646 resultados para OWSC, CFD, OpenFOAM, WEC


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Comparativa de dos técnica de simulación de rotor: BEM (Blade Element Momentum) y MRF (Moving Reference Frame) para el perfil S809 de NREL


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Use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods to predict the power production from wind entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain is presented in this paper. Two full 3D Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible flow are employed that incorporate the k–ε and k–ω turbulence models respectively. The wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient using the actuator disk approach. The WT thrust is estimated using the wind speed one diameter upstream of the rotor at hub height. An alternative method that employs an induction-factor based concept is also tested. This method features the advantage of not utilizing the wind speed at a specific distance from the rotor disk, which is a doubtful approximation when a W/T is located in the wake of another and/or the terrain is complex. To account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, a correction is introduced to the turbulence model. The turbulence time scale is bounded using the general “realizability” constraint for the turbulent velocities. Application is made on two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and another 43-machine one located in complex terrain. In the flat terrain case, the combination of the induction factor method along with the turbulence correction provides satisfactory results. In the complex terrain case, there are some significant discrepancies with the measurements, which are discussed. In this case, the induction factor method does not provide satisfactory results.


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Modelling of entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain using a full 3D Navier–Stokes solver for incompressible flow is presented in this paper. Numerical integration of the governing equations is performed using an implicit pressure correction scheme, where the wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers through their thrust coefficient. The k–ω turbulence model, suitably modified for atmospheric flows, is employed for closure. A correction is introduced to account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, in which the turbulence time scale is bounded using a general “realizability” constraint for the fluctuating velocities. The second modelling issue that is discussed in this paper is related to the determination of the reference wind speed for the thrust calculation of the machines. Dealing with large wind farms and wind farms in complex terrain, determining the reference wind speed is not obvious when a W/T operates in the wake of another WT and/or in complex terrain. Two alternatives are compared: using the wind speed value at hub height one diameter upstream of the W/T and adopting an induction factor-based concept to overcome the utilization of a wind speed at a certain distance upwind of the rotor. Application is made in two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and a 43-machine one located in complex terrain.


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Wind farms have been extensively simulated through engineering models for the estimation of wind speed and power deficits inside wind farms. These models were designed initially for a few wind turbines located in flat terrain. Other models based on the parabolic approximation of Navier Stokes equations were developed, making more realistic and feasible the operational resolution of big wind farms in flat terrain and offshore sites. These models have demonstrated to be accurate enough when solving wake effects for this type of environments. Nevertheless, few analyses exist on how complex terrain can affect the behaviour of wind farm wake flow. Recent numerical studies have demonstrated that topographical wakes induce a significant effect on wind turbines wakes, compared to that on flat terrain. This circumstance has recommended the development of elliptic CFD models which allow global simulation of wind turbine wakes in complex terrain. An accurate simplification for the analysis of wind turbine wakes is the actuator disk technique. Coupling this technique with CFD wind models enables the estimation of wind farm wakes preserving the extraction of axial momentum present inside wind farms. This paper describes the analysis and validation of the elliptical wake model CFDWake 1.0 against experimental data from an operating wind farm located in complex terrain. The analysis also reports whether it is possible or not to superimpose linearly the effect of terrain and wind turbine wakes. It also represents one of the first attempts to observe the performance of engineering models compares in large complex terrain wind farms.


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A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by a disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming non-uniform flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is tested under different parameterizations of turbulence models and validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit and turbulence intensity.


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A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator-disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by an actuator disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces as a function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit. Validation on turbulence intensity will also be made in the near future.


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The paper focuses on the analysis of radial-gated spillways, which is carried out by the solution of a numerical model based on the finite element method (FEM). The Oliana Dam is considered as a case study and the discharge capacity is predicted both by the application of a level-set-based free-surface solver and by the use of traditional empirical formulations. The results of the analysis are then used for training an artificial neural network to allow real-time predictions of the discharge in any situation of energy head and gate opening within the operation range of the reservoir. The comparison of the results obtained with the different methods shows that numerical models such as the FEM can be useful as a predictive tool for the analysis of the hydraulic performance of radial-gated spillways.


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El presente trabajo consiste en la simulación del flujo aerodinámico alrededor de cazoletas de anemómetros. Para ello se ha utilizado un código numérico o software comercial de análisis numérico de fluidos o CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Este trabajo es un aporte más en la línea de investigación acerca del comportamiento de los anemómetros de cazoletas, que viene llevándose a cabo en el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM). La primera parte de este proyecto consistió en la realización de simulaciones de tipo estacionarias (esto es, con la cazoleta bajo un cierto ángulo de incidencia con respecto al viento pero sin movimiento de rotación). De esta forma se analiza de forma independiente y asilada la cazoleta en cada una de las diferentes posiciones a lo largo de un giro de 360 grados. Así pues, a varios modelos de cazoleta se les fue variando su posición en incrementos de 10 grados desde de la posición angular inicial q = 0º hasta q = 180º, ya que las cazoletas presentan un comportamiento simétrico. La segunda parte de este proyecto se destinó a la realización de otra serie de simulaciones de tipo no estacionarias. Este tipo de simulaciones se realizaron concretamente a sólo un modelo de cazoleta (cónica no porosa). Estas últimas simulaciones, en concreto nueve, se realizaron variando la velocidad angular de la cazoleta respecto a la velocidad del viento.


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The efficiency of a Power Plant is affected by the distribution of the pulverized coal within the furnace. The coal, which is pulverized in the mills, is transported and distributed by the primary gas through the mill-ducts to the interior of the furnace. This is done with a double function: dry and enter the coal by different levels for optimizing the combustion in the sense that a complete combustion occurs with homogeneous heat fluxes to the walls. The mill-duct systems of a real Power Plant are very complex and they are not yet well understood. In particular, experimental data concerning the mass flows of coal to the different levels are very difficult to measure. CFD modeling can help to determine them. An Eulerian/Lagrangian approach is used due to the low solid–gas volume ratio.


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El desarrollo del presente trabajo sigue, tanto una línea cronológica de las tareas realizadas, como una lógica, en la que se parte de un conocimiento mínimo de los sistemas espaciales hasta llegar al diseño completo de un Módulo de Cálculo de Potencia Eléctrica de un satélite para su aplicación en una instalación de diseño concurrente o CDF.


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Tras el accidente nuclear de Fukushima se demostró que las piscinas de combustible gastado en las centrales nucleares ven comprometida su refrigeración a largo plazo en caso de una pérdida total de energía eléctrica (SBO), ya que si experimentan un SBO de larga duración no existen a priori sistemas para mantener la refrigeración de los elementos combustibles que no dependan de los diésel de emergencia o de la red externa. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la refrigeración de una piscina de combustible gastado con el programa CFD STAR-CCM+, tanto en condiciones normales como en caso de pérdida del sistema de refrigeración. Posteriormente se ha evaluado la misma mediante el empleo de sistemas pasivos que permiten refrigerar los elementos combustibles durante cierto tiempo tras la pérdida del sistema de refrigeración y de una manera pasiva. De esta manera se consigue cierto margen antes de la entrada en ebullición del agua de la piscina, mejorándose por tanto la refrigeración de la misma. ABSTRACT. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, it was proved that the cooling of the current spent fuel pools are not sure for long term in case of a Station Blackout (SBO) Accident. If a long lasting blackout SBO occurs there are no systems available to keep cooling the spent fuel assemblies that do not rely on diesel generators or the external grid. During this thesis, the author has studied the spent fuel pool cooling, in ordinary conditions and if the spent fuel pool loses its cooling system, using the CFD program STAR-CCM+. Afterwards, the spent fuel pool cooling has been studied through the use of passive systems. Those two systems are able to cool the spent fuel assemblies in a passive way during a certain period of time after losing the cooling system. As a consequence, the pool´s water would boil later and the spent fuel pools safety would be enhanced.


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Esta memoria pretende ilustrar el desarrollo del Proyecto de Fin de Carrera Uso del cálculo numérico CFD para el estudio de actuaciones de una motocicleta de competición de los alumnos Álvaro Ramos Cenzano y Mauro Botella Mompó. Se centra en el estudio de las fuerzas aerodinámicas ejercidas sobre una motocicleta de competición, en concreto de una Moto2 del campeonato de España de velocidad (CEV), por medio de programas de simulación. Los capítulos del 1 al 4, describen por qué surgió el Proyecto, los datos a tener en cuenta del reglamento oficial de Moto2 del CEV (centrándonos sobre todo en los aspectos que afectan a la Aerodinámica, como puede ser el carenado), y los objetivos que se pretenden hallar con este proyecto. Se hará una pequeña introducción a la aerodinámica general para después profundizar en la aerodinámica automovilística y sobretodo en la de las motocicletas. Pasando por el interés que tiene la aerodinámica a diferentes niveles (comercial y de competición), y su evolución a lo largo de la historia. Se analizarán los diferentes métodos de trabajo que se podrían usar para el estudio aerodinámico, centrándose sobre todo en la técnica de estudio informático por Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional o CFD. Dado que el proyecto está basado en unas motocicletas reales, surgirán una serie de problemas en el uso de los métodos numéricos que se irán solventando, intentando mantener la estructura lo más fiel posible a los modelos reales. Todos estos problemas y sus soluciones se detallarán con la intención de que puedan servir de ayuda para futuros estudios. Tras las simulaciones con los programas CFD correspondientes a los distintos modelos de motocicleta, se compararán los resultados para ayudar en la definición del modelo final. El proyecto concluirá con las conclusiones obtenidas por los alumnos.


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Durante el desarrollo de un accidente severo en un reactor PWR, se pueden generar grandes cantidades de hidrógeno por la oxidación de los metales presentes en el núcleo, principalmente el zirconio de las vainas del combustible. Este hidrógeno, junto con vapor y otros gases, puede ser liberado a la atmósfera de la contención por una fuga o rotura en el circuito primario y alcanzar condiciones en las que pueda darse combustión. La combustión provoca cargas térmicas y de presión que pueden dañar los sistemas de seguridad y la integridad del edificio de contención, última barrera de confinamiento de los materiales radiactivos. La principal condición que define las características de la combustión es la concentración de especies, por lo que el conocimiento detallado de la distribución de hidrógeno resulta muy importante para predecir correctamente los posibles daños en la contención en el caso de que se produjera combustión.


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It is intended to provide a methodology of analysis more realistic this accident referred to in calculations of the license that requires fuel catastrophic break regardless of the height of the fall, with the consequent release of inventory analysers. Accidents that occurred in the past indicate that this hypothesis could be too conservative.


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The opening of new windows on the façade is proposed as a refurbishment strategy in an existing building in Málaga to facilitate cross ventilation of dwellings. The building is a residential block of 140 public housing units for rent for people with low income in Málaga (Spain), property of the City Council. By modeling with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), eleven configurations of openings are studied in two different areas of the main housing type of the building. The quantity of introduced/extracted air into/from the room and the generated airflow patterns are obtained. The modeling allows comparing the different openings configurations to determine the most appropriate ventilation option for every room.