el discurs pedagògic introduint-hi elements molt heterogenis. Ressaltar els valors culturals dels diferents mitjans de comunicació ens permet destacar les potencialitats i l¿ús del cinema com a instrument docent facilitador dels aprenentatges dels alumnes. Fa molts anys que cadascú de nosaltres hem incorporat el cinema en el nostre treball docent. D¿acord amb els continguts que desenvolupem en les nostres assignatures, l¿utilitzem com a font analítica i documental per a la intervenció pedagògica i social. Els relats filmogràfics ens permeten introduir pràctiques formatives i professionalitzadores a partir de l¿anàlisi de casos, una eina de treball molt utilitzada en l¿àmbit socioeducatiu. Amb aquest article, presentem, doncs, tres visions diferents desenvolupades en el marc de tres assignatures dels ensenyaments de Pedagogia i Educació Social, i ho fem a partir d¿una mateixa pel·lícula, Sleepers, de Barry Levinson (1996), tot demostrant el caràcter transversal de la nostra proposta.


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Podeu consultar el document complet de la "XVI Setmana de Cinema Formatiu" a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/22523