988 resultados para PI(3)K


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In this work magnetic properties of ZnGeP2:Mn were investigated in DC magnetic field with SQUID magnetometer in the temperature range from 3 K up to 400 K and in AC magnetic field with AC magnetometer in the temperature range from 77 K up to 350 K in frequency range from 500 Hz up to 18 KHz. Three ZnGeP2:Mn samples were studied with Mn concentration c = 1.5 % mass, 3 % mass and 3.5 % mass.


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The study aimed to evaluate chemical, microbiological and hydro-physical changes of a Dystrophic Yellow Latosol, receiver of different levels of manipueira (cassava wastewater) application, in the cultivation of 'Terra Maranhão' banana. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications in a factorial scheme 3 x 4, in which it was considered three soil depths and four levels of manipueira. It was evaluated the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate, the percentage of aggregation at different periods, soil density, particle density, porosity and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, in addition to pH of P (mg dm -3), K (mg dm-3), Ca (cmolc dm-3), Mg (cmolc dm-3), Ca+Mg (cmolc dm-3), Al (cmolc dm-3), Na (cmolc dm -3), H+Al (cmolc dm-3), CEC (cmolc dm-3), V%, OM (g kg-1), soil microbial biomass (Ug Cg-1 dry soil), acid phosphatase (Ug PNP g-1 h-1). The use of manipueira influenced some physical characteristic of the soil, but it was not possible to specify the effect of increasing application dosage. Therefore, the application did not affect the biological indicators assessed in the soil or its pH. The use of manipueira as a fertilizer in the doses used in this study showed low increase of K, P, H+Al and Al in the soil and a good increase of Mg, Ca and Ca+Mg, Na, CEC and V%.


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Objetivo: avaliar as repercussões do diabete materno sobre o perfil fosfolipídico pulmonar de fetos de ratas com diabete moderado e grave pelas dosagens de lecitina (L), esfingomielina (E), fosfatidil-glicerol (PG), fosfatidil-inositol (PI) e relações L/E e PG/PI. Métodos: foram utilizadas 54 ratas Wistar, em idade reprodutiva, introduzidas na seqüência experimental de diabete e prenhez¹. O diabete foi induzido por aloxana (42 mg/kg de peso, iv) e compostos três grupos: controle, diabete moderado (DM, glicemia entre 120 e 200 mg/dl) e diabete grave (DG, níveis superiores a 200 mg/dl). Realizou-se cesárea no 21º dia, os pulmões fetais foram macerados, reunidos em "pool" e os fosfolipídios dosados por cromatografia em camada delgada unidirecional. Resultados: os pulmões dos filhotes das ratas com diabete moderado tiveram maior peso (0,159 g) e menor concentração de PG (3,0 µg/ml) e PI (3,4 µg/ml) que o grupo controle (0,155 g; 6,8 e 6,7 µg/ml), e as mesmas relações L/E (2,2) e PG/PI (2,0); os pulmões dos filhotes das ratas com diabete grave tiveram menor peso (0,145 g), os mesmos valores das relações L/E (1,9) e PG/PI (2,1) e menor valor de PI (5,1 µg/ml) que o grupo controle. Conclusões: 1) o retardo do amadurecimento pulmonar dos recém-nascidos de ratas com diabete moderado é explicado pelo maior peso pulmonar associado à menor concentração de PG e PI; 2) a aceleração do amadurecimento pulmonar dos recém-nascidos de ratas com diabete grave é explicada pelo menor peso pulmonar associado à mesma concentração de PG e PI.


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São descritas as manifestações clínicas, patológicas, microbiológicos e sorológicos da enfermidade natural causada pelo Vírus Respiratório Sincicial Bovino (BRSV) em uma criação extensiva de bovinos de corte no Rio Grande do Sul. Clinicamente havia tosse crônica e dispnéia intensa frente a exercícios físicos mínimos em dois animais. Os dois foram sacrificados e necropsiados. As alterações macroscópicas eram pulmonares com enfisema alveolar disseminado, focos de atelectasia e espessamento dos septos interlobulares. A imunofluorescência para BRSV em corte de pulmão congelado foi positiva em ambos os casos, sendo negativa para Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3), Diarréia Vírica Bovina (BVDV) e Rinotraqueíte Infecciosa Bovina (BHV). Foi isolado BRSV em cultivo celular de MDBK a partir de um dos animais necropsiados. Nenhuma associação foi detectada através de elisa para detecção de antígeno LPS gênero específico de Chlamydia psittaci no tecido pulmonar. O exame histopatológico evidenciou células sinciciais, enfisema crônico, hipertrofia da camada muscular peribronquiolar e metaplasia escamosa do epitélio bronquial e bronquiolar. O exame sorológico para BRSV evidenciou 79% de soropositivos em uma primeira amostragem na qual havia animais jovens e alguns com tosse. O segundo exame sorológico 6 meses após, proveniente de animais de diferentes faixas etárias, resultou em 17,3% de soropositivos. Este é o primeiro relato de doença causada por BRSV no Brasil.


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O vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) possui distribuição mundial e é considerado um dos principais patógenos de bovinos. A infecção e as enfermidades associadas ao BVDV têm sido descritas no Brasil desde os anos 60. Diversos relatos sorológicos, clínico-patológicos e de isolamento do agente demonstram a ampla disseminação da infecção no rebanho bovino brasileiro. Além de sorologia positiva em níveis variáveis em bovinos de corte e leite, anticorpos contra o BVDV têm sido ocasionalmente detectados em suínos, javalis, caprinos, cervos e bubalinos. O BVDV tem sido freqüentemente detectado em fetos abortados, na capa flogística de animais persistentemente infectados (PI) oriundos de rebanhos com problemas reprodutivos, em amostras clínicas e/ou material de necropsia de animais com as mais diversas manifestações clínicas, em sêmen de touros de centrais de inseminação artificial, em fetos saudáveis coletados em matadouros e em soro bovino comercial e/ou cultivos celulares. Aproximadamente 50 isolados do vírus já foram caracterizados genética e/ou antigenicamente, enquanto um número semelhante de amostras aguarda caracterização. A maioria dos isolados caracterizados pertence ao genótipo BVDV-1, biotipo não-citopático (NCP), embora vários isolados de BVDV-2 (e alguns BVDV citopáticos CP) já tenham sido identificados. Os isolados brasileiros apresentam grande variabilidade antigênica, além de diferenças antigênicas marcantes quando comparados a cepas vacinais norte-americanas. Algumas vacinas polivalentes (BHV-1, PI-3, BRSV), contendo o BVDV inativado, têm sido utilizadas no rebanho brasileiro. No entanto, o uso de vacinação ainda é incipiente na maioria das regiões; apenas 2,5 milhões de doses foram comercializadas em 2003. A baixa reatividade sorológica cruzada entre os isolados brasileiros e as cepas vacinais tem estimulado laboratórios nacionais a desenvolver vacinas com isolados autóctones de BVDV-1 e 2. O conhecimento sobre a infecção pelo BVDV no Brasil tem aumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, à medida em que cresce o número de laboratórios envolvidos em diagnóstico e pesquisa sobre esse vírus. Diagnóstico sorológico, virológico ou molecular; estudos sobre epidemiologia sorológica e molecular, patogenia e produção de reagentes para diagnósitco têm contribuído para o aumento no conhecimento sobre a infecção pelo BVDV no país.


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Transport properties of GaAs / δ – Mn / GaAs / InxGa1-xAs / GaAs structure with Mn δ – layer, which is separated from InxGa1-xAs quantum well (QW) by 3 nm thick GaAs spacer was investigated. This structure with high mobility was characterized by X-ray difractometry and reflectometry. Transport and electrical properties of the structure were measured by using Pulsed Magnetic Field System (PMFS). During investigation of the Shubnikov – de Haas and the Hall effects the main parameters of QW structure such as cyclotron mass, Fermi level, g – factor, Dingle temperature and concentration of holes were estimated. Obtained results show high quality of the prepared structure. However, anomalous Hall effect at temperatures 2.09 K, 3 K, 4.2 K is not clearly observed. Attempts to identify magnetic moment were made. For this purpose the polarity of the filed was changed to the opposite at each shot. As a result hysteresis loop was not observed in the magnetic field dependences of the anomalous Hall resistivity.This can be attributed to the imperfection of the experimental setup.


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The effects of competition of six weed species on growth, nutrient concentration and nutrient content of coffee plant root system under greenhouse conditions were evaluated. Thirty days after coffee seedling transplantation into 12 L pots with soil level area of 6.5 dm². Weeds were transplanted or sowed in these pots, at densities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 plants per pot. The duration of competition (or weedy periods) from weed transplantation or emergence until plant harvesting, at the weed preflowering stage, were (in days): 77 (Bidens pilosa), 180 (Commelina diffusa), 82 (Leonurus sibiricus), 68 (Nicandra physaloides), 148 (Richardia brasiliensis) and 133 (Sida rhombifolia). Dry matter of coffee plants was linearly reduced with increasing B. pilosa and S. rhombifolia density, with pronounced effect of B. pilosa. C. diffusa was the only weed species whose increasing density in the pots did not diminish crop root dry matter. L. sibiricus, N. physaloides and R. brasiliensis reduced root dry matter of coffee plants by 75, 52 and 47%, respectively, as compared to the weed-free treatment, regardless of weed density. Under competition, even though weed species showed lower macronutrient concentration in the roots (except for P), they accumulated 4.2 (N), 12.3 (P), 4.3 (K), 5.5 (Ca), 7.6 (Mg) and 4.4 (S) times more nutrients in the roots than the coffee plants. Crop and weed nutrient concentration, as well as competition degrees greatly varied depending on both weed species and densities.


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Litterfall and transfer of nutrients was estimated in two tropical coastal forests of Brazil - the Atlantic and the Restinga Forests at Cardoso Island, São Paulo. Samples were collected monthly, from June 1990 to May 1991, using thirty 0.25 m2 traps. There were significant differences in litter production between the Atlantic Forest (6.3 t.ha-1.year-1) and the Restinga Forest (3.9 t.ha-1.year-1). Litterfall was continuous throughout the year with maximum in the beginning of the rainy season in both sites. The annual return of mineral elements through litter in the Atlantic Forest was (kg.ha-1): 101.8 N, 3.8 P, 20.3 K, 60.0 Ca, 18.0 Mg, and 14.6 S and in the Restinga Forest was: 27.5 N, 1.0 P, 6.5 K, 30.0 Ca, 10.9 Mg, and 6.6 S. The return, although small, is relevant due to the low fertility of the soils in those ecosystems, especially in Restinga. The Restinga Forest seems to be an ecosystem well adapted to oligotrophic conditions, lying among those presenting higher nutrient use efficiency.


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The optical response to far infrared radiation has been measured on a mosaic of heavy fermion CeColnssingle crystals. The superconducting transition temperature of the crystals has been determined by van der Pauw resistivity and ac-susceptibility measurements as Tc = 2.3 K. The optical measurements were taken above and below the transition temperature using a 3He cryostat and step and integrate Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer. The absolute reflectance of the heavy fermion CeColns in the superconducting state in range (0, 100)cm-1 was calculated from the measured thermal reflectance, using the normal state data of Singley et al and a low frequency extrapolation for a metallic material in the Hagen-Rubens regime. By means of Kramers-Kronig analysis the absolute reflectance was used to calculate the optical conductivity of the sample. The real part of the calculated complex conductivity 0-(w) ofCeColns indicates a possible opening of an energy gap close to 50 em-I.


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The optical response to far infrared radiation has been measured on a mosaic of heavy fermion CeCoIns single crystals. The superconducting transition temperature of the crystals has been determined by van der Pauw resistivity and ac-susceptibility measurements as Tc = 2.3 K. The optical measurements were taken above and below the transition temperature using a ^He cryostat and step and integrate Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer. The absolute reflectance of the heavy fermion CeCoIns in the superconducting state in range (0, 100)cm~^ was calculated from the measured thermal reflectance, using the normal state data of Singley et al and a low frequency extrapolation for a metallic material in the Hagen-Rubens regime. By means of Kramers-Kronig analysis the absolute reflectance was used to calculate the optical conductivity of the sample. The real part of the calculated complex conductivity a{u)) of CeCoIns indicates a possible opening of an energy gap close to 50 cm~^.


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La politique québécoise de l’adaptation scolaire confirme que le plan d’intervention (PI) constitue l’outil privilégié pour répondre aux besoins des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage. Toutefois, la recension des écrits nous informe que le plan d’intervention est encore loin d’être efficace. Le Ministère de l’Éducation, des Loisirs et des Sports du Québec (MELS, 2004) ainsi que l’Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services des U.S. department of Education (dans Eichler, 1999) ont bien identifié et présenté explicitement cinq à six fonctions du PI mais, aucun des deux organismes ne définit ce qu’est une fonction, à quoi elle sert, son importance relative et ce qu’elle implique. De plus, on retrouve, explicitement ou implicitement, soit dans le cadre de référence pour l’établissement des PI (MELS, 2004), soit dans la revue de la littérature, soit dans les milieux de pratique plusieurs autres fonctions que le PI remplit ou devrait remplir. Ce flou entourant le concept de fonction entraîne un manque de rigueur dans la conception des PI, car « lorsque la totalité des fonctions a été identifiée, elle permet le développement d’un produit répondant à l’usage attendu » (Langevin et coll., 1998). Il y a d’emblée une somme de fonctions qu’un PI remplit déjà et d’autres sûrement à remplir. Or, cela n’a pas été élucidé, précisé et validé. Le but de la présente recherche a été de définir les rôles du PI au regard des besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été les suivants, 1) Identifier les différents utilisateurs d’un PI, 2) Identifier les besoins des différents utilisateurs d’un PI, 3) Identifier les fonctions qu’un PI doit remplir afin de satisfaire les besoins de ses utilisateurs, 4) Créer un cahier des charges fonctionnel pour la conception et l’évaluation d’un PI, 5) Identifier certains coûts reliés à la conception d’un PI. Afin d’atteindre les objectifs précités, nous avons eu recours à la méthode de l’analyse de la valeur pédagogique (AVP) (Langevin, Rocque et Riopel, 2008). La méthode d’AVP comportait une analyse des besoins des différents utilisateurs potentiels, une analyse de la recension des écrits, une analyse des encadrements légaux, une analyse de produits types et une analyse écosystémique. En conclusion, nous avons identifié les différents utilisateurs potentiels d’un PI, identifié les différents besoins de ces utilisateurs, identifié les fonctions qu’un PI doit remplir pour satisfaire leurs besoins, crée un cahier des charges fonctionnel (CdCF) pour la conception et l’évaluation des PI et identifié certains coûts liés à la conception d’un PI. Le CdCF pourra servir à concevoir des PI et à évaluer leur efficience. Une partie du CdCF pourra aussi remplir un rôle prescriptif pour la conception d’outil de soutien à l’élaboration du PI. Enfin, le CdCF pourra servir à la formation et à la recherche en éducation.


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L'aimant organique NIT-2Py a été caractérisé expérimentalement et ses propriétés ont été simulées numériquement à partir de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Le magnétisme dans ce matériau provient de la présence d'un électron non apparié sur chaque molécule qui a ainsi un moment magnétique non nul. Ceci a été confirmé par des simulations sur une molécule isolée. Les molécules de NIT-2Py cristallisent dans le groupe d'espace P21/c avec huit molécules par maille élémentaire pour former la structure cristalline Alpha étudiée dans ce document. Le moment effectif de la susceptibilité et l'entropie magnétique totale montre que ce matériau est un système de spins 1/2 avec un spin par molécule. Les mesures de chaleur spécifique ont mis en évidence la présence de deux phases magnétiques ordonnées à basse température qui sont séparées par un plateau en aimantation. Une première phase est observée à des champs magnétiques inférieurs à 2.2 T et a une température de transition de 1.32 K en champ nul. Les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique et d'aimantation ont permis d'établir que cette phase ordonnée est antiferromagnétique. Ceci est confirmé par les simulations numériques. La deuxième phase est induite par le champ magnétique avec une température de transition de 0.53 K à 6 T. L'information disponible sur cette phase est limitée et l'étude du système à l'extérieur des phases ordonnées en donne une meilleure compréhension. Un modèle de spins S=1/2 isolés et de dimères S=0 isolés reproduit bien les mesures d'aimantation et de chaleur spécifique au-dessus de 3 K. L'application d'un champ magnétique réduit l'écart d'énergie entre le singulet et le triplet du dimère jusqu'au croisement qui se produit à 6 T. La phase induite émerge précisément à ce croisement et on spécule l'existence d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein des états triplets.


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Il sera question dans ce mémoire de maîtrise de l’étude d’une nouvelle classification des états solides de la matière appelée isolant topologique. Plus précisément, nous étudierons cette classification chez le composé demi-Heusler GdBiPt. Nous avons principalement cherché à savoir si ce composé ternaire est un isolant topologique antiferromagnétique. Une analyse de la susceptibilité magnétique ainsi que de la chaleur spécifique du maté- riau montre la présence d’une transition antiferromagnétique à 8.85(3) K. Une mesure d’anisotropie de cette susceptibilité montre que les plans de spins sont ordonnés sui- vant la direction (1,1,1) et finalement des mesures de résistivité électronique ainsi que de l’effet Hall nous indiquent que nous avons un matériau semimétallique lorsque nous sommes en présence d’antiferromagnétisme. Présentement, les expériences menées ne nous permettent pas d’associer cet état métallique aux états surfaciques issus de l’état d’isolant topologique.


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We report on experiments of spin filtering through ultrathin single-crystal layers of the insulating and ferromagnetic oxide BiMnO3 (BMO). The spin polarization of the electrons tunneling from a gold electrode through BMO is analyzed with a counterelectrode of the half-metallic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). At 3 K we find a 50% change of the tunnel resistances according to whether the magnetizations of BMO and LSMO are parallel or opposite. This effect corresponds to a spin-filtering efficiency of up to 22%. Our results thus show the potential of complex ferromagnetic insulating oxides for spin filtering and injection.


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During synaptic transmission, NT-filled synaptic vesicles are released by Ca2+-triggered exocytosis at the active zone. Following exocytosis, SV membrane is immediately re-internalized and synaptic vesicles (SVs) are regenerated by a local recycling mechanism within the presynaptic terminal. It is debated whether an endosomal compartment is involved in this recycling process. In contrast, it is well known from cultured mammalian cells, that endocytic vesicles fuse to the early sorting endosome. The early endosome is a major sorting station of the cell where cargo is send into the degradative pathway to late endosome and lysosome or towards recycling. Each trafficking step is mediated by a certain protein of the Rab family. Rab proteins are small GTPases belonging to the Ras superfamily. They accumulate at their target compartments and have thereby been used as markers for the different endocytic organelles in cultured mammalian cells. Rab5 controls trafficking from the PM to the early endosome and has thereby been used as marker for this compartment. A second marker is based on the specific binding of the FYVE zinc finger protein domain to the lipid PI(3)P that is specifically generated at the early endosomal membrane. This study used the Drosophila NMJ as a model system to investigate the SV recycling process. In particular, three questions were addressed: First, is an endosomal compartment present at the synapse? Second, do SVs recycle through an endosome? Third, is Rab5 involved in SV recycling? We used GFP fusions of Rab5 and 2xFYVE to visualize endosomal compartments at the presynaptic terminal of Drosophila third instar larval NMJs. Furthermore, the endosomes are located within the pool of recycling SVs, labeled with the styryl-dye FM5-95. Using the temperature-sensitive mutation in Dynamin, shibirets, we showed that SV recycling involves trafficking through an intermediate endosomal compartment. In cultured mammalian cells, interfering with Rab5 function by expressing the dominant negative version, Rab5SN causes the fragmentation of the endosome and the accumulation of endocytic vesicles. In contrast, when Rab5 is overexpressed enlarged endosomal compartments were observed. In Drosophila, the endosomal compartment was disrupted when loss of function and dominant negative mutants of Rab5 were expressed. In addition, at the ultrastructural we observed an accumulation of endocytic vesicles in Rab5S43N expressing terminals and enlarged endosomes when Rab5 was overexpressed. Furthermore, interfering with Rab5 function using the dominant negative Rab5S43N caused a decrease in the SV recycling kinetics as shown by FM1-43 experiments. In contrast, overexpression of Rab5 or GFP-Rab5 caused an increase in the FM1-43 internalization rate. Finally, standard electrophysiological techniques were used to measure synaptic function. We found that the Rab5-mediated endosomal SV recycling pathway generates vesicles with a higher fusion efficacy during Ca2+-triggered release, compared to SVs recycled when Rab5 function was impaired. We therefore suggest a model in which the endosome serves as organelle to control the SV fusion efficacy and thereby the synaptic strength. Since changes in the synaptic strength are occuring during learning and memory processes, controlling endosomal SV recycling might be a new molecular mechanism involved in learning and memory.