798 resultados para Object Orientation


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This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to he used directly within the CSP part of the specification. In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used fur the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.


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A scheme is presented to incorporate a mixed potential integral equation (MPIE) using Michalski's formulation C with the method of moments (MoM) for analyzing the scattering of a plane wave from conducting planar objects buried in a dielectric half-space. The robust complex image method with a two-level approximation is used for the calculation of the Green's functions for the half-space. To further speed up the computation, an interpolation technique for filling the matrix is employed. While the induced current distributions on the object's surface are obtained in the frequency domain, the corresponding time domain responses are calculated via the inverse fast Fourier transform (FFT), The complex natural resonances of targets are then extracted from the late time response using the generalized pencil-of-function (GPOF) method. We investigate the pole trajectories as we vary the distance between strips and the depth and orientation of single, buried strips, The variation from the pole position of a single strip in a homogeneous dielectric medium was only a few percent for most of these parameter variations.


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As marketers and researchers we understand quality from the consumer's perspective, and throughout contemporary service quality literature there is an emphasis on what the consumer is looking for, or at least that is the intention. Through examining the underlying assumptions of dominant service quality theories, an implicit dualistic ontology is highlighted (where subject and object are considered independent) and argued to effectively negate the said necessary consumer orientation. This fundamental assumption is discussed, as are the implications, following a critical review of dominant service quality models. Consequently, we propose an alternative approach to service quality research that aims towards a more genuine understanding of the consumer's perspective on quality experienced within a service context. Essentially, contemporary service quality research is suggested to be limited in its inherent third-person perspective and the interpretive, specifically phenomenographic, approach put forward here is suggested as a means of achieving a first-person perspective on service quality.


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Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).


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Adsorption of model aromatic compounds onto two untreated activated carbons with similar physical and chemical properties is investigated. The solution pH of all experiments was lowered so that all solutes were in their molecular forms. It is shown that the difference in the maximum adsorption capacities of the solutes was mainly attributed to the difference in the sizes of the molecules. This new experimental finding is significant to gaining insight into the orientation of the adsorbed phase and hence the adsorption mechanism of aromatic compounds in aqueous solutions. It is shown that the adsorption of aromatic compounds in a stacked motif for pi-pi interactions is unlikely, and in the absence of physical restrictions such as pore width, a T-shaped motif is the preferred orientation.


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The polyphase evolution of the Serido Belt (NE-Brazil) includes D, crust formation at 2.3-2.1 Ga, D-2 thrust tectonics at 1.9 Ga and crustal reworking by D-3 strike-slip shear zones at 600 Ma. Microstructural investigations within mylonites associated with D-2 and D-3 events were used to constrain the tectono-thermal evolution of the belt. D-2 shear zones commenced at deeper crustal levels and high amphibolite facies conditions (600-650 degreesC) through grain boundary migration, subgrain rotation and operation of quartz Q-prism slip. Continued shearing and exhumation of the terrain forced the re-equilibration of high-T fabrics and the switching of slip systems from (c)-prism to positive and negative (a)-rhombs. During D-3, enhancement of ductility by dissipation of heat that came from syn-D-3 granites developed wide belts of amphibolite facies mylonites. Continued shearing, uplift and cooling of the region induced D-3 shear zones to act in ductile-brittle regimes, marked by fracturing and development of thinner belts of greenschist facies mylonites. During this event, switching from (a)-prism to a basal slip indicates a thermal path from 600 to 350 degreesC. Therefore, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics in polydeformed rocks from the Serido Belt preserve the record of two major events, which includes contrasting deformation mechanisms and thermal paths. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with methods for refinement of specifications written using a combination of Object-Z and CSP. Such a combination has proved to be a suitable vehicle for specifying complex systems which involve state and behaviour, and several proposals exist for integrating these two languages. The basis of the integration in this paper is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to be combined using CSP operators. It has been shown that this semantic model allows state-based refinement relations to be used on the Object-Z components in an integrated Object-Z/CSP specification. However, the current refinement methodology does not allow the structure of a specification to be changed in a refinement, whereas a full methodology would, for example, allow concurrency to be introduced during the development life-cycle. In this paper, we tackle these concerns and discuss refinements of specifications written using Object-Z and CSP where we change the structure of the specification when performing the refinement. In particular, we develop a set of structural simulation rules which allow single components to be refined to more complex specifications involving CSP operators. The soundness of these rules is verified against the common semantic model and they are illustrated via a number of examples.


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Estudos realizados no campo das masculinidades mostraram que a adesão e identificação de determinados grupos a um conjunto de regras e comportamentos que definem o ser homem implicava em adoecimento e submissão a um regime que supostamente lhes oferece vantagens e poder. Compreender como diferentes grupos constituem-se em relação à divisão social sexual torna-se relevante principalmente se considerarmos sujeitos que fogem ao padrão que define modos de ser homem e ser mulher. Esta tese objetivou investigar as representações sociais de masculinidades e de amor de sujeitos com identidades de gênero e orientações sexuais diversas, especificamente: identificar e analisar representações sociais de masculinidade e amor de travestis, homens gays e homens heterossexuais; apreender experiências de preconceito e discriminação vividas em função da identidade de gênero e orientações sexuais. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas: entrevistas semiestruturadas com 21 travestis; aplicação de questionários com questões abertas e fechadas em 52 homens gays, 40 homens heterossexuais e 39 travestis. Os dados coletados na primeira etapa foram submetidos aos procedimentos da análise de conteúdo categorial temática. O tratamento dos dados coletados na segunda etapa foi realizado através do software ALCESTE. Os homens heterossexuais representam a masculinidade a partir de uma perspectiva evolutiva, ancorada no discurso biológico e científico que descarta as influências da cultura na constituição dos sexos e identidades de gênero. Nos homens gays encontramos aproximações das representações dos sujeitos ao modelo da masculinidade hegemônica fortemente identificada à imagem do homem heterossexual, bem como elementos que ora apresentam aproximações, ora distanciamentos desse padrão. As travestis também utilizam elementos da ideia de masculinidade hegemônica para construção desta representação, objetivando-a na construção do modelo do homem forte e viril, sobre o qual não se identificam mas direcionam seu desejo. Os três grupos representam o amor como elemento estranho à masculinidade, posto que este é objeto que pertence à feminilidade. O amor distancia-se da construção da representação social de masculinidade de homens heterossexuais, é elemento estranho e conflituoso às representações dos homens gays e valor que corresponde a uma ética para o grupo de travestis. Nesse contexto, as experiências de preconceito e discriminação pouco modificam a elaboração das representações de heterossexuais; influenciam fortemente a construção da imagem de homem e mulher por onde homens gays e travestis alimentam suas identificações. Concluímos apostando na defesa da emergência de práticas e identidades sexo-diversas como artifícios potentes à desestabilização do padrão da dominação masculina para determinação de sexos e identidades.


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A model to simulate the conductivity of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites is presented. The proposed model is based on hopping between the fillers. A parameter related to the influence of the matrix in the overall composite conductivity is defined. It is demonstrated that increasing the aspect ratio of the fillers will increase the conductivity. Finally, it is demonstrated that the alignment of the filler rods parallel to the measurement direction results in higher conductivity values, in agreement with results from recent experimental work.


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Battery separators based on electrospun membranes of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) have been prepared in order to study the effect of fiber alignment on the performance and characteristics of the membrane. The prepared membranes show an average fiber diameter of ~272 nm and a degree of porosity of ~87 %. The gel polymer electrolytes are prepared by soaking the membranes in the electrolyte solution. The alignment of the fibers improves the mechanical properties for the electrospun membranes. Further, the microstructure of the membrane also plays an important role in the ionic conductivity, being higher for the random electrospun membrane due to the lower tortuosity value. Independently of the microstructure, both membranes show good electrochemical stability up to 5.0 V versus Li/Li+. These results show that electrospun membranes based on PVDF are appropriate for battery separators in lithium-ion battery applications, the random membranes showing a better overall performance.


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The importance of Social Responsibility (SR) is higher if this business variable is related with other ones of strategic nature in business activity (competitive success that the company achieved, performance that the firms develop and innovations that they carries out). The hypothesis is that organizations that focus on SR are those who get higher outputs and innovate more, achieving greater competitive success. A scale for measuring the orientation to SR has defined in order to determine the degree of relationship between above elements. This instrument is original because previous scales do not exist in the literature which could measure, on the one hand, the three classics sub-constructs theoretically accepted that SR is made up and, on the other hand, the relationship between SR and the other variables. As a result of causal relationships analysis we conclude with a scale of 21 indicators, validated scale with a sample of firms belonging to the Autonomous Community of Extremadura and it is the first empirical validation of these dimensions we know so far, in this context.


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The aim of the study is to adapt and then discuss the appropriateness of the Life Orientation Test as a one or two dimension scale. The research includes two studies; one is composed of a sequential sample of 280 people with multiple sclerosis, 71% female, and another includes a convenience sample of 615 individuals from the community, 51.1% female. Because the construct is built upon a theoretical assumption that has one dimension, we examine the hypothesis of one or two factor solutions through confirmatory factor analysis, and the two-dimension solution premise demonstrates better adjustment for both samples. The other psychometric properties explored show appropriate results for the Portuguese sample, and similar to the original ones; the Test therefore seems appropriate for use in cross cultural studies. Based on our results, we discuss whether the questionnaire is a one or two dimension instrument, concluding that it appears appropriate to accept the recommendations of the original authors to use it as a one-dimensional tool and, when necessary, to use both dimensions. - RESUMO: El objetivo del estudio es adaptar y discutir la adecuación de la prueba de Orientación de la Vida en una o dos escalas de dimensión. La investigación engloba dos estudios, uno constituido por una muestra secuencial de 280 personas con esclerosis múltiple, 71% mujeres y otro con una muestra de conveniencia de la comunidad de 615 individuos, 51,1% del sexo femenino. Como el constructo se asienta sobre la presunción teórica de que tiene una dimensión, inspeccionamos la hipótesis de una o dos soluciones de factor a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio y la hipótesis de dos dimensiones manifiesta un mejor ajuste para ambas muestras. Las otras propiedades psicométricas exploradas muestran los resultados apropiados para la muestra portuguesa, y semejantes a los originales. Parece apropiado para los estudios culturales transversales. Basándonos en nuestros resultados, discutimos si el cuestionario es un instrumento de una o dos dimensiones, concluyéndose que parece conveniente seguir las recomendaciones de los autores originales, para utilizarlo como un instrumento unidimensional y, si fuera necesario necesario, utilizar cada una de las dimensiones.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)