990 resultados para Painted Reed Frogs


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The surface finishes of laminates produced by Quickstep™ and autoclave processes for use in automotive outer skin panels were compared. Automotive quality, painted carbon fibre samples, manufactured via both processes, were exposed to typical exposure environments including combinations of temperature (70, 120, 170°C), UV-B, humidity (95% RH) and immersion in water.

The microscopy and surface roughness results demonstrated that the surfaces produced by the Quickstep process were less susceptible to damage in the aging environments than the surfaces of the autoclaved samples. Quickstep samples displayed surface bubbling of only 5 μm, compared to the autoclaved surface bubbles which reached a diameter of 30 mm before bursting, with complete delamination occurring between the paint and the composite. The surface roughness measurements revealed the autoclave samples (Ra = 0.72 μm) were up to three times the roughness of the Quickstep samples (Ra = 0.23 μm).


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The Green and Golden Bell frog Litoria aureo is in major decline in Australia, where its distribution is now confined mainly to the east coast of New South Wales (NSW). Infection by the newly emerged amphibian fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been identified as one of the main threats affecting L. aurea. Surprisingly, some of the sites in NSW sustaining the largest populations of this species are industrial and urban habitats that are often disturbed and polluted, which could protect L. aurea from chytrid infection if pollution had fungicidal capacity.The aim of this study was to characterise the trace metal concentration of several L. aurea breeding sites in the Sydney and IIlawarra regions of NSW and to evaluate the fungicidal efficacy of the main "'ace metals identified. Selected L. aurea sites were sampled throughout the breeding season (September to February) to establish the concentration of trace metals in both surface sediment and waters. Physico-chemical parameters including pH and salinity were also measured. Of the trace metals identified, copper and zinc were consistently elevated across sites. Over 50% of sites exceeded the National Sediment Quality Guideline for both copper and zinc concentration, and over 90% of sites exceeded the National Water Quality Guideline for these metals. Consequently, we evaluated their effect on the growth and survival of a laboratory culture of B. dendrobatidis,These tests were performed in media containing dissolved metal concentrations of 0.02 - 0.65 mgL-1 Cu and 0.24 - 5.0 mgL-1 Zn. Growth rates were inferred by total fungal density in liquid culture (based on spectral absorbance measurements), final dry weight, and the density of zoospores in fungal cultures grown for 28 days. Both copper and zinc were found to reduce the growth and proliferation of B. dendrobatidis, but in a non-linear manner. This suggests that L. aurea may be gaining some protection from B. dendrobatidis infection at several of the sites examined.


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Within the semiarid regions of New South Wales, Australia, the endangered southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) occupies a landscape that is characterised by unpredictable rainfall and periodic flooding. Limited knowledge of the movement and habitat-occupancy patterns of this species in response to flood events has hampered conservation efforts. We used radio-tracking to assess changes in movement patterns and habitat occupancy of L. raniformis (n = 40) over three different periods (November, January and April/May) that coincided with the flooding, full capacity and subsequent drying of waterbodies within an irrigation landscape. We assessed (1) the use of permanent and ephemeral habitats in response to flooding and drying and (2) distances moved, turning angles and dispersion of frogs during wetland flooding, full capacity and drying. Individuals remained in permanent waterbodies in November but had abandoned these areas in favour of flooded ephemeral waterbodies by January. As the ephemeral waterbodies dried, radio-tracked individuals moved back into permanent waterbodies. The movement patterns of radio-tracked individuals were significantly different in the three radio-tracking periods, but did not differ significantly between sexes. Individuals moved significantly greater distances over 24 h, in straighter lines and movements were more dispersed while they occupied ephemeral waterbodies during January than when they occupied permanent waterbodies during November and April/May. Local weather conditions did not influence movement patterns when all three tracking periods were modelled together using a single linear stepwise regression. The dynamic distribution of habitat patches over space and time, combined with changing patterns of resource utilisation and movement of L. raniformis, highlights the importance of incorporating both permanent and ephemeral habitat patches into conservation plans. Reductions in flood frequency and extent of ephemeral wetlands due to modified flooding regimes have the capacity to limit dispersal of this species, even when permanent waterbodies remain unchanged.


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Prevailing theory predicts that lower levels of intra-clutch variation in host eggs facilitate the detection of brood parasitism. We assessed egg matching using both human vision and UV-VIS spectrophotometry and then followed the nest fate of great reed warblers naturally parasitised by European cuckoos. Rejection was predicted by the following three variables: matching between cuckoo and host eggs on the main chromatic variable defined by principal components analysis of the egg spectra (which has a strong loading in the UV); the number of host eggs in the nest; and human estimates of intra-clutch variation. The first variable is not correlated to human estimates of matching, which do not predict rejection. In line with another recent study, rejection rates were predicted by higher levels of intra-clutch variation in the host eggs, suggesting that higher rather than lower levels of intra-clutch variation can facilitate the discrimination of cuckoo eggs by hosts. We suggest that the importance of intra-clutch variation is context dependent, with intra-clutch variation being important when there is good matching between the host and the cuckoo eggs. Our results also suggest that both spectrometric and human visual assessments of egg matching and intra-clutch variation are prudent: the former provide the best method of estimating reflectance variation, whereas the latter include some assessment of patterns of maculation.


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Prevailing theory assumes cuckoos lay at random among host nests within a population, although it has been suggested that cuckoos could choose large nests and relatively active pairs within host populations. We tested the hypothesis that egg matching could be improved by cuckoos choosing nests in which host eggs more closely match their own, by assessing matching and monitoring nest fate in great reed warblers naturally or experimentally parasitized by eggs of European cuckoos. A positive correlation between cuckoo and host egg visual features suggests that cuckoos do not lay at random within a population, but choose nests and this improves egg matching: naturally parasitized cuckoo eggs were more similar to host eggs as perceived by humans and as measured by spectrophotometry. Our results suggest a hitherto overlooked step in cuckoo-host evolutionary arms races, and have nontrivial implications for the common experimental practice of artificially parasitizing clutches.


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Hybridization between closely related species often leads to reduced viability or fertility of offspring. Complete failure of hybrid offspring (post-zygotic hybrid incompatibilities) may have an important role in maintaining the integrity of reproductive barriers between closely related species. We show elsewhere that in Peron's tree frog, Litoria peronii, males more closely related to a female sire more offspring in sperm competition with a less related rival male. Observations of rare 'phenotypic intermediate' males between L. peronii and the closely related L. tyleri made us suggest that these relatedness effects on siring success may be because of selection arising from risks of costly hybridization between the two species. Here, we test this hypothesis in an extensive sperm competition experiment, which shows that there is no effect of species identity on probability of fertilization in sperm competition trials controlling for sperm concentration and sperm viability. Instead, there was a close agreement between a male's siring success in isolation with a female and his siring success with the same female in competition with a rival male regardless of species identity. Offspring viability and survival, however, were strongly influenced by species identity. Over a 14-day period, hybrid offspring suffered increasing mortality and developed more malformations and an obvious inability to swim and right themselves, leading to compromised probability of survival. Thus, hybridization in these sympatric tree frogs does not compromise fertilization but has a strong impact on offspring viability and opportunity for reinforcement selection on mate choice for conspecific partners.


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Bird song is generally regarded as a sexually selected trait, and may represent a reliable handicap signal under at least certain conditions. Females may use the degree of male song production as a reliable cue to male condition or territory quality. We investigated the effect of supplementary feeding on song output in the migratory Australian reed warbler Acrocephalus australis. We experimentally increased the food availability on alternate days, and recorded several weather variables. We measured song rate and song length independently. Supplementary fed birds sang more on feeding days than on non-feeding days, while control birds did not show this effect. Song output was not significantly associated with any of the weather variables examined. Our results indicate that singing has the potential to serve as a reliable handicap signal to territorial food availability irrespective of the prevailing weather conditions. We discuss the role of energetic constraints and behavioural flexibility on the signaling function of song.


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The vast majority of bird species build a nest in which to breed. Some species build more than one nest, but the function of most multiple nest-building remains unclear. Here we describe the unusual nest-building behaviour of the Australian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus australis, and test experimentally the hypotheses that multiple nest-building is related to individual condition or territory quality, and plays a role in mate assessment. Australian Reed Warblers built two types of nest structures: 'type I' nests, which were used for eggs and nestlings, and 'type II' nests, which were structurally distinct from type I nests, did not support eggs, nestlings or adults and were not essential for successful breeding. The number of type II nests built in each territory varied. Type II nests were only built before breeding had commenced in a territory and females were not observed participating in their construction, supporting a role in female mate choice. Birds provided with supplementary food built significantly more type II nests than control birds. However, supplementary-fed birds did not have greater pairing success, and the addition of further type II nests to territories did not increase the pairing rate or type II nest construction in those territories. There was no relationship between the presence of type II nests and either reproductive success or likelihood of nest predation. We discuss the implications of these results in light of previous suggestions regarding the function of multiple nest-building in birds.


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The amount of time a bird allocates to incubation is likely to be limited by energetic constraints. If food is abundant, energetic constraints may be reduced and the time spent incubating (incubation attendance) may increase. Moreover, the onset of incubation in relation to clutch completion may be advanced, resulting in a higher degree of hatching asynchrony. We measured the effect of experimentally increased food availability on incubation attendance and an estimate of hatching asynchrony in the Australian reed warbler Acrocephalus australis. Supplementary food was provided every other day, from a few days before the start of egg laying until just prior to hatching. Incubation attendance was measured with temperature loggers at nests receiving supplementary food and control nests. Hatching asynchrony was inferred from mass and size differences between siblings shortly after hatching. We found that 1) food supplementation resulted in an increase in incubation attendance, when comparing both nests receiving supplementary food to control nests as well as feeding to non-feeding days in nests receiving supplementary food, and 2) food supplementation resulted in a greater hatching asynchrony, without affecting clutch size, average egg volume or the likelihood of eggs hatching. This suggests that food availability acts in a proximate way to modify the extent of incubation attendance and hatching asynchrony. We discuss the adaptive significance of increased incubation attendance and a shift in the degree of hatching asynchrony in relation to food availability.


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In this paper, we suggest the idea of separately treating the connectivity and communication model of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). We then propose a novel connectivity model for a WSN using first order Reed-Muller Codes. While the model has a hierarchical structure, we have shown that it works equally well for a Distributed WSN. Though one can use any communication model, we prefer to use the communication model suggested by Ruj and Roy [1] for all computations and results in our work. Two suitable secure (symmetric) cryptosystems can then be applied for the two different models, connectivity and communication respectively. By doing so we have shown how resiliency and scalability are appreciably improved as compared to Ruj and Roy [1].


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Resource constraint sensors of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) cannot afford the use of costly encryption techniques like public key while dealing with sensitive data. So symmetric key encryption techniques are preferred where it is essential to have the same cryptographic key between communicating parties. To this end, keys are preloaded into the nodes before deployment and are to be established once they get deployed in the target area. This entire process is called key predistribution. In this paper we propose one such scheme using unique factorization of polynomials over Finite Fields. To the best of our knowledge such an elegant use of Algebra is being done for the first time in WSN literature. The best part of the scheme is large number of node support with very small and uniform key ring per node. However the resiliency is not good. For this reason we use a special technique based on Reed Muller codes proposed recently by Sarkar, Saha and Chowdhury in 2010. The combined scheme has good resiliency with huge node support using very less keys per node.