948 resultados para OCULAR PULSE AMPLITUDE
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2713 – 2716, Seattle, EUA
We compared the extent and origin of muscle fatigue induced by short-pulse-low-frequency [conventional (CONV)] and wide-pulse-high-frequency (WPHF) neuromuscular electrical stimulation. We expected CONV contractions to mainly originate from depolarization of axonal terminal branches (spatially determined muscle fiber recruitment) and WPHF contractions to be partly produced via a central pathway (motor unit recruitment according to size principle). Greater neuromuscular fatigue was, therefore, expected following CONV compared with WPHF. Fourteen healthy subjects underwent 20 WPHF (1 ms-100 Hz) and CONV (50 μs-25 Hz) evoked isometric triceps surae contractions (work/rest periods 20:40 s) at an initial target of 10% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Force-time integral of the 20 evoked contractions (FTI) was used as main index of muscle fatigue; MVC force loss was also quantified. Central and peripheral fatigue were assessed by voluntary activation level and paired stimulation amplitudes, respectively. FTI in WPHF was significantly lower than in CONV (21,717 ± 11,541 vs. 37,958 ± 9,898 N·s P<0,001). The reductions in MVC force (WPHF: -7.0 ± 2.7%; CONV: -6.2 ± 2.5%; P < 0.01) and paired stimulation amplitude (WPHF: -8.0 ± 4.0%; CONV: -7.4 ± 6.1%; P < 0.001) were similar between conditions, whereas no change was observed for voluntary activation level (P > 0.05). Overall, our results showed a different motor unit recruitment pattern between the two neuromuscular electrical stimulation modalities with a lower FTI indicating greater muscle fatigue for WPHF, possibly limiting the presumed benefits for rehabilitation programs.
RESUME: L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l'impact de la grossesse non compliquée sur l'onde de pouls de la pression aortique centrale. Méthode 66 femmes au total avec une grossesse simple ont été réparties en trois groupes selon le stade de leur gestation: premier trimestre (T1, n=22), deuxième trimestre (T2, n=20) et troisième trimestre (T3, n=24). Le groupe contrôle (C, n=21) était constitué de femmes non enceintes, en bonne santé habituelle, prenant une contraception oestroprogestative. La tonométrie d'aplanation a été utilisée pour l'acquisition des ondes de pouls centrale un appareil disponible dans le commerce (SphygmoCor) permet l'enregistrement de l'onde de pouls périphérique avec un tonomètre d'aplanation de l'artère radiale au niveau du poignet, puis effectue sa transformation en sa forme centrale, grâce à une analyse de Fourrier et une fonction de transfert. L'influence des ondes réfléchies sur l'onde de pouls a été déterminée non seulement pendant la systole (augmentation systolique), comme on procède habituellement dans l'analyse de l'onde de pouls, mais aussi pendant la diastole (augmentation diastolique). Résultats Au cours de la grossesse, les pressions centrales systolique et diastolique sont restées inchangées et comparables aux valeurs mesurées chez les femmes qui ne sont pas enceintes. Dans le groupe contrôle, l'augmentation systolique s'élevait à 8.1±7.5% de la pression de pouls ; il n'y avait pas de différence statistiquement significative avec les valeurs obtenues chez les femmes enceintes, et ce, à n'importe quel stade de la grossesse (T1 : 4.6±11.4%, T2: 5.0±9.3%, T3 : 4.7±8.1%). Par contre, l'amplitude de l'augmentation diastolique diminuait avec la progression de la grossesse (C 6.5±2.4%, T1 : 5.2±3.1%, T2 : 3.8±2.6%; P=0.002 versus C; T3 : 2.3±2.0%; P<0.0001 versus C et P=0.004 versus T 1). Conclusion La grossesse ne modifie pas la forme de l'onde de pouls systolique centrale, ce qui implique de la part du système cardiovasculaire une adaptation fine à la demande croissante de flux sanguin, et ce, à tous les stades de la grossesse. Par contre, l'amplitude de l'onde de réflexion atteignant l'aorte pendant la diastole diminue progressivement au cours de la grossesse. Perspectives De récentes études montrent qu'une valeur anormalement haute de l'augmentation systolique de la pression centrale, comme on peut la déterminer avec la tonométrie d'aplanation, pourrait être un indice de trouble hypertensif de la grossesse débutant. Cette technique simple pourrait être d'autant plus facile à mettre en oeuvre si les valeurs normales pour l'augmentation systolique étaient indépendantes du stade de la grossesse, comme le suggèrent nos résultats, du moins pour les mesures prises en position assise.
We study the collision of a gravitational wave pulse and a soliton wave on a spatially homogeneous background. This collision is described by an exact solution of Einsteins equations in a vacuum which is generated from a nondiagonal seed by means of a soliton transformation. The effect produced by the soliton on the amplitude and polarization of the wave is considered.
We study the collision of a gravitational wave pulse and a soliton wave on a spatially homogeneous background. This collision is described by an exact solution of Einsteins equations in a vacuum which is generated from a nondiagonal seed by means of a soliton transformation. The effect produced by the soliton on the amplitude and polarization of the wave is considered.
Rapport de synthèse Ce travail de thèse s'articule autour de l'importance de l'évaluation de la fonction vasculaire et des répercussions au niveau central, cardiaque, des perturbations du réseau vasculaire. Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont prédominantes dans notre société et causes de morbidité et mortalité importante. La mesure de la pression artérielle classique reste le moyen le plus utilisé pour suivre la santé des vaisseaux, mais ne reflète pas directement ce qui se passe au niveau du coeur. La tonométrie d'aplanation permet depuis quelques années de mesurer l'onde de pouls radial, et par le biais d'une fonction mathématique de transfert validée, il est possible d'en déduire la forme et Γ amplitude de l'onde de pouls central, donc de la pression aortique centrale. Cette dernière est un reflet bien plus direct de la post-charge cardiaque, et de nombreuses études cliniques actuelles s'intéressent à cette mesure pour stratifier le risque ou évaluer l'effet d'un traitement vasculaire. Toutefois, bien que cet outil soit de plus en plus utilisé, il est rarement précisé si la latéralité de la mesure joue un rôle, sachant que certaines propriétés des membres supérieurs peuvent être affectées par un usage préférentiel (masse musculaire, densité osseuse, diamètre des artères, capillarisation musculaire, et même fonction endothéliale). On a en effet observé que ces divers paramètre étaient tous augmentés sur un bras entraîné. Dès lors on peut se poser la question de l'influence de ces adaptations physiologiques sur la mesure indirecte effectuée par le biais du pouls radial. Nous avons investigué les deux membres supérieurs de sujets jeunes et sédentaires (SED), ainsi que ceux de sujets sportifs avec un développement fortement asymétrique des bras, soit des joueurs de tennis de haut niveau (TEN). Des mesures anthropométriques incluant la composition corporelle et la circonférence des bras et avant-bras ont montré que TEN présente une asymétrie hautement significative aux deux mesures entre le bras dominant (entraîné) et l'autre, ce qui est aussi présent pour la force de serrage (mesurée au dynamomètre de Jamar). L'analyse des courbes centrales de pouls ne montre aucune différence entre les deux membres dans chaque groupe, par contre on peut observer une différence entre SED et TEN, avec un index d'augmentation diastolique qui est 50 % plus élevé chez TEN. Les index d'augmentation systolique sont identiques dans les deux groupes. On peut retenir de cette étude la validité de la méthode de tonométrie d'aplanation quel que soit le bras utilisé (dominant ou non-dominant) et ce même si une asymétrie conséquente est présente. Ces données sont clairement nouvelles et permettent de s'affranchir de cette variable dans la mesure d'un paramètre cardiovasculaire dont l'importance est actuellement grandissante. Les différences d'index diastolique sont expliquées par la fréquence cardiaque et la vitesse de conduction de l'onde de pouls plus basses chez TEN, causant un retard diastolique du retour de l'onde au niveau central, phénomène précédemment bien décrit dans la littérature.
PURPOSE: Intravenous (i.v.) pulse of corticosteroids has been used to treat severe eye inflammation from different origins. Whether such large doses result in vitreous levels that differ either in magnitude or duration from more conventional corticotherapy remain unsolved issues. The authors therefore determined levels of methylprednisolone hemisuccinate and methylprednisolone in the vitreous and serum of patients at different times after a single i.v. perfusion of methylprednisolone hemisuccinate. METHODS: Fifty patients scheduled for a first vitrectomy received an i.v. injection of 500 mg hemisuccinate methylprednisolone at different times before surgery (from 15-24 hours). Patients were divided into two groups: those with (n = 21) and without (n = 29) retinal detachment (RD). Pure vitreous samples were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Both the ester and the nonester methylprednisolone forms were sampled in the vitreous, showing a slower rate of hydrolysis compared to the serum. On average, the highest concentration of total methylprednisolone in the vitreous was found at 2.5 hours and rapidly decreased for the group of patients with RD. In the group of patients without RD, the highest concentration was reached at 6 hours and then slowly decreased. The antiinflammatory potency in the nondetached retina eyes was approximately 500 times more than in the physiologic vitreous, but despite the route of administration (i.v. or oral), only 1/10 of the corticosteroid serum concentration was measured in the vitreous. CONCLUSION: High concentration of methylprednisolone is achieved by i.v. pulse therapy without changing the kinetic of entry in the vitreous of nondetached retina eyes when compared to conventional oral corticotherapy. Hydrolysis occurs in the vitreous resulting in high rate of active form. Pulse therapy could be considered in cases of severe ocular inflammation involving the posterior segment of the eye.
This work analyzes an active fuzzy logic control system in a Rijke type pulse combustor. During the system development, a study of the existing types of control for pulse combustion was carried out and a simulation model was implemented to be used with the package Matlab and Simulink. Blocks which were not available in the simulator library were developed. A fuzzy controller was developed and its membership functions and inference rules were established. The obtained simulation showed that fuzzy logic is viable in the control of combustion instabilities. The obtained results indicated that the control system responded to pulses in an efficient and desirable way. It was verified that the system needed approximately 0.2 s to increase the tube internal pressure from 30 to 90 mbar, with an assumed total delay of 2 ms. The effects of delay variation were studied. Convergence was always obtained and general performance was not affected by the delay. The controller sends a pressure signal in phase with the Rijke tube internal pressure signal, through the speakers, when an increase the oscillations pressure amplitude is desired. On the other hand, when a decrease of the tube internal pressure amplitude is desired, the controller sends a signal 180º out of phase.
Marfan syndrome (MS) is a dominant autosomal disease caused by mutations in chromosome 15, the locus controlling fibrillin 1 synthesis, and may exhibit skeletal, ocular, cardiovascular, and other manifestations. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is used to measure arterial elasticity and stiffness and is related to the elastic properties of the vascular wall. Since the practice of exercise is limited in MS patients, it was of interest to analyze the acute effect of submaximal exercise on aortic distensibility using PWV and other hemodynamic variables in patients with MS with either mild or no aortic dilatation. PWV and physiological variables were evaluated before and after submaximal exercise in 33 patients with MS and 18 controls. PWV was 8.51 ± 0.58 at rest and 9.10 ± 0.63 m/s at the end of exercise (P = 0.002) in the group with MS and 8.07 ± 0.35 and 8.98 ± 0.56 m/s in the control group, respectively (P = 0.004). Comparative group analysis regarding PWV at rest and at the end of exercise revealed no statistically significant differences. The same was true for the group that used β-blockers and the one that did not. The final heart rate was 10% higher in the control group than in the MS group (P = 0.01). Final systolic arterial pressure was higher in the control group (P = 0.02). PWV in MS patients with mild or no aortic dilatation did not differ from the control group after submaximal effort.
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality in the spinal cord injured (SCI) population. Reduced arterial compliance is a cardiovascular risk factor and whole body vibration (WBV) has be en shown to improve arterial compliance in able-bodied individuals. The study investigated the effect of an acute session ofWBV on arterial compliance as measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). On separate days, arm, leg and aortic PWV were measured pre- and post- a 45 minute session of passive stance (PS) and WBV. The WBV was intermittent with a set frequency of 45Hz and amplitude of O.6mm. There was no condition by time effect when comparing PWV after WBV and PS. Following WBV, aortic (928.6±127.7 vs. 901.1±96.6cm/sec), leg (1035.2±113.8 vs.l099.8±114.2cm/sec) and arm PWV (1118.9±119.8 vs. 1181.1±124.4cm/s) did not change. As such, WBV did not reduce arterial compliance, however future research with protocol modifications is recommended.
Notes on AM, DSBSC, QAM, BPSK, 4QAM, 8PSK, 16QAM
We present a dynamic causal model that can explain context-dependent changes in neural responses, in the rat barrel cortex, to an electrical whisker stimulation at different frequencies. Neural responses were measured in terms of local field potentials. These were converted into current source density (CSD) data, and the time series of the CSD sink was extracted to provide a time series response train. The model structure consists of three layers (approximating the responses from the brain stem to the thalamus and then the barrel cortex), and the latter two layers contain nonlinearly coupled modules of linear second-order dynamic systems. The interaction of these modules forms a nonlinear regulatory system that determines the temporal structure of the neural response amplitude for the thalamic and cortical layers. The model is based on the measured population dynamics of neurons rather than the dynamics of a single neuron and was evaluated against CSD data from experiments with varying stimulation frequency (1–40 Hz), random pulse trains, and awake and anesthetized animals. The model parameters obtained by optimization for different physiological conditions (anesthetized or awake) were significantly different. Following Friston, Mechelli, Turner, and Price (2000), this work is part of a formal mathematical system currently being developed (Zheng et al., 2005) that links stimulation to the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal through neural activity and hemodynamic variables. The importance of the model described here is that it can be used to invert the hemodynamic measurements of changes in blood flow to estimate the underlying neural activity.
This work analyzes an active fuzzy logic control system in a Rijke type pulse combustor. During the system development, a study of the existing types of control for pulse combustion was carried out and a simulation model was implemented to be used with the package Matlab and Simulink. Blocks which were not available in the simulator library were developed. A fuzzy controller was developed and its membership functions and inference rules were established. The obtained simulation showed that fuzzy logic is viable in the control of combustion instabilities. The obtained results indicated that the control system responded to pulses in an efficient and desirable way. It was verified that the system needed approximately 0.2 s to increase the tube internal pressure from 30 to 90 mbar, with an assumed total delay of 2 ms. The effects of delay variation were studied. Convergence was always obtained and general performance was not affected by the delay. The controller sends a pressure signal in phase with the Rijke tube internal pressure signal, through the speakers, when an increase the oscillations pressure amplitude is desired. On the other hand, when a decrease of the tube internal pressure amplitude is desired, the controller sends a signal 180° out of phase.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR