998 resultados para Opetussuunnitelma 2016
Weekly Newsletter from the Northwest District Office for libraries containing programs, activities, classes for the upcoming week.
Iowa Code section 452A.33(3) requires a report regarding flexible fuel vehicles registered in Iowa. The report includes the number of flexible fuel vehicles according to year of manufacture; the number of passenger vehicles according to year of manufacture; and the number of light pickup trucks according to the year of manufacture.
Weekly letting report
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
Weekly letting report
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau. Weather report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service. The report is released weekly from April through October. Formally titled: Iowa Crop and Weather Report
Weekly letting report
Weekly Newsletter from the Northwest District Office for libraries containing programs, activities, classes for the upcoming week.
Weekly letting report
List of Bid Proposal Holders
Iowa Department of Public Health SFY 2015 Annual County Service Contract Listing. This publication strives to identify all service contracts administered by the Iowa Department of Public Health during the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Contracts may have been increased or decreased, and contract titles changed during the published period. Contracts listed in this summary are shown in alphabetical order by contractor within the county. Interdepartmental Agreements with state government agencies are at the back of the listing. Each page is divided into eight columns which identify the following: column 1: the county of the contractor; column 2: the contractor; column 3: the contract number; column 4: the contract title; column 5: the contract amount; column 6: the funding source; column 7: the start date of the contract and column 8: the end date of the contract.
Weekly Newsletter from the Northwest District Office for libraries containing programs, activities, classes for the upcoming week.
Chart of common communicable disease, stating incubation, transmission, control measures, and public health response produced by Iowa Department of Public Health.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.