933 resultados para Peace Agreements
This paper analyzes the role of retaliation in trade agreements. It shows that, in the presenceof private information, retaliation can always be used to increase the welfare derived from suchagreements by the participating governments. In particular, it is shown that retaliation is anecessary feature of any efficient equilibrium.We argue that retaliation would not be necessary if governments could resort to internationaltransfers or export subsidies to compensate for terms-of-trade externalities. Within the currentworld trading system, though, in which transfers are seldom observed whereas export subsidiesare prohibited, the use of the remaining trade instruments in a retaliatory fashion might beoptimal. The model is used to interpret the retaliatory use of antidumping observed in the lastdecades, and the proliferation of these measures relative to other trade remedies.
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2008
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2009
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2010
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2011
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Peace Officers' Retirement, Accident and Disability System for the year ended June 30, 2013
The purpose of this booklet is to educate the public about advance directives. By doing so, we hope to increase the use of advance directives, as well as the quality and accuracy of the documents themselves. The reader is led through a series of steps that ultimately lead to filling out the advance directive documents in an informed manner.