957 resultados para Outpatient Clinics
Cover Title, 1961-63: Outpatient Psychiatric Clinics
Mode of access: Internet.
Objective-To test the hypothesis that telemedicine for new patient referrals to neurological outpatients is as efficient and acceptable as conventional face to face consultation. Methods-A randomised controlled trial between two groups: face to face (FF) and telemedicine (TM). This study was carried out between a neurological centre and outlying clinics at two distant hospitals linked by identical medium cost commercial interactive video conferencing equipment with ISDN lines transmitting information at 384 kbits/s. The same two neurologists carried out both arms of the study. Of the 168 patients who were suitable for the study, 86 were randomised into the telemedicine group and 82 into the face to face group. Outcome measures were (I) consultation process: (a) number of investigations; (b) number of drugs prescribed; (c) number of patient reviews and (2) patient satisfaction: (a) confidence in consultation; (b) technical aspects of consultation; (c) aspects surrounding confidentiality. Diagnostic categories were also measured to check equivalence between the groups: these were structural neurological, structural non-neurological, nonstructural, and uncertain. Results-Diagnostic categories were similar (p>0.5) between the two groups. Patients in the telemedicine group had significantly more investigations (p=0.001). There was no difference in the number of drugs prescribed (p>0.5). Patients were generally satisfied with both types of consultation process except for concerns about confidentiality and embarrassment in the telemedicine group (p=0.017 and p=0.005 respectively). Conclusion-Telemedicine for new neurological outpatients is possible and feasible but generates more investigations and is less well accepted than face to face examination.
The concept of nosocomial infections (or healthcare-related infections) applies to the outpatients clinics. However, data are scarce and imprecise in this setting compared with hospitals. The choice of preventive measures is therefore difficult. A lower risk in the outpatient facilities does not justify the complete implementation of hospital precautions. The latter can nevertheless be adapted since infection may be acquired during an ambulatory consultation through the same mechanisms as in hospitals. We propose a preventive strategy derived from standard precautions to be applied in every case, transmission-based precautions that are more rarely needed, and asepsis in case of invasive procedure.
Open Access Scheduling has shown great promise in allowing health care practices to provide same-day access, and to match patients with their regular physicians. However, similarly to traditional clinics where appointments are pre-booked, open access clinics are also frustrated with long waits, long idle time and long overtime due to uncertainties such as patient no-shows, variable service time and variable daily demand. These aspects have not been studied previously in an open access setting. This study investigates different management options to improve clinical performance in terms of patient waiting time, doctor idle time and clinic overtime. Other factors studied with a simulation model include client load and placement of pre-booked slots. Results show that a proper panel size is critical to obtain good performance for open access clinics, and that good choices for management options depend on the client load.
Medication reconciliation, with the aim to resolve medication discrepancy, is one of the Joint Commission patient safety goals. Medication errors and adverse drug events that could result from medication discrepancy affect a large population. At least 1.5 million adverse drug events and $3.5 billion of financial burden yearly associated with medication errors could be prevented by interventions such as medication reconciliation. This research was conducted to answer the following research questions: (1a) What are the frequency range and type of measures used to report outpatient medication discrepancy? (1b) Which effective and efficient strategies for medication reconciliation in the outpatient setting have been reported? (2) What are the costs associated with medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (3) What is the quality of medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (4) Is medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics cost-effective from the clinic perspective? Study designs used to answer these questions included a systematic review, cost analysis, quality assessments, and cost-effectiveness analysis. Data sources were published articles in the medical literature and data from a prospective workflow study, which included 150 patients and 1,238 medications. The systematic review confirmed that the prevalence of medication discrepancy was high in ambulatory care and higher in primary care settings. Effective strategies for medication reconciliation included the use of pharmacists, letters, a standardized practice approach, and partnership between providers and patients. Our cost analysis showed that costs associated with medication reconciliation practice were not substantially different between primary care clinics using or not using electronic medical records (EMR) ($0.95 per patient per medication in EMR clinics vs. $0.96 per patient per medication in non-EMR clinics, p=0.78). Even though medication reconciliation was frequently practiced (97-98%), the quality of such practice was poor (0-33% of process completeness measured by concordance of medication numbers and 29-33% of accuracy measured by concordance of medication names) and negatively (though not significantly) associated with medication regimen complexity. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for concordance of medication number per patient per medication and concordance of medication names per patient per medication were both 0.08, favoring EMR. Future studies including potential cost-savings from medication features of the EMR and potential benefits to minimize severity of harm to patients from medication discrepancy are warranted. ^
A directory of Medicare certified rehabilitation service providers in Illinois.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
BACKGROUND: "One-stop" outpatient hysteroscopy clinics have become well established for the investigation and treatment of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. However, the advantages of these clinics may be offset by patient factors such as anxiety, pain, and dissatisfaction. This study aimed to establish patients' views and experiences of outpatient service delivery in the context of a one-stop diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopy clinic, to determine the amount of anxiety experienced by these women and compare this with other settings, and to determine any predictors for patient preferences. METHODS: The 20-item State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was given to 240 women attending a one-stop hysteroscopy clinic: to 73 consecutive women before their appointment in a general gynecology clinic and to 36 consecutive women attending a chronic pelvic pain clinic. The results were compared with published data for the normal female population, for women awaiting major surgery, and for women awaiting a colposcopy clinic appointment. In addition, a questionnaire designed to ascertain patients' views and experiences was used. Logistic regression analysis was used to delineate the predictive values of diagnostic or therapeutic hysteroscopy, and to determine their effect on the preference of patients to have the procedure performed under general anesthesia in the future. RESULTS: Women attending the hysteroscopy clinic in this study reported significantly higher levels of anxiety than those attending the general gynecology clinic (median, 45 vs 39; p = 0.004), but the levels of anxiety were comparable with those of women attending the chronic pelvic pain clinic (median, 45 vs 46; p = 0.8). As compared with the data from the normal female population (mean, 35.7) and those reported for women awaiting major surgery (mean, 41.2), the levels of anxiety experienced before outpatient hysteroscopy clinic treatment were found to be higher (mean, 45.7). Only women awaiting colposcopy (6-item mean score, 51.1 +/- 13.3) experienced significantly higher anxiety scores than the women awaiting outpatient hysteroscopy (6-item mean score, 47.3 +/- 13.9; p = 0.002). Despite their anxiety, most women are satisfied with the outpatient hysteroscopy "see and treat" service. High levels of anxiety, particularly concerning pain but not operative intervention, were significant predictors of patients desiring a future procedure to be performed under general anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: Outpatient hysteroscopy is associated with significant anxiety, which increases the likelihood of intolerance for the outpatient procedure. However, among those undergoing operative therapeutic procedures, dissatisfaction was not associated with the outpatient setting.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores relacionados à determinação e às desigualdades no acesso e uso dos serviços de saúde por idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrante do Projeto Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), no qual foram entrevistados 2.143 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, em 2000. A amostra foi obtida em dois estágios, utilizando-se setores censitários com reposição, probabilidade proporcional à população e complementação da amostra de pessoas de 75 anos. Foi mensurado o uso de serviços hospitalares e ambulatoriais nos quatro meses anteriores à entrevista, relacionando-os com fatores de capacidade, necessidade e predisposição (renda total, escolaridade, seguro saúde, morbidade referida, auto-percepção, sexo e idade). O método estatístico utilizado foi regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,7% referiram ter utilizado a internação hospitalar e 64,4% o atendimento ambulatorial. Dos atendimentos ambulatoriais em serviço público, 24,7% ocorreram em hospital e 24,1% em serviço ambulatorial; dentre os que ocorreram em serviços privados, 14,5% foram em hospital e 33,7% em clínicas. Pela análise multivariada, observou-se associação entre a utilização de serviços e sexo, presença de doenças, auto-percepção de saúde, interação da renda e escolaridade e posse de seguro saúde. A análise isolada com escolaridade apresentou efeito inverso. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observadas desigualdades no uso e acesso aos serviços de saúde e inadequação do modelo de atenção, indicando necessidade de políticas públicas que levem em conta as especificidades dessa população, facilitem o acesso e possam reduzir essas desigualdades.
INTRODUCTION: Dermatology is primarily an outpatient specialty, but it also plays an important role in the care of inpatients. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study that recorded data from inpatient dermatology consultation request forms over a period of four months. The study evaluated 313 requests that led to 566 visits, 86 biopsies, 35 laboratory exams, 41 direct microscopic studies, 18 direct immunofluorescence analyses, 14 skin cultures and a few other exams. RESULTS: The most frequent requesting service was internal medicine (24%), followed by neurology (12%), cardiology (11%), infectious diseases and pediatrics (8% each) and psychiatry and general surgery (6% each). The most frequent diagnostic groups were infectious diseases (25%, divided into fungal infections (13%), bacterial infections (7%) and viral infections (5%)), eczemas (15%) and drug reactions (14%). To our knowledge, this is the first study to attempt to evaluate the impact of the consultations by asking multiple-choice questions that were analyzed by the authors. In 31% of the cases, the consultation was considered extremely relevant because it aided in managing the disease that led to admission or treated a potentially severe dermatological disease. In 58% of the cases, the consultation was considered important because it facilitated diagnosis and/or treatment of a dermatological disease that was unrelated to the reason for admission.
Background: Since establishing universal free access to antiretroviral therapy in 1996, the Brazilian Health System has increased the number of centers providing HIV/AIDS outpatient care from 33 to 540. There had been no formal monitoring of the quality of these services until a survey of 336 AIDS health centers across 7 Brazilian states was undertaken in 2002. Managers of the services were asked to assess their clinics according to parameters of service inputs and service delivery processes. This report analyzes the survey results and identifies predictors of the overall quality of service delivery. Methods: The survey involved completion of a multiple-choice questionnaire comprising 107 parameters of service inputs and processes of delivering care, with responses assessed according to their likely impact on service quality using a 3-point scale. K-means clustering was used to group these services according to their scored responses. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of high service quality. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 95.8% (322) of the managers of the sites surveyed. Most sites scored about 50% of the benchmark expectation. K-means clustering analysis identified four quality levels within which services could be grouped: 76 services (24%) were classed as level 1 (best), 53 (16%) as level 2 (medium), 113 (35%) as level 3 (poor), and 80 (25%) as level 4 (very poor). Parameters of service delivery processes were more important than those relating to service inputs for determining the quality classification. Predictors of quality services included larger care sites, specialization for HIV/AIDS, and location within large municipalities. Conclusion: The survey demonstrated highly variable levels of HIV/AIDS service quality across the sites. Many sites were found to have deficiencies in the processes of service delivery processes that could benefit from quality improvement initiatives. These findings could have implications for how HIV/AIDS services are planned in Brazil to achieve quality standards, such as for where service sites should be located, their size and staffing requirements. A set of service delivery indicators has been identified that could be used for routine monitoring of HIV/AIDS service delivery for HIV/AIDS in Brazil (and potentially in other similar settings).
Aims: To identify factors associated with retention in treatment of alcohol-dependent individuals and to compare treatment retention between men and women. Methods: Analysis of the treatment attendance records and baseline characteristics of 833 men and 218 women who undertook to attend follow-up treatment in an alcoholism treatment centre. Results: Retention after 4 weeks of treatment is more likely to occur among those using adjuvant medication (the most frequent of which was disulfiram), those presenting severe alcoholism and those who are older and tend to be frequent drinkers. There was no gender difference regarding treatment retention. Conclusion: Such results suggest possibilities for developing specific strategies to reduce the risk of early dropout from treatment.
Objectives: To establish the prevalence and predictors of genital warts among healthy women presenting for contraceptive advice at two family planning clinics, one in a major Australian city and one in a country town in the same state. Methods: Consecutive consenting attendees (n = 1218)at two family planning clinics in Queensland completed a questionnaire and were examined for genital warts. Results: The point prevalence of visible genital warts was 3.3 per cent in the city clinic and 14.4 per cent in the country town. For half of these clients a finding of warts was unexpected, in that the client was unaware of their presence and presentation to the family planning clinic was not specifically for advice about sexually transmitted infections. The major predictor of a finding of warts was client age, with the highest prevalence in 20- to 25-year-olds. Warts were also commoner amongst smokers in the country town but not in Brisbane. However, no analysed sociodemographic variable predicted a finding of warts of which the client was not aware. Conclusions: Genital warts are common among young women presenting for contraceptive advice. Such women are often unaware that they have warts. Examination for genital warts should be a part of any routine examination of sexually active women, and medical practitioners should be aware of appropriate advice for patients who are found to have genital warts on routine examination.
Background: Obesity is a serious chronic disease and the prevalence of this condition is increasing among the elderly. Although the benefits of weight loss to improve control of associated diseases are well known in young adults, they are not in older patients. The use of anti-obesity drugs to promote weight loss is widespread in Brazil and other countries, and obesity specialists frequently prescribe medicines in doses and for durations previously unreported in the literature. Sibutramine, orlistat and amfepramone (diethylpropion) have been evaluated in clinical trials of more than 2 years` duration in adults, demonstrating safety and efficacy, but long-term studies in obesity treatment are absent for other drugs. The efficacy and safety of obesity pharmacotherapy among the elderly is unknown. Objective: To describe the experience of obesity pharmacotherapy in the elderly in a specialized obesity care setting in Brazil, with a focus on efficacy and safety. Methods: A retrospective evaluation was conducted on medical charts from an outpatient clinic of a specialized tertiary centre for the treatment of obesity. We included patients who had had at least one consultation between January and December 2007, were aged >= 60 years at the beginning of the treatment, had had at least 6 months of follow-up and had received a prescription of at least one potential weight-loss drug. Diagnoses reported on medical records were documented. Age, weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were recorded at admission, after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, and at the last available visit. The medicines prescribed, together with the dose, duration of use, adverse effects and reasons for discontinuation, were documented. Results: The group consisted of 44 women (86%) and 7 men (14%), with a mean +/- SD age of 65.2 +/- 4.5 years, weight of 95.3 +/- 12.5 kg and BMI of 38.5 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2). The mean +/- SD time of follow-up was 39.3 +/- 26.4 months, and the mean weight loss was 6.65 kg (p < 0.01). After the first 6 months, the mean +/- SD weight loss was 5.7 +/- 3.8 kg (p < 0.0001). A smaller weight loss was seen between the 6th and 12th months, with no statistically significant change in weight thereafter. A weight loss of >= 5% was achieved by 64.71%, 63.64%, 62.16% and 69.70% in the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th months, respectively, and a weight loss of >= 10% was achieved by 17.65%, 34.09%, 32.43% and 39.39% in the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th months, respectively. The medicines prescribed were sibutramine, orlistat, fluoxetine, sertraline, topiramate, fenproporex, mazindol and amfepramone, alone or in combinations, concomitantly or sequentially. The reasons for discontinuation were lack of response (n = 13), loss of response (development of tolerance) [n= 11], lack of adherence (n = 14) and adverse effects (n= 14). One episode of atrial flutter occurred in a patient taking fenproporex. The weight-loss medications were generally well tolerated, and only transient adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Long-term pharmacotherapy for obesity was effective and well tolerated by this group of elderly patients.