929 resultados para PHYSICAL EVALUATION
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In this study 15 hazelnut varieties existing in a collection of Viseu Agricultural Station were evaluated. The nuts were studied in respect of their morphological characteristics, such as fruit and kernel weight, index of compression and of shape and shell thickness. The study was complemented with analysis of physical properties such as colour and texture, and the determination of moisture content and water activity, given the importance that these parameters take in the conservation capacity of the fruits. All experiments followed standard methods, being also used the following equipment: texturometer, colorimeter and hygrometer. The results obtained allowed to know the expectable ranges for each color parameters in the shell, film and kernels: L*, a*, b* chroma and hue, having been found statistically significant differences among the cultivars studied. As regards the textural parameters evaluated by crust crushing and crumb cutting tests (hardness, friability and resilience) there were also significant differences. Evaluation of moisture was of great importance because confirmed that the solar drying, used to extract the excess of moisture from the fruits, was sufficient to reach low values, between 1.66% and 4.52%, being so a guarantee of preservation.
Regular physical activity (PA) during childhood is associated with physical, mental, emotional and social health benefits. The constant practice of PA is considered one of the best buys available in public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to perform at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA for children and adolescents in order to obtain health benefits. However, globally, this level of PA is hardly achieved. Children and adolescent who do not reach the recommended levels of PA are defined as physically inactive and nowadays physical inactivity constitutes a new type of pandemic. For this reason, the WHO launched a global action plan addressing physical activity with a goal of reducing physical inactivity in children and youth. The plan also included recommendation to improve individual and community health and contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of all nations. Worldwide, children and adolescents spend a significant amount of time in school and for this reason the school represents a fundamental educational setting that can play a pivotal role increasing students’ PA. Opportunities to be physically active should not be considered purely in relation to when children attend physical education classes but also making physical activity available during the school day, such as physically active lessons, and multicomponent PA interventions. Since school-based PA interventions are quite numerous, the present thesis focused on interventions delivered during school hours and that integrate small doses of PA as part of routine instruction. This type of intervention is called “Active Breaks.” Active Breaks consists of brief 5–15 minutes sessions of PA led by teachers who introduce short bursts of PA into the academic lesson. In light of this the present thesis aims to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and sustainability of an Active Breaks intervention targeting children to promote PA.
Nanorap is a new nanotechnological formulation for topical anesthesia composed of lidocaine (2.5%) and prilocaine (2.5%). The present study evaluated the pharmacokinetics (PK) of Nanorap. For the determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma a new method using high-performance liquid-chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was developed. Nanorap pharmacodynamic (PD) and its physical proprieties were also evaluated. Nanorap was administered by topical application of 2g to healthy volunteers and blood samples were collected for the PK analysis. The drugs were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction with ether/hexane (80/20, v/v). The chromatography separation was performed on a Genesis C18 analytical column 4 µm (100 x 2.1 mm i.d.) with a mobile phase of methanol/acetonitrile/water (40/30/30, for lidocaine, and 50/30/20, for prilocaine, v/v/v) + 2 mM of ammonium acetate and ropivacaine as internal standard. The drugs were quantified using a mass spectrometer with an electrospray source in the ESI positive mode (ES+) configured for multiple reaction monitoring. The PD of Nanorap was evaluated with the use of a visual analogue scale. Nanorap was characterized by cryofracture. The chromatography run time was 5.5 min for lidocaine and 3.3 min for prilocaine and the lower limit of quantification was 0.05 ng/mL for both drugs. Mean Cmax was 6.62 and 1.72 ng/mL for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. Median Tmax was 6.5 hours for both drugs. Nanocapsules had a mean size of 88nm and mean drug association of 92.5% and 89% for lidocaine and prilocaine, respectively. The PD study showed that Nanorap has a sufficient analgesic effect (>30% reduction in pain) after 10 minutes of application. A new simple, selective and sensitive method for determination of lidocaine and prilocaine in human plasma was developed. Nanorap generated safe plasma levels of the drugs and satisfactory analgesic effect.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Ti-base alloys containing significant amounts of silicon have been considered for high temperature structural applications. Thus, information concerning phase stability on the Ti-Si system is fundamental and there are not many investigations covering the phase stability of the Ti(3)Si phase, specially its dependence on oxygen/nitrogen contamination. In this work the stability of this phase has been evaluated through heat-treatment of rapidly solidified Ti-rich Ti-Si alloys at 700 A degrees C and 1000 A degrees C. The rapidly solidified splats presented nanometric scale microstructures which facilitated the attainment of equilibrium conditions. The destabilization of Ti(3)Si due to oxygen/nitrogen contamination has been noted.
Aerosol samples were collected at a pasture site in the Amazon Basin as part of the project LBA-SMOCC-2002 (Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate: Aerosols from Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate). Sampling was conducted during the late dry season, when the aerosol composition was dominated by biomass burning emissions, especially in the submicron fraction. A 13-stage Dekati low-pressure impactor (DLPI) was used to collect particles with nominal aerodynamic diameters (D(p)) ranging from 0.03 to 0.10 mu m. Gravimetric analyses of the DLPI substrates and filters were performed to obtain aerosol mass concentrations. The concentrations of total, apparent elemental, and organic carbon (TC, EC(a), and OC) were determined using thermal and thermal-optical analysis (TOA) methods. A light transmission method (LTM) was used to determine the concentration of equivalent black carbon (BC(e)) or the absorbing fraction at 880 nm for the size-resolved samples. During the dry period, due to the pervasive presence of fires in the region upwind of the sampling site, concentrations of fine aerosols (D(p) < 2.5 mu m: average 59.8 mu g m(-3)) were higher than coarse aerosols (D(p) > 2.5 mu m: 4.1 mu g m(-3)). Carbonaceous matter, estimated as the sum of the particulate organic matter (i.e., OC x 1.8) plus BC(e), comprised more than 90% to the total aerosol mass. Concentrations of EC(a) (estimated by thermal analysis with a correction for charring) and BC(e) (estimated by LTM) averaged 5.2 +/- 1.3 and 3.1 +/- 0.8 mu g m(-3), respectively. The determination of EC was improved by extracting water-soluble organic material from the samples, which reduced the average light absorption Angstrom exponent of particles in the size range of 0.1 to 1.0 mu m from >2.0 to approximately 1.2. The size-resolved BC(e) measured by the LTM showed a clear maximum between 0.4 and 0.6 mu m in diameter. The concentrations of OC and BC(e) varied diurnally during the dry period, and this variation is related to diurnal changes in boundary layer thickness and in fire frequency.
Physical and electrochemical properties of nanostructured Ni-doped manganese oxides (MnO(x)) catalysts supported on different carbon powder substrates were investigated so as to characterize any carbon substrate effect toward the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) kinetics in alkaline medium. These NiMnO(x)/C materials were characterized using physicochemical analyses. Small insertion of Ni atoms in the MnO(x) lattice was observed, which consists of a true doping of the manganese oxide phase. The corresponding NiMnO(x) phase is present in the form of needles or agglomerates, with crystallite sizes in the order of 1.5-6.7 nm (from x-ray diffraction analyses). Layered manganite (MnOOH) phase has been detected for the Monarch 1000-supported NiMnO(x) material, while different species of MnO(x) phases are present at the E350G and MM225 carbons. Electrochemical studies in thin porous coating active layers in the rotating ring-disk electrode setup revealed that the MnO(x) catalysts present better ORR kinetics and electrochemical stability upon Ni doping. The ORR follows the so-called peroxide mechanism on MnO(x)/C catalysts, with the occurrence of minority HO(2)(-) disproportionation reaction. The HO(2)(-) disproportionation reaction progressively increases with the Ni content in NiMnO(x) materials. The catalysts supported on the MM225 and E350G carbons promote faster disproportionation reaction, thus leading to an overall four-electron ORR pathway. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3528439] All rights reserved.
Ti-rich Ti-Si-B alloys can be considered for structural applications at high temperatures (max. 700 degrees C), however, phase equilibria data is reported only for T = 1250 degrees C. Thus, in this work the phase stability of this system has been evaluated at 700 degrees C. In order to attain equilibrium conditions in shorter time, rapid solidified samples have been prepared and carefully characterized. The microstructural characterization of the produced materials were based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-BSE), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), High Temperature X-ray diffraction with Synchrotron radiation (XRDSR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Amorphous and amorphous with embedded nanocrystals have been observed after rapid solidification from specific alloy compositions. The values of the crystallization temperature (Tx) of the alloys were in the 509-647 degrees C temperature range. After Differential Scanning Calorimetry and High Temperature X-ray Diffraction with Synchrotron radiation, the alloys showed crystalline and basically formed by two or three of the following phases: alpha Ti, Ti(6)Si(2)B; Ti(5)Si(3); Ti(3)Si and TiB. It has been shown the stability of the Ti(3)Si and Ti(6)Si(2)B phases at 700 degrees C and the proposition of an isothermal section at this temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) play a key role in many aspects of waste disposal facilities and landfills. Because most of a landfill is made up of MSW, the overall stability of the landfill slopes are governed by the strength parameters and physical properties of the MSW. These parameters are also important in interactions involving the waste body and the landfill structures: cover liner, leachate and gas collection systems. On the other hand, the composition of the waste, which affects the geotechnical behavior of the MSW, is dependent on a variety of factors such as climate, disposal technology, the culture and habits of the local community. It is therefore essential that the design and stability evaluations of landfills in each region be performed based on the local conditions and the geotechnical characteristic of the MSW. The Bandeirantes Landfill, BL, in Sao Paulo and the Metropolitan Center Landfill, MCL, in Salvador, are among the biggest landfills in Brazil. These two disposal facilities have been used for the development of research involving waste mechanics in recent years. Considerable work has been made in the laboratory and in the field to evaluate parameters such as water and organic contents, composition, permeability, and shear strength. This paper shows and analyzes the results of tests performed on these two landfills. The authors believe that these results could be a good reference for certain aspects and geotechnical properties of MSW materials in countries with similar conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The therapeutic ultrasound (US) is one of the resources mostly used by physiotherapists; however the use of uncalibrated equipments results in inefficient or even harmful therapies to the patient. In this direction, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and the procedures of utilization and maintenance of US in use in clinics and Physical-therapy offices. A questionnaire with questions related to the procedures applied in service during the use of therapeutic ultrasound was applied to physiotherapists. The performance of 31 equipments of 6 different brands and 13 different models was evaluated according to the IEC 61689 norm. The parameters measured were: acoustic power; effective radiating area (AER); non-uniformity ratio of the beam (RBN); maximum effective intensity; acoustic frequency of operation, modulation factor and wave form on pulsate mode. As for the questionnaires, it was evident that the professionals are not concerned about the calibration of the equipment. The results demonstrated that only 32.3% of the equipments were in accordance with the norms for the variables power and effective radiation area. The frequency analysis indicated that 20% of the 3 MHz transducers and 12.5% of the 1 MHz contemplated the norms. In the pulsate mode, 12.7% presented relation rest/duration inside allowed limits. A great variation of the ultrasonic field was observed on the obtained images, which presented beams not centered, sometimes with bifurcation of its apex. The results allow concluding that, although used in therapeutic sessions with the population, none of the equipments presents all the analyzed variables inside technical norms. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The wide production of construction and demolition waste and its illegal deposition are serious current problems in Brazil. This research proposes to evaluate the feasibility of using aggregate from recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) in pavement applications. A laboratory program was conducted by geotechnical characterization, bearing capacity and repeated load triaxial tests. The results show that the composition and the compactive effort influence on the physical characteristics of the RCDW aggregate. The compaction process has promoted a partial crushing and breakage of RCDW particles, changing the grain-size distribution and increasing the percentage of cubic grains. This physical change contributes to a better densification of the RCDW aggregate and consequently an improvement in bearing capacity, resilient modulus and resistance to permanent deformation. The results have shown that the RCDW aggregate may be utilized as coarse base and sub-base layer for low-volume roads. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.