985 resultados para Paxton Boys


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A photograph of young boys in military dress standing at attention. The handwritten back reads: Boys Brigade In connection with St. Andrews Church, Copper Cliff. The photographers are W. Coulter, Vankleek Hill.


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The study objective was to compare the response of bone markers to an exercise session consisting of high mechanical loading (144 jumps) between boys (n=12, 10.2 ± 0.4 years) and men (n=18, 22.5 ± 0.7 years). Blood samples were collected at pre-, 5, 60 minutes post-, and 24 hours post-exercise) to measure bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP), amino-terminal cross-linking telopeptide (NTx), osteoprotegrin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kb ligand (RANKL). Boys had higher BAP levels at all time points, with an increase 24 hours post-exercise. No such increase was observed in men. Likewise, NTx levels were higher in boys, with a greater increase over time than in men. OPG and RANKL levels were similar in boys and men at all times. In summary, even one session of exercise stimulates bone turnover, as reflected in the increase in both BAP and NTx, in boys (but not men) within 24 hours.


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The electromyographic threshold (EMGTh), defined as an upward inflexion in the rising EMG signal during progressive exercise, is thought to reflect the onset of increased type-II MU recruitment. The study’s objective was to compare the relative exercise intensity at which the EMGTh occurs in boys vs. men. Participants included 21 men (23.4±4.1 yrs) and 23 boys (11.1±1.1 yrs). Ramped cycle-ergometry was conducted to volitional exhaustion with surface EMG recorded from the vastus lateralis muscles. The EMGTh was mathematically determined using a composite of both legs. EMGTh was detected in 95.2% of the men and in 78.3% of the boys (χ2(1, n=44) =2.69, p =.10). The boys’ EMGTh was significantly higher than the men’s (86.4±9.6 vs. 79.7±10.0% of peak power-output at exhaustion; p <.05). These findings suggest that boys activate their type-II MUs to a lesser extent than men during progressive exercise and support the hypothesis of differential child–adult MU activation.


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A postcard with an insect illustration wearing a top hat and suit. The handwritten note on the front reads "Don't you think that I look well and prosperous?". On the reverse of the postcard it reads "A Happy New Year", addressed to Miss M. Woodruff, 168 Ontario St., St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. The stamp is U.S. postage and the postmark is for Grand Central Station N.Y.


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Abstract Background Children have been shown to have higher lactate (LaTh) and ventilatory (VeTh) thresholds than adults, which might be explained by lower levels of type-II motor-unit (MU) recruitment. However, the electromyographic threshold (EMGTh), regarded as indicating the onset of accelerated type-II MU recruitment, has been investigated only in adults. Purpose To compare the relative exercise intensity at which the EMGTh occurs in boys versus men. Methods Participants were 21 men (23.4 ± 4.1 years) and 23 boys (11.1 ± 1.1 years), with similar habitual physical activity and peak oxygen consumption (VO2pk) (49.7 ± 5.5 vs. 50.1 ± 7.4 ml kg−1 min−1, respectively). Ramped cycle ergometry was conducted to volitional exhaustion with surface EMG recorded from the right and left vastus lateralis muscles throughout the test (~10 min). The composite right–left EMG root mean square (EMGRMS) was then calculated per pedal revolution. The EMGTh was then determined as the exercise intensity at the point of least residual sum of squares for any two regression line divisions of the EMGRMS plot. Results EMGTh was detected in 20/21 of the men (95.2 %) and only in 18/23 of the boys (78.3 %). The boys’ EMGTh was significantly higher than the men’s (86.4 ± 9.6 vs. 79.7 ± 10.0 % of peak power output at exhaustion; p < 0.05). The pattern was similar when EMGTh was expressed as percentage of VO2pk. Conclusions The boys’ higher EMGTh suggests delayed and hence lesser utilization of type-II MUs in progressive exercise, compared with men. The boys–men EMGTh differences were of similar magnitude as those shown for LaTh and VeTh, further suggesting a common underlying factor.


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Most research on the effects of endurance training has focused on endurance training's health-related benefits and metabolic effects in both children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the neuromuscular effects of endurance training and to investigate whether they differ in children (9.0-12.9 years) and adults (18.4-35.6 years). Maximal isometric torque, rate of torque development (RTD), rate of muscle activation (Q30), electromechanical delay (EMD), and time to peak torque and peak RTD were determined by isokinetic dynamometry and surface electromyography (EMG) in elbow and knee flexion and extension. The subjects were 12 endurance-trained and 16 untrained boys, and 15 endurance-trained and 20 untrained men. The adults displayed consistently higher peak torque, RTD, and Q30, in both absolute and normalized values, whereas the boys had longer EMD (64.7+/-17.1 vs. 56.6+/-15.4 ms) and time to peak RTD (98.5+/-32.1 vs. 80.4+/-15.0 ms for boys and men, respectively). Q30, normalized for peak EMG amplitude, was the only observed training effect (1.95+/-1.16 vs. 1.10+/-0.67 ms for trained and untrained men, respectively). This effect could not be shown in the boys. The findings show normalized muscle strength and rate of activation to be lower in children compared with adults, regardless of training status. Because the observed higher Q30 values were not matched by corresponding higher performance measures in the trained men, the functional and discriminatory significance of Q30 remains unclear. Endurance training does not appear to affect muscle strength or rate of force development in either men or boys.


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Receipt from McLaren and Co., St. Catharines for a boy’s suit, Oct. 15, 1887.


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Ce mémoire débute avec deux chapitres portant sur les problèmes des conduites et la régulation du stress, notamment sur l’axe hypothalamique-pituitaire-surrénal (HPS). Ensuite, la littérature est résumée et nous voyons que les études qui cherchent à établir un lien entre les problèmes des conduites et l’axe HPS ont trouvé des résultats différents et parfois contradictoires. Le chapitre suivant illustre les problèmes méthodologiques qui pourraient expliquer ces résultats différents. Vient ensuite l’étude présentée dans ce mémoire qui cherche à établir un lien entre la réponse cortisolaire à l’éveil (RCE), considérée comme un bon indice du fonctionnent de l’axe HPS, et les problèmes de conduites chez l’enfant. De plus, les émotions négatives ont été associées avec les problèmes des conduites ainsi qu’aux dysfonctions de l’axe HPS, notamment le RCE. L’étude présentée dans ce mémoire cherche aussi à établir si les émotions négatives pourrait être une variable médiatrice dans la relation potentielle entre la RCE et les problèmes des conduites. L’étude révèle que pour les garçons mais pas pour les filles, une RCE réduite est associée avec les émotions négatives, ce qui est successivement associé avec les problèmes des conduites. Le dernier chapitre du mémoire examine les implications théoriques de cette médiatisation et propose également des pistes psychobiologiques pour expliquer les différences sexuelles observées.


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El estudio está centrado en Mallorca y abraza dos etapas del movimiento Scout. Se proponen cuatro objetivos; profundizar sobre los antecedentes y los inicios de los Boys Scouts y sobre los principales aspectos del método Scout. Descubrir el significado de la naturaleza y la adaptación que experimenta dentro del Medio Ambiente, desde la visión Scout. Realizar una análisis histórica de los Boys Scouts, incidiendo en los acontecimientos más significativos, para plasmar mejor el desarrollo que ha tenido durante las dos etapas en que se inscriben los Boys Scouts en Mallorca. Localizar, clasificar y consultar las fuentes necesarias, para descubrir las relaciones de los Boys Scouts con otros grupos e instituciones, con la iglesia y con los Boys Scouts catalanes. Y por último, revisar y relacionar las diversas posturas de los Boys Scouts, entorno a los momentos sociopolíticos más significativos que ha experimentado. Por una parte se han utilizado muestras de varios archivos institucionales, así como también otros particulares y la consulta a una serie de bibliotecas de las Islas Baleares, la muestra concluye con el complemento de varias aportaciones personales. Primeramente se ha buscado documentos, prensa y revista de la época como fuente principal así como testimonios directos para complementar la información encontrada en los documentos y revistas. La primera fase del proyecto ha consistido en un profundo estudio bibliográfico, seguido de el conocimiento de investigaciones ya hechas con la continuación de una selección de datos significativos y los que faltan. El estudio es fundamentalmente descriptivo, para la redacción del texto se utiliza el criterio cronológico. La organización mundial Scout forma parte de un movimiento educativo en el tiempo libre, extendido a 211 países y territorios y formado por 25 millones de miembros. Pretende una educación integral a través de un método para formar personas responsables. La fundación Boy Scout, no es un hecho al azar, sino que responde a una idea madurada. El movimiento Scout inicial tuvo un fuerte componente militarista. Se utiliza el Método Scout, básicamente un método de conducta que se acepta mediante una promesa y una ley. La naturaleza es el marco educativo de todo este movimiento. Este movimiento es junto a las escuelas de verano, las únicas actividades infantiles y juveniles en el tiempo libre, enmarcadas en una pedagogía activa. En Mallorca se implanta el método Scout procedente del original inglés, afrancesado y catalanizado. Impulsa la lengua catalana y la incorporación de la mujer dentro de la sociedad. Durante la época franquista era un movimiento ilegal, pero aceptado ya que estaba apoyado en la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica. La expansión y consolidación del movimiento se da a principio de la década de los 60 y luego en las siguientes décadas fue creciendo gradualmente.