963 resultados para PCM wall
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a Çukurova University, Turquia, al juliol del 2006. L’emmagatzematge d’energia tèrmica ha atret interès en aplicacions tèrmiques com l’aigua calenta, la calefacció i l’aire condicionat. Aquests sistemes són útils per corregir la no coincidència entre la oferta i la demanda d’energia. Principalment hi ha dos tipus de sistemes d’emmagatzematge d’energia tèrmica, emmagatzematge amb calor sensible i amb calor latent. L’emmagatzematge amb calor latent és particularment atractiu degut a la seva habilitat de donar una densitat d’emmagatzematge d’energia més alt i la seva característica d’emmagatzemar calor a una temperatura constant corresponent a la temperatura de transició de fase de la substància emmagatzemadora de calor. Les salts hidratades orgàniques tenen certes avantatges com a materials d’emmagatzematge de calor latent sobre els materials orgànics. En canvi, quan les salts hidratades s’utilitzen com a materials de canvi de fase (PCM) apareixen alguns problemes en les aplicacions d’emmagatzematge de calor latent. Aquests són el subrefredament de les salts hidratades quan es congelen degut a les seves dèbils propietats de nucleació, i la separació de fase que hi apareix degut a una fusió incongruent. En aquest estudi, s’estabilitza sal de Glauber (Na2SO4.10H2O) amb diferents concentracions de poliacrilamida i gelatina per prevenir la fusió incongruent. Per prevenir el subrefredament s’utilitza un agent nucleant amb una estructura cristal•lina semblant a la de la sal de Glauber. La capacitat d’emmagatzematge de calor de les mostres de PCM estabilitzades amb diferents concentracions de gels polimèrics es determinen amb DCS i amb el mètode T-history.
Functional characterization of transformed or natively present bacterial virulence proteins can be achieved employing various model systems. A prerequisite is to verify the correct expression of the transformed protein or the presence of the native protein in the microbe. Traditionally, antibodies are raised against the protein or a peptide thereof, followed by Western blot analysis or by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Alternatively, the protein-coding gene can be fused with a downstream reporter gene, the expression of which reports the simultaneous expression of the upstream recombinant protein. Although being powerful, these methods are time consuming, especially when multiple proteins must be assessed. Here we describe a novel way to validate the expression of Gram-positive surface proteins covalently attached to the peptidoglycan. Eighteen out of the 21 known LPXTG-motif carrying cell wall-associated proteins of Staphylococcus aureus were cloned in Lactoccocus lactis either alone, in combinations or as truncated forms, and their correct expression was assessed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The method is rapid, sensitive and precise. It can identify multiple proteins in transformed constructs without the time and cost needed for raising and testing multiple sets of antibodies.
Objective: Saphenous vein graft bypass remains the salvage option when¦endovascular procedure has failed or was contraindicated due to extensive¦occlusive lesions. However, pathological wall remodeling leading leading to¦graft failure is one of the most limiting factors of this therapy. Therefore, the¦understanding of this remodeling process of human vein is essential to the design¦of future effective therapeutics and it requires an adapted model of ex-vivo vein¦perfusion.¦Methods: We have developed an ex vivo vein support system (EVVSS), which¦uses standardized and controlled hemodynamic parameters for the pulsatile¦perfusion of saphenous vein segments. The morphological and molecular¦parameters involved in the remodeling process under an arterial shear stress¦associated to low (7 mm Hg) or high (70 mm Hg) pressure conditions can be¦analyzed.¦Results: Histomorphometric analysis showed that the vein segments perfused¦during 7 days under high pressure undergo a significant neointima development¦compared to veins exposed to low pressure conditions. The application of an¦arterial shear stress in the vein under low pressure induced an elevation of the¦MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression, activity and transcription. The application of¦higher pressure is associated to increased MMP2 expression and transcription¦and MMP9 transcription. TIMP1 expression and transcription were initiated by¦the application of an arterial shear stress but not modified by the modification¦of the pressure. However, TIMP2 expression was increased under high¦pressure conditions but its transcription was inhibited by arterial shear stress,¦independently of the pressure. The values of transcription and expression of¦PAI-1 were not modified by high pressure. Eph-B4 transcription and expression¦were significantly decreased under arterial shear stress.¦Conclusion: These data show that our EVVSS is a valuable setting to study¦ex vivo remodeling of human saphenous veins submitted to arterial conditions.¦The intimal hyperplasia as well as MMP 2, 9 and TIMP 2 seem to be influenced¦by the pressure.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the current effectiveness of routine prenatal ultrasound screening in detecting gastroschisis and omphalocele in Europe. DESIGN: Data were collected by 19 congenital malformation registries from 11 European countries. The registries used the same epidemiological methodology and registration system. The study period was 30 months (July 1st 1996-December 31st 1998) and the total number of monitored pregnancies was 690,123. RESULTS: The sensitivity of antenatal ultrasound examination in detecting omphalocele was 75% (103/137). The mean gestational age at the first detection of an anomaly was 18 +/- 6.0 gestational weeks. The overall prenatal detection rate for gastroschisis was 83% (88/106) and the mean gestational age at diagnosis was 20 +/- 7.0 gestational weeks. Detection rates varied between registries from 25 to 100% for omphalocele and from 18 to 100% for gastroschisis. Of the 137 cases of omphalocele less than half of the cases were live births (n = 56; 41%). A high number of cases resulted in fetal deaths (n = 30; 22%) and termination of pregnancy (n = 51; 37%). Of the 106 cases of gastroschisis there were 62 (59%) live births, 13 (12%) ended with intrauterine fetal death and 31 (29%) had the pregnancies terminated. CONCLUSIONS: There is significant regional variation in detection rates in Europe reflecting different policies, equipment and the operators' experience. A high proportion of abdominal wall defects is associated with concurrent malformations, syndromes or chromosomal abnormalities, stressing the need for the introduction of repeated detailed ultrasound examination as a standard procedure. There is still a relatively high rate of elective termination of pregnancies for both defects, even in isolated cases which generally have a good prognosis after surgical repair.
Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a technique aimed at establishing a noninvasive test for the assessment of significant coronary stenoses. There are certain boundary conditions that have hampered the clinical success of coronary MRA and coronary vessel wall imaging. Recent advances in hardware and software allow for consistent visualization of the proximal and mid portions of the native coronary arteries. Current research focuses on the use of intravascular MR contrast agents and black blood coronary angiography. One common goal is to create a noninvasive test which might allow for screening for major proximal and mid coronary artery disease. These novel approaches will represent a major step forward in diagnostic cardiology.
Our experience with the Sapien trans-apical aortic valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) has been straightforward without per-procedural mortality except in 1/16 consecutive cases who developed non-apical haemorrhage early after valve implantation. We describe the case of an 84-year-old female carrying a very high operative risk (logistic EuroScore of 44%), who underwent a trans-apical stent-valve implantation for severe and symptomatic aortic valve stenosis (23 mm). Due to massive blood loss, an emergency sternotomy and cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass resuscitation were necessary to treat (without success) an unusual and unexpected subaortic left ventricular free-wall rupture that occurred few minutes after the stent-valve positioning and implantation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first described case of a left ventricular free-wall rupture occurring after an otherwise non-complicated standard catheter-based aortic valve replacement.
Coronary MR imaging is a promising noninvasive technique for the combined assessment of coronary artery anatomy and function. Anomalous coronary arteries and aneurysms can reliably be assessed in clinical practice using coronary MR imaging and the presence of significant left main or proximal multivessel coronary artery disease detected. Technical challenges that need to be addressed are further improvements in motion suppression and abbreviated scanning times aimed at improving spatial resolution and patient comfort. The development of new and specific contrast agents, high-field MR imaging with improved spatial resolution, and continued progress in MR imaging methods development will undoubtedly lead to further progress toward the noninvasive and comprehensive assessment of coronary atherosclerotic disease.
Purpose. We evaluated the influence of the time between low-dose gadolinium (Gd) contrast administration and coronary vessel wall enhancement (LGE) detected by 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Materials and Methods. Four healthy subjects (4 men, mean age 29 ± 3 years and eleven CAD patients (6 women, mean age 61 ± 10 years) were studied on a commercial 3.0 Tesla (T) whole-body MR imaging system (Achieva 3.0 T; Philips, Best, The Netherlands). T1-weighted inversion-recovery coronary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was repeated up to 75 minutes after administration of low-dose Gadolinium (Gd) (0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA). Results. LGE was seen in none of the healthy subjects, however in all of the CAD patients. In CAD patients, fifty-six of 62 (90.3%) segments showed LGE of the coronary artery vessel wall at time-interval 1 after contrast. At time-interval 2, 34 of 42 (81.0%) and at time-interval 3, 29 of 39 evaluable segments (74.4%) were enhanced. Conclusion. In this work, we demonstrate LGE of the coronary artery vessel wall using 3.0 T MRI after a single, low-dose Gd contrast injection in CAD patients but not in healthy subjects. In the majority of the evaluated coronary segments in CAD patients, LGE of the coronary vessel wall was already detectable 30-45 minutes after administration of the contrast agent.
AIM: To discuss the use of new ultrasonic techniques that make it possible to visualize elastic (carotid) and muscular (radial) capacitance arteries non-invasively. RESULTS OF DATA REVIEW: Measurements of carotid wall thickness and the detection of atheromas are related to arterial pressure, to other risk factors and to the risk of subsequent complications. The use of high-frequency ultrasound (7.5-10 MHz), measurements of far wall thicknesses in areas free of atheromas at end-diastole (by ECG gating or pressure waveform recording) and descriptions of the size and characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques allow a non-invasive assessment of vascular hypertrophy and atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients. CONCLUSIONS: Careful attention to methodologic and physiologic factors is needed to provide accurate information about the anatomy of the dynamically pulsating arterial tree.
Testosterone can benefit individual fitness by increasing ornament colour, aggressiveness, and sperm quality, but it can also impose both metabolic and immunological costs. However, evidence that testosterone causes immuno suppression in freely living populations is scant. We studied the effects of testosterone on one component of the immune system (i.e., the cell-mediated response to phytohaemagglutinin), parasite load, and metabolic rate in the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768). For analyses of immunocompetence and parasitism, male lizards were implanted at the end of the breeding season with either empty or testosterone implants and were returned to their site of capture for 5-6 weeks before recapture. For analyses of the effects of testosterone on metabolic rate, male lizards were captured and implanted before hibernation and were held in the laboratory for 1 week prior to calorimetry. Experimental treatment with testosterone decreased the cell-mediated response to the T-cell mitogen phytohemagglutinin and increased mean metabolic rate. No effects of testosterone on the number of ectoparasites, hemoparasites, and resting metabolic rate could be detected. These results are discussed in the framework of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis and the immuno-redistribution process hypothesis. [Authors]
Sequence homologies suggest that the Bacillus subtilis 168 tagO gene encodes UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:undecaprenyl-P N-acetylglucosaminyl 1-P transferase, the enzyme responsible for catalysing the first step in the synthesis of the teichoic acid linkage unit, i.e. the formation of undecaprenyl-PP-N-acetylglucosamine. Inhibition of tagO expression mediated by an IPTG-inducible P(spac) promoter led to the development of a coccoid cell morphology, a feature characteristic of mutants blocked in teichoic acid synthesis. Indeed, analyses of the cell-wall phosphate content, as well as the incorporation of radioactively labelled precursors, revealed that the synthesis of poly(glycerol phosphate) and poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate), the two strain 168 teichoic acids known to share the same linkage unit, was affected. Surprisingly, under phosphate limitation, deficiency of TagO precludes the synthesis of teichuronic acid, which is normally induced under these conditions. The regulatory region of tagO, containing two partly overlapping sigma(A)-controlled promoters, is similar to that of sigA, the gene encoding the major sigma factor responsible for growth. Here, the authors discuss the possibility that TagO may represent a pivotal element in the multi-enzyme complexes responsible for the synthesis of anionic cell-wall polymers, and that it may play one of the key roles in balanced cell growth.
L`electrocardiograma és la primera eina diagnòstica fàcilment disponible per la detecció de l´infart a la práctica clínica. El seu valor va ser donat principalment amb estudis antics anatomopatològics. La ressonància magnètica cardíaca actualment és la tècnica d`elecció per la detecció de l`infart. Aquest estudi investiga el valor de l`electrocardiograma ( sensibilitat i especificitat) per detectar infarts de la zona anteroseptal. Conclusiò: la sensibilitat y la especificitat de quatre patents electrocardiogràfiques de la zona anteroseptal va ser valorada. Així mateix, encara que s`observin extenses ones Q en les derivacions anteriors la necrosis és usualment limitada si VL no está afectat. 3
The Staphylococcus aureus cell wall stress stimulon (CWSS) is activated by cell envelope-targeting antibiotics or depletion of essential cell wall biosynthesis enzymes. The functionally uncharacterized S. aureus LytR-CpsA-Psr (LCP) proteins, MsrR, SA0908 and SA2103, all belong to the CWSS. Although not essential, deletion of all three LCP proteins severely impairs cell division. We show here that VraSR-dependent CWSS expression was up to 250-fold higher in single, double and triple LCP mutants than in wild type S. aureus in the absence of external stress. The LCP triple mutant was virtually depleted of wall teichoic acids (WTA), which could be restored to different degrees by any of the single LCP proteins. Subinhibitory concentrations of tunicamycin, which inhibits the first WTA synthesis enzyme TarO (TagO), could partially complement the severe growth defect of the LCP triple mutant. Both of the latter findings support a role for S. aureus LCP proteins in late WTA synthesis, as in Bacillus subtilis where LCP proteins were recently proposed to transfer WTA from lipid carriers to the cell wall peptidoglycan. Intrinsic activation of the CWSS upon LCP deletion and the fact that LCP proteins were essential for WTA-loading of the cell wall, highlight their important role(s) in S. aureus cell envelope biogenesis.
The synthesis of poly(RboP), the main Bacillus subtilis W23 teichoic acid, is encoded by tarDF-tarABIJKL operons, the latter being controlled by two promoters designated PtarA-int and PtarA-ext. Analysis by lacZ fusions reveals that PtarA-int activity exhibits sharp increases at the beginning and end of the transition between exponential and stationary growth phase. As confirmed by mRNA quantification, these increases are mediated by ECF sigma factors sigmaX and sigmaM respectively. In liquid media, strain W23 sigX sigM double mutants experience serious difficulties in the transition and stationary growth phases. Inactivation of sigmaX- and sigmaM-controlled regulons, which precludes transcription from PtarA-int, leads to (i) delays in chromosome segregation and septation and (ii) a transient loss of up to 30% of the culture OD or lysis. However, specific inactivation of PtarA-int, leading mainly to a shortage of poly(RboP), does not affect growth while, nevertheless, interfering with normal septation, as revealed by electron microscopy. The different sigM transcription in strains W23 and 168 is discussed. In W23, expression of tarA and sigM, which is shown to control divIC, is inversely correlated with growth rate, suggesting that the sigM regulon is involved in the control of cell division.