623 resultados para PLATHYMENIA RETICULATA


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A interação nuclear-seguidor tem sido raramente registrada entre peixes de riachos Neotropicais. Este tipo de associação foi observada em um riacho de cabeceira, no sistema do Alto rio Paraná envolvendo o cascudinho, Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, como espécie nuclear, e Knodus moenkhausii, Poecilia reticulata e Astyanax altiparanae como seus seguidores. Indivíduos de Aspidoras fuscoguttatus revolveram o substrato durante alimentação, promovendo a suspensão de sedimento. Os seguidores, por sua vez, movimentaram-se pela nuvem de partículas em suspensão, capturando itens alimentares. As particulas alimentares em suspensão parecem não ser utilizadas pelo cascudinho, mas tornam-se disponíveis para K. moenkhausii, P. reticulata e A. altiparanae. O comportamento de seguidor representa uma tática alimentar alternativa para estas espécies, reforçando a idéia geral de plasticidade comportamental entre as espécies seguidoras.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim: The present study was developed in a deforested stream located in a region that exhibits marked seasonality with the purpose to investigate whether ecological descriptors of the quantitative structure (i.e., composition, abundance, biomass, species richness, diversity) and feeding of fishes do change between the dry and wet periods. Methods: Sampling was conducted bimonthly from April 2004 to February 2005 by using a standardized effort with electrofishing equipment and environmental variables measurements. Results: We collected 713 fishes belonging to 23 species. The most abundant species were Gymnotus carapo (24.0%) and Poecilia reticulata (23.8%). Species richness, abundance, and biomass showed to be higher in the wet period, but these differences were not significant and did not influence the multivariate pattern of the assemblage (ANOSIM, R = 0.148). Nevertheless, average dissimilarity between community structure in the dry and wet periods was 52.7%, mainly due to the differential contribution of P. reticulata, notably more abundant in the wet season, under quasi-hypoxic water conditions. Examination of 333 gastric contents of 12 species evidenced that food variety was higher in the dry period. of these species, 67% (Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax fasciatus, Geophagus brasiliensis, Gymnotus carapo, Hypostomus ancistroides, Phalloceros harpagos, Poecilia reticulata, and Rhamdia quelen) kept the diet throughout the year, being classified in the same trophic groups in both periods, and detritus was the most important item for half of them, followed by aquatic insects. Overall, no significant differences in the community's diet between periods were registered (ANOSIM, R = [long dash]0.04). Conclusions: This relative constancy suggests a quite regular availability of resources (mainly shelters in submerged marginal grasses and detritus) along the year.


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Aim: To investigate whether composition and structure of stream ichthyofauna vary along the conservation gradient in the Bodoquena Plateau; Methods: Standardized sampling was performed in nine stream stretches (three references, three in the pasture, and three in urban areas), each 80 m long, in April, May and June/08; Results: A quantity of 8,102 individuals representing 36 species was collected. There were no significant differences with respect to absolute species richness among stretches. Urban stretches were more similar to each other than the other two groups, both regarding species composition and abundance. A set of six species was considered an indicator of reference stretches, whereas two were of pasture stretches and four of urban stretches. Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus, occurring only in urban stretches, were unique in showing the maximum values in the indicator species analysis; Conclusions: Results indicate changes in the ichthyofauna with urbanized surrounding water courses. The presence and abundance of Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus may indicate the quality loss of these environments.


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No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a influência de doze porta-enxertos sobre a qualidade dos frutos da lima-ácida 'Tahiti' (Citrus latifolia Tanaka), clone 'IAC-5', amostrados em duas posições nas plantas, em experimento conduzido na Estação de Citricultura de Bebedouro, em um pomar de três anos. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 8.0 x 5.0m. Os porta-enxertos utilizados foram: citrangeiro 'Carrizo' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.); os híbridos 'Cravo' x 'Swingle' (C. limonia Osbeck x P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.) e 'Changsha' x 'English Small' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tan. x P. trifoliata Raf.); as tangerineiras 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (C. reticulata Blanco) e 'Sunki' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka); os limoeiros 'Cravo Limeira' e 'Cravo FCAV' (C. limonia Osbeck); o citrumeleiro 'Swingle' (P. trifoliata Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.), o tangeleiro 'Orlando' (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macf.) e os trifoliateiros 'Rubidoux', 'FCAV' e 'Flying Dragon' (Poncirus trifoliata Raf.). Foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com doze tratamentos e seis repetições. Os distintos porta-enxertos induziram diferenças na qualidade dos frutos, entretanto todas as características de qualidade foram consideradas aceitáveis para a variedade, sendo bons substitutos para o limão 'Cravo'.


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The karyotypes of the following six species of Brazilian Psocoptera are reported: Caecillius sp. (Caecillidae), Triplocania ? caudata New (Ptiloneuridae), Brachinodiscus cf. lepidus (Banks) (Psocidae), Psococerastis interrupta New (Psocidae), Ptycta nr reticulata New (Psocidae) and Trichadenotecnum sinuatum New (Psocidae). All of them had males with 2n = 17 and an XO sex determining mechanism.


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O efeito de cinco composições de substratos na produção de mudas de laranjeira `Pêra' (Citrus sinensis, L. Osbeck) foi estudado sobre três porta-enxertos (limoeiro `Cravo', Citrus limonia, L. Osbeck; tangerineira `Cleópatra', Citrus reticulata, Blanco; e citrumeleiro `Swingle', Citrus paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata). O experimento obedeceu ao delineamento estatístico de blocos aleatorizados em esquema fatorial 5 x 3 (substratos x porta-enxertos). As composições de misturas utilizadas como substrato e respectivas combinações volumétricas foram: 1) Terra (100%); 2) Terra (33%) + areia fina (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 3) Terra (33%) + vermiculita (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 4) Terra (33%) + raspas de madeira (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 5) Terra (25%) + raspas de madeira (25%) + areia fina (25%) + esterco bovino curtido (25%). A análise dos resultados revelou que plantas de limoeiro `Cravo' e citrumeleiro `Swingle' apresentaram maior desenvolvimento do que as de tangerineira `Cleópatra'. A mistura de materiais com solo mostrou-se vantajosa e induziu à formação de plantas mais desenvolvidas do que aquelas em substrato constituído de terra exclusivamente. A composição do substrato influenciou diferentemente no desenvolvimento de cada porta-enxerto, mas de uma forma geral, composições contento 1/3 de volume de solo e 1/3 de volume de esterco bovino proporcionaram bons resultados para os três porta-enxertos estudados.


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O tangor 'Murcote' apresenta necessidade de desbaste de frutos devido a alternância de produção, caracterizado por anos de excessiva produção intercalado com anos de baixa produção, evitando assim, a diminuição da qualidade dos frutos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de reguladores vegetais, a auxina ANA (ácido naftalenacético) e ethephon (etileno) no desbaste químico de frutos de tangor 'Murcote' aplicado 40 dias após o pleno florescimento. O experimento foi conduzido em Pratânia, SP, onde plantas de 5 anos de idade, enxertadas sobre o limoeiro 'Cravo', foram pulverizadas com ANA a 0, 100, 200, 300 e 400 mg L-1 e com ethephon a 200, 300 e 400 mg L-1, ambos em solução aquosa juntamente com adjuvante não iônico a 0,05%. A contagem dos frutos foi realizada previamente aos tratamentos em 2 ramos marcados por planta. O ANA não interferiu significativamente no desbaste de frutos, com porcentagens de queda variando entre 7 a 14%, enquanto que as pulverizações com ethephon mostraram maior eficiência no desbaste de frutos, principalmente na dose de 400 mg L-1, promovendo 66,6% de queda de frutos, sem contudo induzir a abscisão foliar. As doses inferiores de ethephon também promoveram desbaste de frutos da ordem de 40%. As porcentagens de queda de frutos foram pequenas, para plantas pulverizadas com ANA, enquanto que a aplicação de ethephon promoveu maior eficiência no desbaste de frutos.


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Adição de carvão ativado e giberelina no meio de cultura podem proporcionar melhores condições no desenvolvimento de embriões imaturos de citros. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de carvão ativado e GA3 (ácido giberélico) no cultivo de embriões imaturos provenientes do cruzamento entre laranjeira 'Pêra Rio' x tangerineira 'Poncã'. Após 118 dias da polinização, frutos imaturos, com 3 a 4 cm de diâmetro, foram coletados, suas sementes removidas e tratadas com álcool (70%) por cinco minutos, hipoclorito de sódio (2%) por 20 minutos e, posteriormente, lavadas três vezes em água destilada e autoclavada. em condições assépticas, os tegumentos das sementes foram separados, os embriões globulares excisados e inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo 15 mL do meio MT, acrescido de carvão ativado (0; 0,5; 1; 1,5 e 2 g L-1) e GA3 (0; 0,01; 0,1; 1 e 10 mg L-1). Após a inoculação, os embriões permaneceram por 90 dias em sala de crescimento a 27+1ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e irradiância de 32 mmol m-2 s-1. Maior comprimento da parte aérea foi obtido em meio MT, acrescido de 0,1 e 1 mg L-1 de GA3, combinado com 2 g L-1 de carvão ativado. Maior comprimento do sistema radicular, massa da matéria fresca e número de folhas de plântulas foram obtidos em meio MT, acrescido de 0,01 mg L-1 de GA3, na ausência de carvão ativado. A adição de carvão ativado influenciou na concentração de ácido giberélico acrescido no meio de cultura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Most of the cultivated species of citrus have narrow genetic basis. Relationships among species and cultivars are obscured by sexual compatibility, polyembryony, apomixis and a high incidence of somatic mutations. DNA analysis is crucial in genetic studies not only for citrus breeding programs but also for characterization of hybrids and species. In this paper, single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs) were investigated in 58 accessions of Citrus, hybrids and related genera. Genomic sequences of 'Pera IAC' sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were used for primer design and selection of sequence tagged sites (STSs) for identification of SNPs. Analysis of 36 STSs showed identical sequences among 40 of the 41 sweet orange accessions studied. However, these accessions were heterozygous for many SNPs. Ten selected STSs were analyzed in 17 additional accessions from 13 species and hybrids. Comparing to the 'Pera IAC' sweet orange accession, a total of 150 polymorphic nucleotides were identified and most of the alterations were transitions ( 52.7%). The greatest number of SNPs was observed in Poncirus trifoliata ( L.) Raf. and the smallest in 'Ponkan' mandarin ( Citrus reticulata Blanco). At the intra-specific level, 'Bafa Gigante' ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) was the only sweet orange accession with a divergent SNPs genotype, which corroborates the hypothesis of a hybrid origin for this accession. Although the STSs analyzed represent randomly sampled genomic sequences, they provided consistent information about the level of polymorphism and showed the potential of SNPs markers for characterization and phylogenetic studies.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a citrus disease first discovered in Brazil in 1987, is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa and transmitted by sharpshooters and budwood. Since the disease affects almost all sweet orange cultivars, it has become one of the most serious problems for Brazilian citriculture. To evaluate their resistance to CVC disease, fifteen tangerines or mandarins (C. reticulata Blanco) and their hybrids were grafted on Rangpur lime (C. limonia Osb.) and inoculated with CVC-contaminated Pera sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osb.) by twig grafting in a greenhouse. Tangerines and their hybrids Wilking, Fortune, Sunki, Ellendale, Orlando tangelo, Nunes clementine, Nova, Sun Shu Sha Kat, Suenkat, and Batangas showed CVC leaf symptoms and gave positive results on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (with specific primers for X. fastidiosa), indicating that they are susceptible to CVC. Although X. fastidiosa bacteria were detected by ELISA and PCR in inoculated plants of tangerines Cravo and Oneco, no CVC leaf symptoms were observed on these two cultivars, suggesting that they are tolerant to the disease. CVC leaf symptoms were not observed and X. fastidiosa was not detected in tangerine Dancy and mandarins Okitsu satsuma and Ponkan after inoculation, showing that they are resistant to the disease.


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The abundance of zooplankton in two lakes of Southwest Amazonia was studied for 10 months in different regions and at different periods of the day. The lakes were Lago Amapá, located at 10°02′36″S, 67°50′24″W, and Lago Pirapora, at 9°27′21″S, 67°31′39″. Both lakes are characterized as oxbow lakes. The aim of this study was to compare the pelagic and littoral regions, as well as to determine differences in the distribution of zooplankton in the water column in the morning and at night. Collections were made by filtering water through a 55μm zooplankton net into a 5L Van Dorn bottle, collecting 4L from the top and 5L from the middle and bottom layers, totaling 14L of water for each sampling location. In addition, physical and chemical parameters were measured, including transparency, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and turbidity. Anova (analysis of variance) and Tukey's test were used. There was no statistically significant difference between the regions studied, nor between the two time periods examined. The results of the Pearson correlation (p<0.05) demonstrated that the physical and chemical characteristics of the water correlated with the cladocerans Moina spp. (represented by M. minuta and M. reticulata) and Ceriodaphnia cornuta, and that Daphnia gessneri was associated with Chaoboridae.