672 resultados para Oclusão


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Due to its high prevalence in general population, Angle Class II malocclusion has been widely studied by several authors, as well as the methods for its treatment. Among the possible treatment methods stands out the Herbst appliance. Reintroduced more than three decades ago in the orthodontics community, it became the most utilized appliance because it does not require patient compliance, and provides continued action through bilateral telescopic tubes. The objective of the present article was to demonstrate the early treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion using Herbst appliance.


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Infraocclusion of deciduous molars is defined by total or partial periodontal ligament absence and characterized by the cementum or dentin anatomical fusion with alveolar bone. This study aims to report an ankylosis clinical case, the implications and treatments management options in the deciduos dentition.


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The Herbst appliance is currently one of the most used appliances for the correction of Class II division 1 with mandibular retrusion. When used in peak, or just after the peak of growth it can result in some skeletal gain, which is favorable to the correction of anteroposterior discrepancy with effective and stable results. This article aims to report a case of a patient with malocclusion Class II division 1 with mandibular retrusion, associated with maxillary protusion, treated in two stages: with Herbst splint metallic appliance followed by fixed appliance orthodontic treatment.


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The Jasper Jumper appliance was developed as a fixed orthopedic device that is connected to the upper and lower leveling arches to promote the Class II correction by restricting the maxillary growth (headgear effect), mandibular growth inducement (activator effect) and dentoalveolar changes.


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Extraoral appliances represent an alternative for correction of Class II malocclusions. The application of external force leads to tooth movement and influence the growth of the maxillomandibular complex. This article aims to present the removable headgear as an adjuvant in the treatment of Class II division 1 in the mixed dentition.


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ln order to predict the facial growth using Jarahak's analysis, cephalometric radiographies of 120 subjects during the mixed dentition and between 6 and 10 years of age were studied. From the total, 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) were classified as Angle's Class I and 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) were classified as Angle's Class II, Division 1. AIl subjects did not receive any orthodontic treatment. The proportion between anterior and posterior facial heigth (SGo-NMe) was studied, which is determined by the formula PFH x 100/ AFH = %, neither being straight (> 62% < 65), clockwise ( > 58% < 62%) and anti-clockwise ( > 65% - 80%). Mean average, standard deviation and facial height proportion (SGo - NMe) were determined for males and females according to Angle's classification of malocc!usion. Sexual dimorphism was examined with regard to different types of Angle's malocclusion and the direction of the facial growth, and the correlation of four cephalometrics measurements were analvsed


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Considering the importance of the esthetic and the adequate register of vertical dimension (VD) to the oral rehabilitation, this study had as aims the analysis and comparison of two methods to get VD (Pleasure and Willis), functional space (FE), acquisition and correlation of facial and dental measurements. To do this, rest (RVD) and occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and FE were achieved from the 30 students of the Federal University of Goias College of Dentistry. Following that, dental measurements of height and of the superior central incisors (SCI) and canine distance were registered. A facial analysis was performed to get the intercomissura, interalar, interpupilar, intercantal distance, besides register parameters as coincidence of dental and facial line, type of smile, face and SCI forms, and mastication type. The collected data were tabulated, compared by medias and standard deviations, and submitted to non-parametrical statistical analysis of Kruskal-Wallis and .Mann-Whitney with 5% of probability. The results doesn’t indicated statistical significant difference between FE of the two techniques. The measures of facial analysis are comparable with literature published data’s, but can’t be used as a parameter to the selection of intercanine distance. In 56.7% of the cases, there were coincidences of face and SCI forms, which could be a viable parameter in the selection of acrylic resin artificial tooth.


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The determination of occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) is one of the most important steps in the rehabilitation treatment. Although various techniques have been used to measure it, none has proven to be scientifically accurate. Thus, the purpose of this study was to survey the different methods of measuring the vertical dimension and describe the clinical sequence of a method that we deem reliable.


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Rehabilitation of edentulous patients has been a challenge for professionals since the primary concepts and fundaments of occlusal rehabilitation. However, this philosophy has been improved by implant-supported fixed dentures that represent a predictable clinical modality on modern dentistry. Nevertheless, considering that the traditional protocol requires a long period for bone healing and definitive rehabilitation, immediate loading of implants has been advantageous for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of patients in a reduced period. The aim of this study is to discuss the biomechanical and functional fundaments of occlusion for implant-supported fixed dentures with mediate and immediate loading to provide clinical evidences for longevity of this treat ment modality based on the current literature. According to this, some prerequisites as proper bone quality, excellent primary stability, sufficient number of implants, rigid splinting, and control and mastering of biomechanical fundamentals of static and dynamic occlusion are mandatory for treatment predictability and longevity.


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A má oclusão de Classe II divisão 2 é caracterizada pela verticalização dos incisivos superiores. Nesse tipo de má oclusão, é comum a presença de sobremordida profunda e curva de Spee inferior acentuada. O presente artigo ilustra que o tratamento dessa má oclusão pode ser facilitado com o emprego dos arcos seccionados, como por exemplo, o arco utilidade, segundo a técnica Bioprogressiva de Ricketts.


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Osseointegrated implants have specific nature distinguish them from natural teeth making them more susceptible to the efforts generated by mastication. The absence of periodontal ligament, which absorbs the masticatory forces and allows the movement of the teeth interfere with the reception of occlusal loads and therefore the predictability of implants. In the boneimplant interface did not occur the phenomena of dissipation of impact, even the movement induced. Thus, during planning and installation of implant prosthesis, the type and characteristics of occlusal pattern adopted should be established with criteria to be no grounds for future failures. In this regard we highlight the occlusal overload generated by several reasons like the presence of premature contacts, interference during motion excursive, deleterious habits and inappropriate extensions on cantilevers. Thus, the objective is to provide a review of the literature regarding the importance of occlusion in oral rehabilitation with implants. Factors to be considered in establishing a favorable occlusion, consistent with prostheses on implants will be described


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In part I of this article, the factors related to the establishment of a favourable occlusion for the implant prosthodontics as well as its real importance in this kind of rehabilitation were showed up. However, it is known that the occlusal characteristics adopted in implant prosthodontics show specific patterns which must be different between each other in accordance to the type of prosthesis installed. The objective of the second part of this work is to present to the reader, by a literature review, those characteristics, justifying the reason because they must be associated to specific kind of prosthesis for favor the treatment established.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II sem extrações dentárias vem ganhando popularidade na comunidade ortodôntica já há três décadas. Aparelhos funcionais fixos vêm sendo utilizados por profissionais, de maneira crescente, para promover compensações dentoalveolares e corrigir a má oclusão de Classe II. Os efeitos mais significativos são observados em pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. Um caso clínico será relatado com o uso do aparelho fixo Twin Force Bite Corrector em uma paciente do sexo feminino, para a correção da Classe II. Esse dispositivo de ancoragem fixa dispensa o uso de aparelhos funcionais removíveis e não necessita da cooperação do paciente.