962 resultados para Office buildings -- France -- Lyon
[Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Brown ink sketch with numerical calculations on notebook paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Ink sketches on tracing paper, initialed, 12 x 25 1/2 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Black and brown ink sketches on tracing paper, 12 x 23 3/4 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Brown ink sketches on tracing paper, initialed, 12x26 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Early Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Green ink sketches on steno pad paper, 6x9 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Early Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Brown ink sketch on shirt cardboard, 8 x 12 1/2 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Black, green and red ink and pencil sketch on black-line print of site plan, 20 3/4 x 31 3/4 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
E=MC³ Energy Equals Management's Continued Cost Concern, is an essay written by Fritz G. Hagenmeyer, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University. In the writing, Hagenmeyer initially tenders: “Energy problems in the hospitality industry can be contained or reduced, yielding elevated profits as a result of applied, quality management principles. The concepts, processes and procedures presented in this article are intended to aid present and future managers to become more effective with a sharpened focus on profitability.” This article is an overview of energy efficiency and the management of such. In an expanding energy consumption market with its escalating costs, energy management has become an ever increasing concern and component of responsible hospitality management, Hagenmeyer will have you know. “In endeavoring to "manage" on a day-to-day basis a functioning hospitality building's energy system, the person in charge must take on the role of Justice with her scales, attempting to balance the often varying comfort needs of guests and occupants with the invariable rising costs of energy utilized to generate and maintain such comfort conditions, since comfort is seen as an integral part of the "service," "product," or "price/value” perception of patrons,” says Hagenmeyer. In contrast to what was thought in the mid point of this century - that energy would be abundant and cheap - the reality has set-in that this is not the case; not by a long shot. The author wants you to be aware that energy costs in buildings are a force to be reckoned with; a major expense to be sure. “Since 1973, "energy-conscious design" has begun to become part of the repertoire of architects, design engineers, and construction companies,” Hagenmeyer states. “For instance, whereas office buildings of the early 1970s might have used 400,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs) per square foot year, new buildings are going up that use 55,000 to 65,000 BTUs per square foot year,” Hagenmeyer, like an incandescent bulb, illuminates you. Hagenmeyer references Robert E. Aulbach’s article - Energy Management – when informing you that the hospitality manager should not become complacent in addressing the energy cost issue, but should and must maintain a diligent focus on the problem. Hagenmeyer also makes reference to the Middle East War and to OPEC, and their influence on energy prices. In closing, Hagenmeyer suggests an - Energy Management Action Plan – which he outlines for you.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
the work towards increased energy efficiency. In order to plan and perform effective energy renovation of the buildings, it is necessary to have adequate information on the current status of the buildings in terms of architectural features and energy needs. Unfortunately, the official statistics do not include all of the needed information for the whole building stock. This paper aims to fill the gaps in the statistics by gathering data from studies, projects and national energy agencies, and by calibrating TRNSYS models against the existing data to complete missing energy demand data, for countries with similar climate, through simulation. The survey was limited to residential and office buildings in the EU member states (before July 2013). This work was carried out as part of the EU FP7 project iNSPiRe. The building stock survey revealed over 70% of the residential and office floor area is concentrated in the six most populated countries. The total energy consumption in the residential sector is 14 times that of the office sector. In the residential sector, single family houses represent 60% of the heated floor area, albeit with different share in the different countries, indicating that retrofit solutions cannot be focused only on multi-family houses. The simulation results indicate that residential buildings in central and southern European countries are not always heated to 20 °C, but are kept at a lower temperature during at least part of the day. Improving the energy performance of these houses through renovation could allow the occupants to increase the room temperature and improve their thermal comfort, even though the potential for energy savings would then be reduced.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
Covers U.S. Capitol, Capitol Grounds, and surrounding government buildings.
Covers U.S. Capitol, Capitol Grounds, and surrounding government buildings.
Covers the area bounded by 17th, H, 15th streets N.W., and the Washington Canal.