891 resultados para PARANA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Uberaba Sandstone formation with local expression in the city of Uberaba (State of Minas Gerais) and vicinities, has been focused from different lithostratigraphic points of view. In spite of its characterization by previous authors as a formation, its geographic distribution as well as its relationship with other units of the Parana sedimentary basin has never been adequately elucidated. Simultaneously with a better characterization of the Uberaba Formation petrographic properties, the authors redefine its geographic distribution and suggest a possible stratigraphic relationship with other formations of the Bauru Group which have been defined in the State of Sao Paulo.-English summary
Faciologic analysis method was applied to after-basaltic sedimentary deposits in Triangulo Mineiro (MG) area. Faciologic association 1 (Adamantina formation) and unities 1 to 5 (Uberaba formation) are related to the fluvial and lake deposits: faciologic association 3 (Ponte Alta Member) and 2 (Sierra da Galga Member) represent the sedimentary deposits associated to the alluvial fans conditions. With faciologic association and unities it could be to recognize the paleogeografic and tectonic conditions in sedimentation time of that depositional tract. -English summary
Chemical (Sr:Ba:Rb) and zircon typology data from the Nazare Paulista, Mairipora/Cantareira, Cunhaporanga, Tres Corregos, Morungaba, Socorro, Itu, Graciosa and Serra Carambei granitoid complexes from the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana (SE/S Brazil) are presented and discussed. By the zircon typology method these complexes are refered, respectively, to the 2nd crustal, 3rd crustal/low temperature C-A, low temperature C-A, medium temperature C-A, medium/light temperature C-A, K-SA/Alkaline and alkaline series which are considered as generated under increasing temperature associated with a progressive major participation of mantle material. All these series display different positions and behaviour in the Sr:Ba:Rb diagram which reinforces the use of the zircon typology method in the study of granitoids. -from English summary
This work defines the main volcanic types of Central-Southern Parana State (Serra Geral Formation), their stratigraphic relations, and which petrological process are able to explain the observed volcanic associations. -from English summary
After nearly 80 years since the construction of its core, represented today by the city's central area, Londrina, located in the state of Parana, has the appearance of a new city but its features and trends of planning policies depict the bad examples of Brazilian cities. With a booming urban growth, from north to south of the county, the urban interstices represented by big voids in the middle of the city created speculation and the concept of an ideal city slowly disappeared. With a metropolitan appearance and, at the same time, with small town aspects, Londrina stands out as an automobile-oriented city, a fact that has impacted the livelihood of the population, generating environmental impacts for all social classes. This paper discusses how the form of occupation in Londrina, characterized by the sprawl phenomenon and its relation to car preference as a mode of transportation has generated urban environmental impacts. It was concluded that the choice of using cars in Londrina, as well in other medium-sized Brazilian cities studied by the comparative method, has increased and has generated bottlenecks in traffic. As a consequence, there is a constant expropriation of properties for widening roads and at the same time, the presence of various densities and urban voids that form an uneven urban space and an obstacle to efficient urban planning. © 2012 WIT Press.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Incluye Bibliografía
Introduction The incidence of canine leptospirosis in Brazil needs to be assessed Methods The same dogs in southern Brazil were sampled over two years to determine the prevalence, incidence and association of canine leptospirosis with various risk factors. Results In 2009, the prevalence was 33 (14.4%) of 228 dogs, with a predominance of serovar Canicola (33.4%). In 2010, 90 dogs were re-evaluated (the remaining dogs were lost to deaths, address changes and donations), and the prevalence was found to be 35 (38.9%) of 90, with the predominant serovar being Icterohaemorrhagiae (51.4%). Moreover, the incidence was 26 of 90 (28.9%), and the disease was statistically associated with age (2009) and street access (2010). Conclusions Our findings revealed instability in the dog population and age to be relevant risk factors for canine leptospirosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Temporary B deficiency can be triggered by liming of acid soils because of increased B adsorption at higher soil pH. Plants respond directly to the activity of B in soil solution and only indirectly to B adsorbed on soil constituents. Because the range between deficient and toxic B concentration is relatively narrow, this poses difficulty in maintaining appropriate B levels in soil solution. Thus, knowledge of the chemical behavior of B in the soil is particularly important. The present study investigated the effect of soil pH on B adsorption in four soils of Parana State, and to correlate these values with the physical and chemical properties of the soils. Surface samples were taken from a Rhodic Hapludox, Arenic Hapludalf, Arenic Hapludult, and one Typic Usthorthent. To evaluate the effect of pH on B adsorption, subsamples soil received the application of increasing rates of calcium carbonate. Boron adsorption was accomplished by shaking 2.0 g soil, for 24 h, with 20 mL of 0.01 mol L-1 NaCl solution containing different concentrations (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, and 4.0 mg B L-1). Sorption was fitted to non-linear form of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Boron adsorption increased as concentration increased. Boron adsorption was dependent on soil pH, increasing as a function of pH in the range between 4.6 and 7.4, although the bonding energy has decreased. Maximum adsorption capacity (MAC) of B was observed in the Arenic Hapludalf (49.8 mg B kg(-1) soil) followed by Arenic Hapludult (22.5 mg kg(-1)), Rhodic Hapludox (17.4 mg kg(-1)), and Typic Usthorthent (7.0 mg kg(-1)). The organic matter content, clay content, and aluminum oxide content (Al2O3) were the soils properties that affecting the B adsorption on Parana soils.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
AbstractThis study evaluates the effectiveness of two fish passes at two hydropower dams (Canoas I and II) in the Upper Parana basin, which form part of a cascade of three reservoirs. Fish from 12 migratory species (3089 specimens) were captured during their ascending, reproductive migration and were tagged with hydrostatic tags. The recapture data (294 specimens over two consecutive years) showed that there is a strong tendency for the maintenance of ascending migration through reservoirs with fish passes but with differences in migratory activity within the same species. No eggs, larvae or juveniles of these species were found in samples collected over 5 years in the reservoirs above the fish passes. These data suggest that fish passes have contributed to the restoration of the migratory routes of adult fish but that in the absence of suitable spawning or nursery habitats for these species; they probably act as ecological traps and do not contribute to the recruitment of the species.