479 resultados para PROROOT MTA


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MTA has been investigated as a root-end filling material. Its mechanism of action has some similarities to that of Ca(OH())2. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process taking place in the delayed replantation of monkey teeth using calcium hydroxide and MTA as root canal filling materials. Five monkeys had their lateral incisors extracted and bench-dried for 60 minutes. After root canal preparation, the teeth were assigned to two groups according to root canal filling material: I, calcium hydroxide; and II, MTA. The same treatment sequence was followed for both groups: coronal seal, periodontal ligament removal, immersion of the tooth in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride, irrigation of the socket with saline and replantation. Both groups exhibited replacement resorption, areas of ankylosis and absence of inflammatory root resorption. Statistically similar results (p > 0.05) were observed for both groups regarding replacement root resorption, but the groups differed significantly (p < 0.05) regarding the occurrence of ankylosis. MTA may be a viable clinical option for filling teeth submitted to delayed replantation, and is an acceptable option for treating replanted permanent teeth in order to prevent tooth resorption, particularly when dressing changes are not possible.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da nova formulação do Cimento Portland (CPM) comparando-o ao MTA Angelus na viabilidade celular e liberação de IL-1b e IL-6 em fibroblastos de rato. Métodos: tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os materiais estudados foram colocados em placas de cultura celular de 24 poços com fibroblastos de rato. Tubos vazios foram utilizados como controle. Após 24 horas, ensaio MTT foi utilizado para avaliar a viabilidade celular. Para o ensaio de citocinas, fibroblastos de ratos foram incubados em placas de fundo plano de 24 poços com discos dos materiais no fundo, ou sem material, como controle. Após 24 horas, o meio de cultura foi coletado para a avaliação das citocinas pelo ELISA. Resultados: o CPM e MTA Angelus não inibiram a viabilidade celular. Ambos os materiais induziram liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b e a quantidade foi estatisticamente significativa se comparada ao grupo controle. Conclusão: ambos os materiais não foram citotóxicos em cultura de fibroblastos e induziram a liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b.


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To evaluate the biocompatibility and the setting time of Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA-CPM. Twenty-four mice (Rattus norvegicus) received subcutaneously polyethylene tubes filled with Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA. After 15, 30 and 60 days of implantation, the animals were killed and specimens were prepared for microscopic analysis. For evaluation of the setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore needles weighing 113.5 g and 456.5 g, according to the ASTM specification Number C266-08 guideline. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test for setting time and Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test for biocompatibility at 5% significance level. Histologic observation showed no statistically significant difference of biocompatibility (p>0.05) among the materials in the subcutaneous tissues. For the setting time, clinker without calcium sulfate showed the shortest initial and final setting times (6.18 s/21.48 s), followed by clinker with 2% calcium sulfate (9.22 s/25.33 s), clinker with 5% calcium sulfate (10.06 s/42.46 s) and MTA (15.01 s/42.46 s). All the tested materials showed biocompatibility and the calcium sulfate absence shortened the initial and final setting times of the white Portland cement clinker


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to MTA Fillapex® (Angelus), an experimental root canal filling material based on Portland cement and propylene glycol (PCPG), and a zinc oxide, eugenol and iodoform (ZOEI) paste. These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7 and 15 days. The specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and evaluated regarding inflammatory reaction parameters by optical microscopy. The intensity of inflammatory response against the sealers was analyzed by two blinded and previously calibrated examiners for all experimental periods (kappa=0.96). The histological evaluation showed that all materials caused a moderate inflammatory reaction at 7 days, which subsided with time. A greater inflammatory reaction was observed at 7 days in the tubes filled with ZOEI paste. Tubes filled with MTA Fillapex presented some giant cells, macrophages and lymphocytes after 7 days. At 15 days, the presence of fibroblasts and collagen fibers was observed indicating normal tissue healing. The tubes filled with PCPG showed similar results to those observed in MTA Fillapex. At 15 days, the inflammatory reaction was almost absent at the tissue, with several collagen fibers indicating normal tissue healing. Data were analyzed by the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (?=0.05). Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was found only between PCPG at 15 days and ZOEI at 7 days groups. No significant differences were observed among the other groups/periods (p>0.05). MTA Fillapex and Portland cement added with propylene glycol had greater tissue compatibility than the PCPG paste.


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The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro cytotoxicity of white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), MTA Fillapex® and Portland cement (PC) on human cultured periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Periodontal ligament fibroblast culture was established and the cells were used for cytotoxic tests after the fourth passage. Cell density was set at 1.25 X10 4 cells/well in 96-well plates. Endodontic material extracts were prepared by placing sealer/cement specimens (5X3mm) in 1mL of culture medium for 72 h. The extracts were then serially two-fold diluted and inserted into the cell-seeded wells for 24, 48 and 72 h. MTT assay was employed for analysis of cell viability. Cell supernatants were tested for nitric oxide using the Griess reagent system. MTA presented cytotoxic effect in undiluted extracts at 24 and 72 h. MTA Fillapex® presented the highest cytotoxic levels with important cell viability reduction for pure extracts and at ½ and ¼ dilutions. In this study, PC did not induce alterations in fibroblast viability. Nitric oxide was detected in extract-treated cell supernatants and also in the extracts only, suggesting presence of nitrite in the soluble content of the tested materials. In the present study, MTA Fillapex displayed the highest cytotoxic effect on periodontal ligament fibroblasts followed by white MTA and PC.


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O tratamento endodôntico de dentes com forame apical amplo requer consideração especial, devido ao risco de extravasamento do material obturador nos tecidos periapicais durante a obturação, de maneira relevante em áreas próximas às fissuras labiopalatinas. A criação de uma barreira apical é indicada em casos de difícil travamento do cone principal e consequente deficiência do selamento apical. O MTA em decorrência de suas excelentes propriedades biológicas, é o material de escolha para permanecer em contato com tecidos periodontais e periapicais, fazendo parte do arsenal endodôntico especificamente nestes casos de ápice aberto para a confecção de plug apical. Relato clínico: Indivíduo do gênero feminino, com fissura labiopalatina bilateral transforame, a distal dos dentes 11 e 21; compareceu no setor de endodontia do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC-USP), apresentando necrose pulpar do dente 21. Na primeira sessão foi realizado o acesso cirúrgico, neutralização do conteúdo séptico/tóxico em sentido corono-apical, odontometria, biomecânica, curativo intracanal (pasta Calen) selamento provisório com cimento de ionômero de vidro. Na segunda sessão, foi realizada a obturação onde ocorreu extravasamento de material obturador, verificado através da radiografia comprobatória; justificando sua remoção e nova obturação, com prévia confecção de plug apical com MTA. Foi realizada proservação aos 6 meses pós tratamento endodôntico. Conclusão: neste caso, o plug apical com MTA possibilitou a obturação final do canal radicular com segurança, pela confecção de um anteparo apical, evitando extravasamento de material obturador e preservando a área de fissura labiopalatina.


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Mörkertalet kring antalet barn som i Sverige utsätts för att bevittna familjevåld är stort och det finns inga exakta uppgifter över hur många som berörs. Enligt kommittén mot barnmisshandel handlar det om mellan 100 000 och 200 000 barn varje år. Det var först i mitten av nittiotalet som de utsatta barnen började uppmärksammas i större utsträckning och på senare tid har det börjat fokuseras mer kring olika former av behandlingsinsatser eftersom barnen anses vara i stort behov av bearbetning av sina upplevelser. I dag finns det ett tiotal relativt nystartade verksamheter runtom i landet som arbetar med behandling av barn som bevittnat familjevåld. Det övergripande syftet var att undersöka hur behandlingspersonalen vid de utvalda verksamheterna uppfattade sitt arbete och hur de tillämpade barnperspektivet. Syftet var även att jämföra informanternas utsagor med varandra samt med vad forskningen ansåg vara av vikt vid behandling av utsatta barn inom olika teman. Studien baserades på halvstrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med fem behandlare som arbetade vid fyra olika verksamheter. Resultatet redovisades utifrån citat av intervjupersonerna som sedan analyserades med hjälp av aktuell litteratur och forskning kring behandlingsarbete inom åtta teman samt barnperspektiv, dvs. utifrån några författare och forskare inspirerade av olika teoretiska utgångspunkter som tex. Inger Ekbom, Barbro Metell samt Atle Dyregrov m.fl.. Resultatet av undersökningen visade bl.a. att alla verksamheterna med undantag för vissa skillnader i struktur och innehåll i princip använde sig av samma arbetsmodeller, främst Trappanmodellen och Children are people too och alla koncentrerade sig på behandling av enbart barnet. Behandlarna var relativt samstämmiga när de beskrev hur de uppfattade sitt arbete, vad de ansåg vara viktigt att fokusera på och vilka hinder de urskiljde. Behandlarna delade även uppfattningen någorlunda om vad de ansåg vara barnets bästa utifrån ett barnperspektiv och hur man borde tillämpa barnperspektivet i praktiken. En huvudsaklig slutsats var att behandlingspersonalen vid de olika verksamheterna var förhållandevis eniga med varandra samt med vad forskningen visade men att det förekom vissa utmärkande skillnader särskilt gällande en av verksamheterna som även skiljde sig mer organisatoriskt jämfört med de övriga tre verksamheterna. Resultatet kunde dock inte generaliseras då det enbart grundades på utvalda intervjupersoners subjektiva erfarenheter av just deras behandlingsarbete.


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