972 resultados para Physiology of Green mussel Perna Viridis


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The design-build (DB) system is regarded as an effective means of delivering sustainable buildings. Specifying clear sustainability requirements to potential contractors is of great importance to project success. This research investigates the current state-of-the-practice for the definition of sustainability requirements within the public sectors of the U.S. construction market using a robust content analysis of 49 DB requests for proposals (RFPs). The results reveal that owners predominantly communicate their desired level of sustainability through the LEED certification system. The sustainability requirement has become an important dimension for the best-value evaluation of DB contractors with specific importance weightings of up to 25%. Additionally, owners of larger projects and who provide less design information in their RFPs generally allocate significantly higher importance weightings to sustainability requirements. The primary knowledge contribution of this study to the construction industry is the reveal of current trend in DB procurement for green projects. The findings also provide owners, architects, engineers, and constructors with an effective means of communicating sustainability objectives in solicitation documents.


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This paper examines the frame as it contributes to the debate on contemporary intermedial theatre and performance practices in light of increasing astriction between filmic and theatrical discourses. Informed by Auslander (1999), Lehmann (2006), and Giesekam (2007), and through an extrapolation of the tenets Eckersall, Gretchen and Scheer identify in the theory of New Media Dramaturgy, it will analyse two recent works of experimental theatre-making. RUFF (2013), a New York produced solo performance by one of the world’s leading female performers, explores her experiences of having a stroke. Total Dik! (2013), produced in Brisbane, Australia, is an interdisciplinary collaborative performance that examines aspects of dictatorship. They are clearly very different works yet there are a number of significant theatrical similarities in their use of Chroma Key technology and live compositing as material scenic devices. These works overtly and evocatively draw on the cinematic technique and technology of Chroma Key to augment and reveal the tensions and overlaps in their production processes.


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In recent years, there has been a significant trend toward land acquisition in developing countries, establishing forestry plantations for offsetting carbon pollution generated in the Global North. Badged as “green economic development,” global carbon markets are often championed not only as solutions to climate change, but as drivers of positive development outcomes for local communities. But there is mounting evidence that these corporate land acquisitions for climate change mitigation—including forestry plantations—severely compromise not only local ecologies but also the livelihoods of the some of the world’s most vulnerable people living at subsistence level in rural areas in developing countries.


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This thesis provides a review of 199 papers published on Green IT/IS between 2007−2014, in order to present taxonomy of segments in Green IT/IS publications, where the segments are later used for multiple analyses to facilitate future research and to provide a retrospective analysis of existing knowledge and gaps thereof. This research also attempts to make a unique contribution to our understanding of Green IT/IS, by consolidating papers it observes current patterns of literature through approach analysis and segmentation, as well as allocating studies to the technology, process, or outcome (TPO) stage. Highlighting the necessity of a consolidated approach, these classification systems have been combined into a TPO matrix so that the studies could be arranged according to which stage of the Green IT/IS cycle they were focused on. We believe that these analyses will provide a solid platform from which future Green IT/IS research can be launched.


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Efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the buildings sector have been focused on encouraging green design, construction and building operation; however, the business case is not very compelling if considering the energy cost savings alone. In recent years green building has been driven by a sense that it will improve the productivity of occupants,something with much greater economic returns than energy savings. Reducing energy demand in green commercial buildings in a way that encourages greater productivity is not yet well understood as it involves a set of complex and interdependent factors. This project investigates these factors and focuses on the performance of and interaction between: green design elements, internal environmental quality, occupant experience, tenant/leasing agreements, and building regulation and management. This paper suggests six areas of strategic research that are needed to understand how conditions can be created to support productivity in green buildings, and deliver significant energy consumption reductions.


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Transmission loss of a rectangular expansion chamber, the inlet and outlet of which are situated at arbitrary locations of the chamber, i.e., the side wall or the face of the chamber, are analyzed here based on the Green's function of a rectangular cavity with homogeneous boundary conditions. The rectangular chamber Green's function is expressed in terms of a finite number of rigid rectangular cavity mode shapes. The inlet and outlet ports are modeled as uniform velocity pistons. If the size of the piston is small compared to wavelength, then the plane wave excitation is a valid assumption. The velocity potential inside the chamber is expressed by superimposing the velocity potentials of two different configurations. The first configuration is a piston source at the inlet port and a rigid termination at the outlet, and the second one is a piston at the outlet with a rigid termination at the inlet. Pressure inside the chamber is derived from velocity potentials using linear momentum equation. The average pressure acting on the pistons at the inlet and outlet locations is estimated by integrating the acoustic pressure over the piston area in the two constituent configurations. The transfer matrix is derived from the average pressure values and thence the transmission loss is calculated. The results are verified against those in the literature where use has been made of modal expansions and also numerical models (FEM fluid). The transfer matrix formulation for yielding wall rectangular chambers has been derived incorporating the structural–acoustic coupling. Parametric studies are conducted for different inlet and outlet configurations, and the various phenomena occurring in the TL curves that cannot be explained by the classical plane wave theory, are discussed.


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Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, usually in reflectance mode, has been applied to the analysis of faeces to measure the concentrations of constituents such as total N, fibre, tannins and delta C-13. In addition, an unusual and exciting application of faecal NIR [F.NIR] analyses is to directly predict attributes of the diet of herbivores such as crude protein and fibre contents, proportions of plant species and morphological components, diet digestibility and voluntary DM intake. This is an unusual application of NIR spectroscopy insofar as the spectral measurements are made, not on the material of interest [i.e. the diet), but on a derived material (i.e. faeces). Predictions of diet attributes from faecal spectra clearly depend on there being sufficient NIR spectral information in the diet residues present in faeces to describe the diet, although endogenous components of faeces such as undigested debris of micro-organisms from the rumen and Large intestine and secretions into the gastrointestinal tract wilt also contribute spectral information. Spectra of forage and of faeces derived from the forage are generally similar and the observed differences are principally in the spectral regions associated with constituents of forages known to be of low, or of high, digestibility. Some diet components (for example, ureal which are likely to be entirely digested apparently cannot be predicted from faecal NIR spectra because they cannot contribute to faecal spectra except through modifying the microbial and endogenous components. The errors and robustness of F.NIR calibrations to predict the crude protein concentration and digestibility of the diet of herbivores are generally comparable with those to directly predict the same attributes in forage from NIR spectra of the forage. Some attributes of the animal, such as species, gender, pregnancy status and parasite burden have been successfully discriminated into classes based on their faecal NIR spectra. Such discrimination was likely associated with differences in the diet selected and/or differences in the metabolites excreted in the faeces. NIR spectroscopy of faeces has usually involved scanning dried and ground samples in monochromators in the 400-2500nm or 1100-2500nm ranges. Results satisfactory for the purpose have also been reported for dried and ground faeces scanned using a diode array instrument in the 800-1700nm range and for wet faeces and slurries of excreta scanned with monochromators. Chemometric analysis of faecal spectra has generally used the approaches established for forage analysis. The capacity to predict many attributes of the diet, and some aspects of animal physiology, from NIR spectra of faeces is particularly useful to study the quality and quantity of the diet selected by both domestic and feral grazing herbivores and to enhance production and management of both herbivores and their grazing environment.


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Adult chrysopids have paired prothoracic glands (PG) that are thought to produce defensive secretions (allomones). We analyzed PG extracts of the following green lacewings from North and South America, Australia, and China: Ceraeochrysa cubana (Brazil); Chrysopa (= Co.) oculata, Co. nigricornis, Co. incompleta, Co. quadripunctata (USA), and Co. septempunctata (China); Chrysoperla (= Cl.) rufilabris (USA) and Cl. sp. (Brazil); Plesiochrysa ramburi and Mallada spp. (Australia). PG secretions are characteristic for species within a genus, except for Chrysopa spp. (Z)-4-Tridecene is ubiquitous, but (Z,Z)-4,7-tridecadiene is a major PG constituent in some Chrysopa spp. and in P. ramburi. Earlier reports that Co. oculata and Co. nigricornis produce 1-tridecene were shown to be in error. Chrysopa PG secretions are distinguished by the presence or absence of N-3-methylbutylacetamide, plus skatole (3-methylindole). Skatole is also identified for the first time from the Plesiochrysa and Ceraeochrysa. The PG secretion in Plesiochrysa ramburi is characterized by the presence of (Z)-4-undecene instead of (Z)-4-tridecene, and N-3-methylbutylpropanamide instead of the acetamide, resembling the PG secretions of Chrysopa nigricornis, Co. septempunctata and Co. incompleta. The chemotaxonomic value of PG semiochemicals is discussed, including evidence for subgroups within the genus Chrysopa as it now stands.


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This project reviewed international research conducted on the possible role of plants in alleviating high temperatures in our living spaces. The literature review served to identify the work that has already been carried out in the area and to highlight the gaps to be filled by experimental research. A pilot study then investigated the thermal properties of six of the most common landscaping materials. This project clearly shows that plants can play a significant role in modifying the thermal conditions of urban environments. Tall trees can shade nearby buildings and allow for reductions in cooling costs. In addition to basic shading, the dispersal of heat via the plant’s natural transpiration stream has long been recognised as an important component of the urban energy balance. It has been shown that urban temperatures can be up to 7°C higher than nearby rural areas, illustrating the impact of plants on their environment. These benefits argue against the idea of removing plants from landscapes in order to save on water in times of drought. Similarly, the idea of switching to artificial turf is questionable, since artificial turf still requires watering and can reach temperatures that far exceed the safe range for players. While vegetation offers evaporative cooling, non-vegetative, impervious surfaces such as concrete do not, and can therefore cause greater surface and soil temperatures. In addition, the higher temperatures associated with these impervious surfaces can negatively affect the growth of plants in surrounding areas. Permeable surfaces, such as mulches, have better insulating properties and can prevent excessive heating of the soil. However, they can also lead to an increase in reflected longwave radiation, causing the leaves of plants to close their water-conducting pores and reducing the beneficial cooling effects of transpiration. The results show that the energy balance of our surroundings is complicated and that all components of a landscape will have an impact on thermal conditions.


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Coastal seagrass habitats in tropical and subtropical regions support aggregations of resident green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from several genetically distinct breeding populations. Migration of individuals to their respective dispersed breeding sites provides a complex pattern of migratory connectivity among nesting and feeding habitats of this species. An understanding of this pattern is important in regions where the persistence of populations is under threat from anthropogenic impacts. The present study uses mitochondrial DNA and mixed-stock analyses to assess the connectivity among seven feeding grounds across the north Australian coast and adjacent areas and 17 genetically distinct breeding populations from the Indo-Pacific region. It was hypothesised that large and geographically proximate breeding populations would dominate at nearby feeding grounds. As expected, each sampled feeding area appears to support multiple breeding populations, with two aggregations dominated by a local breeding population. Geographic distance between breeding and feeding habitat strongly influenced whether a breeding population contributed to a feeding ground (wi = 0.654); however, neither distance nor size of a breeding population was a good predictor of the extent of their contribution. The differential proportional contributions suggest the impact of anthropogenic mortality at feeding grounds should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


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Rabbit antiserum specific to ovine luteinizing hormone free of contaminating antibodies to nonspecific proteins and FSH was administered to adult, intact rats at a dose of 0.1 and 0.2 ml/day for five days. LHAS had no effect on the weights of the epididymis but decreased their secretory activity to castrate level. Administration of 0.2 ml of LHAS or castration resulted in a marked and comparable reduction in the weights and secretory activity of the accessory glands. LHAS, even at a lower dose (0.1 ml/day), caused a significant reduction in the content of sialic acid in the vas deferons and Cowper's glands. These results are discussed in relation to the factors that regulate the functions of the epididymis and accessory glands.


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The availability of oxygen has a major effect on all organisms. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to adapt its metabolism for growth in different conditions of oxygen provision, and to grow even under complete lack of oxygen. Although the physiology of S. cerevisiae has mainly been studied under fully aerobic and anaerobic conditions, less is known of metabolism under oxygen-limited conditions and of the adaptation to changing conditions of oxygen provision. This study compared the physiology of S. cerevisiae in conditions of five levels of oxygen provision (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.8 and 20.9% O2 in feed gas) by using measurements on metabolite, transcriptome and proteome levels. On the transcriptional level, the main differences were observed between the three level groups, 0, 0.5 2.8 and 20.9% O2 which led to fully fermentative, respiro-fermentative and fully respiratory modes of metabolism, respectively. However, proteome analysis suggested post-transcriptional regulation at the level of 0.5 O2. The analysis of metabolite and transcript levels of central carbon metabolism also suggested post-transcriptional regulation especially in glycolysis. Further, a global upregulation of genes related to respiratory pathways was observed in the oxygen-limited conditions and the same trend was seen in the proteome analysis and in the activities of enzymes of the TCA cycle. The responses of intracellular metabolites related to central carbon metabolism and transcriptional responses to change in oxygen availability were studied. As a response to sudden oxygen depletion, concentrations of the metabolites of central carbon metabolism responded faster than the corresponding levels of gene expression. In general, the genome-wide transcriptional responses to oxygen depletion were highly similar when two different initial conditions of oxygen provision (20.9 and 1.0% O2) were compared. The genes related to growth and cell proliferation were transiently downregulated whereas the genes related to protein degradation and phosphate uptake were transiently upregulated. In the cultures initially receiving 1.0% O2, a transient upregulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation, peroxisomal biogenesis, response to oxidative stress and pentose phosphate pathway was observed. Additionally, this work analysed the effect of oxygen on transcription of genes belonging to the hexose transporter gene family. Although the specific glucose uptake rate was highest in fully anaerobic conditions, none of the hxt genes showed highest expression in anaerobic conditions. However, the expression of genes encoding the moderately low affinity transporters decreased with the decreasing oxygen level. Thus it was concluded that there is a relative increase in high affinity transport in anaerobic conditions supporting the high uptake rate.


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Designing and developing ideal catalyst paves the way to green chemistry. The fields of catalysis and nanoscience have been inextricably linked to each other for a long time. Thanks to the recent advances in characterization techniques, the old technology has been revisited with a new scope. The last decade has witnessed a flood of research activity in the field of nanocatalysis, with most of the studies focusing on the effect of size on catalytic properties. This led to the development of much greener catalysts with higher activity, selectivity and greater ease of separation from the reaction medium. This Minireview describes the emerging trends in the field of nanocatalysis with implications towards green chemistry and sustainability.


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A protease inhibitor from the seeds of Butea monosperma (BmPI) was purified, characterized and studied for its influence on developmental physiology of Helicover-pa armigera. BmPI on two-dimensional separations indicated the presence of a 14 kDa protein with an isoelectric point in the acidic region (pl 5.6). Multiple Sequence Analysis data suggested that the BmPI contains a sequence motif which is conserved in various trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors of Kunitz-type. The inhibitor exhibited trypsin inhibitory activity in a broad range of pH (4-10) and temperature (10-80 degrees C). The enzyme kinetic studies revealed BmPI as a competitive inhibitor with a K-i value of 1.2 x 10(-9) M. In vitro studies with BmPI indicated measurable inhibitory activity on total gut proteolytic enzymes of H. armigera (IC(50)2.0 mu g/ml) and bovine trypsin. BmPI supplemented artificial diet caused dose dependent mortality and reduction in growth and weight. The fertility and fecundity of H. armigera, declined whereas the larval-pupal duration of the insect life cycle extended. These detrimental effects on H. armigera suggest the usefulness of BmPl in insect pest management of food crops. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop a new method to study the thermalization of time dependent retarded Green function in conformal field theories holographically dual to thin shell AdS Vaidya space times. The method relies on using the information of all time derivatives of the Green function at the shell and then evolving it for later times. The time derivatives of the Green function at the shell is given in terms of a recursion formula. Using this method we obtain analytic results for short time thermalization of the Green function. We show that the late time behaviour of the Green function is determined by the first quasinormal mode. We then implement the method numerically. As applications of this method we study the thermalization of the retarded time dependent Green function corresponding to a minimally coupled scalar in the AdS 3 and AdS 5 thin Vaidya shells. We see that as expected the late time behaviour is determined by the first quasinormal mode. We apply the method to study the late time behaviour of the shear vector mode in AdS 5 Vaidya shell. At small momentum the corresponding time dependent Green function is expected to relax to equilibrium by the shear hydrodynamic mode. Using this we obtain the universal ratio of the shear viscosity to entropy density from a time dependent process.