940 resultados para Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome
Objectives To determine the prevalence of symptoms and risk factors of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in truck drivers at a UK large truck stop. Methods Over a 5 day period, truck drivers completed a short questionnaire at a major UK ‘truck stop’. The questionnaire asked about OSA rist factors and symptoms, and included the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Additionally, measurements of height, weight and collar size were taken. 148 truck drivers participated and within this random group the risk factors of OSA that were looked for were:men age over 40 y, obesity, parge neck circumference, smoking, high ESS and bed partner reporting snoring with witnessed apnoeas. Results Our sample were all men, with 82% aged over 40 y. 47% were obese (compared with 23% for UK men in general) and average neck circumference was 42 cm (compared with 38 cm for UK men in general – Martin et al 1997). 31% smoked (vs 21% for general population), and ESS averaged 2.1 points higher than expected for a healthy population (Johns et al 1997). Snoring was quite evident at 57% (compared wth 40% for men in general) and witnessed apnoeas were almost double (7%) compared with 3.8% given by Ohayon et al (1997) generally for men. Conclusion 8 key symptoms and risk factors of OSA have been found to be prevalent in a sample of truck drivers on UK roads, and to greater extent that for estimates in the general male population. Bed partners of truck drivers reporting witnessed apnoeas strongly suggests this group has a high potential for undiagnosed OSA. OSA sufferers are known to be at high risk of causing road traffi c accidents. This, together with the large size of trucks, then the potential for serious road crashes is great. Truck drivers, especially those who are obese, ought to be a high priority population for OSA screening.
Objectives The UK Department for Transport recommends taking a break from driving every 2 h. This study investigated: (i) if a 2 h drive time on a monotonous road is appropriate for OSA patients treated with CPAP, compared with healthy age matched controls, (ii) the impact of a night’s sleep restriction (with CPAP) and (iii) what happens if these patients miss one nights’ CPAP treatment. Methods About 19 healthy men aged 52–74 y (m = 66.2 y) and 19 OSA participants aged 50–75 y (m = 64.4 y) drove an interactive car simulator under monotonous motorway conditions for 2 h on two afternoons, in a counterbalanced design; (1) following a normal night’s sleep (8 h). (2) following a restricted night’s sleep (5 h), with normal CPAP use (3) following a night without CPAP treatment. (n = 11) Lane drifting incidents, indicative of falling asleep, were recorded for up to 2 h depending on competence to continue driving. Results Normal sleep: Controls drove for an average of 95.9 min (s.d. 37 min) and treated OSA drivers for 89.6 min (s.d. 29 min) without incident. 63.2% of controls and 42.1% of OSA drivers successfully completed the drive without an incident. Sleep restriction: 47.4% of controls and 26.3% OSA drivers finished without incident. Overall: controls drove for an average of 89.5 min (s.d. 39 min) and treated OSA drivers 65 min (s.d. 42 min) without incident. The effect of condition was significant [F(1.36) = 9.237, P < 0.05, eta2 = 0.204]. Stopping CPAP: 18.2% of drivers successfully completed the drive. Overall, participants drove for an average of 50.1 min (s.d. 38 min) without incident. The effect of condition was significant [F(2) = 8.8, P < 0.05, eta2 = 0.468]. Conclusion 52.6% of all drivers were able to complete a 2 hour drive under monotonous conditions after a full night’s sleep. Sleep restriction significantly affected both control and OSA drivers. We find evidence that treated OSA drivers are more impaired by sleep restriction than healthy control, as they were less able to sustain safely the 2 h drive without incidents. OSA drivers should be aware that non-compliance with CPAP can significantly impair driving performance. It may be appropriate to recommend older drivers take a break from driving every 90 min especially when undertaking a monotonous drive, as was the case here.
Objectives Actigraphy can reliably assess sleep in healthy adults and be used to estimate total sleep time in suspected obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. We compared sleep quality for Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) treated OSA patients and controls, evaluating the impact of stopping CPAP for one night. Methods 11 men, aged 51–75 years (m = 65.6 years), compliant CPAP users, treated for 1–19 years (m = 7.8 years) wore Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd actiwatches for one night while using CPAP and for one night sleeping without CPAP. A control group of 11 healthy men, aged 63–74 years (m = 64.1 years) slept normally whilst wearing an actiwatch. Subsequent daytime sleepiness was recorded using Karolinska sleepiness scores (KSS). Results Actimetry showed no significant differences between actual sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance index or number of wake bouts when comparing OSA participants using CPAP, with controls; there was no difference in subsequent daytime sleepiness, control KSS = 4.21, OSA KSS = 4.17. Without CPAP there was no significant difference in sleep length or sleep onset latency compared with using CPAP, but there was a significant impact on sleep quality as shown by: increased sleep disturbance index from 7.9 to 13.8 [t(10) = 3.510, P < 0.05], decreased percent of actual sleep from 92.05% to 86.15% [t(10) = 3.51, P < 0.05], decreased sleep efficiency from 86.6% to 81% [t(10) = 2.204, P < 0.05] and increased number of wake bouts from 29 to 42.5 [t(10) = 3.877, P < 0.05]. Daytime sleepiness became significantly worse increasing from KSS 4.17 to 6.27 [t(10) = )4.96, P < 0.05]. Conclusion There was no disparity in sleep quality or KSS scores between CPAP treated OSA patients and healthy controls of a similar age. Treated OSA patients obtained quality sleep with no elevated day time sleepiness. However, cessation of treatment for one night caused sleep quality to deteriorate despite a comparable sleep time; the deterioration in sleep quality could explain the increase in daytime sleepiness. OSA patients need to know that even short-term noncompliance with CPAP treatment significantly impairs sleep quality, leading to excessive sleepiness during monotonous tasks such as driving. Actigraphy successfully identified nights of non-compliance in treated OSA patients; but did not differentiate between the sleep of CPAP treated OSA patients and healthy controls.
Excess weight and obesity are factors that are strongly associated with risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).Weight loss has been associated with improvements in clinical indicators of OSA severity; however, patients’ beliefs about diet change have not been investigated. This study utilized a validated behaviour change model to estimate the relationship between food liking, food intake and indices of OSA severity. Two-hundred and six OSA patients recruited from a Sleep Disorders Clinic completed standardized questionnaires of: a) fat and fibre food intake, food liking, and food knowledge and; b) attitudes and intentions towards fat reduction. OSA severity and body mass index (BMI) were objectively measured using standard clinical guidelines. The relationship between liking for high fat food and OSA severity was tested with hierarchical regression. Gender and BMI explained a significant 20% of the variance in OSA severity, Fibre Liking accounted for an additional 6% (a negative relationship), and Fat Liking accounted for a further 3.6% of variance. Although the majority of individuals (47%) were currently “active” in reducing fat intake, overall the patients’ dietary beliefs and behaviours did not correspond. The independent relationship between OSA severity and liking for high fat foods (and disliking of high fibre foods) may be consistent with a two-way interaction between sleep disruption and food choice. Whilst the majority of OSA patients were intentionally active in changing to a healthy diet, further emphasis on improving healthy eating practices and beliefs in this population is necessary.
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a chronic condition in which the upper airways collapse repeatedly during sleep, completely or partially obstructing breathing. This obstruction leads to chronic intermittent hypoxia and severe sleep fragmentation, disrupting the restorative functions of sleep. Beebe and Gozal (2002)a developed a theory which hypothesises that disruption of the restorative functions of sleep lead to a chronic low level brain damage most evident in executive functions (EF). Neuropsychological testing of EF, volumetric MRI, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, event related potentials and CSF biomarkers all provide support for this theory. Little research has been done to explore the nature of the subjective complaint and it’s impact on the activities of daily living.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o efeito do aparelho de avanço mandibular (Twin block - TB) no volume das vias aéreas superiores, por meio de tomografia computadorizada cone beam (CBCT); analisar, por meio da polissonografia, as mudanças no índice de apneia e hipopneia (IAH) e índice de apneia por hora de sono (IA), saturação de oxi-hemoglobina e eficiência do sono; e correlacionar o volume na CBCT e as polissonografias. Dezesseis pacientes portadores de apneia obstrutiva do sono, idade média de 47,06 anos, participaram deste estudo prospectivo, com acompanhamento médio de 7 meses. Foram feitas polissonografias iniciais (T1) e de acompanhamento (T2) com o TB em posição, e CBCT sem e com TB em posição. A segmentação e obtenção dos volumes das vias aéreas superiores foram realizadas e utilizados os testes t de Student pareado, de Wilcoxon e o índice de correlação de Spearman, com 5% de significância. Os resultados das polissonografias mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre T1 e T2 apenas para IAH (p<0,05). Houve aumento do volume da via aérea superior com TB quando comparado com o volume sem TB (p<0,05). Foi possível estabelecer-se correlação positiva entre volume da via aérea superior sem TB e IAH e IA em T1 (p<0,05), mas não houve correlação entre o volume da via aérea com TB e índices polissonográficos em T2. Pode-se concluir que, houve aumento de volume da via aérea superior com o TB e houve redução do IAH em T2 porém, sem correlação entre estes dados.
A apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é considerada um fator de risco independente para as doenças cardiovasculares. Existem evidências de que indivíduos com apneia obstrutiva do sono podem apresentar elevação nos mediadores inflamatórios, alterações no perfil metabólico, aumento na atividade do sistema nervoso simpático, com consequente elevação da pressão arterial e disfunção endotelial. Nos últimos anos, inúmeros estudos tem apontado a AOS como um dos fatores responsáveis pela hipertensão resistente. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a presença da apneia obstrutiva do sono e o comportamento da função endotelial em pacientes com hipertensão resistente, comparando com hipertensos apresentando pressão arterial controlada com até 3 classes diferentes de fármacos anti-hipertensivos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 40 pacientes hipertensos: 20 com hipertensão arterial resistente (HAR) e 20 com pressão arterial controlada por medicação (hipertensão arterial controlada; HAC), sem distinção de raça ou gênero, com idade entre 18 e 75 anos. A pressão arterial casual e a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial foram aferidas por método oscilométrico em aparelhos automáticos. A função endotelial e a presença da apneia obstrutiva do sono foram avaliadas através da tonometria arterial periférica pelos equipamentos Endo-PAT2000 e o aparelho portátil Watch-PAT200, respectivamente. A avaliação antropométrica foi realizada através das aferições das circunferências da cintura e do pescoço, índice de massa corporal (IMC), e relação cintura-estatura. A composição corporal foi avaliada por bioimpedância elétrica BIODYNAMICS 450. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo software GraphPad PRISM, versão 6.01. A prevalência de AOS no grupo com HAR foi de 85% (Índice de apneia-hipopneia [AHI]= 12,391,89) e de 80% no grupo com HAC (AHI =20,744,69), sendo mais frequente em homens (p=0,04; OR=3,86; 95% IC 0,99 a 14,52). Os dois grupos apresentaram valores semelhantes das variáveis antropométricas avaliadas. A função endotelial avaliada pelo índice de hiperemia reativa foi similar nos dois grupos (grupo HAR: 1,880,09 vs. grupo HAC: 2,030,09; p=0,28). Apesar do número de dessaturações de oxigênio >4% ter apresentado diferença significativa entre os grupos (grupo HAR: 28,755,08 vs. grupo HAC: 64,1516,97; p=0,04), o tempo total de sono (grupo HAR: 309,515,27 vs. grupo HAC: 323,318,74 min) e a saturação mínima da oxi-hemoglobina (grupo HAR: 87,80,85 vs. grupo HAC: 83,32,37%) não mostraram essa diferença. Considerando todos os pacientes hipertensos, o AHI apresentou correlação significativa com o peso corporal (r=0,51; p=0,0007), o IMC (r=0,41; p=0,007), a circunferência da cintura (r=0,44; p=0,005), a circunferência do pescoço (r=0,38; p=0,01) e a relação cintura-estatura (r=0,39; p=0,01). Os pacientes sem AOS em comparação com os pacientes com AOS, apresentaram risco significativamente menor de apresentar comprometimento da função endotelial (OR=0,17; 95% IC 0,04-0,72; p=0,03). Os achados do presente estudo sugerem que a prevalência de AOS em pacientes com hipertensão resistente é elevada, porém semelhante a de indivíduos com hipertensão controlada. Pacientes com hipertensão resistente e controlada não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação à função endotelial. A gravidade de AOS no grupo total de hipertensos se associou com maior risco de comprometimento da função endotelial.
Le traitement de première ligne de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil est l’appareil à pression positive, soit le CPAP, qui est le plus souvent utilisé avec un masque nasal. Certains patients, incapables de tolérer le masque nasal, doivent se tourner vers le masque facial, qui peut parfois requérir une pression supérieure à celle utilisée avec le masque nasal pour éliminer tous les événements respiratoires. Nous supposons que l’ajustement serré du masque facial, dans le but de réduire les fuites, entraîne une pression de recul sur la mandibule; ceci diminuerait le calibre des voies aériennes supérieures, nécessitant donc une pression effective thérapeutique supérieure pour rétablir un passage de l’air. Nos objectifs étaient : 1) de démontrer s’il y avait une différence de pression effective entre le masque nasal et le masque facial, 2) de quantifier la fuite entre les deux masques, 3) d’évaluer l’effet d’une orthèse de rétention mandibulaire neutre (OMN), qui empêche le recul mandibulaire, sur la pression effective des deux masques et 4) d’évaluer s’il existait un lien entre la céphalométrie et les réponses variables des individus. Méthodologie : Lors de cette étude expérimentale croisée, huit sujets (2 femmes, 6 hommes) avec une moyenne d’âge de 56,3ans [33ans-65ans] ont reçu un examen orthodontique complet incluant une radiographie céphalométrique latérale. Ils ont ensuite passé deux nuits de polysomnographie au laboratoire du sommeil en protocole « split-night » où les deux masques ont été portés, seuls, la première nuit, et avec l’OMN, la deuxième nuit. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé que la pression effective thérapeutique était supérieure avec le masque facial comparativement au masque nasal de manière statistiquement significative. Nous avons observé une fuite supérieure avec le masque nasal, ce qui permet de dire que la fuite n’explique probablement pas cette différence de pression entre les deux masques. L’OMN n’a pas donné d’effet statistiquement significatif lorsque combinée au masque nasal, mais il aurait probablement été possible de trouver un effet positif avec le masque facial si le Bi-PAP avait été inclus dans le protocole de recherche. Conclusion : Nos résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer le rôle du recul mandibulaire, causé par la force exercée avec le masque facial, dans l’obtention de pressions supérieures avec ce masque, mais nous ne pouvons toutefois pas éliminer l’hypothèse. Les résultats suggèrent également que ce phénomène est peut-être plus fréquent qu’on ne le croit et qu’il pourrait y avoir un lien avec certains facteurs anatomiques individuels.
Problématique : L’édentement et les troubles du sommeil sont des affections chroniques fréquentes chez les personnes âgées et qui peuvent avoir des conséquences défavorables sur le bien-être de ces personnes, ainsi que sur leur qualité de vie. L’édentement pourrait perturber le sommeil par la modification de la structure crânio-faciale et des tissus mous environnants. Cependant, cette relation n'est pas suffisamment documenté. Objectifs : Le but de cette étude pilote était de préparer la mise en œuvre d’une étude clinique randomisée contrôlée concernant l’effet du port nocturne des prothèses complètes sur la qualité du sommeil. Méthodologie : Treize aînés édentés ont participé à cette étude clinique randomisée contrôlée de type croisé. L’intervention consistait à dormir avec ou sans les prothèses durant la nuit. Les participants à l'étude ont été assignés à porter et ne pas porter leurs prothèses dans des ordres alternatifs pour des périodes de 30 jours. La qualité du sommeil a été évaluée par la polysomnographie portable et le questionnaire Pittburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Les données supplémentaires incluent la somnolence diurne, évaluée par le questionnaire Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), et la qualité de vie liée à la santé buccodentaire, évaluée par le questionnaire Oral Health Impact Profile 20 (OHIP-20). De plus, à travers les examens cliniques et radiologiques, les données des caractéristiques sociodémographiques, de la morphologie oropharyngée, des caractéristiques buccodentaires et des prothèses ont été recueillies. Les modèles de régression linéaire pour les mesures répétées ont été utilisés pour analyser les résultats. Résultats : L’étude de faisabilité a atteint un taux de recrutement à l’étude de 59,1% et un taux de suivi de 100%. Le port nocturne des prothèses dentaires augmentait l’index d'apnée-hypopnée (IAH) et le score PSQI par rapport au non port nocturne des prothèses : (IAH : Médiane = 20,9 (1,3 - 84,7) versus 11,2 (1,9 - 69,6), p = 0,237; le score PSQI : Médiane = 6,0 (3,0 - 11,0) versus 5,0 (1,0 - 11,0), p = 0,248). Cependant, ces différences n'étaient pas statistiquement significatives, sauf que pour le temps moyen d’apnée (plus long avec des prothèses) (p < 0,005) et le temps de ronflement relatif (moins élevé avec des prothèses) (p < 0,05). La somnolence diurne excessive et la qualité de vie liée à la santé buccodentaire étaient semblables pour les deux interventions (le score ESS : Médiane = 4,0 (3,0-10,0) versus 5,0 (2,0-10,0), p = 0,746; le score OHIP-20: Médiane = 31,0 (20,0-64,0) versus 27,0 (20,0-49,0), p = 0,670). L’impact néfaste du port nocturne des prothèses complètes sur le sommeil a été statistiquement significatif chez les personnes souffrant de l’apnée-hypopnée moyenne à sévère (p < 0,005). Conclusion : L’essai clinique pilote a montré que le port nocturne des prothèses complètes a un impact négatif sur la qualité du sommeil des gens âgés édentés, surtout chez les personnes avec l’apnée obstructive du sommeil modérée à sévère. Les résultats doivent être confirmés par l’étude clinique randomisée contrôlée de phase II.
Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes alteraciones respiratorias durante el sueño (ARS) e hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) y establecer la saturación de oxígeno (SpO2) en vigilia, sueño y durante los eventos en niños con Síndrome Down (SD) a la altura de Bogotá (2640m) de acuerdo a grupos de edad e IMC. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se incluyeron todos los niños con SD con sospecha de ARS remitidos a polisonograma (PSG) de octubre de 2011 a enero de 2013 a la Fundación Neumológica Colombina (FNC). Se dividieron en 3 grupos: apnea obstructiva, apnea obstructiva y central, sin apneas. Resultados: 74 niños, el 36,5% mujeres, edad media 4 años. 47,3% presento apnea obstructiva, más frecuente en >2 años, 35,1% apnea obstructiva y central, más frecuente en < 2 años y 17,6 % sin apnea. SpO2 promedio en apnea obstructiva 84,63%, apnea obstructiva y central: 81,8% y sin apnea: 86,85% (p 0,058). 23% presento obesidad, 16% con apnea obstructiva. 53 pacientes tenían ecocardiograma: 28% HTP, 53,3% tuvo apnea obstructiva y 26,7 apnea obstructiva y central, no diferencias significativas. SpO2 promedio en HTP 88,3% vigilia, 86,2% sueño REM, 85,7 % sueño no REM, no diferencia significativa comparada con pacientes sin HTP. Conclusiones: Las ARS son frecuentes en los niños con SD, La desaturación está presente en los niños con SD independiente del tipo de apnea. A todos los niños SD se les debe practicar un PSG en el primer año de vida.
La importancia del sueño y las patologías relacionadas con el mismo son ampliamente reconocidas en el campo de la medicina y la neurología, sin embargo la mayoría de neurólogos dedican muy poco tiempo al estudio de estas entidades y muy raramente durante la valoración de los pacientes se indaga acerca de la presencia de trastornos relacionados con el sueño. Esto es sorprendente si tenemos en cuenta que pasamos casi un tercio de la vida durmiendo, además de la alta incidencia de trastornos de sueño en la población general. A continuación revisaremos los principales trastornos del sueño, su diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Objetivo: determinar parámetros biométricos para evaluación y diagnóstico de pacientes con SAHOS por medio de Cefalometría Tridimensional y reconstrucción Multiplanar escanográfica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó estudio observacional tipo cross-sectional, con 25 pacientes diagnosticados con SAHOS, a los cuales se les hizo TAC simple de cara con reconstrucción multiplanar y tridimensional, evaluando volumen de vía aérea, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área reglosal, espacio retrogloso lateral y anteroposterior. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes y realizaron medidas de volumen, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área retroglosal y espacios regloso lateral y anteroposterior, realizando análisis estadístico mediante el programa SPSS 17.0 reportando medidas de tendencia central como promedio, media, moda, rango, desviación estándar, y concordancia inter e intra observador. Conclusión: la Cefalometría tridimensional con reconstrucción multiplanar ha mostrado ser un excelente método de evaluación de vía aérea en pacientes con SAHOS, obteniendo propias clasificaciones dentro del estudio de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, ante la escasa literatura y difícil obtención de parámetros de referencia es necesario promover el estudio y la investigación de este método diagnostico en pacientes con SAHOS.
The literature widely recognizes that shift workers have more health complaints than the general population. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of sleep complaints and verify the polysomnographic (PSG) variables of shift workers in two Brazilian nuclear power plants. We carried out a subjective evaluation with a sleep questionnaire. Based on these results, the interviewees that reported sleep-related complaints were referred for polysomnographic evaluation. of the 327 volunteers initially evaluated by the sleep questionnaire, 113 (35%) reported sleep complaints; they were significantly older, had higher body mass index (BMI), and worked more years on shifts than those without sleep complaints. of these 113, 90 met criteria for various sleep disorders: 30 (9%) showed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 18 (5.5%) showed limb movement, and 42 (13%) evidenced both sleep problems and had a significantly higher proportion of sleep stage 1 and arousals compared with the 23 shift workers that had no indices of sleep problems. The present study found that 90 (27.5%) of the evaluated participants met the PSG criteria of some type of clinical sleep disorder. This high proportion should be investigated for associations with other aspects of work, such as working hours, working schedule, years performing shift work, and access to health services. Due to the strong association between sleep disorders and the incidence of fatigue and sleepiness, the evaluation of the sleep patterns and complaints of shift workers is essential and should be considered to be one of the basic strategies of industry to prevent accidents.