983 resultados para PIPER-TUBERCULATUM


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The phytochemical investigation of Piper umbellata leaves yielded nine compounds including one terpenoid glucoside, five flavones (vitexin 2"-O-β-glucopyranoside, apigenin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,orientin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,5-hydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxy-flavone and velutin), two lignans (sesamin e dihydrocubebin) and 4-nerolidylcathecol. Excepting 4-nerolidylcathecol, all compounds have not been described from this species yet.


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A benzoic acid derivative - caldensinic acid; E-phytyl hexadecanoate; β-sitosterol and stigmasterol mixture and phaeophytin a were isolated from the aerial parts of Piper carniconnectivum. The structures of these compounds were established unambiguously by IR, MS, 1D and 2D NMR analysis.


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A chemical study on the EtOAc extract produced by Xylaria sp., an endophytic fungus from Piper aduncum, resulted in the isolation of a new cytochalasin 1, along with five known 19,20-epoxycytochalasin D (2), C (3), N (4), Q (5), and R (6). The 1-6 were evaluated against the fungi C. cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum and only 5 showed weak activity. The cytotoxicity in vitro against HeLA and CHO cells lines were investigated and the cytochalasins 2-4, and 6 showed a strong activity against HeLA. The DNAdamaging activity of 1-6 were also investigated against mutant strains of S. cerevisiae.


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Piplartine (PPTN) is an alkaloid amide found in Piper species that presents different activities. PPTN determination in rat plasma is necessary to better understand its biological effects. The aim of this study was to develop a sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of PPTN in rat plasma. The performance criteria for linearity, sensitivity, precision, accuracy, recovery, and stability have been assessed and were within the recommended guidelines. The validated method proved to be suitable in a pilot study of PPTN kinetic disposition in rat plasma after a single intraperitoneal dose, and represents an appropriate tool to further pharmacokinetic studies.


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This work reports the chemical composition as well as the antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic activities of the leaf essential oil from Piper malacophyllum. The oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID, GC-MS and polarimetry. Among the 28 compounds identified, (+)-camphor was the major constituent. The essential oil showed activity against most of the microorganisms tested, especially antifungal action, with a MIC of 500 µg mL-1 against Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Cryptococcus neoformans. This is the first study reporting the composition and biological properties of leaf essential oil from P. malacophyllum.


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In this study, we evaluated the yield and chemical composition of volatile compounds obtained from fresh, dried at 30 and 40 ºC respectively of Piper piscatorum, employing the technique of hydrodistillation. The volatile were chemically characterized by GC-MS and GC-FID. The main volatile compounds were selin-11-en-4-a-ol (57,63 ± 3,07%; 53,95 ± 1,56% and 56,20 ± 0,43%) and benzyl benzoate (15,40 ± 0,36%; 16,32 ± 0,85% and 15,04 ± 0,24%).The drying of the raw material reduced yield of volatile compounds, changing their chemical compositions.


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The essential oils from leaves, stems and fruits of Piper divaricatum were analyzed by GC-MS. The tissues showed high safrole content: leaves (98%), fruits (87%) and stems (83%), with yields of 2.0, 4.8 and 1.7%, respectively. This is a new alternative source of safrole, a compound widely used as a flavoring agent and insecticide. The leaf's oil showed antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria while safrole was active against Salmonella Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, the study of circadian rhythm of the safrole concentration in the essential oils of leaves showed a negligible variation of 92 to 98%.


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This manuscript describes an update review with up to 285 references concerning the occurrence of amides from a variety of species of the genus Piper (Piperaceae). Besides addressing occurrence, this review also describes the biological activities attributed to extracts and pure compounds, a compiled 13C NMR data set, the main correlations between structural and NMR spectroscopic data of these compounds, and employment of hyphened techniques such as LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR for analysis of amides from biological samples and crude Piper extracts.


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The bioassay-guided purification of ethanolic extracts from inflorescences of Piper subtomentosum Trel. & Yunck and aerial part of Piper septuplinervium (Miq. ) C. DC. led to isolation of five flavonoids, uvangoletin (1), galangin (2), chrysin (5), 5-hydroxy-4',7-dimethoxy-flavone (6), pinostrobin (7); one amide, N-p-coumaroil-tyramine (4); one acylglycerol, monopalmitin (3); one derivative of acid, protocatechuic acid (8); and glycosydated sterol, daucosterol (9). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopy and spectrometry data and by comparison with data reported in the literature. The isolated compounds were tested against Spodoptera frugiperda. The results showed galangin and protocatechuic acid to be the most active (LC 50 13.63 and 17.16 ppm, respectively).


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Three flavanones, two chalcones and one dihydrochalcone were isolated from the branches of Piper glandulosissimum. All isolated compounds were characterized based on IR, UV, 1H and 13C NMR, including 2D NMR analyses (HMQC, HMBC, COSY and NOESY) and comparison with the literature. The compound 7-hydroxy-5,8-dimethoxyflavanone displayed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.


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Em pós-colheita, a podridão dos frutos causada por Colletotrichum musae é a doença mais importante da banana (Musa spp.). Testes in vitro e in vivo foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito fungitóxico do óleo essencial de pimenta-de-macaco (Piper aduncum) sobre o patógeno. Nas concentrações acima de 100 µg/ml, o óleo inibiu, em 100%, o crescimento micelial e a germinação dos conídios. No teste in vivo foram usados frutos de banana "Prata", nos quais foram feitos orifícios com vasador de rolhas (0,5 cm de diâmetro) e colocados 20 µl de suspensão de conídios (2 x 10(4) conídios/ml) e, em seguida, aplicados 20 µl de diferentes concentrações do óleo. Os resultados mostraram que o óleo na concentração 1% foi eficaz, sendo capaz de impedir a manifestação de podridões nos frutos de banana.


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Avaliou-se in vitro, a atividade fungitóxica do óleo essencial em diferentes concentrações extraído de 10 espécies de Piper coletadas na região Amazônica, sobre o crescimento micelial e a germinação de basidiósporos de Crinipellis perniciosa e sobre o crescimento micelial de Phytophthora palmivora e P. capsici. Os óleos mais efetivos que inibiram em 100% o crescimento dos três fungos foram os de P. callosum, P. marginatum var. anisatum e P. enckea, nas concentrações de 0,75µL/mL e 1µL/mL. Quanto à germinação de basidiósporos de C. perniciosa, o óleo de P. dilatatum foi o mais eficiente a 0,4µL/mL seguido pelos óleos de P. callosum e P. marginatum var. anisatum a 0,5µL/mL.


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Ei vapaa, vapautuu 2027. Kosti Vehanen (1887-1957).


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A pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) é uma planta trepadeira, pertencente à família Piperaceae. Ela é originária do Sudeste Asiático, sendo a mais comum e importante das especiarias. A fusariose, também conhecida por podridão do pé e podridão das raízes é a principal doença da cultura, de ocorrência restrita ao Brasil. Um isolado de Fusarium sp., encontrado infectando plantas de pimenta-do-reino cv. bragantina no município de União dos Palmares em Alagoas, foi caracterizado morfologicamente e teve sua patogenicidade confirmada em mudas deste hospedeiro. Os macroconídios apresentaram-se falcados, hialinos com três a cinco septos, com dimensões de 30,5 - 26,5 x 6,3 - 4,9 ìm, enquanto os microconídios apresentaram-se hialinos, unicelulares, elípticos ou alantóides medindo 16,6 - 4,9 x 6,5 - 3,3 ìm. Os clamidósporos foram abundantes em meio batata-dextrose-ágar. O isolado foi identificado como Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis Alb. tratando-se do primeiro relato deste patógeno em pimenta-do-reino no estado de Alagoas.


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A pimenta-longa (Piper hispidinervum C. DC.) é um arbusto da família Piperaceae, nativa da região amazônica, que vem despertando o interesse das indústrias de cosméticos e bioinseticidas pelo alto teor de safrol, óleo essencial extraído das folhas e talos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência de características físicas e nutricionais da matriz de encapsulamento durante a produção de sementes sintéticas de pimenta-longa. Sementes germinadas de pimenta-longa foram utilizadas como material de encapsulamento. Em ambos os experimentos, a influência da constituição (água ou meio Murashige e Skoog) e consistência da cápsula (alginato de sódio 1% ou 2%) e do tempo de complexação (10, 20 e 30 min) em CaCl2, na abertura das cápsulas, foi avaliada. Depois de encapsulados, os materiais foram transferidos para frascos com meio de MS e mantidos em sala de crescimento, onde, quinzenalmente, foi avaliada a taxa de emergência e crescimento das plântulas encapsuladas. Verificou-se que o emprego de um endosperma artificial composto por 1% de alginato de sódio em meio de MS foi o tratamento que promoveu os melhores resultados para a emergência e posterior crescimento de plântulas oriundas de sementes sintéticas aos 30 dias da semeadura em meio MS sólido, independentemente do tempo de complexação utilizado.