1000 resultados para Oak Ridge Cemetery (Springfield, Ill.)


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"TID-26500/R1. Distribution category: UC-2."


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Metabolism is a defining feature of life, and its study is important to understand how a cell works, alterations that lead to disease and for applications in drug discovery. From a systems perspective, metabolism can be represented as a network that captures all the metabolites as nodes and the inter-conversions among pairs of them as edges. Such an abstraction enables the networks to be studied by applying graph theory, particularly, to infer the flow of chemical information in the networks by identifying relevant metabolic pathways. In this study, different weighting schemes are used to illustrate that appropriately weighted networks can capture the quantitative cellular dynamics quite accurately. Thus, the networks now combine the elegance and simplicity of representation of the system and ease of analysing metabolic graphs. Metabolic routes or paths determined by this therefore are likely to be more biologically meaningful. The usefulness of the approach is demonstrated with two examples, first for understanding bacterial stress response and second for studying metabolic alterations that occurs in cancer cells.


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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) plays an important role, in presenting foreign pathogens to our immune system, there by eliciting early immune responses. HLA genes are highly polymorphic, giving rise to diverse antigen presentation capability. An important factor contributing to enormous variations in individual responses to diseases is differences in their HLA profiles. The heterogeneity in allele specific disease responses decides the overall disease epidemiological outcome. Here we propose an agent based computational framework, capable of incorporating allele specific information, to analyze disease epidemiology. This framework assumes a SIR model to estimate average disease transmission and recovery rate. Using epitope prediction tool, it performs sequence based epitope detection for a given the pathogenic genome and derives an allele specific disease susceptibility index depending on the epitope detection efficiency. The allele specific disease transmission rate, that follows, is then fed to the agent based epidemiology model, to analyze the disease outcome. The methodology presented here has a potential use in understanding how a disease spreads and effective measures to control the disease.


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The lowest T = 2 states have been identified and studied in the nuclei 12C, 12B, 20F and and 28Al. The first two of these were produced in the reactions 14C(p,t)12C and 14C (p,3He)12B, at 50.5 and 63.4 MeV incident proton energy respectively, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The T = 2 states in 20F and 28Al were observed in (3He,p) reactions at 12-MeV incident energy, with the Caltech Tandem accelerator.

The results for the four nuclei studied are summarized below:

(1) 12C: the lowest T = 2 state was located at an excitation energy of 27595 ± 20 keV, and has a width less than 35 keV.

(2) 12B: the lowest T = 2 state was found at an excitation energy of 12710 ± 20 keV. The width was determined to be less than 54 keV and the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second 12B state (or doublet) was observed at an excitation energy of 14860 ± 30 keV with a width (if the group corresponds to a single state) of 226 ± 30 keV.

(3) 20F: the lowest T = 2 state was observed at an excitation of 6513 ± 5 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state, tentatively identified as T = 2 from the level spacing, was located at 8210 ± 6 keV.

(4) 28Al: the lowest T = 2 state was identified at an excitation of 5997 ± 6 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state at an excitation energy of 7491 ± 11 keV is tentatively identified as T = 2, with a corresponding (tentative) spin and parity assignment Jπ = 2+.

The results of the present work and the other known masses of T = 2 states and nuclei for 8 ≤ A ≤ 28 are summarized, and massequation coefficients have been extracted for these multiplets. These coefficients were compared with those from T = 1 multiplets, and then used to predict the mass and stability of each of the unobserved members of the T = 2 multiplets.


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In the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the deposition of a high-energy proton beam into the liquid mercury target forms bubbles whose asymmetric collapse cause Cavitation Damage Erosion (CDE) to the container walls, thereby reducing its usable lifetime. One proposed solution for mitigation of this damage is to inject a population of microbubbles into the mercury, yielding a compliant and attenuative medium that will reduce the resulting cavitation damage. This potential solution presents the task of creating a diagnostic tool to monitor bubble population in the mercury flow in order to correlate void fraction and damage. Details of an acoustic waveguide for the eventual measurement of two-phase mercury-helium flow void fraction are discussed. The assembly’s waveguide is a vertically oriented stainless steel cylinder with 5.08cm ID, 1.27cm wall thickness and 40cm length. For water experiments, a 2.54cm thick stainless steel plate at the bottom supports the fluid, provides an acoustically rigid boundary condition, and is the mounting point for a hydrophone. A port near the bottom is the inlet for the fluid of interest. A spillover reservoir welded to the upper portion of the main tube allows for a flow-through design, yielding a pressure release top boundary condition for the waveguide. A cover on the reservoir supports an electrodynamic shaker that is driven by linear frequency sweeps to excite the tube. The hydrophone captures the frequency response of the waveguide. The sound speed of the flowing medium is calculated, assuming a linear dependence of axial mode number on modal frequency (plane wave). Assuming that the medium has an effective-mixture sound speed, and that it contains bubbles which are much smaller than the resonance radii at the highest frequency of interest (Wood’s limit), the void fraction of the flow is calculated. Results for water and bubbly water of varying void fraction are presented, and serve to demonstrate the accuracy and precision of the apparatus.


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Zero-valent iron (Fe0)-based permeable reactive barriertreatment has been generating great interest for passivegroundwater remediation, yet few studies have paid particularattention to the microbial activity and characteristics withinand in the vicinity of the Fe0-barrier matrix. The presentstudy was undertaken to evaluate the microbial population andcommunity composition in the reducing zone of influence byFe0 corrosion in the barrier at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plantsite. Both phospholipid fatty acids and DNA analyses were usedto determine the total microbial population and microbialfunctional groups, including sulfate-reducing bacteria,denitrifying bacteria, and methanogens, in groundwater andsoil/iron core samples. A diverse microbial community wasidentified in the strongly reducing Fe0 environment despitea relatively high pH condition within the Fe0 barrier (up topH 10). In comparison with those found in the backgroundsoil/groundwater samples, the enhanced microbial populationranged from 1 to 3 orders of magnitude and appeared to increase from upgradient of the barrier to downgradient soil. Inaddition, microbial community composition appeared to change overtime, and the bacterial types of microorganismsincreased consistently as the barrier aged. DNA analysisindicated the presence of sulfate-reducing and denitrifyingbacteria in the barrier and its surrounding soil. However, theactivity of methanogens was found to be relatively low,presumably as a result of the competition by sulfate/metal-reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria because of the unlimited availability of sulfate and nitrate in the site groundwater. Results of this study provide evidenceof a diverse microbial population within and in the vicinity ofthe iron barrier, although the important roles of microbial activity, either beneficially or detrimentally, on the longevityand enduring efficiency of the Fe0 barriers are yet to be evaluated.


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Site characterization is an essential initial step in determining the feasibility of remedial alternatives at hazardous waste sites. Physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of U-contaminated soils in deeply weathered saprolite at Area 2 of the DOE Field Research Center (FRC) site, Oak Ridge, TN, was accomplished to examine the feasibility of bioremediation. Concentrations of U in soil–saprolite (up to 291 mg kg–1 in oxalate-extractable Uo) were closely related to low pH (ca. 4–5), high effective cation exchange capacity without Ca (64.7–83.2 cmolc kg–1), amorphous Mn content (up to 9910 mg kg–1), and the decreased presence of relative clay mineral contents in the bulk samples (i.e., illite 2.5–12 wt. %, average 32 wt. %). The pH of the fill material ranged from 7.0 to 10.5, whereas the pH of the saprolite ranged from 4.5 to 8. Uranium concentration was highest (about 300 mg kg–1) at around 6 m below land surface near the saprolite–fill interface. The pH of ground water at Area 2 tended to be between 6 and 7 with U concentrations of about 0.9 to 1.7 mg L–1. These site specific characteristics of Area 2, which has lower U and nitrate contamination levels and more neutral ground water pH compared with FRC Areas 1 and 3 (ca. 5.5 and


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Synthetic resins are shown to be effective in removing uranium from contaminated groundwater. Batch and field column tests showed that strong-base anion-exchange resins were more effective in removing uranium from both near-neutral-pH (6.5)- and high-pH (8)-low-nitrate-containing groundwaters, than metal-chelating resins, which removed more uranium from acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater from the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) Y-12 S-3 Ponds area in Tennessee, USA. Dowex 1-X8 and Purolite A-520E anion-exchange resins removed more uranium from high-pH (8)-low-nitrate-containing synthetic groundwater in batch tests than metal-chelating resins. The Dowex™ 21K anion-exchange resin achieved a cumulative loading capacity of 49.8 mg g-1 before breakthrough in a field column test using near-neutral-pH (6.5)-low-nitrate-containing groundwater. However, in an acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater, metal-chelating resins Diphonix and Chelex-100 removed more uranium than anion-exchange resins. In 15 mL of acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater spiked with 20 mg L-1 uranium, the uranium concentrations ranged from 0.95 mg L-1 at 1-h equilibrium to 0.08 mg L-1 at 24-h equilibrium for Diphonix and 0.17 mg L-1 at 1-h equilibrium to 0.03 mg L-1 at 24-h equilibrium for Chelex-100. Chelex-100 removed more uranium in the first 10 min in the 100 mL of acidic-(pH 5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater (~5 mg L-1 uranium); however, after 10 min, Diphonix equaled or out-performed Chelex-100. This study presents an improved understanding of the selectivity and sorption kenetics of a range of ion-exchange resins that remove uranium from both low- and high-nitrate-containing groundwaters with varying pHs..


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The success of sequestration-based remediation strategies will depend on detailed information, including the predominant U species present as sources before biostimulation and the products produced during and after in situ biostimulation. We used X-ray absorption spectroscopy to determine the valence state and chemical speciation of U in sediment samples collected at a variety of depths through the contaminant plume at the Field Research Center at Oak Ridge, TN, before and after approximately 400 days of in situ biostimulation, as well as in duplicate bioreduced sediments after 363 days of resting conditions. The results indicate that U(VI) in subsurface sediments was partially reduced to 10–40% U(IV) during biostimulation. After biostimulation, U was no longer bound to carbon ligands and was adsorbed to Fe/Mn minerals. Reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) continued in sediment samples stored under anaerobic condition at <4 °C for 12 months, with the fraction of U(IV) in sediments more than doubling and U concentrations in the aqueous phase decreasing from 0.5-0.74 to <0.1 µM. A shift of uranyl species from uranyl bound to phosphorus ligands to uranyl bound to carbon ligands and the formation of nanoparticulate uraninite occurred in the sediment samples during storage.


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Iron and Mn redistribute in soil and saprolite during weathering. The geological weathering fronts ofcalcareous sedimentary rock were investigated by examining the bulk density, porosity, and distribution ofCa, Fe, and Mn. Core samples were taken ofsoil, saprolite, and bedrock material from both summit (HHMS-4B) and sideslope (HHMS-5A) positions on an interbedded Nolichucky shale and Maryville limestone landform in Solid Waste Storage Area 6 (SWSA-6). This is a low-level radioactive solids waste disposal site on the Dept. ofEnergy (DOE) Oak Ridge Reservation in Roane County Tennessee. This work was initiated because data about the properties of highly weathered sedimentary rock on this site were limited. The core samples were analyzed for pH, calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE), hydroxylamine-extractable (HA) Mn, and dithionite-citrate (CBD)-extractable Fe and Mn. Low pH values occurred from the soil surface down to the depth of the oxidized and leached saprolite in both cores. The CCE and HA-extractable Mn results were also influenced by the weathering that has occurred in these zones. Extractable Mn oxide was higher at a lower depth in the oxidized and leached saprolite compared with the Fe oxide, which was higher in the overlying soil solum. Amounts of Mn oxides were higher in the sideslope core (HHMS-5A) than in the summit core (HHMS-4B). Iron was more abundant in the deeper weathered summit core, but the highest value, 39.4 g kg-1, was found at 1.8 to 2.4 m in the sideslope core. The zone encompassing the oxidized and partially leached saprolite down to the unoxidized and unleached bedrock had higher densities and larger quantities of CaCO3 than the soil solum and oxidized and leached saprolite. The overlying soil and oxidized and leached saprolite had lower pH and CCE values and were higher in Fe and Mn oxides than the oxidized and unleached saprolite. The distribution of Fe and Mn is important when evaluating soil and saprolite for hazardous waste disposal site assessment.


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There is a limited amount of information about the effects of mineral precipitates and corrosion on the lifespan and long-term performance of in situ Fe° reactive barriers. The objectives of this paper are (1) to investigate mineral precipitates through an in situ permeable Fe° reactive barrier and (2) to examine the cementation and corrosion of Fe° filings in order to estimate the lifespan of this barrier. This field scale barrier (225' long x 2' wide x 31' deep) has been installed in order to remove uranium from contaminated groundwater at the Y-12 plant site, Oak Ridge, TN. According to XRD and SEM-EDX analysis of core samples recovered from the Fe° portion of the barrier, iron oxyhydroxides were found throughout, while aragonite, siderite, and FeS occurred predominantly in the shallow portion. Additionally, aragonite and FeS were present in up-gradient deeper zone where groundwater first enters the Fe° section of the barrier. After 15 months in the barrier, most of the Fe° filings in the core samples were loose, and a little corrosion of Fe° filings was observed in most of the barrier. However, larger amounts of corrosion (~10-150 µm thick corrosion rinds) occurred on cemented iron particles where groundwater first enters the barrier. Bicarbonate/ carbonate concentrations were high in this section of the barrier. Byproducts of this corrosion, iron oxyhydroxides, were the primary binding material in the cementation. Also, aragonite acted as a binding material to a lesser extent, while amorphous FeS occurred as coatings and infilings. Thin corrosion rinds (2-50 µm thick) were also found on the uncemented individual Fe° filings in the same area of the cementation. If corrosion continues, the estimated lifespan of Fe° filings in the more corroded sections is 5 to 10 years, while the Fe° filings in the rest of the barrier perhaps would last longer than 15 years. The mineral precipitates on the Fe° filing surfaces may hinder this corrosion but they may also decrease reactive surfaces. This research shows that precipitation will vary across a single reactive barrier and that greater corrosion and subsequent cementation of the filings may occur where groundwater first enters the Fe° section of the barrier.


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The objectives of this study were to examine (1) the distribution of U and Th in dolomitic gravel fill and shale saprolite, and (2) the removal of uranium from acidic groundwater by dolomitic gravel through precipitation with amorphous basaluminite at the U.S. DOE Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge (ORIFRC) field site west of the Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex in East Tennessee. Media reactivity and sustainability are a technical concern with the deployment of any subsurface reactive media. Because the gravel was placed in the subsurface and exposed to contaminated groundwater for over 20 years, it provided a unique opportunity to study the solid and water phase geochemical conditions within the media after this length of exposure. This study illustrates that dolomite gravel can remove U from acidic contaminated groundwater with high levels of Al3+, Ca2+, NO3−, and SO42− over the long term. As the groundwater flows through high pH carbonate gravel, U containing amorphous basaluminite precipitates as the pH increases. This is due to an increase in groundwater pH from 3.2 to ∼6.5 as it comes in contact with the gravel. Therefore, carbonate gravel could be considered as a possible treatment medium for removal and sequestration of U and other pH sensitive metals from acidic contaminated groundwater. Thorium concentrations are also high in the carbonate gravel. Thorium generally shows an inverse relationship with U from the surface down into the deeper saprolite. Barite precipitated in the shallow saprolite directly below the dolomitic gravel from barium present in the acidic contaminated groundwater.


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Inelastic electron scattering from light atomic species is of fundamental importance and has significant applications in fusion-plasma modeling. Therefore, it is of interest to apply advanced nonperturbative, close-coupling methods to the determination of electron-impact excitation for these atoms. Here we present the results of R matrix with pseudostate (RMPS) calculations of electron-impact excitation cross sections through the n=4 terms in Be, Be+, Be2+, and Be3+. In order to determine the effects of coupling of the bound states to the target continuum in these species, we compare the RMPS results with those from standard R-matrix calculations. In addition, we have performed time-dependent close-coupling calculations for excitation from the ground and the metastable terms of Be+ and the metastable term of Be3+. In general, these results are found to agree with those from our RMPS calculations. The full set of data resulting from this work is now available on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center web site, and will be employed for collisional-radiative modeling of Be in magnetically confined plasmas.