996 resultados para Parnaiba Basin


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The genome sequence of Caloramator mitchellensis strain VF08, a rod-shaped, heterotrophic, strictly anaerobic bacterium iso-lated from the free-flowing waters of a Great Artesian Basin (GAB) bore well located in Mitchell, an outback Queensland town in Australia, is reported here. The analysis of the 2.42-Mb genome sequence indicates that the attributes of the genome are consistent with its physiological and phenotypic traits.


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A survey of amphibian mortality on roads was carried out in the Sharavathi river basin in the central Western Ghats. Road kills in three different land use areas: agricultural fields, water bodies and forests were recorded for four days along three 100m stretches in each type of area. One-hundred-and-forty-four individuals belonging to two orders, eight families, 11 genera and 13 species were recorded in the survey. Kills/km observed were: in forest 55, agricultural fields 38 and water bodies 27, for an overall average of 40 kills/km. Kill species compositions varied significantly between land use areas, but not overall kill rates.


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[1] We have compared the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD, tau lambda) and aerosol fine mode fraction (AFMF) of Collection 004 (C004) derived from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Terra and Aqua platforms with that obtained from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45 degrees N, 80.35 degrees E), India for the period 2001-2005. The spatially-averaged (0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees centered at AERONET sunphotometer) MODIS Level-2 aerosol parameters (10 km at nadir) were compared with the temporally averaged AERONET-measured AOD (within +/- 30 minutes of MODIS overpass). We found that MODIS systematically overestimated AOD during the pre-monsoon season (March to June, known to be influenced by dust aerosols). The errors in AOD at 0.66 mu m were correlated with the apparent reflectance at 2.1 mu m (rho*(2.1)) which MODIS C004 uses to estimate the surface reflectance in the visible channels (rho(0.47) = rho*(2.1)/ 4, rho(0.66) = rho*(2.1)/ 2). The large errors in AOD (Delta tau(0.66) > 0.3) are found to be associated with the higher values of rho*(2.1) (0.18 to 0.25), where the uncertainty in the ratios of reflectance is large (Delta rho(0.66) +/- 0.04, Delta rho(0.47) +/- 0.02). This could have resulted in lower surface reflectance, higher aerosol path radiance and thus lead to overestimation in AOD. While MODIS-derived AFMF has binary distribution (1 or 0) with too low (AFMF < 0.2) during dust-loading period, and similar to 1 for the rest of the retrievals, AERONET showed range of values (0.4 to 0.9). The errors in tau(0.66) were also high in the scattering angle range 110 degrees - 140 degrees, where the optical effects of nonspherical dust particles are different from that of spherical particles.


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Pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee Niilin alueen poliittista kehitystä käyttäen viitekehyksenä Barry Buzanin, Ole Wæverin sekä Jaap de Wilden muodostaman Kööpenhaminan koulukunnan teoriaa turvallistamisesta sekä turvallisuuskomplekseista. Niilin kymmenen valtiota kattavan jokialueen poliittista historiaa on vuosikymmenet hallinnut valtioiden välinen epäluottamus, ja erityisesti Egypti, joka on täysin riippuvainen Niilin vesivaroista, on julistanut Niilin vesivarojen olevan sille kansallinen turvallisuuskysymys, ja se on uhannut käyttää myös voimakeinoja puolustaakseen vedenkäyttöoikeuksiaan. Egyptiä on myös voitu Niilin alueen hegemonina, sillä vanhat, alun perin siirtomaa-ajalta peräisin olevat sopimukset ovat antaneet sille lähes yksinoikeuden Niilin vesivarojen käyttöön. Samanaikaisesti erityisesti Etiopia, jonka alueelta suurin osa joen vesivaroista on peräisin, on pitänyt vanhoja sopimuksia epäreiluina, ja vedonnut maassa kasvavaan nälänhätään ja ruokapulaan, mutta myös useat muut alueen valtiot ovat esittäneet tyytymättömyytensä vanhoihin sopimuksiin. Vuonna 1999 kehityksessä tapahtui kuitenkin käänne, sillä jokilaakson valtiot perustivat tuolloin Niilin jokialueen yhteistyöjärjestön Nile Basin Initiativen (NBI). Tutkielma keskittyy NBI:n perustamisen jälkeiseen ajanjaksoon. Keskeinen tutkimuskysymys on, millä tavalla Niilin alueen jäsenvaltiot pyrkivät 2000-luvun alkupuolella keskinäisellä toiminnallaan muuttamaan alueella vallitsevaa kilpailu- ja konfliktiasetelmaa rauhanomaiseen suuntaan. Aineistona käytetään NBI:n omia kausijulkaisuja vuosilta 2006–2010, ja tutkimuksen menetelmänä käytetään diskurssianalyysia. Tutkitun aineiston perusteella on esitettävissä, että Niilin alueen poliittisesta kehityksestä on selvästi erotettavissa diskursseja, jotka ovat NBI:n toiminnan taustalla. Nämä ovat luottamuksen rakentamisen, yhteisten haasteiden voittamisen, yhteistyön tärkeyden sekä saavutusten diskurssit. Aineiston perusteella on nähtävissä, että valtioiden välisen luottamuksen vähitellen lisääntyessä yhteistyötä aletaan yhä enemmän legitimoida aikaisemmin yhteistyöstä saavutetuilla hyödyillä. Toisaalta diskurssianalyysin perusteella on myös nähtävissä, että alueella on ratkaisematta yhä fundamentaalisia ongelmia; uutta vesisopimusta ei ole vielä vuoteen 2010 mennessä aikaansaatu ja NBI:n jäsenvaltioiden suhteissa on myös nähtävissä kiistaa periaatteista, joihin yhteistyön olisi pohjauduttava. Tutkielma pyrkii analyysin avulla kehittämään myös Kööpenhaminan koulukunnan teoriaa turvallistamisesta. Kööpenhaminan koulukunta jättää turvallistamisen purkamiskehityksen kirjoituksissaan taka-alalle keskustelun painottuessa siihen, kuinka jokin asia tuodaan esille julkiseen turvallisuuskeskusteluun. Tältä osin tutkimuksen tavoitteena on esittää mahdollinen kehityskulku turvallistamisen purkamisdiskurssista. Teoriaosuudessa käytetyt keskeiset lähteet: Allan 2001,2009; Buzan 1991; Buzan ja Wæver 2003; Buzan, Wæver ja de Wilde 1998; Jutila 2008; Schulz 1995; Stritzel 2007; Turton 2001; Wæver 1995; Wendt 1992, 1999.


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A survey of amphibian mortality on roads was carried out in the Sharavathi river basin in the central Western Ghats. Road kills in three different land use areas: agricultural fields, water bodies and forests were recorded for four days along three 100m stretches in each type of area. One-hundred-and-forty-four individuals belonging to two orders, eight families, 11 genera and 13 species were recorded in the survey. Kills/km observed were: in forest 55, agricultural fields 38 and water bodies 27, for an overall average of 40 kills/km. Kill species compositions varied significantly between land use areas, but not overall kill rates.


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We have compared the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol fine mode fraction (AFMF) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with those of Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45N, 80.35E), northern India for the pre-monsoon season (March to June, 2001-2005). We found that MODIS systematically overestimates AOD during pre-monsoon season (known to be influenced by dust transport from north-west of India). The errors in AOD were correlated with the MODIS top-of-atmosphere apparent surface reflectance in 2.1 mu m channel (rho*(2.1)). MODIS aerosol algorithm uses p*(2.1) to derive the surface reflectance in visible channels (rho(0.47), rho(0.66)) using an empirical mid IR-visible correlation (rho(0.47) = rho(2.1)/4, rho(0.66) = rho(2.1)/2). The large uncertainty in estimating surface reflectance in visible channels (Delta rho(0.66)+/- 0.04, Delta rho(0.47)+/- 0.02) at higher values of p*(2.1) (p*(2.1) > 0.18) leads to higher aerosol contribution in the total reflected radiance at top-of atmosphere to compensate for the reduced surface reflectance in visible channels and thus leads to overestimation of AOD. This was also reflected in the very low values of AFMF during pre-monsoon whose accuracy depends on the aerosol path radiance in 0.47 and 0.66 mu m channels and aerosol models. The errors in AOD were also high in the scattering angle range 110 degrees-140 degrees, where the effect of dust non-spherity on its optical properties is significant. The direct measurements of spectral surface reflectance are required over the Indo-Gangetic basin in order to validate the mid IR-visible relationship. MODIS aerosol models should also be modified to incorporate the effect of non-spherity of dust aerosols.


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A key problem in helicopter aeroelastic analysis is the enormous computational time required for a numerical solution of the nonlinear system of algebraic equations required for trim, particularly when free wake models are used. Trim requires calculation of the main rotor and tail rotor controls and the vehicle attitude which leads to the six steady forces and moments about the helicopter center of gravity to be zero. An appropriate initial estimate of the trim state is needed for successful helicopter trim. This study aims to determine the control inputs that can have considerable effect on the convergence of trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopter rotors by investigating the basin of attraction of the nonlinear equations (set of initial guess points from which the nonlinear equations converge). It is illustrated that the three main rotor pitch controls of collective pitch, longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch have a significant contribution to the convergence of the trim solution. Trajectories of the Newton iterates are shown and some ideas for accelerating the convergence of a trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopters are proposed. It is found that the basins of attraction can have fractal boundaries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tiivistelmä: Valuma-alueen vaikutus fosforin ja typen hajakuormitukseen.


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Due to increasing trend of intensive rice cultivation in a coastal river basin, crop planning and groundwater management are imperative for the sustainable agriculture. For effective management, two models have been developed viz. groundwater balance model and optimum cropping and groundwater management model to determine optimum cropping pattern and groundwater allocation from private and government tubewells according to different soil types (saline and non-saline), type of agriculture (rainfed and irrigated) and seasons (monsoon and winter). A groundwater balance model has been developed considering mass balance approach. The components of the groundwater balance considered are recharge from rainfall, irrigated rice and non-rice fields, base flow from rivers and seepage flow from surface drains. In the second phase, a linear programming optimization model is developed for optimal cropping and groundwater management for maximizing the economic returns. The models developed were applied to a portion of coastal river basin in Orissa State, India and optimal cropping pattern for various scenarios of river flow and groundwater availability was obtained.


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Landslides are hazards encountered during monsoon in undulating terrains of Western Ghats causing geomorphic make over of earth surface resulting in significant damages to life and property. An attempt is made in this paper to identify landslides susceptibility regions in the Sharavathi river basin downstream using frequency ratio method based on the field investigations during July- November 2007. In this regard, base layers of spatial data such as topography, land cover, geology and soil were considered. This is supplemented with the field investigations of landslides. Factors that influence landslide were extracted from the spatial database. The probabilistic model -frequency ratio is computed based on these factors. Landslide susceptibility indices were computed and grouped into five classes. Validation of LHS, showed an accuracy of 89% as 25 of the 28 regions tallied with the field condition of highly vulnerable landslide regions. The landslide susceptible map generated for the downstream would be useful for the district officials to implement appropriate mitigation measures to reduce hazards.