883 resultados para OpenCV Computer Vision Object Detection Automatic Counting


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AIRES, Kelson R. T. ; ARAÚJO, Hélder J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. . Plane Detection from Monocular Image Sequences. In: VISUALIZATION, IMAGING AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Proceedings..., Palma de Mallorca: VIIP, 2008


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Proliferation of microglial cells has been considered a sign of glial activation and a hallmark of ongoing neurodegenerative diseases. Microglia activation is analyzed in animal models of different eye diseases. Numerous retinal samples are required for each of these studies to obtain relevant data of statistical significance. Because manual quantification of microglial cells is time consuming, the aim of this study was develop an algorithm for automatic identification of retinal microglia. Two groups of adult male Swiss mice were used: age-matched controls (naïve, n = 6) and mice subjected to unilateral laser-induced ocular hypertension (lasered; n = 9). In the latter group, both hypertensive eyes and contralateral untreated retinas were analyzed. Retinal whole mounts were immunostained with anti Iba-1 for detecting microglial cell populations. A new algorithm was developed in MATLAB for microglial quantification; it enabled the quantification of microglial cells in the inner and outer plexiform layers and evaluates the area of the retina occupied by Iba-1+ microglia in the nerve fiber-ganglion cell layer. The automatic method was applied to a set of 6,000 images. To validate the algorithm, mouse retinas were evaluated both manually and computationally; the program correctly assessed the number of cells (Pearson correlation R = 0.94 and R = 0.98 for the inner and outer plexiform layers respectively). Statistically significant differences in glial cell number were found between naïve, lasered eyes and contralateral eyes (P<0.05, naïve versus contralateral eyes; P<0.001, naïve versus lasered eyes and contralateral versus lasered eyes). The algorithm developed is a reliable and fast tool that can evaluate the number of microglial cells in naïve mouse retinas and in retinas exhibiting proliferation. The implementation of this new automatic method can enable faster quantification of microglial cells in retinal pathologies.


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One of the most visionary goals of Artificial Intelligence is to create a system able to mimic and eventually surpass the intelligence observed in biological systems including, ambitiously, the one observed in humans. The main distinctive strength of humans is their ability to build a deep understanding of the world by learning continuously and drawing from their experiences. This ability, which is found in various degrees in all intelligent biological beings, allows them to adapt and properly react to changes by incrementally expanding and refining their knowledge. Arguably, achieving this ability is one of the main goals of Artificial Intelligence and a cornerstone towards the creation of intelligent artificial agents. Modern Deep Learning approaches allowed researchers and industries to achieve great advancements towards the resolution of many long-standing problems in areas like Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. However, while this current age of renewed interest in AI allowed for the creation of extremely useful applications, a concerningly limited effort is being directed towards the design of systems able to learn continuously. The biggest problem that hinders an AI system from learning incrementally is the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon. This phenomenon, which was discovered in the 90s, naturally occurs in Deep Learning architectures where classic learning paradigms are applied when learning incrementally from a stream of experiences. This dissertation revolves around the Continual Learning field, a sub-field of Machine Learning research that has recently made a comeback following the renewed interest in Deep Learning approaches. This work will focus on a comprehensive view of continual learning by considering algorithmic, benchmarking, and applicative aspects of this field. This dissertation will also touch on community aspects such as the design and creation of research tools aimed at supporting Continual Learning research, and the theoretical and practical aspects concerning public competitions in this field.


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Questa tesi si ispira a lavori precedentemente portati avanti da altri studenti e si pone il problema della possibilit\`a di riconoscere se uno smartphone \`e utilizzato da un utente mentre esso si trova alla guida di un'autovettura. In essa verranno presentati vari metodi per risolvere questo problema di Machine Learning, ovvero realizzazione di dataset per l'allenamento di modelli e creazione e allenamento di modelli stessi, dediti al riconoscimento di un problema di classificazione binaria e riconoscimento di oggetti tramite Object Detection. Il cercare di riconoscere se l'utente \`e alla guida o meno, avverr\`a tramite l'output della fotocamera frontale dello smartphone, quindi lavoreremo su immagini, video e frame. Arriveremo a riconoscere la posizione della persona rappresentata da questi fotogrammi tramite un modello di Object Detection, che riconosce cintura e finestrino e determina se sono appartenenti al sedile e alla posizione del conducente o del passeggero. Vedremo alla fine, attraverso un'attenta analisi dei risultati ottenuti su ben 8 video diversi che saranno divisi in molti frame, che si ottengono risultati molto interessanti, dai quali si pu\`o prendere spunto per la creazione di un importante sistema di sicurezza alla guida.


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Our objective for this thesis work was the deployment of a Neural Network based approach for video object detection on board a nano-drone. Furthermore, we have studied some possible extensions to exploit the temporal nature of videos to improve the detection capabilities of our algorithm. For our project, we have utilized the Mobilenetv2/v3SSDLite due to their limited computational and memory requirements. We have trained our networks on the IMAGENET VID 2015 dataset and to deploy it onto the nano-drone we have used the NNtool and Autotiler tools by GreenWaves. To exploit the temporal nature of video data we have tried different approaches: the introduction of an LSTM based convolutional layer in our architecture, the introduction of a Kalman filter based tracker as a postprocessing step to augment the results of our base architecture. We have obtain a total improvement in our performances of about 2.5 mAP with the Kalman filter based method(BYTE). Our detector run on a microcontroller class processor on board the nano-drone at 1.63 fps.


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This paper describes a systematic research about free software solutions and techniques for art imagery computer recognition problem.


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El reconeixement dels gestos de la mà (HGR, Hand Gesture Recognition) és actualment un camp important de recerca degut a la varietat de situacions en les quals és necessari comunicar-se mitjançant signes, com pot ser la comunicació entre persones que utilitzen la llengua de signes i les que no. En aquest projecte es presenta un mètode de reconeixement de gestos de la mà a temps real utilitzant el sensor Kinect per Microsoft Xbox, implementat en un entorn Linux (Ubuntu) amb llenguatge de programació Python i utilitzant la llibreria de visió artifical OpenCV per a processar les dades sobre un ordinador portàtil convencional. Gràcies a la capacitat del sensor Kinect de capturar dades de profunditat d’una escena es poden determinar les posicions i trajectòries dels objectes en 3 dimensions, el que implica poder realitzar una anàlisi complerta a temps real d’una imatge o d’una seqüencia d’imatges. El procediment de reconeixement que es planteja es basa en la segmentació de la imatge per poder treballar únicament amb la mà, en la detecció dels contorns, per després obtenir l’envolupant convexa i els defectes convexos, que finalment han de servir per determinar el nombre de dits i concloure en la interpretació del gest; el resultat final és la transcripció del seu significat en una finestra que serveix d’interfície amb l’interlocutor. L’aplicació permet reconèixer els números del 0 al 5, ja que s’analitza únicament una mà, alguns gestos populars i algunes de les lletres de l’alfabet dactilològic de la llengua de signes catalana. El projecte és doncs, la porta d’entrada al camp del reconeixement de gestos i la base d’un futur sistema de reconeixement de la llengua de signes capaç de transcriure tant els signes dinàmics com l’alfabet dactilològic.


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El reconeixement dels gestos de la mà (HGR, Hand Gesture Recognition) és actualment un camp important de recerca degut a la varietat de situacions en les quals és necessari comunicar-se mitjançant signes, com pot ser la comunicació entre persones que utilitzen la llengua de signes i les que no. En aquest projecte es presenta un mètode de reconeixement de gestos de la mà a temps real utilitzant el sensor Kinect per Microsoft Xbox, implementat en un entorn Linux (Ubuntu) amb llenguatge de programació Python i utilitzant la llibreria de visió artifical OpenCV per a processar les dades sobre un ordinador portàtil convencional. Gràcies a la capacitat del sensor Kinect de capturar dades de profunditat d’una escena es poden determinar les posicions i trajectòries dels objectes en 3 dimensions, el que implica poder realitzar una anàlisi complerta a temps real d’una imatge o d’una seqüencia d’imatges. El procediment de reconeixement que es planteja es basa en la segmentació de la imatge per poder treballar únicament amb la mà, en la detecció dels contorns, per després obtenir l’envolupant convexa i els defectes convexos, que finalment han de servir per determinar el nombre de dits i concloure en la interpretació del gest; el resultat final és la transcripció del seu significat en una finestra que serveix d’interfície amb l’interlocutor. L’aplicació permet reconèixer els números del 0 al 5, ja que s’analitza únicament una mà, alguns gestos populars i algunes de les lletres de l’alfabet dactilològic de la llengua de signes catalana. El projecte és doncs, la porta d’entrada al camp del reconeixement de gestos i la base d’un futur sistema de reconeixement de la llengua de signes capaç de transcriure tant els signes dinàmics com l’alfabet dactilològic.


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We present a component-based approach for recognizing objects under large pose changes. From a set of training images of a given object we extract a large number of components which are clustered based on the similarity of their image features and their locations within the object image. The cluster centers build an initial set of component templates from which we select a subset for the final recognizer. In experiments we evaluate different sizes and types of components and three standard techniques for component selection. The component classifiers are finally compared to global classifiers on a database of four objects.


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The Casa da Música Foundation, responsible for the management of Casa da Música do Porto building, has the need to obtain statistical data related to the number of building’s visitors. This information is a valuable tool for the elaboration of periodical reports concerning the success of this cultural institution. For this reason it was necessary to develop a system capable of returning the number of visitors for a requested period of time. This represents a complex task due to the building’s unique architectural design, characterized by very large doors and halls, and the sudden large number of people that pass through them in moments preceding and proceeding the different activities occurring in the building. To achieve the technical solution for this challenge, several image processing methods, for people detection with still cameras, were first studied. The next step was the development of a real time algorithm, using OpenCV libraries and computer vision concepts,to count individuals with the desired accuracy. This algorithm includes the scientific and technical knowledge acquired in the study of the previous methods. The themes developed in this thesis comprise the fields of background maintenance, shadow and highlight detection, and blob detection and tracking. A graphical interface was also built, to help on the development, test and tunning of the proposed system, as a complement to the work. Furthermore, tests to the system were also performed, to certify the proposed techniques against a set of limited circumstances. The results obtained revealed that the algorithm was successfully applied to count the number of people in complex environments with reliable accuracy.


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Nos últimos anos, o fácil acesso em termos de custos, ferramentas de produção, edição e distribuição de conteúdos audiovisuais, contribuíram para o aumento exponencial da produção diária deste tipo de conteúdos. Neste paradigma de superabundância de conteúdos multimédia existe uma grande percentagem de sequências de vídeo que contém material explícito, sendo necessário existir um controlo mais rigoroso, de modo a não ser facilmente acessível a menores. O conceito de conteúdo explícito pode ser caraterizado de diferentes formas, tendo o trabalho descrito neste documento incidido sobre a deteção automática de nudez feminina presente em sequências de vídeo. Este processo de deteção e classificação automática de material para adultos pode constituir uma ferramenta importante na gestão de um canal de televisão. Diariamente podem ser recebidas centenas de horas de material sendo impraticável a implementação de um processo manual de controlo de qualidade. A solução criada no contexto desta dissertação foi estudada e desenvolvida em torno de um produto especifico ligado à área do broadcasting. Este produto é o mxfSPEEDRAIL F1000, sendo este uma solução da empresa MOG Technologies. O objetivo principal do projeto é o desenvolvimento de uma biblioteca em C++, acessível durante o processo de ingest, que permita, através de uma análise baseada em funcionalidades de visão computacional, detetar e sinalizar na metadata do sinal, quais as frames que potencialmente apresentam conteúdo explícito. A solução desenvolvida utiliza um conjunto de técnicas do estado da arte adaptadas ao problema a tratar. Nestas incluem-se algoritmos para realizar a segmentação de pele e deteção de objetos em imagens. Por fim é efetuada uma análise critica à solução desenvolvida no âmbito desta dissertação de modo a que em futuros desenvolvimentos esta seja melhorada a nível do consumo de recursos durante a análise e a nível da sua taxa de sucesso.


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This paper proposes an automatic hand detection system that combines the Fourier-Mellin Transform along with other computer vision techniques to achieve hand detection in cluttered scene color images. The proposed system uses the Fourier-Mellin Transform as an invariant feature extractor to perform RST invariant hand detection. In a first stage of the system a simple non-adaptive skin color-based image segmentation and an interest point detector based on corners are used in order to identify regions of interest that contains possible matches. A sliding window algorithm is then used to scan the image at different scales performing the FMT calculations only in the previously detected regions of interest and comparing the extracted FM descriptor of the windows with a hand descriptors database obtained from a train image set. The results of the performed experiments suggest the use of Fourier-Mellin invariant features as a promising approach for automatic hand detection.