330 resultados para Piabina argentea - Citogenética


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"Mukene"Rastrineobola argentea occurs in lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Nabugabo and the Victoria Nile. On lakes Victoria and Kyoga the commercial fishery is well developed. While some fishing occurs at isolated places on the Victoria Nile, the species is yet to be exploited on lake Nabugabo although the potential exists. Experimental fishing (light fishing and beach seining) was conducted on Lake Nabugabo based at the Lake Nabugabo Holiday and Conference Center. Specimens obtained were analyzed for biological and fisheries parameters. Mukene on Lake Nabugabo still grows to a large adult size compared to the Lake Victoria populations. Size at first maturity at 42mmSL is close to that observed on Lake Victoria. Peak breeding occurred between August and January. Unlike on Lake Victoria, R.argentea in Lake Nabugabo is not infested by the cestode Ligula intestinalis that is common in these fishes. Catch rates of 9.8 kg/lamp/hr by the lampara net on this lake compare favorably with many parts of Lake Victoria and on Lake Kyoga where a commercial fishery exists. The amount of by-catch species in the catches however is high and does not therefore favour the establishment of the fishery on this lake. Human exploitation of mukene on Lake Nabugabo would also affect the Nile perch fishery which depends on the species as a source of food.


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This report presents information on the development of a system for commercial harvesting of Rastrineobola argentea (Mukene) in Lake Victoria. The objective of this work is to develop a system for commercial Harvesting of Mukene with: •Targeted output above 1,000 kg per working night per boat. •Target area to be off shore waters of Lake Victoria. •Drying under hygienic conditions for production of high quality poultry and animal feeds. •Supply to be continuous with predicable prices


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Cratylia argentea é uma leguminosa arbustiva nativa do cerrado, com alto potencial para produção de forragem e recuperação de áreas degradadas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo isolar, caracterizar e selecionar estirpes de rizóbios eficientes na simbiose com C. argentea. As bactérias foram isoladas de nódulos de plantas com 12 meses de idade, cultivadas em solo de cerrado, em vasos. Foram obtidas 25 estirpes, que apresentaram alta variabilidade em relação às características morfológicas e simbióticas. Sementes de C. argentea foram plantadas em potes contendo 5kg de solo de cerrado, e mantidos em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos consistiram em 25 isolados, controle (sem N e sem inoculação) e adubação nitrogenada (5mgN·planta-1·semana-1), em quatro repetições. As plantas foram colhidas 150 dias após o plantio para avaliar o número e a massa seca de nódulos, a massa seca e concentração de nitrogênio da parte área e das raízes. Foram calculadas as eficiências relativas e simbióticas. Treze estirpes se destacaram quanto ao acúmulo de massa seca (até 65,8%) e acúmulo de nitrogênio (até 76%), da parte aérea, em relação ao tratamento controle. Dentre estas, as estirpes 4 e 22 apresentaram maiores eficiências simbióticas (em torno de 20%). Portanto, estas estirpes apresentaram potencial para formulação de inoculantes, visando otimizar o processo simbiótico rizóbio-Cratylia e a incorporação de biomassa e nutrientes em sistema produtivos no cerrado.


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The stiletto fly subfamily Agapophytinae is diverse and species rich in Australasia, with numerous undescribed species. A new species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton, A. monticola sp. nov., is described from females collected in montane localities in eastern Australia. Eight new species of Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg are also described, raising the total number of known species to 18. Five new species, B. affinis sp. nov., B. apluda sp. nov., B. bapsis sp. nov., B. webbi sp. nov. and B. zwicki sp. nov., all have a distinctive, forward-protruding head with antennae on a raised tubercle. Two other new species, B. argentea sp. nov. and B. jefferiesi sp. nov., are closely related to B. segnis (White), with very similar shaped male genitalia and body shape. An eighth species, B. lambkinae sp. nov., is closely related to B. clamosis Winterton & Skevington. Bonjeania and Acraspisoides are diagnosed and revised keys to species presented. An unusual new therevid, Vomerina humbug gen. et sp. nov., is also described and figured based on a series of males from New South Wales. This new genus likely represents the sister taxon to Bonjeania.


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Suomenlinna on yksi Helsingin suosituimmista matkailu- ja kulttuurinähtävyyksistä. Kustaanmiekan, samoin kuin koko Suomenlinnan luonto on muodostunut perinteisestä suomalaisesta saaristoluonnosta ja vuosisatojen saatossa paikalle tulleista linnoituksien kasvistosta. Saaren vaihtelevien elinympäristöjen johdosta alueen kasvillisuus on hyvin rikasta. Linnoituksien monet kasvilajit ovat tulleet tulokaskasveina eri puolilta Eurooppaa sekä Venäjältä. Suurin osa Suomenlinnan alueesta on kallioketoa ja tämän lisäksi myös valliketoa, joista molemmat kuuluvat suojeltaviin alueisiin. Kustaanmiekan niityillä kasvaa keto- ja paahdelajeja, kuten harvinaista ketonoidanlukkoa (Botrychium lunaria L.) sekä ketoneilikkaa (Dianthus deltoides L.). Tämän tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Kustaanmiekan alueen kesäkauden 2009 ketokasvilajisto ja eri putkilokasvilajien runsaus. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös maaperätekijöiden ja alueen hoitohistorian mahdollista vaikutusta ketokasvilajistoon. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kymmenen eri kedon kasvillisuus Suomenlinnan Kustaanmiekan linnoitusalueella. Kedot sijaitsivat eri puolilla Kustaanmiekkaa, sellaisilla paikoilla, missä ketokasvillisuus oli runsainta. Maastotyöt suoritettiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa laskemalla jokaisen kedon ruutujen putkilokasvien peittävyydet sekä listaamalla ylös myös ruutujen ulkopuoliset kevät- ja loppukesän kukkijat touko- ja elokuussa. Maaperän ominaisuuksien määrittämiseksi otettiin kultakin kedolta pintamaanäytteet elokuussa. Muita tutkittuja muuttujia olivat maapinnan kaltevuus sekä sammalen, karikkeen, paljaan maan, kenttäkasvillisuuden pohjakerros ja kallion osuus tutkimusruuduilla. Ketojen kasvillisuuden keskimääräinen korkeus mitattiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa. Kasvistossa oli selviä eroavaisuuksia ketojen välillä. Kasvilajien määrä vaihteli ketojen kokonaislajimäärän ollessa 40-60 kasvilajia. Yhteensä kedoilta löytyi 120 eri putkilokasvilajia, joista useimmat kukkivat sekä kesä- että heinäkuussa. Ketojen kasvilajimäärä vaihteli yhdellä neliömetrillä 6,3-13,6 kasvilajiin, minkä lisäksi Shannon-Wienerin diversiteetti-indeksi vaihteli 1,4-2,3 arvon välillä. Yleisimpiä lajeja, joita kedoilla tavattiin, olivat muun muassa siankärsämö (Achillea millefolium L.), koiranheinä (Dactylis glomerata L.), juolavehnä (Elymus repens L.) ja hopeahanhikki (Potentilla argentea L.). Alueella kasvoi myös muutamia sotatulokaslajeja kuten harmiota (Berteroa incana L.), ukonpalkoa (Bunias orientalis L.) ja karvahorsmaa (Epilobium hirsutum L.). Maaperätekijöillä, kuten suurella fosforin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta kasvilajien määrään kedoilla. Vain maan pH ja johtoluku korreloivat positiivisesti ketojen kasvillisuuden korkeuden kanssa. Vaikka tulosten perusteella ketojen hoidolla ei ollut vaikutusta ketojen kasvillisuuden määrään, voidaan kuitenkin olettaa oikeanlaisen hoidon parantavan tyypillisten ketokasvien kilpailukykyä muita niittykasveja kohtaan.


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The study of limnology is important to understand ecosystem dynamics and the ecological basis for fish production in the Lake Victoria which is important for fisheries resources use, planning and management. Physical, chemical and biological parameters are important and known to influence fish population production. Energy fixed by primary producers, e.g. algae, is transfered to higher trophic levels, e.g fish. Factors which influence the dynamics of phytoplankton and zooplankton population, e.g nutrient availability and uptake, growth rate, species composition and biomass, ultimately affect fish production. The commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria consists mainly of piscivorous Lates niloticus (L>), algivorous Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and zooplanktivorous Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin)


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A lakewide hydroacoustic research programme was designed in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in order to ascertain the status of fish stocks. Data obtained from the hydroacoustic surveys were complemented with by catch data from multi mesh gillnets and frame trawls to validate acoustic estimates. Fish were distributed over the whole survey area, though the densities and species composition varied from place to place. Echo traces showed the fish formed schools during daytime and became more dispersed towards evening. Approximately equivalent indices of abundance were estimated for Rastrineobola argentea and Haplocromines. The distribution of the freshwater prawn, Caridina nilotica and the lakefly Chaoborus sp. was patchy. Dense swarms of Chaoborus larvae were observed to disperse from the lake bottom as the night approached thus assuring echo-traces formed by fish on the echogram and making their interpretation difficult. Caridina nilotica were observed to form dense echo-traces at the thermocline


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Samples of zooplankton and fish were collected from six sampling points in Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria in Kenya from June to December 1998, using 76 mu m memo-filament mesh size strainer and an 80 mu m mesh size plankton net. Identification and enumeration were done in the laboratory. Occurrence, numerical and points methods were used in stomach anlaysis of fish. Copepoda, Rotifera and Cladocera were the major zooplankton groups identified, zooplankton such as Moina, Daphnia and Caridina nilotica were important prey items for Lates niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus and Rastrineobola argentea


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Dramatic changes are occurring in the Lake Victoria ecosystem. Two-thirds of the endemic haplochromine cichlid species, of international interest for studies of evolution, have disappeared, an event associated with the sudden population explosion of piscivorous Nile perch (Lates: order Perciformes, family Centropomidae) introduced to the lake some thirty years ago. The total fish yield has, however, increased 5-fold from 1970 to 1990, but this yield is now dominated by just three fish species: the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and a small endemic pelagic cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea); these three have replaced a multispecies fishery. Contemporaneously the lake is becoming increasingly eutrophic with associated deoxygenation of the bottom waters, thereby reducing fish habitats. Conditions appear to be unstable.


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As síndromes mielodisplásicas (SMD) se caracterizam por terem uma hematopoese displásica, citopenias e pelo risco de progressão para leucemia mielóide aguda. O diagnóstico baseia-se na clínica e nos achados citomorfológicos da medula óssea (MO) e citogenéticos. Na fase inicial ou quando a MO é hipocelular o diagnóstico é difícil e a citogenética frequentemente é normal. A imunofenotipagem (IMF) tem sido cada vez mais utilizada nos casos de SMD em adultos e pouco explorada na SMD pediátrica. Os nossos objetivos foram: estudar os casos de SMD e doenças correlatas (LMA relacionada à SMD: LMA-rMD; leucemia mielomonocítica crônica: LMMC e leucemia mielomonocítica juvenil: LMMJ) em adultos e crianças, associando os dados clínicos e laboratoriais aos obtidos pela IMF, que utilizou um painel de anticorpos monoclonais para as várias linhagens medulares. No período compreendido entre 2000 e 2010 foram estudados 87 pacientes (64 adultos e 23crianças) oriundos do HUPE/UERJ e IPPMG/UFRJ e 46 controles (23 adultos e 20 crianças). Todos os doentes realizaram mielograma, biópsia óssea, citogenética, citoquímica e estudo imunofenotípico. Segundo os critérios da OMS 50 adultos foram classificados como SMD, 11 como LMA-rMD e 3 LMMC. Entre as crianças 18 eram SMD, 2 LMA e 3 LMMJ. Os pacientes adultos com SMD foram divididos em alto risco (n = 9; AREB-1 e AREB-2) e baixo risco (n=41; CRDU, CRDM, CRDM-SA, SMD-N e SMD-5q-). As crianças com SMD em CR (n=16) e AREB (n = 2). Anormalidades clonais recorrentes foram encontradas em 22 pacientes adultos e em 7 crianças. Na análise da IMF foi utilizada a metodologia da curva ROC para a determinação dos valores de ponto de corte a fim de identificar os resultados anormais dos anticorpos monoclonais nos pacientes e nos controles, permitindo determinar a sensibilidade e especificidade desses em cada linhagem. A IMF foi adequada para a análise em todos os pacientes e 3 ou mais anormalidades foram encontradas. A associação da IMF aumentou a sensibilidade da análise morfológica na linhagem eritróide de 70 para 97% nos adultos e de 59 para 86% nas crianças; na linhagem granulocítica de 53 para 98% nos adultos e de 50 para 100% nas crianças. Nos monócitos, onde a morfologia não foi informativa, mostrou uma sensibilidade de 86% nos adultos e 91% nas crianças. Enquanto que na linhagem megacariocítica, não analisada pela IMF, a morfologia mostrou uma sensibilidade de 95% nos adultos e 91% nas crianças. Na população de blastos foi expressiva a ausência de precursores linfóide B (em 92% dos adultos e em 61% das crianças). Os resultados observados nas crianças com SMD foram semelhantes aos encontrados nos adultos. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que a IMF é um método complementar ao diagnóstico da SMD e doenças correlatas tanto em adultos quanto em crianças podendo contribuir para o reconhecimento rápido e precoce dessas enfermidades, devendo ser incorporado aos procedimentos de rotina diagnóstica.


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Catch and effort assessment surveys have been used to assess trends in fish landings in Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria since 1976. Landings reached a maximum of 200000 t annually in 1989-1991 as Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), catches increased due to an expansion in stock size and increased fishing effort. CPUE peaked at 180 kg boat day-1 in 1989 and decreased thereafter with increasing effort. By 1998 total Nile perch catches were half those at the beginning of the decade despite increased effort. Catches of Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) have levelled off despite increased effort.


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The zooplankton and macrobenthic communities of Lake Victoria were sampled by lift net and Ponar grab, respectively. The zooplankton comprised copepods and cladocerans, rotifers and aquatic insect larvae. Most taxa exhibited wide distribution in the lake, with the exception of rotifers which were rare in deep offshore waters. The main components in the macro-benthos were chaoborid and chironomid larvae and molluscs. Caridina nilotica (Roux) and other groups were rare in the samples. Zooplankton density ranged from 100000 or more to 4 million ind. m2 and increased from the shallow inshore to deep offshore waters. Numerical dominance of cyclopoids and nauplius larvae was a common feature at all stations sampled. Most macrobenthic taxa were also widely distributed, although chaoborid and chironomid larvae were rare in the samples. Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and larval Lates niloticus (L.) ate mainly cyclopoid copepods, while cichlids showed a strong preference for adult insects. High ecological stability of the cyclopoids, and the zooplankton community in general, despite radical ecosystem changes in recent years, coupled with what appears to be high predation pressure, offers good prospects for the pelagic fishery in the lake.


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Caridina nilotica (Roux) (Decapoda: Atyidae) was investigated over a period of four months in three zones of Lake Victoria. Abundances were estimated by vertical net sampling. The importance of C. nilotica in the diet of the three commercial fish species was investigated. Caridina nilotica is a primary food for Lates niloticus (L.), Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). A quantitative study of C. nilotica in the fishing area indicated high biomass which can support the Lake Victoria fisheries.