524 resultados para Petrographic


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This study considers the application of image analysis in petrography and investigates the possibilities for advancing existing techniques by introducing feature extraction and analysis capabilities of a higher level than those currently employed. The aim is to construct relevant, useful descriptions of crystal form and inter-crystal relations in polycrystalline igneous rock sections. Such descriptions cannot be derived until the `ownership' of boundaries between adjacent crystals has been established: this is the fundamental problem of crystal boundary assignment. An analysis of this problem establishes key image features which reveal boundary ownership; a set of explicit analysis rules is presented. A petrographic image analysis scheme based on these principles is outlined and the implementation of key components of the scheme considered. An algorithm for the extraction and symbolic representation of image structural information is developed. A new multiscale analysis algorithm which produces a hierarchical description of the linear and near-linear structure on a contour is presented in detail. Novel techniques for symmetry analysis are developed. The analyses considered contribute both to the solution of the boundary assignment problem and to the construction of geologically useful descriptions of crystal form. The analysis scheme which is developed employs grouping principles such as collinearity, parallelism, symmetry and continuity, so providing a link between this study and more general work in perceptual grouping and intermediate level computer vision. Consequently, the techniques developed in this study may be expected to find wider application beyond the petrographic domain.


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Il massiccio di Beni Bousera (Marocco) è formato da diverse unità geologiche composte prevalentemente da rocce metamorfiche molto simili a quelle che si trovano nel massiccio di Ronda (Spagna). Queste due catene montuose erano connesse prima dell’estensione (iniziata nel Miocene inferiore) che le ha separate lasciando il posto al mare di Alborán. Questo studio sarà incentrato soltanto sul massiccio marocchino, in particolare sull’unità peridotitica di Beni Bousera. Questa unità è stata suddivisa in quattro domini, ognuno dei quali ha specifiche caratteristiche petrologiche e geochimiche, che sono il risultato di diverse condizioni metamorfiche e di diversi regimi tettonici. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è di caratterizzare, dal punto di vista petrologico, un campione che è stato prelevato dal massiccio di Beni Bousera, nella zona costiera del mare di Alborán e di determinare a quale dominio esso appartiene.


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Die Frage einer Küstensenkung spielt seit Jahrzehnten bei der geologischen Erforschung des norddeutschen und niederländischen Flachlandes eine große Rolle. Der Schwerpunkt der bisherigen Arbeiten lag im südlichen Nordseeraum. Gerade dieses Gebiet bereitet aber wegen seines Aufbaues aus jungen, teilweise stark setzungsfähigen Gesteinen, des von Ort zu Ort und im Laufe der Zeit unterschiedlichen Einflusses der Gezeiten sowie wegen mancher anderer Bedingungen sehr große methodische Schwierigkeiten. Deshalb überrascht es nicht, daß die einzelnen Untersuchungen noch in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten für die verschiedenen Abschnitte zu sehr abweichenden Folgerungen kamen, so daß die heute bekannten Einzeltatsachen nur ein recht widerspruchsvolles Gesamtbild ergeben. Da eine Klärung der Probleme durch eine Neubearbeitung an der Nordsee zunächst wenig erfolgversprechend erscheint, wird die Aufmerksamkeit unvermeidlich auf die Verhältnisse im südwestlichen Ostseeraum gelenkt. Hier bestehen in mancher Hinsicht einfachere Bedingungen, die eine derartige Untersuchung begünstigen. Vor allem die Nachbarschaft des skandinavischen Hebungsgebietes am gleichen Wasserbecken, die sehr geringen Gezeitenwirkungen und die hier weit verbreiteten Sandschüttungen bieten bessere Vergleichsmöglichkeiten und schalten viele Fehlerquellen aus. In der voliegenden Arbeit wurden die litorinazeitlichen und die nachlitorinazeitlichen Vertikalbewegungen des Landes und die eustatischen Schwankungen des Wasserstandes im südwestlichen Ostseeraum mit geologisch-morphologischen Methoden und durch die Auswertung von Lage und Verbreitung ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Funde sowie unter Auswertung von pollenanalytisch datierten Bohrprofilen und Pegelaufzeichnungen untersucht.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird nach morphologischen und sedimentpetrographischen Methoden die Entwässerung der würmzeitlichen Eisrandlagen Mittelholsteins untersucht. Das Untersuchungsgebiet liegt im Mittelteil des nördlichen Holsteins. Im Norden und Osten schließt es etwa mit den Orten Gr. Vollstedt-Blumenthal-Stolpe-Tensfeld, im Süden mit dem Tal der Tensfelder und Oster- bzw. Bram-Au, während es im Westen durch die Höhen der Riß-Moränen zwischen Kellinghusen und Brammer abgegrenzt wird. Morphologisch zeigt sich eine Dreiteilung: im Norden und Osten die würmzeitliche Jungmoräne, im Westen und Süden die rißzeitliche Altmoräne, zwischen beiden die Sander- und Abflussebenen der Würm-Vereisung.


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Carbonate sediments from the Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 120) of Eocene to Pliocene age were investigated with rock magnetic, petrographic and geochemical methods to determine the carriers of remanent magnetization. Magnetic methods showed that the major magnetic minerals were titanomagnetites slightly larger than single domain particles. Submicrometre to micrometre-size grains of titanomagnetite were identified as inclusions in volcanic glass particles or as crystals in lithic clasts. Volcanic fallout ash particles formed the major fraction of the magnetic extract from each sediment sample. Three groups of volcanic ashes were identified: trachytic ashes, basaltic ashes with sideromelane and tachylite shards, and palagonitic ashes. These three groups could be equally well defined based on their magnetic hysteresis properties and alternating field demagnetization curves. The highest coercivities of all samples were found for the tachylite, due to the submicrometre-size titanomagnetite inclusions in the matrix. Trachytic ashes had intermediate magnetic properties between the single-domain-type tachylites and the palagonitic (altered) basaltic ashes with low coercivities. Samples which contained mixtures of these different volcanic ashes could be distinguished from the three types of ashes based on their magnetic characteristics. There was neither evidence of biogenic magnetofossils in the transmission electron micrographs nor did we find magnetic particles derived from continental Antarctica. The presence of dispersed volcanic fallout ashes between visible ash layers suggests continuous explosive volcanic activity on the Kerguelen Plateau in the South Indian Ocean since the early Eocene. The continuous fallout of volcanic ash from explosive volcanism on the Kerguelen Archipelago is the source of the magnetic particles and thus responsible for the magnetostratigraphy of the nannofossil oozes drilled during Leg 120.


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Scottish sandstone buildings are now suffering the long-term effects of salt-crystallisation damage, owing in part to the repeated deposition of de-icing salts during winter months. The use of de-icing salts is necessary in order to maintain safe road and pavement conditions during cold weather, but their use comes at a price. Sodium chloride (NaCl), which is used as the primary de-icing salt throughout the country, is a salt known to be damaging to sandstone masonry. However, there remains a range of alternative, commercially available de-icing salts. It is unknown however, what effect these salts have on porous building materials, such as sandstone. In order to protect our built heritage against salt-induced decay, it is vital to understand the effects of these different salts on the range of sandstone types that we see within the historic buildings of Scotland. Eleven common types of sandstone were characterised using a suite of methods in order to understand their mineralogy, pore structure and their response to moisture movement, which are vital properties that govern a stone’s response to weathering and decay. Sandstones were then placed through a range of durability tests designed to measure their resistance to various weathering processes. Three salt crystallisation tests were undertaken on the sandstones over a range of 16 to 50 cycles, which tested their durability to NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and a chloride blend salt. Samples were primarily analysed by measuring their dry weight loss after each cycle, visually after each cycle and by other complimentary methods in order to understand their changing response to moisture uptake after salt treatment. Salt crystallisation was identified as the primary mechanism of decay across each salt, with the extent of damage in each sandstone influenced by environmental conditions and pore-grain properties of the stone. Damage recorded in salt crystallisation tests was ultimately caused by the generation of high crystallisation pressures within the confined pore networks of each stone. Stone and test-specific parameters controlled the location and magnitude of damage, with the amount of micro-pores, their spatial distribution, the water absorption coefficient and the drying efficiency of each stone being identified as the most important stone-specific properties influencing salt-induced decay. Strong correlations were found between the dry weight loss of NaCl treated samples and the proportion of pores <1µm in diameter. Crystallisation pressures are known to scale inversely with pore size, while the spatial distribution of these micro-pores is thought to influence the rate, overall extent and type of decay within the stone by concentrating crystallisation pressures in specific regions of the stone. The water absorption determines the total amount of moisture entering into the stone, which represents the total amount of void space for salt crystallisation. The drying parameters on the other hand, ultimately control the distribution of salt crystallisation. Those stones that were characterised by a combination of a high proportion of micro-pores, high water absorption values and slow drying kinetics were shown to be most vulnerable to NaCl-induced decay. CaCl2 and MgCl2 are shown to have similar crystallisation behaviour, forming thin crystalline sheets under low relative humidity and/or high temperature conditions. Distinct differences in their behaviour that are influenced by test specific criteria were identified. The location of MgCl2 crystallisation close to the stone surface, as influenced by prolonged drying under moderate temperature drying conditions, was identified as the main factor that caused substantial dry weight loss in specific stone types. CaCl2 solutions remained unaffected under these conditions and only crystallised under high temperatures. Homogeneous crystallisation of CaCl2 throughout the stone produced greater internal change, with little dry weight loss recorded. NaCl formed distinctive isometric hopper crystals that caused damage through the non-equilibrium growth of salts in trapped regions of the stone. Damage was sustained as granular decay and contour scaling across most stone types. The pore network and hydric properties of the stones continually evolve in response to salt crystallisation, creating a dynamic system whereby the initial, known properties of clean quarried stone will not continually govern the processes of salt crystallisation, nor indeed can they continually predict the behaviour of stone to salt-induced decay.


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A weathering classification for granitic rock materials from southeastern Brazil was framed based on core characteristics. The classification was substantiated by a detailed petrographic study. Indirect assessment of weathering grades by density, ultrasonic and Schmidt hammer index tests was performed. Rebound values due to Schmidt hammer multiple impacts at one representative point were more efficient in predicting weathering grades than averaged single impact rebound values, P-wave velocities and densities. Uniaxial compression tests revealed that a large range of uniaxial compressive strength (214-153 MPa) exists in Grade I category where weathering does not seem to have played any role. It was concluded that variability in occurrences of quartz intragranular cracks and in biotite percentage, distribution and orientation might have played a key role in accelerating or decelerating the failure processes of the Grade I specimens. Deterioration of uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus and increase in Poisson`s ratio with increasing weathering intensity could be attributed to alteration of minerals, disruption of rock skeleton and microcrack augmentation. A crude relation between failure modes and weathering grades also emerged.


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The Upper Newlands Seam in the northern Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia consists of six benches (A-F) that have different petrographic assemblages. Benches C and E contain relatively abundant inertodetrinite and mineral matter, as well as anomalously high reflectance values; these characteristics support a largely allochthonous, detrital origin for the C and E benches. Fractures and cleats in the seam show a consistent orientation of northeast- southwest for face cleats, and a wide range of orientations for fractures. Cleat systems are well developed in bright bands, with poor continuity in the dull coal. Both maceral content and cleat character are suggested to influence gas drainage in the Upper Newlands Seam. A pronounced positive correlation between vitrinite abundance and gas desorption data suggests more efficient drainage from benches with abundant vitrinite. Conversely, inertinite-rich benches are suggested to have less efficient drainage, and possibly retain gas within pore spaces, which could increase the outburst potential of the coal. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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One hundred and twenty-five mineral grains from 45 visually pure K-bearing Mn oxide (hollandite group) samples collected from weathering profiles in the Mt Tabor region of central Queensland, Australia, were analysed by the Ar-40/Ar-39 laser probe technique. These K-Mn oxides precipitated mainly through a process of cavity filling (direct precipitation from weathering solution), with botryoidal texture formed by micrometric mineral bands. Well-defined and reproducible plateau ages have been obtained for most samples, ranging from 27.2 +/- 0.8 to 6.8 +/- 0.5 Ma (2 sigma). Statistical analysis of the geochronological results by mixture modelling suggests an episodic mineral precipitation history, with two major peaks at 20.2 +/- 0.22 Ma and 16.5 +/- 0.17 Ma. The geochronological results, when combined with information on paragenetic relationships and mineralogical textures obtained from petrographic, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe investigations, indicate that warm and humid palaeoclimatic conditions favourable to intense chemical weathering prevailed in central Queensland from late Oligocene to middle Miocene, particularly in the early Miocene. These results, in conjunction with previous and ongoing investigations in NW and eastern Queensland, suggest that most of Queensland was dominated by humid climates during the Miocene. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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This work focuses on the study of flow and propagation of magma using rock magnetic analyses along sections across the thick Jurassic dyke of Foum-Zguid (Southern Morocco). Thermomagnetic data show that Ti-poor titanomagnetite is the main magnetic carrier. Petrographic analysis shows that the main Ti phase (ilmenite) occurs either as lamellae within spinel (center of the dyke) or as isolated grains (dyke margin). Bulk magnetic properties display distinct behavior according to the distance to the dyke margin; grain size of the main magnetic carrier decreases towards the center of the dyke, while the natural remanent magnetization and the bulk magnetic susceptibility increase. Only the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid close to the dyke margin corresponds to that usually found in thin dykes, with the magnetic foliation sub parallel to dyke margins. Maximum principal axis is in most cases either parallel or perpendicular to the intersection between the planes of magnetic foliation and dyke wall. Moreover, when this axis is perpendicular to the intersection it is associated with a more oblate magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid shape, indicating the presence of complex magnetic fabrics. The studied magnetic properties show that, in this 100 m wide thick dyke, flow structures related with dyke propagation are only preserved close to the quickly cooled dyke margins.


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Some countries producers of the aluminium, attempt to use other ores which, in the future, will gradually substitute the bauxite as a raw material. Portugal possesses an nephelinic syenite massif which may be utilized for this purpose because the nepheline offers some advantages above other poor ores which are being essayed now. By laboratorial processes, the author puts forward those advantages and calls the attention for the necessity of to accomplish essays about the nepheline (by the acid's method) and realize petrographic's detailed reconnaissances of the Monchique syenitic massif.


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A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility CAMS) and rock magnetic properties, coupled with quantitative microstructural analysis and thermal mathematical modelling. The quantitative microstructural analysis of halite texture and solid inclusions revealed good spatial correlation with AMS and halite fabrics. The fabrics of both lamprophyre and rock salt record the magmatic intrusion, "plastic" flow and regional deformation (characterized by a NW-SE trending steep foliation). AMS and microstructural analysis revealed two deformation fabrics in the rock salt: (1) the deformation fabrics in rock salt on the NW side of the dyke are associated with high temperature and high fluid activity attributed to the dyke emplacement; (2) On the opposite side of the dyke, the emplacement-related fabric is reworked by localized tectonic deformation. The paleomagnetic results suggest significant rotation of the whole dyke, probably during the diapir ascent and/or the regional Tertiary to Quaternary deformation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente


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Dissertação de mestrado em Geociências (área de especialização em Valorização de Recursos Geológicos)