981 resultados para Phasor measurement units


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Heating conditions have been standardised for measurement of moisture in dry cured fish using infrared irradiation source of 150w. Results obtained are comparable to those obtained from standard air oven method (drying to a constant weight at l02°c), the mean deviation being less than two units. The method works equally well for fresh fish muscle.


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A novel bipolar conjugated polymer containing triphenylamine and 1, 3, 4-oxadiazole units was synthesized by Suzuki reaction. Its structure and properties were characterized by NMR, IR, UV-Vis, PL spectroscopy and electrochemical measurement. The photo luminescent spectroscopy and cyclic voltammograms measurement demonstrated that the resulting polymer shows blue emission (477 nm) and possesses both electron and hole-transporting property.


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Two new blue light-emitting PPV-based conjugated copolymers containing both an electron-withdrawing unit (triazole-TAZ) and electron-rich moieties (carbazole-CAR and bicarbazole-BCAR) were prepared by Wittig condensation polymerization between the triazole diphosphonium salt and the corresponding dialdehyde monomers. Their structures and properties were characterized by FT-IR, TGA, DSC, UV-Vis, PL spectroscopy and electrochemical measurements. The resulting copolymers are soluble in common organic solvents and thermally stable with a T-g of 147degreesC for TAZ-CAR-PPV and of 157degreesC for TAZ-BCAR-PPV. The maximum photoluminescence wavelengths of TAZ-CAR-PPV and TAZ-BCAR-PPV film appear at 460 nm and 480 nm, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry measurement demonstrates that TAZ-BCAR-PPV has good electrochemical reversibility, while TAZ-CAR-PPV exhibits the irreversible redox process. The triazole unit was found to be an effective pi-conjugation interrupter and can play the rigid spacer role in determining the emission colour of the resulting copolymer.


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Background: One-carbon metabolism involves both mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of folate-dependent enzymes in mammalian cells, but few in vivo data exist to characterize the biochemical processes involved.

Objective: We conducted a stable-isotopic investigation to determine the fates of exogenous serine and serine-derived one carbon units in homocysteine remethylation in hepatic and whole-body metabolism.

Design: A healthy man aged 23 y was administered [2,3,3 H-2(3)]serine and [5,5,5-H-2(3)]leucine by intravenous primed, constant infusion. Serial plasma samples were analyzed to determine the isotopic enrichment of free glycine, serine, leucine, methionine, and cystathionine. VLDL apolipoprotein B-100 served as an index of liver free amino acid labeling.

Results: [H-2(1)]Methionine and [H-2(2)]methionine were labeled through homocysteine remethylation. We propose that [H-2(2)]methionine occurs by remethylation with [H-2(2)]methyl groups (as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate) formed only from cytosolic processing of [H-2(3)]serine, whereas [H-2(1)]methionine is formed with labeled one-carbon units from mitochondrial oxidation of C-3 serine to [H-2(1)]formate to yield cytosolic [H-2(1)]methyl groups. The labeling pattern of cystathionine formed from homocysteine and labeled serine suggests that cystathionine is derived mainly from a serine pool different from that used in apolipoprotein B-100 synthesis.

Conclusions: The appearance of both [H-2(1)]- and [H-2(2)]methionine forms indicates that both cytosolic and mitochondrial metabolism of exogenous serine generates carbon units in vivo for methyl group production and homocysteine remethylation. This study also showed the utility of serine infusion and indicated functional roles of cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments in one-carbon metabolism.


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Introduction The critical challenge of determining the correct level and skill-mix of nursing staff required to deliver safe and effective healthcare has become an international concern. It is recommended that evidence-based staffing decisions are central to the development of future workforce plans. Workforce planning in mental health and learning disability nursing is largely under-researched with few tools available to aid the development of evidence-based staffing levels in these environments. Aim It was the aim of this study to explore the experience of staff using the Safer Nursing Care Tool (SNCT) and the Mental Health and Learning Disability Workload Tool (MHLDWT) in mental health and learning disability environments. Method Following a 4-week trial period of both tools a survey was distributed via Qualtrics on-line survey software to staff members who used the tools during this time. Results The results of the survey revealed that the tools were considered a useful resource to aid staffing decisions; however specific criticisms were highlighted regarding their suitability to psychiatric intensive care units (PICU) and learning disability wards. Discussion This study highlights that further development of workload measurement tools is required to support the implementation of effective workforce planning strategies within mental health and learning disability services. Implications for Practice With increasing fiscal pressures the need to provide cost-effective care is paramount within NHS services. Evidence-based workforce planning is therefore necessary to ensure that appropriate levels of staff are determined. This is of particular importance within mental health and learning disability services due to the reduction in the number of available beds and an increasing focus on purposeful admission and discharge.


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Methods of data collection are unavoidably rooted in some sort of theoretical paradigm, and are inextricably tied to an implicit agenda or broad problem framing. These prior orientations are not always explicit, but they matter for what data is collected and how it is used. They also structure opportunities for asking new questions, for linking or bridging between existing data sets and they matter even more when data is re-purposed for uses not initially anticipated. In this paper we provide an historical and comparative review of the changing categories used in organising and collecting data on mobility/travel and time use as part of ongoing work to understand, conceptualise and describe the changing patterns of domestic and mobility related energy demand within UK society. This exercise reveals systematic differences of method and approach, for instance in units of measurement, in how issues of time/duration and periodicity are handled, and how these strategies relate to the questions such data is routinely used to address. It also points to more fundamental differences in how traditions of research into mobility, domestic energy and time use have developed. We end with a discussion of the practical implications of these diverse histories for understanding and analysing changing patterns of energy/mobility demand at different scales.


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Objective: To develop a new form of the modified Ashworth scale (MAS) for muscle-tone assessment that combines the MAS score with the passive muscle-stretching velocity during the assessment of muscle tone, resulting in a measure that has higher intertester reliability than the MAS.

Design: Twanty-two volunteer subjects with spinal cord injuries at a tertiary care outpatient and inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation center affiliated with a university were recruited for this study.

Results: A decision tree in which V-MAS scores were obtained was developed. The data obtained from three independent raters, when adjusted by means of the V-MAS, showed an excellent interrater reliability.

Conclusions: Results indicated that the V-MAS is a more reliable measure. In addition, the resulting units of the V-MAS, ranging from 0 to 1, are of the same form as pendulum test data. The V-MAS method is quite simple to use because the rater need only measure the angular range and duration of the passive movement to calculate average velocity during the MAS assessment in addition to the normal MAS rating of muscle tone.


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Retroreflective pavement markings enhance road safety by increasing visibility of roadway delineation for road users. In most countries, authorities responsible for road safety do not have performance intervention criteria and standards, and rely on fixed-time interval maintenance programs. This practice is undergoing change via the introduction of mobile retroreflectivity recording units. The focus of this study is to investigate the use of standard mobile retroreflectivity recording units and to analyse the observed retroreflectivity data to evaluate the state of pavement markings under investigation. The centreline pavement marking retrorefl/ectivity data collected by Queensland Department of Main Roads using the ECODYN mobile retroreflectivity recording unit are analysed to determine how the factors such as pavement surface type and traffic environment relate to retroreflectivity performance. It has been found that the mobile retroreflectivity recording unit with in-built processing capabilities can be implemented for identifying the requirements of maintenance programs, as well as to relate the observed retroreflectivity with other factors such as pavement surface type and traffic environment. The observed data indicated that there is a disparity between urban and rural roads of southeast Queensland in terms of centreline pavement marking retroreflectivity qualities. Asphalt surfaces, common in urban environments, were found to have average retroreflectivity over 200 mcd/m2/lux, whereas sprayed seal surfaces, common in rural environments, averaged below 170 mcd/m2/lux. About one-third of the roads used in the analysis fell below the generally accepted minimum threshold of 150 mcd/m2/lux at the time of observation.


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Invoking a resource-based view (RBV), this study investigates relationships between management control systems (MCSs) use, including information use from performance measurement systems (PMSs), and organisational capabilities in the context of academic units of Australian universities. Increased competition and attention to distinctive capabilities amongst universities, particularly at their strategic operating unit level of a Faculty1 or School2, provides the setting for application of this theoretic perspective. Based on a questionnaire survey of all Faculty Deans and Heads of Schools in all 39 universities in Australia, evidence is provided on relationships between diagnostic and interactive use of MCSs, attention given to imposed and discretionary types of PMS information, the strength of capabilities of the academic unit and, in turn, overall performance of the academic unit. Highlights of findings are that Heads/Deans conceived capabilities of their unit in functional dimensions, not in generic dimensions as found in prior literature; interactive MCS use and imposed performance measures, respectively, direct relate to several types of capabilities and indirectly to performance of the academic unit, but diagnostic MCS use does not. The findings have practical implications for styles of control systems use and performance information use by management in universities.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents the instantaneous-space-phasor (ISP) definition and describes its properties and possible applications for three-phase systems. It is shown that the ISP provides the mathematical base for a new approach to the measurement of active, reactive, and apparent power. Moreover, the ISP helps separate the positive and negative-sequence components and fits perfectly into the Buchholz-Goodhue apparent power definition.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This thesis is about three major aspects of the identification of top quarks. First comes the understanding of their production mechanism, their decay channels and how to translate theoretical formulae into programs that can simulate such physical processes using Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, the author has been involved in the introduction of the POWHEG generator in the framework of the ATLAS experiment. POWHEG is now fully used as the benchmark program for the simulation of ttbar pairs production and decay, along with MC@NLO and AcerMC: this will be shown in chapter one. The second chapter illustrates the ATLAS detectors and its sub-units, such as calorimeters and muon chambers. It is very important to evaluate their efficiency in order to fully understand what happens during the passage of radiation through the detector and to use this knowledge in the calculation of final quantities such as the ttbar production cross section. The last part of this thesis concerns the evaluation of this quantity deploying the so-called "golden channel" of ttbar decays, yielding one energetic charged lepton, four particle jets and a relevant quantity of missing transverse energy due to the neutrino. The most important systematic errors arising from the various part of the calculation are studied in detail. Jet energy scale, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo models, reconstruction algorithms and luminosity measurement are examples of what can contribute to the uncertainty about the cross-section.


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Ein System in einem metastabilen Zustand muss eine bestimmte Barriere in derrnfreien Energie überwinden um einen Tropfen der stabilen Phase zu formen.rnHerkömmliche Untersuchungen nehmen hierbei kugelförmige Tropfen an. Inrnanisotropen Systemen (wie z.B. Kristallen) ist diese Annahme aber nicht ange-rnbracht. Bei tiefen Temperaturen wirkt sich die Anisotropie des Systems starkrnauf die freie Energie ihrer Oberfläche aus. Diese Wirkung wird oberhalb derrnAufrauungstemperatur T R schwächer. Das Ising-Modell ist ein einfaches Mo-rndell, welches eine solche Anisotropie aufweist. Wir führen großangelegte Sim-rnulationen durch, um die Effekte, die mit einer endlichen Simulationsbox ein-rnhergehen, sowie statistische Ungenauigkeiten möglichst klein zu halten. DasrnAusmaß der Simulationen die benötigt werden um sinnvolle Ergebnisse zu pro-rnduzieren, erfordert die Entwicklung eines skalierbaren Simulationsprogrammsrnfür das Ising-Modell, welcher auf verschiedenen parallelen Architekturen (z.B.rnGrafikkarten) verwendet werden kann. Plattformunabhängigkeit wird durch ab-rnstrakte Schnittstellen erreicht, welche plattformspezifische Implementierungs-rndetails verstecken. Wir benutzen eine Systemgeometrie die es erlaubt eine Ober-rnfläche mit einem variablen Winkel zur Kristallebene zu untersuchen. Die Ober-rnfläche ist in Kontakt mit einer harten Wand, wobei der Kontaktwinkel Θ durchrnein Oberflächenfeld eingestellt werden kann. Wir leiten eine Differenzialglei-rnchung ab, welche das Verhalten der freien Energie der Oberfläche in einemrnanisotropen System beschreibt. Kombiniert mit thermodynamischer Integrationrnkann die Gleichung benutzt werden, um die anisotrope Oberflächenspannungrnüber einen großen Winkelbereich zu integrieren. Vergleiche mit früheren Mes-rnsungen in anderen Geometrien und anderen Methoden zeigen hohe Überein-rnstimung und Genauigkeit, welche vor allem durch die im Vergleich zu früherenrnMessungen wesentlich größeren Simulationsdomänen erreicht wird. Die Temper-rnaturabhängigkeit der Oberflächensteifheit κ wird oberhalb von T R durch diernKrümmung der freien Energie der Oberfläche für kleine Winkel gemessen. DiesernMessung lässt sich mit Simulationsergebnissen in der Literatur vergleichen undrnhat bessere Übereinstimmung mit theoretischen Voraussagen über das Skalen-rnverhalten von κ. Darüber hinaus entwickeln wir ein Tieftemperatur-Modell fürrndas Verhalten um Θ = 90 Grad weit unterhalb von T R. Der Winkel bleibt bis zu einemrnkritischen Feld H C quasi null; oberhalb des kritischen Feldes steigt der Winkelrnrapide an. H C wird mit der freien Energie einer Stufe in Verbindung gebracht,rnwas es ermöglicht, das kritische Verhalten dieser Größe zu analysieren. Die harternWand muss in die Analyse einbezogen werden. Durch den Vergleich freier En-rnergien bei geschickt gewählten Systemgrößen ist es möglich, den Beitrag derrnKontaktlinie zur freien Energie in Abhängigkeit von Θ zu messen. Diese Anal-rnyse wird bei verschiedenen Temperaturen durchgeführt. Im letzten Kapitel wirdrneine 2D Fluiddynamik Simulation für Grafikkarten parallelisiert, welche u. a.rnbenutzt werden kann um die Dynamik der Atmosphäre zu simulieren. Wir im-rnplementieren einen parallelen Evolution Galerkin Operator und erreichen