480 resultados para PHOSPHINE ADDUCTS
The aim of the present study is to determine the chemical structure and conformation of DNA adducts formed by incubation of the bioactive form of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), N-acetoxy-PhIP, with a single-stranded 11mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Using conditions optimized to give the C8-dG-PhIP adduct as the major product, sufficient material was synthesized for NMR solution structure determination. The NMR data indicate that in duplex DNA this adduct exists in equilibrium between two different conformational states. In the main conformer, the covalently bound PhIP molecule intercalates in the helix, whilst in the minor conformation the PhIP ligand is probably solvent exposed. In addition to the C8-dG-PhIP adduct, at least eight polar adducts are found after reaction of N-acetoxy-PhIP with the oligonucleotide. Three of these were purified for further characterization and shown to exhibit lowest energy UV absorption bands in the range 342–347 nm, confirming the presence of PhIP or PhIP derivative. Accurate mass determination of two of the polar adducts by negative ion MALDI-TOF MS revealed ions consistent with a spirobisguanidino-PhIP derivative and a ring-opened adduct. The third adduct, which has the same mass as the C8-dG-PhIP oligonucleotide adduct, may contain PhIP bound to the N2 position of guanine.
Carcinogen-DNA adduct measurements may become useful biomarkers of effective dose and/or early effect. However, validation of this biomarker is required at several levels to ensure that human exposure and response are accurately reflected. Important in this regard is an understanding of the relative biomarker levels in target and nontarget organs and the response of the biomarker under the chronic, low-dose conditions to which humans are exposed. We studied the differences between single and chronic topical application of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) on the accumulation and removal of BAP-DNA adducts in skin, lung, and liver. Animals were treated with BAP at 10, 25, or 50 nMol topically once or twice per week for as long as 15 weeks. Animals were sacrificed either at 24, 48, or 72 hr after the last dose at 1 and 30 treatments, and after 24 hr for all other treatment groups. Adduct levels increased with increasing dose, but the slope of the dose-response was different in each organ. At low doses, accumulation was linear in skin and lung, but at high doses the adduct levels in the lung increased dramatically at the same time when the levels in the skin reached apparent steady state. In the liver adduct, levels were lower than in target tissues and apparent steady-state adduct levels were reached rapidly, the maxima being independent of dose, suggesting that activating metabolism was saturated in this organ. Removal of adducts from skin, the target organ, was more rapid following single treatment than with chronic exposure. This finding is consistent with earlier data, indicating that some areas of the genome are more resistant to repair. Thus, repeated exposure and repair cycles would be more likely to cause an increase in the proportion of carcinogen-DNA adducts in repair-resistant areas of the genome. These findings indicate that single-dose experiments may underestimate the potential for carcinogenicity for compounds that follow this pattern.
The replication of double-stranded plasmids containing a single adduct was analyzed in vivo by means of a sequence heterology that marks the two DNA strands. The single adduct was located within the sequence heterology, making it possible to distinguish trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) events from damage avoidance events in which replication did not proceed through the lesion. When the SOS system of the host bacteria is not induced, the C8-guanine adduct formed by the carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) yields less than 1% of TLS events, showing that replication does not readily proceed through the lesion. In contrast, the deacetylated adduct N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene yields approximately 70% of TLS events under both SOS-induced and uninduced conditions. These results for TLS in vivo are in good agreement with the observation that AAF blocks DNA replication in vitro, whereas aminofluorene does so only weakly. Induction of the SOS response causes an increase in TLS events through the AAF adduct (approximately 13%). The increase in TLS is accompanied by a proportional increase in the frequency of AAF-induced frameshift mutations. However, the polymerase frameshift error rate per TLS event was essentially constant throughout the SOS response. In an SOS-induced delta umuD/C strain, both US events and mutagenesis are totally abolished even though there is no decrease in plasmid survival. Error-free replication evidently proceeds efficiently by means of the damage avoidance pathway. We conclude that SOS mutagenesis results from increased TLS rather than from an increased frameshift error rate of the polymerase.
Several epidemiologic studies indicate that NAT2-related slow N-acetylation increases bladder cancer risk among workers exposed to aromatic amines, presumably because N-acetylation is important for the detoxification of these compounds. Previously, we showed that NAT2 polymorphisms did not influence bladder cancer risk among Chinese workers exposed exclusively to benzidine (BZ), suggesting that NAT2 N-acetylation is not a critical detoxifying pathway for this aromatic amine. To evaluate the biologic plausibility of this finding, we carried out a cross-sectional study of 33 workers exposed to BZ and 15 unexposed controls in Ahmedabad, India, to evaluate the presence of BZ-related DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells, the excretion pattern of BZ metabolites, and the impact of NAT2 activity on these outcomes. Four DNA adducts were significantly elevated in exposed workers compared to controls; of these, the predominant adduct cochromatographed with a synthetic N-(3'- phosphodeoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine standard and was the only adduct that was significantly associated with total BZ urinary metabolites (r = 0.68, P < 0.0001). To our knowledge this is the first report to show that BZ forms DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells of exposed humans and that the predominant adduct formed is N-acetylated, supporting the concept that monofunctional acetylation is an activation, rather than a detoxification, step for BZ. However, because almost all BZ-related metabolites measured in the urine of exposed workers were acetylated among slow, as well as rapid, acetylators (mean +/- SD 95 +/- 1.9% vs. 97 +/- 1.6%, respectively) and NAT2 activity did not affect the levels of any DNA adduct measured, it is unlikely that interindividual variation in NAT2 function is relevant for BZ-associated bladder carcinogenesis.
There is growing evidence that oxidative stress and mitochondrial respiratory failure with attendant decrease in energy output are implicated in nigral neuronal death in Parkinson disease (PD). It is not known, however, which cellular elements (neurons or glial cells) are major targets of oxygen-mediated damage. 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) was shown earlier to react with proteins to form stable adducts that can be used as markers of oxidative stress-induced cellular damage. We report here results of immunochemical studies using polyclonal antibodies directed against HNE-protein conjugates to label the site of oxidative damage in control subjects (ages 18-99 years) and seven patients that died of PD (ages 57-78 years). All the nigral melanized neurons in one of the midbrain sections were counted and classified into three groups according to the intensity of immunostaining for HNE-modified proteins--i.e., no staining, weak staining, and intensely positive staining. On average, 58% of nigral neurons were positively stained for HNE-modified proteins in PD; in contrast only 9% of nigral neurons were positive in the control subjects; the difference was statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U test; P < 0.01). In contrast to the substantia nigra, the oculomotor neurons in the same midbrain sections showed no or only weak staining for HNE-modified proteins in both PD and control subjects; young control subjects did not show any immunostaining; however, aged control subjects showed weak staining in the oculomotor nucleus, suggesting age-related accumulation of HNE-modified proteins in the neuron. Our results indicate the presence of oxidative stress within nigral neurons in PD, and this oxidative stress may contribute to nigral cell death.
Psoralen-conjugated triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides have been used to generate site-specific mutations within mammalian cells. To investigate factors influencing the efficiency of oligonucleotide-mediated gene targeting, the processing of third-strand-directed psoralen adducts was compared in normal and repair-deficient human cells. An unusually high mutation frequency and an altered mutation pattern were seen in xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cells compared with normal, xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), and Fanconi anemia cells. In XPV, targeted mutations were produced in the supF reporter gene carried in a simian virus 40 vector at a frequency of 30%, 3-fold above that in normal or Fanconi anemia cells and 6-fold above that in XPA. The mutations generated by targeted psoralen crosslinks and monoadducts in the XPV cells formed a pattern distinct from that in the other three cell lines, with mutations occurring not just at the damaged site but also at adjacent base pairs. Hence, the XPV cells may have an abnormality in trans-lesion bypass synthesis during repair and/or replication, implicating a DNA polymerase or an accessory factor as a basis of the defect in XPV. These results may help to elucidate the repair deficiency in XPV, and they raise the possibility that genetic manipulation via triplex-targeted mutagenesis may be enhanced by modulation of the XPV-associated activity in normal cells.
Mouse skin tumors contain activated c-H-ras oncogenes, often caused by point mutations at codons 12 and 13 in exon 1 and codons 59 and 61 in exon 2. Mutagenesis by the noncoding apurinic sites can produce G-->T and A-->T transversions by DNA misreplication with more frequent insertion of deoxyadenosine opposite the apurinic site. Papillomas were induced in mouse skin by several aromatic hydrocarbons, and mutations in the c-H-ras gene were determined to elucidate the relationship among DNA adducts, apurinic sites, and ras oncogene mutations. Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DB[a,l]P), DB[a,l]P-11,12-dihydrodiol, anti-DB[a,l]P-11,12-diol-13,14-epoxide, DB[a,l]P-8,9-dihydrodiol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-DMBA consistently induced a CAA-->CTA mutation in codon 61 of the c-H-ras oncogene. Benzo[a]pyrene induced a GGC-->GTC mutation in codon 13 in 54% of tumors and a CAA-->CTA mutation in codon 61 in 15%. The pattern of mutations induced by each hydrocarbon correlated with its profile of DNA adducts. For example, both DB[a,l]P and DMBA primarily form DNA adducts at the N-3 and/or N-7 of deoxyadenosine that are lost from the DNA by depurination, generating apurinic sites. Thus, these results support the hypothesis that misreplication of unrepaired apurinic sites generated by loss of hydrocarbon-DNA adducts is responsible for transforming mutations leading to papillomas in mouse skin.
Benzene is a ubitiquous human environment mental carcinogen. One of the major metabolites is hydroquinone, which is oxidized in vivo to give p-benzoquinone (p-BQ). Both metabolites are toxic to human cells. p-BQ reacts with DNA to form benzetheno adducts with deoxycytidine, deoxyadenosine, and deoxyguanosine. In this study we have synthesized the exocyclic compounds 3-hydroxy-3-N4-benzetheno-2'-deoxycytidine (p-BQ-dCyd) and 9-hydroxy-1,N6-benzetheno-2'-deoxyadenosine (p-BQ-dAdo), respectively, by reacting deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with p-BQ. These were converted to the phosphoamidites, which were then used to prepare site-specific oligonucleotides with either the p-BQ-dCyd or p-BQ-dAdo adduct (pbqC or pbqA in sequences) at two different defined positions. These oligonucleotides were efficiently nicked 5' to the adduct by partially purified HeLa cell extracts--the pbqC-containing oligomer more rapidly than the pbqA-containing oligomer. In contrast to the enzyme binding to derivatives produced by the vinyl chloride metabolite chloroacetaldehyde, the oligonucleotides up to 60-mer containing p-BQ adducts did not bind measurably to the same enzyme preparation in a gel retardation assay. Furthermore, there was no competition for the binding observed between oligonucleotides containing 1,N6-etheno A deoxyadenosine (1,N6-etheno-dAdo; epsilon A in sequences) and these oligomers containing either of the p-BQ adducts, even at 120-fold excess. When highly purified fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) enzyme fractions were obtained, there appeared to be two closely eluting nicking activities. One of these enzymes bound and cleaved the epsilon A-containing deoxyoligonucleotide. The other enzyme cleaved the pbqA- and pbqC-containing deoxyoligonucleotides. One additional unexpected fact was that bulk p-BQ-treated salmon sperm DNA did compete effectively with the epsilon A-containing oligonucleotide for protein binding. This raises the possibility that such DNA contains other, as-yet-uncharacterized adducts that are recognized by the same enzyme that recognizes the etheno adducts. In summary, we describe a previously undescribed human DNA repair activity, possibly a glycosylase, that excises from DNA pbqC and pbqA, exocyclic adducts resulting from reaction of deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with the benzene metabolite, p-BQ. This glycosylase activity is not identical to the one previously reported from this laboratory as excising the four etheno bases from DNA.
The question was addressed whether the risk of cancer of an individual in a heterogeneous population can be predicted on the basis of measurable biochemical and biological variables postulated to be associated with the process of chemical carcinogenesis. Using the skin tumor model with outbred male NMRI mice, the latency time for the appearance of a papilloma was used as an indicator of the individual cancer risk. Starting at 8 weeks of age, a group of 29 mice was treated twice weekly with 20 nmol of 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene (DMBA) applied to back skin. The individual papilloma latency time ranged from 13.5 to 25 weeks of treatment. Two weeks after the appearance of the first papilloma in each mouse, an osmotic minipump delivering 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine was s.c. implanted and the mouse was killed 24 hr later. Levels of DMBA-DNA adducts, of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, and various measures of the kinetics of cell division were determined in the epidermis of the treated skin area. The levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and the fraction of cells in DNA replication (labeling index for the incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine) were significantly higher in those mice that showed short latency times. On the other hand, the levels of DMBA-DNA adducts were lowest in animals with short latency times. The latter finding was rather unexpected but can be explained as a consequence of the inverse correlation seen for the labeling index: with each round of cell division, the adduct concentration is reduced to 50% because the new DNA strand is free of DMBA adducts until the next treatment. Under the conditions of this bioassay, therefore, oxygen radical-related genotoxicity and the rate of cell division, rather than levels of carcinogen-DNA adducts, were found to be of predictive value as indicators of an individual cancer risk.
The interactions of the unpaired thiol residue (Cys34) of human serum albumin (HSA) with low-molecular-weight thiols and an Au(I)-based antiarthritic drug have been examined using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Early measurements of the amount of HSA containing Cys34 as the free thiol suggested that up to 30% of circulating HSA bound cysteine as a mixed disulfide. It has also been suggested that reaction of HSA with cysteine, occurs only on handling and storage of plasma. In our experiments, there were three components of HSA in freshly collected plasma from normal volunteers, HSA, HSA + cysteine, and HSA + glucose in the ratio similar to50:25:25. We addressed this controversy by using iodoacetamide to block the free thiol of HSA in fresh plasma, preventing its reaction with plasma cysteine. When iodoacetamide was injected into a vacutaner tube as blood was collected, the HSA was modified by iodoacetamide, with 20-30% present as the mixed disulfide with cysteine (HSA + cys). These data provide strong evidence that 20-30% of HSA in normal plasma contains one bound cysteine. Reaction of HSA with [Au(S2O3)(2)](3-) resulted in formation of the adducts HSA + Au(S2O3) and HSA + Au. Reaction of HSA with iodoacetamide prior to treatment with [Au(S2O3)(2)](3-) blocked the formation of gold adducts. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.