995 resultados para Pap Smear
Nuria tiene siete años y le da miedo dormir sola. Tanto es así que cada noche se despierta angustiada y quiere ir a la cama de sus padres. A menudo tiene pesadillas y también miedo de que por la noche entren ladrones en casa;no se siente capaz de ir sola por el pasillo de casa, pide que la acompañen para ir al lavabo, no le gusta ir en tren y le da miedo perderse. En general, se siente insegura si sus padres no están con ella. ¿De dónde viene el miedo? Los niños, en sus primeros años de vida, hacen una serie de descubrimientos que les catapultan, por un lado, a explorarse a sí mismos y a explorar el mundo que les rodea, y por otro, a tomar conciencia de una realidad que les satisface pero que al mismo tiempo les hace sentir vulnerables. No hay tantos escenarios donde los más pequeños tengan la oportunidad de representar esa emoción y éstos normalmente, tiene que ver con la separación. El niño necesita verificar que después de una separación habrá un reencuentro, del mismo modo que se pacificará si sabe que después de la noche llegará el día en las condiciones de seguridad necesarias para afrontar sus conflictos interiores y su malestar subjetivo. Finalmente se exponen una serie de consejos que pueden utilizar los padres para ayudar a sus hijos a enfrentarse, descubrir y entender la emoción del miedo.
El Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (PAP) es un programa de acción comunitario en el ámbito educativo que pretende contribuir a la creación de una sociedad del conocimiento avanzada. Entre sus objetivos está alcanzar un desarrollo económico sostenible y más y mejores posibilidades de empleo. El PAP sustituye e integra a los Programas Sócrates (Comenius, Erasmus y Grundtvig) y Leonardo da Vinci. En este artículo se comenta cómo se puede participar en estos programas y se desarrolla más ampliamente el Programa Comenius.
Los adolescentes se suelen informar sobre el sexo a través de amigos, televisión, Internet, revistas, publicidad y los padres suelen reer que sus hijos están bien informados. Los padres pueden aportarles una visión más amplia y diversa sobre la sexualidad como personas adultas. El artículo propone propuestas e ideas de cómo abordar el tema.
Premio a la Innovación Educativa 1999
Premios Educación y Sociedad 1995. El ejemplar con R.111495 no tiene el cartel ni el ejemplar fotocopiado. Anexo Memoria en C- Innov.56
El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a intercambio de experiencias
Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a propuestas didácticas. - A modo de anexo se incluyen las fichas utilizadas en las distintas sesiones de trabajo. - Material fotocopiable
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of SmearClear (SybronEndo, Orange, CA) and EDTA for smear layer removal from root canals of permanent teeth after instrumentation. Thirty extracted human permanent teeth (n = 10) were randomly assigned to the following groups: group 1 = 14.3% EDTA, group 2 = SmearClear, and group 3 = no smear layer removal procedure was undertaken (control). The specimens were submitted to scanning electron microscopy analysis. Magnifications of 200x and 750x were used to evaluate cleaning at the apical, middle, and cervical thirds according to a three-point scoring system. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney U test (5% significance level). Groups 1 and 2 differed significantly from group 3 (p < 0.01). However, there was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) between groups 1 and 2. In conclusion, SmearClear was able to remove the smear layer from the root canals of permanent teeth similarly as 14.3% EDTA, suggesting that both solutions may be indicated for such purpose. (J Endod 2008,34:1541-1544)
Realizaram-se mensurações sérica e urinária de fosfatase ácida prostática (PAP) e antígeno prostático específico (PSA) de 20 cães. Os testes de PAP e PSA foram feitos em um equipamento automatizado, com o uso de kits comerciais para humanos. A média de PAP sérico foi de 0,7U/l e urinário 0,U/l. As médias do PSA sérico e urinário foram 0,005ng/dL e 0,004ng/dl, respectivamente. A determinação do dois biomarcadores in vivo é uma nova opção de diagnóstico na medicina veterinária e os valores obtidos devem ser correlacionados com a lesão morfológica da próstata.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser (2.94 mu m) irradiation on the removal of root surface smear layer of extracted human teeth and to compare its efficacy with that of citric acid, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), or a gel containing a mixture of tetracycline hydrochloride (HCl) and citric acid, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thirty human dentin specimens were randomly divided into six groups: G1 (control group), irrigated with 10 ml of physiologic saline solution; G2, conditioned with 24% citric acid gel; G3, conditioned with 24% EDTA gel; G4, conditioned with a 50% citric acid and tetracycline gel; G5, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (47 mJ/10 Hz/5.8 J/cm(2)/pulse); G6, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (83 mJ/10 Hz/10.3 J/cm(2)/pulse). Electron micrographs were obtained and analyzed according to a rating system. Statistical analysis was conducted with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (P < 0.05). G1 was statistically different from all the other groups; no statistically significant differences were observed between the Er:YAG laser groups and those undergoing the other treatment modalities. When the two Er:YAG laser groups were compared, the fluency of G6 was statistically more effective in smear layer removal than the one used in G5 (Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.01). Root surfaces irradiated by Er:YAG laser had more irregular contours than those treated by chemical agents. It can be concluded that all treatment modalities were effective in smear layer removal. The results of our study suggest that the Er:YAG laser can be safely used to condition diseased root surfaces effectively. Furthermore, the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on root surfaces should be evaluated in vivo so that its potential to enhance the healing of periodontal tissues can be assessed.
Purpose: To analyze the smear layer and the hybrid layer in noncarious and carious dentin prepared by different cutting instruments and restored with composite resin. Study design: Cavities were randomly prepared in 160 specimens (noncarious and artificial carious dentin) by high-speed diamond tips (KG Sorensen 1013), air abrasion system (Prepstart, Danville Engineering), ultrasonic tip (CVDentus 8.3231-1), and ultrasonic tip associated with ultrasonic cavitation by water for 10 s. Half of the cavities in each group were conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s. The amount of smear layer and dentinal tubules present were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and graded from 0 to 3. Cavities were prepared in another 20 noncarious specimens and 20 carious specimens and restored with adhesive composite resin system. The restorations were hemisected longitudinally and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the hybrid layer and resinous prolongation characteristics, using scores ranging from 1 to 6. Results: The data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at 5% of significance level. There was evidence that the most efficient smear layer removal was the acid etching in the noncarious dentin and the water ultrasonic cavitation in the carious dentin. The hybrid layer formed on the noncarious and carious dentin prepared by the ultrasonic tip was more regular than in the specimens prepared by high-speed diamond tip, with many resinous prolongations. Conclusion: The ultrasonic tip seems to be a promising tool for carious dentin cavity preparation. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:597-605, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The present study performed an SEM evaluation of the efficiency of the following detergents on smear layer removal on the root surface: sodium lauryl sulphate, Plax, castor oil, and EDTA 24%. Sodium lauryl sulphate did not remove the smear layer and showed the worst results of all detergents tested. Plax and castor-oil detergents showed similar results represented by partial removal of the smear layer; these results were better than those obtained in the control (physiologic serum) and sodium lauryl sulphate groups. Neutral EDTA 24% was the most efficient detergent for smear layer removal.