103 resultados para Paramedic


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This pilot study intended to augment current literature in the clinical placement field by investigating the frequency and nature of adverse health events experiences by paramedic students undertaking ambulance clinical placements. Supports accessed post event were also reviewed. A purposive sample of fifty-six paramedic students completed the questionnaire. The results indicate that a number of students experience adverse health events while on clinical placement, with fourteen cases of verbal abuse, one case of physical abuse, nine cases of sexualised behavior and seven cases of psychological distress reported. While some case related incidents were flagged by ambulance services and followed up by peer support, students did not initiate any formal support processes themselves. Moreover, no student filed a formal report regarding any of the incidents raised. The results of this pilot study require further investigation. In the interim, the benefits of clinical placements must be weighed against their risks, and processes put in place to minimize the risk to students undertaking clinical placements.


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The utilization of mixed methods in prehospital research is relatively new. Its use may enhance research findings, but it is not without its challenges. This study used online databases to systemically search for literature relating to the application of mixed methods in prehospital research, in order to understand the place of mixed methods research in the prehospital setting. The prehospital field appears to be embracing mixed methods as an approach to research due to its ability to address health care questions in complex, diverse environments. However, supplemental literature in this area is limited, with mixed methods expertise being found in other health science areas. Researchers should endeavor to continue to contribute to this area through high-quality, rigorous mixed methods studies.


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Emergency work can expose personnel to sleep restriction. Inadequate amounts of sleep can negatively affect physiological and psychological stress responses. This review critiqued the emergency service literature (e.g., firefighting, police/law enforcement, defense forces, ambulance/paramedic personnel) that has investigated the effect of sleep restriction on hormonal, inflammatory and psychological responses. Furthermore, it investigated if a psycho-physiological approach can help contextualize the significance of such responses to assist emergency service agencies monitor the health of their personnel. The available literature suggests that sleep restriction across multiple work days can disrupt cytokine and cortisol levels, deteriorate mood and elicit simultaneous physiological and psychological responses. However, research concerning the interaction between such responses is limited and inconclusive. Therefore, it is unknown if a psycho-physiological relationship exists and as a result, it is currently not feasible for agencies to monitor sleep restriction related stress based on psycho- physiological interactions. Sleep restriction does however, appear to be a major stressor contributing to physiological and psychological responses and thus, warrants further investigation.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a percepção das condições de saúde bucal de um grupo de gestantes, através da aplicação do índice General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). MÉTODOS: participaram do estudo 53 gestantes que freqüentavam uma Unidade Básica de Saúde em Araraquara, São Paulo. Foi aplicado um questionário contendo questões do índice GOHAI, questões sobre a autopercepção das condições bucais e sobre as características sócio-demográficas. Por meio dos testes não-paramétricos Mann-Whitney e Kruskall-Wallis, foram determinados a associação das variáveis sociais e de autopercepção com o índice GOHAI. RESULTADOS: a percepção das condições bucais, medida pelo índice GOHAI, foi positiva e apresentou um valor médio de 31,6. Os dados subjetivos mostram que apenas 12,0% das gestantes classificaram sua condição bucal como ruim, a maioria declarou nenhum problema dentário, embora 58,7% tenha relatado distúrbios gengivais. As questões como dor e/ou desconforto foram as mais percebidas pelas gestantes. CONCLUSÕES: as gestantes fizeram uma avaliação positiva de sua condição bucal, estando o índice GOHAI associado a variáveis relacionadas à autopercepção. Tal índice pode ser aplicado em grupos populacionais como as gestantes, possibilitando medidas educativas e/ou preventivas direcionadas às suas reais necessidades.


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BACKGROUND Evidence suggests that EMS-physician-guided cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA) may be associated with improved outcomes, yet randomized controlled trials are not available. The goal of this meta-analysis was to determine the association between EMS-physician- versus paramedic-guided CPR and survival after OOHCA. METHODS AND RESULTS Studies that compared EMS-physician- versus paramedic-guided CPR in OOHCA published until June 2014 were systematically searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases. All studies were required to contain survival data. Data on study characteristics, methods, and as well as survival outcomes were extracted. A random-effects model was used for the meta-analysis due to a high degree of heterogeneity among the studies (I (2)  = 44 %). Return of spontaneous circulation [ROSC], survival to hospital admission, and survival to hospital discharge were the outcome measures. Out of 3,385 potentially eligible studies, 14 met the inclusion criteria. In the pooled analysis (n = 126,829), EMS-physician-guided CPR was associated with significantly improved outcomes compared to paramedic-guided CPR: ROSC 36.2 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] 31.0 - 41.7 %) vs. 23.4 % (95 % CI 18.5 - 29.2 %) (pooled odds ratio [OR] 1.89, 95 % CI 1.36 - 2.63, p < 0.001); survival to hospital admission 30.1 % (95 % CI 24.2 - 36.7 %) vs. 19.2 % (95 % CI 12.7 - 28.1 %) (pooled OR 1.78, 95 % CI 0.97 - 3.28, p = 0.06); and survival to discharge 15.1 % (95 % CI 14.6 - 15.7 %) vs. 8.4 % (95 % CI 8.2 - 8.5 %) (pooled OR 2.03, 95 % CI 1.48 - 2.79, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS This systematic review suggests that EMS-physician-guided CPR in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with improved survival outcomes.


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Introdução – Os acidentes de trabalho envolvendo material biológico entre profissionais de saúde são frequentes e constituem um problema de saúde pública, pois representam uma preocupação constante das instituições e dos profissionais de saúde. Os profissionais do pré hospitalar tornam-se mais expostos pela tensão emocional vivida, pela natureza e circunstâncias do seu exercício profissional. Objetivos – Identificar a ocorrência de acidentes ocupacionais com materiais perfurocortantes nos profissionais de saúde do SAMU Maceió; identificar os acidentes mais frequentes, os períodos em que ocorrem e avaliar as condutas tomadas após o acidente. Métodos – Estudo descritivo com orientação analítico-descritiva desenvolvido numa amostra de 40 profissionais de saúde, Enfermeiro socorrista, Técnico Enfermagem e Médicos Socorristas. A recolha de informação foi suportada num questionário elaborado para o efeito. Resultados – A nossa amostra apresentou uma média de idades de 39,2 anos, o sexo feminino foi maioritário com 70,0% e 50,0% trabalha entre 6 a 10 anos na unidade. A maioria dos acidentes perfuro cortantes foram provocados por agulhas (75,0%) e dos quais não resultou incapacidade em 75%. A maioria dos acidentes ocorreram no verão e no turno da noite. Grande número de profissionais (70%) não cumpriu com as normas de procedimentos após o acidente e 80,0% dos profissionais não realizaram a quimioprofilaxia, não cumprindo com o protocolo do Ministérios da Saúde do Brasil. O paciente-fonte foi identificado em 87,5% dos casos mas verificamos uma subnotificação dos acidentes pois 45,0% dos profissionais não o fizeram. Nenhum profissional frequentou formação específica sobre acidentes de trabalho Conclusões – Verificamos uma alta incidência de acidentes perfurocortantes entre os profisionais do SAMU. Existe uma subnotificação do acidente e um déficite nas condutas apropriadas após o acidente. A população estudada necessita de uma maior sensibilização/formação quanto às medidas preventivas de segurança no ambiente de trabalho e motivação para o controle e prevenção dos acidentes ocupacionais no exercício de sua profissão. Palavras-chave: Acidente de trabalho. Materiais biológicos. Materiais perfurocortantes.


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Meningococcal disease is a rare but potential killer in both adults and children. Community acquired meningococcal disease is caused by a variety of serogroups of Neisseria meningitides. Of the five main subgroups, A, B, C, W135 and Y, serogroups, A and Y are rarely identified in Australia. Alternatively, Serogroup B accounts for the highest number of cases followed by serogroup C strains. Meningococcal infection causes two distinct clinical profiles, though dual presentations are not uncommon. The first, meningitis presenting alone, is the more common form of infection and requires urgent but not immediate medical treatment. Conversely the second presentation, meningococcal septicaemia, is considered a medical emergency. In Queensland, careful and detailed consideration of the evidence for introduction of benzyl penicillin for the prehospital treatment of meningococcal septicaemia has been conducted. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the septicaemic presentation, these reviews have resulted in the decision not to introduce this drug in the ambulance service at the time. This paper describes the reasoning behind these decisions.


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This study investigated the differences in personality, consistent with the vocational theory of personality as proposed by Holland (1997), for a modern day firefighter. This study also investigates the relationships between personality characteristics and job duties performed by firefighters and firefighter-paramedics. Archival data from employees (N = 98) of a Southeastern Florida fire department who completed the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), as well as a self-report questionnaire on variety proneness (boredom), job satisfaction, and affective well-being data were analyzed. The scores of the firefighters on the HPI, HDS, and MVPI were used as predictive data, and criterion data used in this study were self-report satisfaction data on job involvement, variety proneness (boredom), and affective well-being. In addition, criterion data on performance were obtained from the employment histories of the participants, and were correlated with the personality scale scores to determine if personality is predictive of aspects of performance. ^ Participants in this study varied with respect to the type of firefighter duties required from them on their jobs. The participants were categorized into three duty classifications: Group 1 (G1) are the firefighters hired before 1990 and are only certified as firefighters; Group 2 (G2) are the firefighters hired before 1990 who became paramedics at some point after employment and after fire college training; and Group 3 (G3) are the firefighters hired after 1990 who were trained as paramedics in the fire college and who were aware of the paramedic requirement at time of application or were already trained as paramedics at the time of application. From the research reviewed and presented in this paper, hypotheses were generated about differences between the personality types of firefighter groups G1 and G2 versus G3, in accordance with Holland's theories. In addition, it was hypothesized that personality will predict outcomes of satisfaction and performance. ^ Results found that job satisfaction was not found to be statistically different among the groups. However, the groups differed significantly on 5 of the predictive instrument scales, and personality was found to be a predictor of limited performance data. ^


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Collaboration between emergency room (ER) nurses and paramedics is vital due to the increasing number of critically ill patients entering the hospital via the "911" system. This descriptive study examined the perception of the collaborative relationship using the Revised Pehl Collaboration Scale (RPCS) and by qualitative data from four free response questions. The results of this study indicated that the overall relationship between the ER nurses and paramedics was friendly but not fully trusting. The content analysis of the free response questions identified that the "report" of patient information was the origin the most conflict. The nurses felt that paramedic patient assessment, patient priorities, and by-pass protocol were problems. Whereas, the paramedics identified the nurses condescending manner and mistrust, not being "listened" to, and overcrowded emergency rooms as the source of conflict. Data was not statistically significant with regards to personal attributes or social demographics from the RPCS.


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Death and injury from hanging is a complex situation, which requires careful and appropriate assessment and management in the pre-hospital environment. It is arguably an area of limited understanding and therefore may not be assessed and managed in the most effective manner. Most hanged/hanging patients will be found in their homes, rather than in institutions. It could be argued that due to prevalence as a suicide method, the majority of pre-hospital ambulance service staff will be responded to at least one hanged or hanging patient within their careers, thus a greater understanding will benefit both clinician and patient. Patients who attempt or achieve suicide will rarely achieve fracturing the spine and severing the spinal cord, bringing into question the requirement for the traditional cervical collar and spinal immobilisation techniques. Death from asphyxiation and carotid/vagal reflex require consideration and management as does raised ICP, which is likely to occur.


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Over the past decade, several Australian universities have offered a double degree in nursing and paramedicine. Mainstream employment models that facilitate integrated graduate practice in both nursing and paramedicine are currently lacking. The aim of the present study was to detail the development of the Interprofessional Graduate Program (IPG), the industrial and professional issues that required solutions, outcomes from the first pilot IPG group and future directions. The IPG was an 18-month program during which participants rotated between graduate nursing experience in emergency nursing at Northern Health, Melbourne, Australia and graduate paramedic experience with Ambulance Victoria. The first IPG with 10 participants ran from January 2011 to August 2012. A survey completed by nine of the 10 participants in March 2014 showed that all nine participants nominated Ambulance Victoria as their main employer and five participants were working casual shifts in nursing. Alternative graduate programs that span two health disciplines are feasible but hampered by rigid industrial relations structures and professional ideologies. Despite a 'purpose built' graduate program that spanned two disciplines, traditional organisational structures still hamper double-degree graduates using all of skills to full capacity, and force the selection of one dominant profession.


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AIMS: This paper reviews available literature regarding the effectiveness, safety and utility of intranasal (i.n.) naloxone for the treatment of heroin overdose.

METHODS: Scientific literature in the form of published articles during the period January 1984 to August 2007 were identified by searching several databases including Medline, Cinahl and Embase for the following terms: naloxone, narcan, intranasal, nose. The data extracted included study design, patient selection, numbers, outcomes and adverse events.

RESULTS: Reports of the pharmacological investigation and administration of i.n. naloxone for heroin overdose are included in this review. Treatment of heroin overdose by administration of i.n. naloxone has been introduced as first-line treatment in some jurisdictions in North America, and is currently under investigation in Australia.

CONCLUSION: Currently there is not enough evidence to support i.n. naloxone as first-line intervention by paramedics for treatment of heroin overdose in the pre-hospital setting. Further research is required to confirm its clinical effectiveness, safety and utility. If proved effective, the i.n. route may be useful for drug administration in community settings (including peer-based administration), as it reduces risk of needlestick injury in a population at higher risk of blood-borne viruses. Problematically, naloxone is not manufactured currently in an ideal form for i.n. administration.