100 resultados para Olympus nimbus


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Background: Flexible video bronchoscopes, in particular the Olympus BF Type 3C160, are commonly used in pediatric respiratory medicine. There is no data on the magnification and distortion effects of these bronchoscopes yet important clinical decisions are made from the images. The aim of this study was to systematically describe the magnification and distortion of flexible bronchoscope images taken at various distances from the object. Methods: Using images of known objects and processing these by digital video and computer programs both magnification and distortion scales were derived. Results: Magnification changes as a linear function between 100 mm ( x 1) and 10 mm ( x 9.55) and then as an exponential function between 10 mm and 3 mm ( x 40) from the object. Magnification depends on the axis of orientation of the object to the optic axis or geometrical axis of the bronchoscope. Magnification also varies across the field of view with the central magnification being 39% greater than at the periphery of the field of view at 15 mm from the object. However, in the paediatric situation the diameter of the orifices is usually less than 10 mm and thus this limits the exposure to these peripheral limits of magnification reduction. Intraclass correlations for measurements and repeatability studies between instruments are very high, r = 0.96. Distortion occurs as both barrel and geometric types but both types are heterogeneous across the field of view. Distortion of geometric type ranges up to 30% at 3 mm from the object but may be as low as 5% depending on the position of the object in relation to the optic axis. Conclusion: We conclude that the optimal working distance range is between 40 and 10 mm from the object. However the clinician should be cognisant of both variations in magnification and distortion in clinical judgements.


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A Teologia de Sião expressa pela tradição dos filhos de Corá é de certa forma curiosa. É implicante admitir a idéia de uma influência cananeia na Teologia de Sião. Não há como negar esse fato, pois o Salmo 48 parece realmente possuir esta influência. É uma influência cananeia e também das tradições do Sul judaíta. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar tal teologia de Sião existente em Jerusalém e apresentada no Salmo 48. Isto para chegar a uma resposta acerca da influência que os filhos de Corá podem ter sofrido da religião cananeia, ao utilizar elementos dos mitos cananeus na composição do Salmo 48 e de outros salmos de sua coleção. Termos como Safon, mar, morte, Monte Sião e outros, e conceitos como mitologia, montanha sagrada, extremidade do mundo, Olimpo, etc, fazem pensar que eles de fato queriam sobrepor os mitos cananeus apresentando uma nova leitura, a partir da fé em Javé. Os filhos de Corá possuíam tradição do Norte israelita. As cidades onde eles habitaram estavam situadas em Efraim, Manassés e Dã. Algumas cidades de Manassés e Efraim eram cananeias. Os reis do Norte eram em sua maioria promotores da religião cananeia. Este era o ambiente onde os filhos de Corá habitaram e cumpriram seu ministério levítico.


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In his important book on evolutionary theory, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennett warns that Darwin's idea seeps through every area of human discourse like a "universal acid" (Dennett, 1995). Art and the aesthetic response cannot escape its influence. So my approach in this chapter is essentially naturalistic. Friedrich Nietzsche writes of observing the human comedy from afar, "like a cold angel...without anger, but without warmth" (Nietzsche, 1872, p. 164). Whether Nietzsche, of all people, could have done this is a matter of debate. But we know what he means. It describes a stance outside the human world as if looking down on human folly from Mount Olympus. From this stance, humans, their art and neurology are all part of the natural world, all part of the evolutionary process, the struggle for existence. The anthropologist David Dutton, in his contribution to the Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, says that all humans have an aesthetic sense (Dutton, 2001). It is a human universal. Biologists argue that such universals have an evolutionary basis. Furthermore, many have argued that not only humans but also animals, at least the higher mammals and birds, have an appreciation of the beautiful and the ugly (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1988).11Charles Darwin indeed writes "Birds appear to be the most aesthetic of all animals, excepting, of course, man, and they have nearly the same sense of the beautiful that we have" (1871, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, London: John Murray, vol.2, xiii, 39). This again suggests that aesthetics has an evolutionary origin. In parenthesis here, I should perhaps say that I am well aware of the criticism leveled at evolutionary psychology. I am well aware that it has been attacked as just so many "just-so" stories. This is neither the time nor the place to mount a defense but simply just to say that I believe that a defense is eminently feasible. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Scientists planning to use underwater stereoscopic image technologies are often faced with numerous problems during the methodological implementations: commercial equipment is too expensive; the setup or calibration is too complex; or the imaging processing (i.e. measuring objects in the stereo-images) is too complicated to be performed without a time-consuming phase of training and evaluation. The present paper addresses some of these problems and describes a workflow for stereoscopic measurements for marine biologists. It also provides instructions on how to assemble an underwater stereo-photographic system with two digital consumer cameras and gives step-by-step guidelines for setting up the hardware. The second part details a software procedure to correct stereo-image pairs for lens distortions, which is especially important when using cameras with non-calibrated optical units. The final part presents a guide to the process of measuring the lengths (or distances) of objects in stereoscopic image pairs. To reveal the applicability and the restrictions of the described systems and to test the effects of different types of camera (a compact camera and an SLR type), experiments were performed to determine the precision and accuracy of two generic stereo-imaging units: a diver-operated system based on two Olympus Mju 1030SW compact cameras and a cable-connected observatory system based on two Canon 1100D SLR cameras. In the simplest setup without any correction for lens distortion, the low-budget Olympus Mju 1030SW system achieved mean accuracy errors (percentage deviation of a measurement from the object's real size) between 10.2 and -7.6% (overall mean value: -0.6%), depending on the size, orientation and distance of the measured object from the camera. With the single lens reflex (SLR) system, very similar values between 10.1% and -3.4% (overall mean value: -1.2%) were observed. Correction of the lens distortion significantly improved the mean accuracy errors of either system. Even more, system precision (spread of the accuracy) improved significantly in both systems. Neither the use of a wide-angle converter nor multiple reassembly of the system had a significant negative effect on the results. The study shows that underwater stereophotography, independent of the system, has a high potential for robust and non-destructive in situ sampling and can be used without prior specialist training.


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The dataset consists of spectra and photogrpahs of the surface (sea ice and melt ponds) obtained in the Central Arctic during the Polarstern cruise ARK-XXVII/3 at 6 ice stations. The spectra were measured with a portable spectroradiometer ASD FieldSpecPro 3. The photographs were taken with a digital camera Olympus C765 in the "Auto" mode. The measurements have been performed every 10 meters along 100 m ROV transects (transects used for underice ROV flights) where available. Otherwise the albedo measurements have been done at the selected cites complementary to point transmitance measurements or at cites featuring characteristic sea ice surface.


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Los indicadores de sostenibilidad climática constituyen herramientas fundamentales para complementar las políticas de ordenamiento del territorio urbano y pueden beneficiar la calidad de vida sus habitantes. En el presente trabajo se diseñó un indicador climático urbano para la ciudad de Bahía Blanca considerando variables meteorológicas y análisis de la percepción social. El mismo permitió delimitar la ciudad en cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas entre sí. A partir de entonces, se realizó una propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos adversos del clima a partir de la aplicación del método DPSIR. Las mismas estuvieron destinadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Los resultados permitieron considerar que una pronta implementación de la misma junto con una activa participación de los actores sociales y los tomadores de decisiones es necesaria para mejorar las condiciones actuales en la que se encuentra la ciudad. Con las medidas propuestas, la población local sabrá cómo actuar ante la ocurrencia de distintos eventos extremos, eventos de desconfort climático, etc. Al ser un método sencillo, la metodología aplicada en este estudio puede replicarse en otras ciudades del mundo con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes.


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Este artículo analiza la existencia de un posible ritual en la antigua Macedonia que fuese similar al Akîtu babilonio. Pensamos que la victoria de Zeus sobre sus enemigos en la gigantomaquia y tifonomaquia fue celebrada por los reyes macedonios para fortalecer su posición en el poder. Aunque no hay evidencias directas de ello, tenemos una serie de diferentes fuentes en las cuales los macedonios están relacionados directa o indirectamente con Tifón y los gigantes. Además, la estratégica importancia del monte Olimpo para los macedonios nos hace pensar que la victoria de Zeus sobre las fuerzas del mal fue conmemorada de alguna forma por ellos.


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Objectivo: o objectivo deste estudo consiste na criação de um Texto Foneticamente Equilibrado para o Português-Europeu (PE) designado “O Sol”. Método: quatro sujeitos da região de Setúbal, entre [21-49] anos (dois do sexo feminino e dois do masculino) leram em voz alta o texto “O Sol”. As gravações realizadas com Olympus (VN- 240PC e VN- 2100PC com microfones integrados) serviram para a contabilização dos fonemas produzidos. Os procedimentos foram: 1) a comparação entre as frequências relativas dos fonemas do “O Sol” e as frequências relativas descritas no PF_fone, através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e do teste de Mann-Whitney; 2) a comparação entre a transcrição larga e a estreita, verificando-se os fenómenos de coarticulação; e 3) a análise dos formatos silábicos. Resultados: a análise estatística demonstrou que as frequências relativas de ocorrência dos fonemas do texto “O Sol” têm uma correlação forte com as do PF_fone (r = 0,924). As medianas das frequências relativas de ocorrência dos fonemas do texto foram significativamente iguais às do PF_fone (p<.05). Conclusão: o texto “O Sol” está próximo de um texto foneticamente equilibrado ideal, uma vez que se verificaram os pressupostos pré-definidos. Fonologicamente, apresenta os formatos silábicos mais frequentes no PE, verificou-se ainda uma diminuição na frequência relativa de fonemas na transcrição estreita, devido a fenómenos de coarticulação. Futuros trabalhos incidirão no aumento da amostra.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2012.


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The idea of the tragic is unthinkable. It is precisely within the moment in which an ordinary human being, a heroine or a hero – incapable of scrutinizing fully their own position within the whole – is invited to respond, to accept or refuse it all, that the tragic unfolds, changing their life irremediably. What are the causes and the consequences of "god’s arrival", as in case of Dionysus who visits Pentheus’ home in Euripides’ "The Bacchae"? Through episodes in the stories of characters from Ancient Greek dramas – such as Oedipus, Antigone, Ajax, Io, through Dostoevsky’s or Kafka’s imagery, in Prince Myshkin’s, the Ridiculous Man’s or Gregor Samsa’s experiences, this doctoral research proposes to examine the aspects which compete in the creation of a tragic hero. Theatrical performances – such as Jan Fabre’s "Mount Olympus: To Glorify the Cult of Tragedy, a 24-Hour Performance", immersed in a cycle of life, death and re-birth; Oliver Frljić’s "Trilogija o hrvatskom fašizmu", in its careful analysis of the wounds of a heritage of war; and Cristian Ceresoli’s and Silvia Gallerano’s tragic testimony of an estranged, almost soulless body in "La Merda" – open up the dialogue on our contemporary idea of the tragic. This doctoral work chooses excess as its privileged channel through which to approach the concept of the tragic – by its nature elusive, hostile to any definition, strictly personal and, thus, visible only through one’s own lens. In an excess of pain, devotion, desire, rage, arrogance or beauty, opposites collide, time concentrates into a moment and the hero is invited to choose, to live or die, to transform.