996 resultados para Oak Ridges Moraine


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Objective: To study bony and soft tissue changes at implants installed in alveolar bony ridges of different widths.Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted, and a buccal defect was created in the left side at the third and fourth premolars by removing the buccal bone and the inter-radicular and interdental septa. Three months after tooth extraction, full-thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated, and implants were installed, two at the reduced (test) and two at the regular-sized ridges (control). Narrow or wide abutments were affixed to the implants. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation.Results: A higher vertical buccal bony crest resorption was found at the test (1.5 +/- 0.7 mm and 1.0 +/- 0.7 mm) compared to the control implants (1.0 +/- 0.5 mm and 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm), for both wide and narrow abutment sites. A higher horizontal alveolar resorption was identified at the control compared to the test implants. The difference was significant for narrow abutment sites. The peri-implant mucosa was more coronally positioned at the narrow abutment, in the test sites, while for the control sites, the mucosal adaptation was more coronal at the wide abutment sites. These differences, however, did not reach statistical significance.Conclusions: Implants installed in regular-sized alveolar ridges had a higher horizontal, but a lower vertical buccal bony crest resorption compared to implants installed in reduced alveolar ridges. Narrow abutments in reduced ridges as well as wide abutments in regular-sized ridges yielded less soft tissue recession compared to their counterparts.


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The process of bone resorption can reduce the volume of the alveolar crest, which makes may make difficult impression taking of the alveolar tissue and the subsequent fit of a new denture. This clinical report describes a fast and simple technique for impressions of edentulous ridges to replace complete dentures, using a temporary tissue conditioner material on the denture base. The existing denture must cover the whole supporting area and should be in harmony with the adjacent oral structures. This technique reduces the number of steps involved and minimizes treatment time and expenses.


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Raccoons are the reservoir for the raccoon rabies virus variant in the United States. To combat this threat, oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programs are conducted in many eastern states. To aid in these efforts, the genetic structure of raccoons (Procyon lotor) was assessed in southwestern Pennsylvania to determine if select geographic features (i.e., ridges and valleys) serve as corridors or hindrances to raccoon gene flow (e.g., movement) and, therefore, rabies virus trafficking in this physiographic region. Raccoon DNA samples (n = 185) were collected from one ridge site and two adjacent valleys in southwestern Pennsylvania (Westmoreland, Cambria, Fayette, and Somerset counties). Raccoon genetic structure within and among these study sites was characterized at nine microsatellite loci. Results indicated that there was little population subdivision among any sites sampled. Furthermore, analyses using a model-based clustering approach indicated one essentially panmictic population was present among all the raccoons sampled over a reasonably broad geographic area (e.g., sites up to 36 km apart). However, a signature of isolation by distance was detected, suggesting that widths of ORV zones are critical for success. Combined, these data indicate that geographic features within this landscape influence raccoon gene flow only to a limited extent, suggesting that ridges of this physiographic system will not provide substantial long-term natural barriers to rabies virus trafficking. These results may be of value for future ORV efforts in Pennsylvania and other eastern states with similar landscapes.


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This finite element analysis (FEA) compared stress distribution on different bony ridges rehabilitated with different lengths of morse taper implants, varying dimensions of metal-ceramic crowns to maintain the occlusal alignment. Three-dimensional FE models were designed representing a posterior left side segment of the mandible: group control, 3 implants of 11 mm length; group 1, implants of 13 mm, 11 mm and 5 mm length; group 2, 1 implant of 11 mm and 2 implants of 5 mm length; and group 3, 3 implants of 5 mm length. The abutments heights were 3.5 mm for 13- and 11-mm implants (regular), and 0.8 mm for 5-mm implants (short). Evaluation was performed on Ansys software, oblique loads of 365N for molars and 200N for premolars. There was 50% higher stress on cortical bone for the short implants than regular implants. There was 80% higher stress on trabecular bone for the short implants than regular implants. There was higher stress concentration on the bone region of the short implants neck. However, these implants were capable of dissipating the stress to the bones, given the applied loads, but achieving near the threshold between elastic and plastic deformation to the trabecular bone. Distal implants and/or with biggest occlusal table generated greatest stress regions on the surrounding bone. It was concluded that patients requiring short implants associated with increased proportions implant prostheses need careful evaluation and occlusal adjustment, as a possible overload in these short implants, and even in regular ones, can generate stress beyond the physiological threshold of the surrounding bone, compromising the whole system.


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Investigations were performed during the years 1999 to 2001 on a limed and unlimed plot within a high-elevated sessile oak forest. The oak forest (with 90 years old European beech at the understorey) was 170 to 197 years old. It is located at forest district Merzalben, location 04/0705, which is situated in the Palatinate Forest in south-west Germany. Liming was performed in December 1988 when 6 tons/ha of powdered Dolomite were brought up by the forestry department. Liming was performed to counteract the effects of soil acidification (pH(H2O) at Horizon A (0-10 cm): 3.9), which is induced by long-term (anthropogenic) acidic cloud cover and precipitation. Potentially toxic Al3+ ions, which become solubilized below pH 5, were suspected to be responsible for forest dieback and sudden death of the mature oaks. The most logical entry point for these toxic ions was suspected to occur in the highly absorptive region of the ectomycorrhizae (fungal covered root tips). However, the diversity and abundance of oak-ectomycorrhizal species and their actual roles in aluminum translocation (or blockage) were unknown. It was hypothesized that the ectomycorrhizae of sessile oaks in a limed forest would exhibit greater seasonal diversity and abundance with less evidence of incorporated aluminum than similar oak ectomycorrhizae from unlimed soils. To test this hypothesis, 12 oaks in the limed plot and 12 in an adjacent unlimed plot were selected. Each spring and fall for 2 years (1999 & 2000), 2 sets of soil cylinders (9.9 cm dia.) were extracted from Horizon A (0-10 cm), Horizon B (30-40 cm) and Horizon C (50-60 cm depth) at a distance of 1 meter from each tree base. Roots were extracted from each probe by gentle sieving and rinsing. Soil samples were retained for pH (H2O, CaCl2, and KCl) and moisture analysis. One set of roots was sorted by size and air-dried for biomass analysis. The finest mycorrhizal roots of this set were used for bound and unbound (cytosolic) mineral [Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, S, Zn, Fe, Cd and Pb] analysis (by Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Rheinland Palatinate (LUFA)). Within 7 days of collection, the mycorrhizal tips from the second set of probes were excised, sorted, identified (using Agerer’s Color Atlas), counted and weighed. Seasonal diversity and abundance was characterized for 50 of the 93 isolates. The location and relative abundance of Al within the fungal and root cell walls was characterized for 68 species using 0.01% Morin dye and fluorescence microscopy. Morin complexes with Al to produce an intense yellow fluorescence. The 4 most common species (Cenococcum geophilum, Quercirhiza fibulocsytidiata, Lactarius subdulcis, Piceirhiza chordata) were prepared for bound Al, Ca, Fe and K mineral analysis by LUFA. The unlimed and limed plots were then compared. Only 46 of the 93 isolated ectomycorrhizal species had been previously associated with oaks in the literature. Mycorrhizal biomass was most abundant in Horizon A, declining with depth, drought and progressive soil acidification. Mycorrhizae were most diverse (32 species) in the limed plot, but individual species abundance was low (R Selection) in comparison to the unlimed plot, where there were fewer species (24) but each species present was abundant (K Selection). Liming increased diversity and altered dominance hierarchy, seasonal distributions and succession trends of ectomycorrhizae at all depths. Despite an expected reduction in Al content, the limed ectomycorrhizae both qualitatively (fluorescence analysis) and quantitatively (mineral analysis) contained more bound Al, especially so in Horizon A. The Al content qualitatively and quantitatively increased with depth in the unlimed and limed plots. The bound Al content fluctuated between 4000-and 20000 ppm while the unbound component was consistently lower (4 -14 ppm). The relative amount of unbound Al declined upon liming implying less availability for translocation to the crown area of the trees. This correspouds with the findings of good crown appearance and lower tree mortality in the limed zone. Each ectomycorrhizal species was unique in its ability to block, sequester (hold) or translocate Aluminum. In several species, Al uptake varied with changes in moisture, pH, depth and liming. According to the fluorescence study, about 48% of the isolated ectomycorrhizal species blocked and/or sequestered (held) Al in their mantle and/or Hartig net walls, qualitatively lowering bound Al in the adjacent root cell walls. Generally, if Al was more concentrated in the fungal walls, it was less evident in the cortex and xylem and conversely, if Al was low or absent from the fungal walls it was frequently more evident in the cortex and xylem.


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The global mid-ocean ridge system creates oceanic crust and lithosphere that covers more than two-thirds of the Earth. Basalts are volumetrically the most important rock type sampled at mid-ocean ridges. For this reason, our present understanding of upper mantle dynamics and the chemical evolution of the earth is strongly influenced by the study of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). However, MORB are aggregates of polybarically generated small melt increments that can undergo a variety of physical and chemical processes during their ascent and consequently affect their derivative geochemical composition. Therefore, MORB do not represent “direct” windows to the underlying upper mantle. Abyssal peridotites, upper mantle rocks recovered from the ocean floor, are the residual complement to MORB melting and provide essential information on melt extraction from the upper mantle. In this study, abyssal peridotites are examined to address these overarching questions posed by previous studies of MORB: How are basaltic melts formed in the mantle, how are they extracted from the mantle and what physical and chemical processes control mantle melting? The number of studies on abyssal peridotites is small compared to those on basalts, in part because seafloor exposures of abyssal peridotites are relatively rare. For this reason, abyssal peridotite characteristics need to be considered in the context of subaerially exposed peridotites associated with ophiolites, orogenic peridotite bodies and basalt-hosted xenoliths. However, orogenic peridotite bodies are mainly associated with passive continental margins, most ophiolites are formed in supra-subduction zone settings, and peridotite xenoliths are often contaminated by their host magma. Therefore, studies of abyssal peridotites are essential to understanding the primary characteristics of the oceanic upper mantle free from the influence of continental rifting, subduction and tectonic emplacement processes. Nevertheless, numerous processes such as melt stagnation and cooling-induced, inter-mineral exchange can affect residual abyssal peridotite compositions after the cessation of melting. The aim of this study is to address these post-melting modifications of abyssal peridotites from a petrological-geochemical perspective. The samples in this study were dredged along the axis of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean within the “Sparsely Magmatic Zone”, a 100 km ridge section where only mantle rocks are exposed. During two expeditions (ARK XVII-2 in 2001 and ARK XX-2 in 2004), exceptionally fresh peridotites were recovered. The boulders and cobbles collected cover a range of mantle rock compositions, with most characterized as plagioclase-free spinel peridotites or plagioclase- spinel peridotites. This thesis investigates melt stagnation and cooling processes in the upper mantle and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on processes in the stability field of spinel peridotites (>10 kb) such as melt refertilization and cooling related trace element exchange, while the second part investigates processes in the stability field of plagioclase peridotites (< 10 kb) such as reactive melt migration and melt stagnation. The dissertation chapters are organized to follow the theoretical ascent of a mantle parcel upwelling beneath the location where the samples were collected.


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L’elaborato che segue vuole essere una guida che permetta al lettore di muoversi attraverso il campo intricato e appassionante della traduzione dei nomi parlanti nella letteratura per bambini e per ragazzi, utilizzando come spunto di riflessione la serie di Fairy Oak di Elisabetta Gnone. Il lettore viene guidato in un percorso che parte dalle origini dei nomi parlanti, le quali affondano nella vita quotidiana e nella letteratura del passato, e passa per una breve analisi di questa branca della teoria onomastica e di alcune teorie di traduzione, fino ad arrivare ad un esempio pratico. Lo spunto pratico per una riflessione in ambito traduttivo è tratto dai testi della saga di Fairy Oak, una serie di romanzi per ragazzi composta da una trilogia e da una quadrilogia (Il Segreto delle Gemelle, L'Incanto del Buio, Il Potere della Luce e Capitan Grisam e l'Amore, Gli Incantevoli Giorni di Shirley, Flox Sorride in Autunno). L’elaborato si concentrerà sulla trilogia e in particolare verrà messo in evidenza il ruolo dei nomi dei personaggi e dei luoghi. L’autrice italiana, Elisabetta Gnone, si è dedicata con grande cura alla creazione di antroponimi e toponimi, che descrivono e formano parte dei peronaggi e dei luoghi. Proprio questi nomi parlanti hanno presentato una sfida per i traduttori e rappresentano un esempio chiaro di come possano coesistere diversi approcci traduttivi o come, invece, a volte la strategia da adottare sia quasi obbligata dal contesto e dal destinatario della traduzione d’arrivo. Dagli esempi e dalle ricerche traduttologiche emerge che, nonostante sia impossibile definire una strategia univoca, è sempre possibile giungere a una soluzione, tramite un’attenta negoziazione.


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The application of implant-borne rehabilitations in residual alveolar ridges may be restricted by various anatomic conditions, as available bone height and characteristics. Here we report the clinical outcome of implants placed in severely resorbed posterior ridges, in addition to various implant-supported treatment modalities. Extra Oral implants (Straumann, Basel, Switzerland) with the intraosseous length of 2.5–5mm were installed in the posterior alveolar ridges. Following the healing period of 4–6 months, implants were exposed and included in the distal extensions of fixed and removable prosthesis. At recall appointments were collected surgical, clinical and radiological variables, including the evidence of adverse effects. An 8-years life table analysis was calculated. The treatment protocol was applied in thirty-five patients, presenting 31 removable and 4 fixed complete implant-supported dentures. A total of 61 Extra Oral implants were placed posterior to the distal implants, at the mean distance of 29.8mm (range 15.6–62.7mm). Three implants failed during the osteointegration phase, yielding an 8-year cumulative success rate of 92.24%. Following the osteointegration period, no major bone loss or other adverse events were found. The clinical results indicated that the Extra Oral implants may be successfully used in addition to the other, longer implants. Thus, a relatively long extension in the posterior region may be employed. With careful preoperative planning, this technique offers a simple and beneficial complementary treatment option for removable and fixed complete dentures.