971 resultados para OPEN QUANTUM-SYSTEMS


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We study the statistics of the work done, the fluctuation relations and the irreversible entropy production in a quantum many-body system subject to the sudden quench of a control parameter. By treating the quench as a thermodynamic transformation we show that the emergence of irreversibility in the nonequilibrium dynamics of closed many-body quantum systems can be accurately characterized. We demonstrate our ideas by considering a transverse quantum Ising model that is taken out of equilibrium by the instantaneous switching of the transverse field.


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We consider blocks of quantum spins in a chain at thermal equilibrium, focusing on their properties from a thermodynamical perspective. In a classical system the temperature behaves as an intensive magnitude, above a certain block size, regardless of the actual value of the temperature itself. However, a deviation from this behavior is expected in quantum systems. In particular, we see that under some conditions the description of the blocks as thermal states with the same global temperature as the whole chain fails. We analyze this issue by employing the quantum fidelity as a figure of merit, singling out in detail the departure from the classical behavior. As it may be expected, we see that quantum features are more prominent at low temperatures and are affected by the presence of zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Interestingly, we show that the blocks can be considered indeed as thermal states with a high fidelity, provided an effective local temperature is properly identified. Such a result may originate from typical properties of reduced subsystems of energy-constrained Hilbert spaces. Finally, the relation between local and global temperatures is analyzed as a function of the size of the blocks and the system parameters.


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We consider the concept of temperature in a setting beyond the standard thermodynamics prescriptions. Namely, rather than restricting to standard coarse-grained measurements, we consider observers able to master any possible quantum measurement -a scenario that might be relevant at nanoscopic scales. In this setting, we focus on quantum systems of coupled harmonic oscillators and study the question of whether the temperature is an intensive quantity, in the sense that a block of a thermal state can be approximated by an effective thermal state at the same temperature as the whole system. Using the quantum fidelity as figure of merit, we identify instances in which this approximation is not valid, as the block state and the reference thermal state are distinguishable for refined measurements. Actually, there are situations in which this distinguishability even increases with the block size. However, we also show that the two states do become less distinguishable with the block size for coarse-grained measurements -thus recovering the standard picture. We then go further and construct an effective thermal state which provides a good approximation of the block state for any observables and sizes. Finally, we point out the role that entanglement plays in this scenario by showing that, in general, the thermodynamic paradigm of local intensive temperature applies whenever entanglement is not present in the system. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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This paper presents a framework for a telecommunications interface which allows data from sensors embedded in Smart Grid applications to reliably archive data in an appropriate time-series database. The challenge in doing so is two-fold, firstly the various formats in which sensor data is represented, secondly the problems of telecoms reliability. A prototype of the authors' framework is detailed which showcases the main features of the framework in a case study featuring Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) as the application. Useful analysis of PMU data is achieved whenever data from multiple locations can be compared on a common time axis. The prototype developed highlights its reliability, extensibility and adoptability; features which are largely deferred from industry standards for data representation to proprietary database solutions. The open source framework presented provides link reliability for any type of Smart Grid sensor and is interoperable with existing proprietary database systems, and open database systems. The features of the authors' framework allow for researchers and developers to focus on the core of their real-time or historical analysis applications, rather than having to spend time interfacing with complex protocols.


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Real-space grids are a powerful alternative for the simulation of electronic systems. One of the main advantages of the approach is the flexibility and simplicity of working directly in real space where the different fields are discretized on a grid, combined with competitive numerical performance and great potential for parallelization. These properties constitute a great advantage at the time of implementing and testing new physical models. Based on our experience with the Octopus code, in this article we discuss how the real-space approach has allowed for the recent development of new ideas for the simulation of electronic systems. Among these applications are approaches to calculate response properties, modeling of photoemission, optimal control of quantum systems, simulation of plasmonic systems, and the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation for low-dimensionality systems.


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Lors de ces dix dernières années, le coût de la maintenance des systèmes orientés objets s'est accru jusqu' à compter pour plus de 70% du coût total des systèmes. Cette situation est due à plusieurs facteurs, parmi lesquels les plus importants sont: l'imprécision des spécifications des utilisateurs, l'environnement d'exécution changeant rapidement et la mauvaise qualité interne des systèmes. Parmi tous ces facteurs, le seul sur lequel nous ayons un réel contrôle est la qualité interne des systèmes. De nombreux modèles de qualité ont été proposés dans la littérature pour contribuer à contrôler la qualité. Cependant, la plupart de ces modèles utilisent des métriques de classes (nombre de méthodes d'une classe par exemple) ou des métriques de relations entre classes (couplage entre deux classes par exemple) pour mesurer les attributs internes des systèmes. Pourtant, la qualité des systèmes par objets ne dépend pas uniquement de la structure de leurs classes et que mesurent les métriques, mais aussi de la façon dont celles-ci sont organisées, c'est-à-dire de leur conception, qui se manifeste généralement à travers les patrons de conception et les anti-patrons. Dans cette thèse nous proposons la méthode DEQUALITE, qui permet de construire systématiquement des modèles de qualité prenant en compte non seulement les attributs internes des systèmes (grâce aux métriques), mais aussi leur conception (grâce aux patrons de conception et anti-patrons). Cette méthode utilise une approche par apprentissage basée sur les réseaux bayésiens et s'appuie sur les résultats d'une série d'expériences portant sur l'évaluation de l'impact des patrons de conception et des anti-patrons sur la qualité des systèmes. Ces expériences réalisées sur 9 grands systèmes libres orientés objet nous permettent de formuler les conclusions suivantes: • Contre l'intuition, les patrons de conception n'améliorent pas toujours la qualité des systèmes; les implantations très couplées de patrons de conception par exemple affectent la structure des classes et ont un impact négatif sur leur propension aux changements et aux fautes. • Les classes participantes dans des anti-atrons sont beaucoup plus susceptibles de changer et d'être impliquées dans des corrections de fautes que les autres classes d'un système. • Un pourcentage non négligeable de classes sont impliquées simultanément dans des patrons de conception et dans des anti-patrons. Les patrons de conception ont un effet positif en ce sens qu'ils atténuent les anti-patrons. Nous appliquons et validons notre méthode sur trois systèmes libres orientés objet afin de démontrer l'apport de la conception des systèmes dans l'évaluation de la qualité.


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We show that optimizing a quantum gate for an open quantum system requires the time evolution of only three states irrespective of the dimension of Hilbert space. This represents a significant reduction in computational resources compared to the complete basis of Liouville space that is commonly believed necessary for this task. The reduction is based on two observations: the target is not a general dynamical map but a unitary operation; and the time evolution of two properly chosen states is sufficient to distinguish any two unitaries. We illustrate gate optimization employing a reduced set of states for a controlled phasegate with trapped atoms as qubit carriers and a iSWAP gate with superconducting qubits.


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Lecture Notes on Open Hypertext


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, we propose the nonlocal tunneling mechanism for high-fidelity state transfer between distant parties. The nonlocal tunneling follows from the overlap between the distant sending and receiving wave functions, which is indirectlymediated by the off-resonant normal modes of a quantum channel. This channel is made up of a network of dissipative quantum systems exhibiting the same bosonic or fermionic statistical nature as the sender and receiver. We demonstrate that the incoherence arising from quantum channel nonidealities is almost completely circumvented by the tunneling mechanism, which thus affords a high-fidelity transfer process.


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In the past decades, all of the efforts at quantifying systems complexity with a general tool has usually relied on using Shannon's classical information framework to address the disorder of the system through the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy, or one of its extensions. However, in recent years, there were some attempts to tackle the quantification of algorithmic complexities in quantum systems based on the Kolmogorov algorithmic complexity, obtaining some discrepant results against the classical approach. Therefore, an approach to the complexity measure is proposed here, using the quantum information formalism, taking advantage of the generality of the classical-based complexities, and being capable of expressing these systems' complexity on other framework than its algorithmic counterparts. To do so, the Shiner-Davison-Landsberg (SDL) complexity framework is considered jointly with linear entropy for the density operators representing the analyzed systems formalism along with the tangle for the entanglement measure. The proposed measure is then applied in a family of maximally entangled mixed state.


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Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce nel recente filone di ricerca che ha lo scopo di studiare le strutture della Meccanica quantistica facendo impiego della geometria differenziale. In particolare, lo scopo della tesi è analizzare la geometria dello spazio degli stati quantistici puri e misti. Dopo aver riportato i risultati noti relativi a questo argomento, vengono calcolati esplicitamente il tensore metrico e la forma simplettica come parte reale e parte immaginaria del tensore di Fisher per le matrici densità 2×2 e 3×3. Quest’ultimo altro non é che la generalizzazione di uno strumento molto usato in Teoria dell’Informazione: l’Informazione di Fisher. Dal tensore di Fisher si può ottenere un tensore metrico non solo sulle orbite generate dall'azione del gruppo unitario ma anche su percorsi generati da trasformazioni non unitarie. Questo fatto apre la strada allo studio di tutti i percorsi possibili all'interno dello spazio delle matrici densità, che in questa tesi viene esplicitato per le matrici 2×2 e affrontato utilizzando il formalismo degli operatori di Kraus. Proprio grazie a questo formalismo viene introdotto il concetto di semi-gruppo dinamico che riflette la non invertibilità di evoluzioni non unitarie causate dall'interazione tra il sistema sotto esame e l’ambiente. Viene infine presentato uno schema per intraprendere la stessa analisi sulle matrici densità 3×3, e messe in evidenza le differenze con il caso 2×2.


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Magnetic insulators have proven to be usable as quantum simulators for itinerant interacting quantum systems. In particular the compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (for short: (Hpip)2CuBr4) was shown to be a remarkable realization of a Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) and allowed us to quantitatively test the TLL theory. Substitution weakly disorders this class of compounds and thus allows us to use them to tackle questions pertaining to the effect of disorder in TLL as well, such as that of the formation of the Bose glass. In this paper we present, as a first step in this direction, a study of the properties of the related (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound. We determine the exchange couplings and compute the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the specific heat, using a finite temperature density matrix renormalization group procedure. Comparison with the measured specific heat at zero magnetic field confirms the exchange parameters and Hamiltonian for the (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound, giving the basis needed to begin studying the disorder effects.