961 resultados para PM-AH


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Se exponen algunas de las claves que han llevado a un alumno con síndrome de Down a ser la primera persona que obtiene el Grado Profesional de Música en España. Se analizan algunos de los factores que han contribuido a su inclusión y logros como, la motivación, el modelo de aprendizaje en el que se fomenta la experimentación, la comunicación y la reflexión y el hecho de que el profesorado haya creído en sus posibilidades.


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Gu??a editada con motivo de la exposici??n del mismo t??tulo celebrada en el castillo de Manzanares el Real sobre construcciones defensivas edificadas durante la Edad Media en el territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid. A trav??s de ellas se puede reconstruir c??mo se ocupaba el territorio o c??mo se delimitaba un asentamiento, qu?? capacidad ten??a una sociedad para emprender grandes obras colectivas y c??mo se organizaba. Tambi??n se puede averiguar cu??les eran las amenazas existentes y cu??les los conflictos que separaban a los grupos humanos, c??mo se expresaba simb??licamente el poder de un grupo sobre otro y muchos otros aspectos relevantes de la evoluci??n social de nuestros antepasados.


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of RoekoSeal sealer Roeko (Dental Products, Langenau, Germany) with the periapical tissues of dogs and compare it with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply/De Trey, Konstanz, Germany). The pulps of 32 root canals were removed, the apical cementum layer perforated, the biomechanical preparation performed, and the root canals filled by lateral condensation technique. Ninety days after the surgery, the animals were euthanized, the bone with teeth removed, and the samples prepared for histopathological analysis. In group 1 (RoekoSeal Automix), deposition of mineralized tissue was observed, with complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue in 43.8% and partial sealing in 56.2%. In group 2 (AH Plus), in 12.5% there was complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue, in 75% the sealing was partial, and in 12.5% there was no sealing (p < 0.05). There were no differences between the groups in relation to the inflammatory infiltrate; thickness of the periodontal ligament; and the resorption of dentin, cementum or bone (p > 0.05).


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The control of morphology and coating of metal surfaces is essential for a number of organic electronic devices including photovoltaic cells and sensors. In this study, we monitor the functionalization of gold surfaces with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA, HS(CH(2))(10)CO(2)H) and cysteamine, aiming at passivating the surfaces for application in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors. Using polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), cyclic voltammetry, atomic force microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance, we observed a time-dependent organization process of the adsorbed MUA monolayer with alkyl chains perpendicular to the gold surface. Such optimized condition for surface passivation was obtained with a systematic search for experimental parameters leading to the lowest electrochemical signal of the functionalized gold electrode. The ability to build supramolecular architectures was also confirmed by detecting with PM-IRRAS the adsorption of streptavidin on the MUA-functionalized gold. As the approaches used for surface functionalization and its verification with PM-IRRAS are generic, one may now envisage monitoring the fabrication of tailored electrodes for a variety of applications.


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Syftet med studien var att kartlägga svenska förlossningsklinikers PM angående urinretention postpartum, samt att studera om dessa överensstämmer med de rekommendationer som återfinns i litteraturen. Chefsbarnmorskan/avdelningschefen på alla svenska förlossningskliniker tillfrågades via e-post och telefon om de kunde skicka in sina PM angående urinretention postpartum. De insamlade dokumenten bearbetades genom kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys. De flesta PM förespråkar att bedömning om urinretention föreligger ska ske inom fyra timmar postpartum. I hälften av förlossningsklinikernas PM anges både tappningskateter och ultraljud/bladderscan som diagnosmetod. Endast tre av 28 insamlade PM tar upp omvårdnadsåtgärder som underlättar för kvinnan att tömma blåsan. Åtgärder som föreslogs vid urinretention postpartum varierade beroende på mängd residualurin. Den vanligast förekommande urinmängden för tappning av urinblåsan var mellan 300 och 600 ml och tappningen upprepades var fjärde timme. Avbrytande av tappning när residualurinen understeg 100 ml. När större urinmängder uppmättes valde man att sätta en kateter à demeure. De mest förekommande riskfaktorerna för urinretention postpartum som omnämns i PM är förlängt förlossningsförlopp, epiduralbedövning, instrumentell förlossning och bristningar/perineotomi. Inga klara rekommendationer för handläggning av urinretention postpartum har återfunnits i litteraturen, och vår slutsats är att detta är anledningen till de stora skillnader man ser i PM.


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The PM-brännaren (pellets burner) have on commission by the company been measured and evaluated in the combustion laboratory of SERC. The objective was to measure the perform-ance and the emissions of CO and NO for three different combustion powers and for start and stop conditions. The burner have been mounted in the Bionett-boiler from Ariterm and been adjusted by the company. The boiler has been connected to a buffer store that admits firing during long period with constant inlet temperature to the boiler. The measurements have been performed by operating the boiler on constant power until stationary conditions are reached. Thereafter the following two hours of operation have been evaluated. The results show that the burner fulfils the limit values for Blauer Engel labelling and the proposed limit values for Nordic Eco labelling. The measured concentration of NO is far below all organisations limit values for NOx. Concerning the start and stop emissions there are no demands from organisa-tions to compare with, but comparing with other boilers measured at SERC, the CO emissions from PM-brännaren is in the same order of magnitude.


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This study focuses on the Arabic prose style of Qabus ibn Wushmagir, a Persian ruler of the 4th century AH (10th century AD). Through a textual analysis of a selection of his letters it identifies some fascinating rhythmical patterns using the statistical technique of log-linear modelling. The quantitative analyses are based specifically on syllable patterns in the texts which are evaluated according to the theme of each letter. The study concludes that in some letter types in particular there is a certain predictability in the rhythmical patterns of the text which indicate that the style of a given piece was determined to some degree by the theme of the letter.


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n16 is a framework protein family associated with biogenic mineral stabilization, thought to operate at three key interfaces in nacre: protein/β-chitin, protein/protein, and protein/CaCO3. The N-terminal half of this protein, n16N, is known to be active in conferring this mineral stabilization and organization. While some details relating to the stabilization and organization of the mineral are known, the molecular mechanisms that underpin these processes are not yet established. To provide these molecular-scale details, here we explore current hypotheses regarding the possible subdomain organization of n16N, as related to these three interfaces in nacre, by combining outcomes of Replica Exchange with Solute Tempering molecular dynamics simulations with NMR experiments, to investigate the conformational ensemble of n16N in solution. We verify that n16N lacks a well-defined secondary structure, both with and without the presence of Ca(2+) ions, as identified from previous experiments. Our data support the presence of three different, functional subdomains within n16N. Our results reveal that tyrosine, chiefly located in the center of the peptide, plays a multifunctional role in stabilizing conformations of n16N, for intrapeptide and possibly interpeptide interactions. Complementary NMR spectroscopy data confirm the participation of tyrosine in this stabilization. The C-terminal half of n16N, lacking in tyrosine and highly charged, shows substantive conformational diversity and is proposed as a likely site for nucleation of calcium carbonate. Finally, dominant structures from our predicted conformational ensemble suggest the presentation of key residues thought to be critical to the selective binding to β-chitin surfaces.


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In the olden days, we Baby-Boomers would walk into our university or college libraries and pause just long enough to take in that wonderful smells of high grade cowhide leather and aging papyrus before rushing off to study. There was something about opening any leather bound edition of anything and being transported by the smell to some distant land, not unlike Charles Swann in Marcel Proust’s famous French novel, A La Recherché du Temps Perdu, Remembrance of Things Past.


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Utilizamos como quadro de referência teórico e método de avaliação a Psicopatologia e a Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Desde os anos de 50, na França, vem sendo desenvolvidas pesquisas e intervenções na situação do trabalho tendo como preocupação central a questão do adoecimento psíquico o trabalho. Estes trabalhos permitiram perceber a importância central que o sofrimento psicológico tinha neste processo. Este campo de pesquisa vai ser designado como Psicopatologia do Trabalho. Christophe Dejours desponta como referência nesta área de investigação. Aos poucos com o acúmulo de dados e o desenvolvimento teórico, o campo de investigação foi-se ampliando e incluindo novos elementos. Não só a patologia era importante, mas questão da saúde mental passa a ser objeto de preocupação também. O autor vai nomear este novo campo de investigação ampliado de Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Para se compreender a produção da saúde ou o adoecimento psíquico dentro da ótica da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, um conceito torna-se crucial: identidade. Dejours, afirma em diversas passagens de seus escritos que a identidade é uma espécie de armadura que protege a saúde mental do indivíduo. Se a organização do trabalho com suas fortes injunções afetar esta armadura, o indivíduo corre o risco de adoecer pois começa a ficar vulnerável às forças desestabilizadoras das organizações. Compreender os processos psico-sociais-organizacionais que agem no sentido de desestabilizar a identidade, no nosso entender, irá permitir intervenções organizacionais que amenizem ou, no limite, resolvam os entraves institucionais que produzem estas injunções que afetam psiquicamente os indivíduos.


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Na tentativa de evitar mais erros em ações, a Polícia Militar (PM) decidiu reformular o curso de formação de todos os soldados no Estado do Rio. Além do aumento das aulas práticas e teóricas de sete para dez meses, haverá ênfase no ensino do Policiamento de Proximidade. Nessas aulas os policiais passarão a ter "estudos de caso" e serão confrontados com episódios em que houve erros de agentes da corporação.


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This note clarifies the design of proportional derivative (PD) controllers for the magnetic levitation systems of micro PM motors proposed in the above paper. It is shown that the PD controllers cannot stabilize the described levited micro motors because it is necessary to use other values of parameters for these controllers. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the controlled systems described in the paper.