977 resultados para Parallel Programming


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Data processing services for Meteosat geostationary satellite are presented. Implemented services correspond to the different levels of remote-sensing data processing, including noise reduction at preprocessing level, cloud mask extraction at low-level and fractal dimension estimation at high-level. Cloud mask obtained as a result of Markovian segmentation of infrared data. To overcome high computation complexity of Markovian segmentation parallel algorithm is developed. Fractal dimension of Meteosat data estimated using fractional Brownian motion models.


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Modern geographical databases, which are at the core of geographic information systems (GIS), store a rich set of aspatial attributes in addition to geographic data. Typically, aspatial information comes in textual and numeric format. Retrieving information constrained on spatial and aspatial data from geodatabases provides GIS users the ability to perform more interesting spatial analyses, and for applications to support composite location-aware searches; for example, in a real estate database: “Find the nearest homes for sale to my current location that have backyard and whose prices are between $50,000 and $80,000”. Efficient processing of such queries require combined indexing strategies of multiple types of data. Existing spatial query engines commonly apply a two-filter approach (spatial filter followed by nonspatial filter, or viceversa), which can incur large performance overheads. On the other hand, more recently, the amount of geolocation data has grown rapidly in databases due in part to advances in geolocation technologies (e.g., GPS-enabled smartphones) that allow users to associate location data to objects or events. The latter poses potential data ingestion challenges of large data volumes for practical GIS databases. In this dissertation, we first show how indexing spatial data with R-trees (a typical data pre-processing task) can be scaled in MapReduce—a widely-adopted parallel programming model for data intensive problems. The evaluation of our algorithms in a Hadoop cluster showed close to linear scalability in building R-tree indexes. Subsequently, we develop efficient algorithms for processing spatial queries with aspatial conditions. Novel techniques for simultaneously indexing spatial with textual and numeric data are developed to that end. Experimental evaluations with real-world, large spatial datasets measured query response times within the sub-second range for most cases, and up to a few seconds for a small number of cases, which is reasonable for interactive applications. Overall, the previous results show that the MapReduce parallel model is suitable for indexing tasks in spatial databases, and the adequate combination of spatial and aspatial attribute indexes can attain acceptable response times for interactive spatial queries with constraints on aspatial data.


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In this paper we advocate the Loop-of-stencil-reduce pattern as a way to simplify the parallel programming of heterogeneous platforms (multicore+GPUs). Loop-of-Stencil-reduce is general enough to subsume map, reduce, map-reduce, stencil, stencil-reduce, and, crucially, their usage in a loop. It transparently targets (by using OpenCL) combinations of CPU cores and GPUs, and it makes it possible to simplify the deployment of a single stencil computation kernel on different GPUs. The paper discusses the implementation of Loop-of-stencil-reduce within the FastFlow parallel framework, considering a simple iterative data-parallel application as running example (Game of Life) and a highly effective parallel filter for visual data restoration to assess performance. Thanks to the high-level design of the Loop-of-stencil-reduce, it was possible to run the filter seamlessly on a multicore machine, on multi-GPUs, and on both.


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The astonishing development of diverse and different hardware platforms is twofold: on one side, the challenge for the exascale performance for big data processing and management; on the other side, the mobile and embedded devices for data collection and human machine interaction. This drove to a highly hierarchical evolution of programming models. GVirtuS is the general virtualization system developed in 2009 and firstly introduced in 2010 enabling a completely transparent layer among GPUs and VMs. This paper shows the latest achievements and developments of GVirtuS, now supporting CUDA 6.5, memory management and scheduling. Thanks to the new and improved remoting capabilities, GVirtus now enables GPU sharing among physical and virtual machines based on x86 and ARM CPUs on local workstations,computing clusters and distributed cloud appliances.


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Graph analytics is an important and computationally demanding class of data analytics. It is essential to balance scalability, ease-of-use and high performance in large scale graph analytics. As such, it is necessary to hide the complexity of parallelism, data distribution and memory locality behind an abstract interface. The aim of this work is to build a scalable graph analytics framework that does not demand significant parallel programming experience based on NUMA-awareness.
The realization of such a system faces two key problems:
(i)~how to develop a scale-free parallel programming framework that scales efficiently across NUMA domains; (ii)~how to efficiently apply graph partitioning in order to create separate and largely independent work items that can be distributed among threads.


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Visualization of vector fields plays an important role in research activities nowadays -- Web applications allow a fast, multi-platform and multi-device access to data, which results in the need of optimized applications to be implemented in both high-performance and low-performance devices -- Point trajectory calculation procedures usually perform repeated calculations due to the fact that several points might lie over the same trajectory -- This paper presents a new methodology to calculate point trajectories over highly-dense and uniformly-distributed grid of points in which the trajectories are forced to lie over the points in the grid -- Its advantages rely on a highly parallel computing architecture implementation and in the reduction of the computational effort to calculate the stream paths since unnecessary calculations are avoided, reusing data through iterations -- As case study, the visualization of oceanic currents through in the web platform is presented and analyzed, using WebGL as the parallel computing architecture and the rendering Application Programming Interface


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This paper presents the implementation of a high quality real-time 3D video system intended for 3D videoconferencing -- Basically, the system is able to extract depth information from a pair of images coming from a short-baseline camera setup -- The system is based on the use of a variant of the adaptive support-weight algorithm to be applied on GPU-based architectures -- The reason to do it is to get real-time results without compromising accuracy and also to reduce costs by using commodity hardware -- The complete system runs over the GStreamer multimedia software platform to make it even more flexible -- Moreover, an autoestereoscopic display has been used as the end-up terminal for 3D content visualization


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String searching within a large corpus of data is an important component of digital forensic (DF) analysis techniques such as file carving. The continuing increase in capacity of consumer storage devices requires corresponding im-provements to the performance of string searching techniques. As string search-ing is a trivially-parallelisable problem, GPGPU approaches are a natural fit – but previous studies have found that local storage presents an insurmountable performance bottleneck. We show that this need not be the case with modern hardware, and demonstrate substantial performance improvements from the use of single and multiple GPUs when searching for strings within a typical forensic disk image.


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Fast restoration of critical loads and non-black-start generators can significantly reduce the economic losses caused by power system blackouts. In a parallel power system restoration scenario, the sectionalization of restoration subsystems plays a very important role in determining the pickup of critical loads before synchronization. Most existing research mainly focuses on the startup of non-black-start generators. The restoration of critical loads, especially the loads with cold load characteristics, has not yet been addressed in optimizing the subsystem divisions. As a result, sectionalized restoration subsystems cannot achieve the best coordination between the pickup of loads and the ramping of generators. In order to generate sectionalizing strategies considering the pickup of critical loads in parallel power system restoration scenarios, an optimization model considering power system constraints, the characteristics of the cold load pickup and the features of generator startup is proposed in this paper. A bi-level programming approach is employed to solve the proposed sectionalizing model. In the upper level the optimal sectionalizing problem for the restoration subsystems is addressed, while in the lower level the objective is to minimize the outage durations of critical loads. The proposed sectionalizing model has been validated by the New-England 39-bus system and the IEEE 118-bus system. Further comparisons with some existing methods are carried out as well.


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A new method of specifying the syntax of programming languages, known as hierarchical language specifications (HLS), is proposed. Efficient parallel algorithms for parsing languages generated by HLS are presented. These algorithms run on an exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel random-access machine. They require O(n) processors and O(log2n) time, where n is the length of the string to be parsed. The most important feature of these algorithms is that they do not use a stack.


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This article describes advances in statistical computation for large-scale data analysis in structured Bayesian mixture models via graphics processing unit (GPU) programming. The developments are partly motivated by computational challenges arising in fitting models of increasing heterogeneity to increasingly large datasets. An example context concerns common biological studies using high-throughput technologies generating many, very large datasets and requiring increasingly high-dimensional mixture models with large numbers of mixture components.We outline important strategies and processes for GPU computation in Bayesian simulation and optimization approaches, give examples of the benefits of GPU implementations in terms of processing speed and scale-up in ability to analyze large datasets, and provide a detailed, tutorial-style exposition that will benefit readers interested in developing GPU-based approaches in other statistical models. Novel, GPU-oriented approaches to modifying existing algorithms software design can lead to vast speed-up and, critically, enable statistical analyses that presently will not be performed due to compute time limitations in traditional computational environments. Supplementalmaterials are provided with all source code, example data, and details that will enable readers to implement and explore the GPU approach in this mixture modeling context. © 2010 American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and Interface Foundation of North America.


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Functional and non-functional concerns require different programming effort, different techniques and different methodologies when attempting to program efficient parallel/distributed applications. In this work we present a "programmer oriented" methodology based on formal tools that permits reasoning about parallel/distributed program development and refinement. The proposed methodology is semi-formal in that it does not require the exploitation of highly formal tools and techniques, while providing a palatable and effective support to programmers developing parallel/distributed applications, in particular when handling non-functional concerns.


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Discrete optimization problems are very difficult to solve, even if the dimantion is small. For most of them the problem of finding an ε-approximate solution is already NP-hard.